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Last active January 3, 2020 20:22
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Favorite Android Studio Shortcuts, v2 (Mac)


Description Shortcut
Previous/next cursor position Cmd [ / Cmd ]
Open recently used file Cmd E
Open class Cmd O
Open file Cmd Shift O
Open symbol Cmd Opt O
Find string/regex in file Cmd F
Find string/regex in project Cmd Shift F
Go to definition Cmd B
Go to implementation Cmd Opt B
Go to usage Cmd Opt F7
Go to super Cmd U
Show method parameters Cmd P
Show Javadoc F1


Description Shortcut
Jump to start/end of line Cmd  / Cmd 
Jump left/right through line   Opt  / Opt 
Grow/shrink selection Opt  / Opt 
Rename Shift F6
Replace in file Cmd R
Delete current line Cmd Backspace
Duplicate current line Cmd D
Generate method Cmd N
Show available completions Ctrl Space
Complete statement Cmd Shift Enter
Apply standard formatting Cmd Opt L
Show file in project view Opt F1, Enter
Show/hide project view panel Cmd 1
Select all occurrences in file Cmd Ctrl G
Also select next occurrence in file Ctrl G

Everything Else

Description Shortcut
Show quick-fixes & actions Opt Enter
Search for action Cmd Shift A
Jump to next error in file F2
Show/hide terminal Opt F12
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