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Created July 8, 2010 19:15
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; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
; the terms of this license.
; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
(defn merge-with*
"Like merge-with, but handles initial seed value a la reduce.
Unfortunately not signature compatible with current merge-with."
([f maps]
(when (some identity maps)
(let [merge-entry (fn [m e]
(let [k (key e) v (val e)]
(if (contains? m k)
(assoc m k (f (get m k) v))
(assoc m k v))))
merge2 (fn [m1 m2]
(reduce merge-entry (or m1 {}) (seq m2)))]
(reduce merge2 maps))))
([f initval maps]
(when (some identity maps)
(let [merge-entry (fn [m e]
(let [k (key e) v (val e)]
(if (contains? m k)
(assoc m k (f (get m k) v))
(assoc m k (f initval v)))))
merge2 (fn [m1 m2]
(reduce merge-entry (or m1 {}) (seq m2)))]
(reduce merge2 {} (seq maps))))))
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