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Created July 31, 2014 20:55
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Save stillinbeta/e36bb36af0324e3013b3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
root = exports ? this
Rearview = new Backbone.Marionette.Application()
root.Rearview = Rearview
# Interpolating to zero can have bad side-effects:
Rearview.zeroish = 1e-6
global: '#global'
Rearview.on('initialize:before', (options) ->
Backbone.Marionette.TemplateCache.prototype.compileTemplate =
(template) ->
return Handlebars.compile(template)
momentformatDefaults = {
tzid: 'UTC'
format: 'ddd DD MMM HH:mm'
myRouter = Backbone.Router.extend
routes: {
"(/)": "test",
"dashboard": "dashboard",
"dashboard/:team/:week/:alert_levels/:time": "dashboard"
test: ->
log.debug("routed, son")
dashboard: (team, week, alert_levels, time) ->
log.debug("team: #{team}, week: #{week}, alert_levels: #{alert_levels}, time: #{time}")
Handlebars.registerHelper('momentformat', (utcdatestring, options) ->
_.defaults(options.hash, momentformatDefaults)
d = moment.utc(utcdatestring)
if options.hash.tzid != 'UTC'
d =
return d.format(options.hash.format)
Handlebars.registerHelper('autolink', (text) ->
return new Handlebars.SafeString(,
{'email': false, 'twitter': false, 'stripPrefix': false}))
Rearview.on('start', (options) ->
log.debug("Rearview starting…")
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