<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html> |
<head> |
<title>Basic Sokoban HTML Game</title> |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> |
<style> |
html, body { |
height: 100%; |
margin: 0; |
} |
body { |
background: #ded6ae; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: center; |
} |
</style> |
</head> |
<body> |
<canvas width="400" height="400" id="game"></canvas> |
<script> |
const canvas = document.getElementById('game'); |
const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); |
const grid = 64; |
// create a new canvas and draw the wall image. then we can use this |
// canvas to draw the images later on |
const wallCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); |
const wallCtx = wallCanvas.getContext('2d'); |
wallCanvas.width = wallCanvas.height = grid; |
wallCtx.fillStyle = '#5b5530'; |
wallCtx.fillRect(0, 0, grid, grid); |
wallCtx.fillStyle = '#a19555'; |
// 1st row brick |
wallCtx.fillRect(1, 1, grid - 2, 20); |
// 2nd row bricks |
wallCtx.fillRect(0, 23, 20, 18); |
wallCtx.fillRect(22, 23, 42, 18); |
// 3rd row bricks |
wallCtx.fillRect(0, 43, 42, 20); |
wallCtx.fillRect(44, 43, 20, 20); |
// the direction to move the player each frame. we'll use change in |
// direction so "row: 1" means move down 1 row, "row: -1" means move |
// up one row, etc. |
let playerDir = { row: 0, col: 0 }; |
let playerPos = { row: 0, col: 0 }; // player position in the 2d array |
let rAF = null; // keep track of the animation frame so we can cancel it |
let width = 0; // find the largest row and use that as the game width |
// create a mapping of object types using the sok file format |
// @see http://www.sokobano.de/wiki/index.php?title=Level_format |
const types = { |
wall: '#', |
player: '@', |
playerOnGoal: '+', |
block: '$', |
blockOnGoal: '*', |
goal: '.', |
empty: ' ' |
}; |
// a sokoban level using the sok file format |
const level1 = ` |
##### |
### # |
#.@$ # |
### $.# |
#.##$ # |
# # . ## |
#$ *$$.# |
# . # |
######## |
`; |
// keep track of what is in every cell of the game using a 2d array |
const cells = []; |
// use each line of the level as the row (remove empty lines) |
level1.split('\n') |
.filter(rowData => !!rowData) |
.forEach((rowData, row) => { |
cells[row] = []; |
if (rowData.length > width) { |
width = rowData.length; |
} |
// use each character of the level as the col |
rowData.split('').forEach((colData, col) => { |
cells[row][col] = colData; |
if (colData === types.player || colData === types.playerOnGoal) { |
playerPos = { row, col }; |
} |
}); |
}); |
// update the size of the canvas to the level size |
canvas.width = width * grid; |
canvas.height = cells.length * grid; |
// move an entity from one cell to another |
function move(startPos, endPos) { |
const startCell = cells[startPos.row][startPos.col]; |
const endCell = cells[endPos.row][endPos.col]; |
const isPlayer = startCell === types.player || startCell === types.playerOnGoal; |
// first remove then entity from its current cell |
switch(startCell) { |
// if the start cell is the player or a block (no goal) |
// then leave empty |
case types.player: |
case types.block: |
cells[startPos.row][startPos.col] = types.empty; |
break; |
// if the start cell has a goal then leave a goal |
case types.playerOnGoal: |
case types.blockOnGoal: |
cells[startPos.row][startPos.col] = types.goal; |
break; |
} |
// then move then entity into the new cell |
switch(endCell) { |
// if the end cell is empty, add the block or player |
case types.empty: |
cells[endPos.row][endPos.col] = isPlayer ? types.player : types.block; |
break; |
// if the cell has a goal then make sure to preserve the goal |
case types.goal: |
cells[endPos.row][endPos.col] = isPlayer ? types.playerOnGoal : types.blockOnGoal; |
break; |
} |
} |
// show the win screen |
function showWin() { |
cancelAnimationFrame(rAF); |
context.fillStyle = 'black'; |
context.globalAlpha = 0.75; |
context.fillRect(0, canvas.height / 2 - 30, canvas.width, 60); |
context.globalAlpha = 1; |
context.fillStyle = 'white'; |
context.font = '36px monospace'; |
context.textAlign = 'center'; |
