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Created May 9, 2012 15:22
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Save stuarthalloway/2645453 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Datomic queries against Clojure collections
;; Datomic example code
(use '[datomic.api :only (db q) :as d])
;; ?answer binds a scalar
(q '[:find ?answer :in ?answer]
;; of course you can bind more than one of anything
(q '[:find ?last ?first :in ?last ?first]
"Doe" "John")
;; [?last ?first] binds a tuple
(q '[:find ?last ?first :in [?last ?first]]
["Doe" "John"])
;; [?first ...] binds a collection
(q '[:find ?first
:in [?first ...]]
["John" "Jane" "Phineas"])
;; [[?first ?last]] binds a relation
(q '[:find ?first
:in [[?first ?last]]]
[["John" "Doe"]
["Jane" "Doe"]])
;; a database binding name starts with $ instead of ?
;; any relation with 4-tuples E/A/V/T can act as a database
;; so in Datomic, you can mock a database with a list of lists
(q '[:find ?first
:in $db
:where [$db _ :firstName ?first]]
[[1 :firstName "John"]])
;; same as previous, but omit $db for single-database query
;; any relation with 4-tuples eavt can act as a database
(q '[:find ?first
:where [_ :firstName ?first]]
[[1 :firstName "John" 42]
[1 :lastName "Doe" 42]])
;; simple in-memory join, two tuple bindings
(q '[:find ?first ?height
:in [?last ?first ?email] [?email ?height]]
["Doe" "John" ""]
["" 71])
;; simple in-memory join, two relation bindings
;; see next example for a faster approach
(q '[:find ?first ?height
:in [[?last ?first ?email]] [[?email ?height]]]
[["Doe" "John" ""]
["Doe" "Jane" ""]]
[["" 73]
["" 71]])
;; same as previous example, but with database expressions
;; runs faster than relation bindings (as of July 2012)
(q '[:find ?first ?height
:in $a $b
:where [$a ?last ?first ?email]
[$b ?email ?height]]
[["Doe" "John" ""]
["Doe" "Jane" ""]]
[["" 73]
["" 71]])
;; simple in-memory join, two database bindings
(q '[:find ?first ?height
:in $db1 $db2
:where [$db1 ?e1 :firstName ?first]
[$db1 ?e1 :email ?email]
[$db2 ?e2 :email ?email]
[$db2 ?e2 :height ?height]]
[[1 :firstName "John"]
[1 :email ""]
[2 :firstName "Jane"]
[2 :email ""]]
[[100 :email ""]
[100 :height 73]
[101 :email ""]
[101 :height 71]])
;; compare to
(q '[:find ?car ?speed
:in [[?car ?speed]]
:where [(> ?speed 100)]]
[["Stock" 225]
["Spud" 80]
["Rocket" 400]
["Stock" 225]
["Clunker" 40]])
;; compare to
(->> (q '[:find ?k ?v
:in [[?k ?v] ...]]
{:D 67.3 :A 99.5 :B 67.4 :C 67.5})
(sort-by second))
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Has there been any discussion about extending datomic.client.api/q to allow this sort of query behavior in Datomic Cloud?

(d/q '[:find ?first ?height
       :in $a $b
       :where [$a ?last ?first ?email]
       [$b ?email ?height]]
     [["Doe" "John" ""]
      ["Doe" "Jane" ""]]
     [["" 73]
      ["" 71]])
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at datomic.client.api.impl/incorrect (impl.clj:42).
Query args must include a database

Looks like collections don't satisfy the Queryable protocol and thus fail.

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onetom commented Aug 11, 2021

Now, that we have in-memory dev-local db, we can whip up a dummy db for these kinds of queries:

  (let [dummy-opts {:server-type :dev-local
                    :storage-dir :mem
                    :system      "dummy"
                    :db-name     "dummy"}
        dummy-db (-> dummy-opts
                     (doto (d/create-database dummy-opts))
                     (d/connect dummy-opts)
    (d/q '[:find ?first ?height
           :in $ $a $b
           :where [$a ?last ?first ?email]
           [$b ?email ?height]]
         [["Doe" "John" ""]
          ["Doe" "Jane" ""]]
         [["" 73]
          ["" 71]]))

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onetom commented Aug 11, 2021

or maybe this is cleaner, and also makes it easy to reuse the dummy db:

  (def dummy-datomic-system
    {:server-type :dev-local
     :storage-dir :mem
     :system      "dummy-system"})

  (def dummy-db-ref
    {:db-name "dummy-db"})

  (def dummy-db
    (-> dummy-datomic-system
        (doto (d/create-database dummy-db-ref))
        (d/connect dummy-db-ref)

  (d/q '[:find ?first ?height
         :in $ $a $b
         :where [$a ?last ?first ?email]
         [$b ?email ?height]]
       [["Doe" "John" ""]
        ["Doe" "Jane" ""]]
       [["" 73]
        ["" 71]])

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onetom commented Aug 11, 2021

if we use map-args with d/q, then the query would look like this

  (d/q {:query '[:find ?first ?height
                 :in $ $a $b
                 :where [$a ?last ?first ?email]
                 [$b ?email ?height]]
        :args  [dummy-db
                [["Doe" "John" ""]
                 ["Doe" "Jane" ""]]
                [["" 73]
                 ["" 71]]]})

as we can see, the dummy-db and the :in $ goes hand in hand, so we could write a function, which just adds those to queries.
if the query would be in map format, then such function would be easier to implement:

  (def query-expecting-a-db
    '{:find  [?first ?height]
      :in    [$ $a $b]
      :where [[$a ?last ?first ?email]
              [$b ?email ?height]]})
  (d/q {:query query-expecting-a-db
        :args  [dummy-db
                [["Doe" "John" ""]
                 ["Doe" "Jane" ""]]
                [["" 73]
                 ["" 71]]]})

then we can write a function, which injects the dummy-db and doctors the :in clause:

  (def query-non-db-data
    '{:find  [?first ?height]
      :in    [$a $b]
      :where [[$a ?last ?first ?email]
              [$b ?email ?height]]})

  (defn with-dummy-db [q & args]
    {:query (-> q (update :in #(into '[$] %)))
     :args  (into [dummy-db] args)})

  (-> query-non-db-data
        [["Doe" "John" ""]
         ["Doe" "Jane" ""]]
        [["" 73]
         ["" 71]])

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