context.textBaseline = 'middle'; |
context.fillText('YOU WIN!', canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2); |
} |
// game loop |
function loop() { |
rAF = requestAnimationFrame(loop); |
context.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); |
// check to see if the player can move in the desired direction |
const row = playerPos.row + playerDir.row; |
const col = playerPos.col + playerDir.col; |
const cell = cells[row][col]; |
switch(cell) { |
// allow the player to move into empty or goal cells |
case types.empty: |
case types.goal: |
move(playerPos, { row, col }); |
playerPos.row = row; |
playerPos.col = col; |
break; |
// don't allow the player to move into a wall cell |
case types.wall: |
break; |
// only allow the player to move into a block cell if the cell |
// after the block is empty or a goal |
case types.block: |
case types.blockOnGoal: |
const nextRow = row + playerDir.row; |
const nextCol = col + playerDir.col; |
const nextCell = cells[nextRow][nextCol]; |
if (nextCell === types.empty || nextCell === types.goal) { |
// move the block first, then the player |
move({ row, col }, { row: nextRow, col: nextCol }); |
move(playerPos, { row, col }); |
playerPos.row = row; |
playerPos.col = col; |
} |
break; |
} |
// reset player dir after checking move |
playerDir = { row: 0, col: 0 }; |
// check to see if all blocks are on goals |
let allBlocksOnGoals = true; |
// draw the board. because multiple things can be drawn on the same |
// cell we shouldn't use a switch as that would only allow us to draw |
// a single thing per cell |
context.strokeStyle = 'black'; |
context.lineWidth = 2; |
for (let row = 0; row < cells.length; row++) { |
for (let col = 0; col < cells[row].length; col++) { |
const cell = cells[row][col]; |
if (cell === types.wall) { |
context.drawImage(wallCanvas, col * grid, row * grid); |
} |
if (cell === types.block || cell === types.blockOnGoal) { |
if (cell === types.block) { |
context.fillStyle = '#ffbb5b'; |
// block is not on goal |
allBlocksOnGoals = false; |
} |
else { |
context.fillStyle = '#ba6a15'; |
} |
context.fillRect(col * grid, row * grid, grid, grid); |
context.strokeRect(col * grid, row * grid, grid, grid); |
context.strokeRect((col + 0.1) * grid, (row + 0.1) * grid, grid - (0.2 * grid), grid - (0.2 * grid)); |
// X |
context.beginPath(); |
context.moveTo((col + 0.1) * grid, (row + 0.1) * grid); |
context.lineTo((col + 0.9) * grid, (row + 0.9) * grid); |
context.moveTo((col + 0.9) * grid, (row + 0.1) * grid); |
context.lineTo((col + 0.1) * grid, (row + 0.9) * grid); |
context.stroke(); |
} |
if (cell === types.goal || cell === types.playerOnGoal) { |
context.fillStyle = '#914430'; |
context.beginPath(); |
context.arc((col + 0.5) * grid, (row + 0.5) * grid, 10, 0, Math.PI * 2); |
context.fill(); |
} |
if (cell === types.player || cell === types.playerOnGoal) { |
context.fillStyle = 'black'; |
context.beginPath(); |
// head |
context.arc((col + 0.5) * grid, (row + 0.3) * grid, 8, 0, Math.PI * 2); |
context.fill(); |
// body |
context.fillRect((col + 0.48) * grid, (row + 0.3) * grid, 2, grid/ 2.5 ); |
// arms |
context.fillRect((col + 0.3) * grid, (row + 0.5) * grid, grid / 2.5, 2); |
// legs |
context.moveTo((col + 0.5) * grid, (row + 0.7) * grid); |
context.lineTo((col + 0.65) * grid, (row + 0.9) * grid); |
context.moveTo((col + 0.5) * grid, (row + 0.7) * grid); |
context.lineTo((col + 0.35) * grid, (row + 0.9) * grid); |
context.stroke(); |
} |
} |
} |
if (allBlocksOnGoals) { |
showWin(); |
} |
} |
// listen to keyboard events to move the player |
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { |
playerDir = { row: 0, col: 0}; |
// left arrow key |
if (e.which === 37) { |
playerDir.col = -1; |
} |
// up arrow key |
else if (e.which === 38) { |
playerDir.row = -1; |
} |
// right arrow key |
else if (e.which === 39) { |
playerDir.col = 1; |
} |
// down arrow key |
else if (e.which === 40) { |
playerDir.row = 1; |
} |
}); |
// start the game |
requestAnimationFrame(loop); |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |
thx, but when you do get discord add
Fifa Hawk#0001