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Created January 15, 2015 20:51
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Finding those nested nils
(ns user)
(def app
"Intenal Helper"
(fnil conj []))
(defprotocol PathSeq
(path-seq* [form path] "Helper for path-seq"))
(extend-protocol PathSeq
[form path]
(->> (map-indexed
(fn [idx item]
(path-seq* item (app path idx)))
(mapcat identity)))
[form path]
(->> (map
(fn [[k v]]
(path-seq* v (app path k)))
(mapcat identity)))
[form path]
(->> (map
(fn [v]
(path-seq* v (app path v)))
(mapcat identity)))
(path-seq* [form path] [[form path]])
(path-seq* [_ path] [[nil path]]))
(defn path-seq
"Returns a sequence of paths into a form, and the elements found at
those paths. Each item in the sequence is a map with :path
and :form keys. Paths are built based on collection type: lists
by position, maps by key, and sets by value, e.g.
(path-seq [:a [:b :c] {:d :e} #{:f}])
({:path [0], :form :a}
{:path [1 0], :form :b}
{:path [1 1], :form :c}
{:path [2 :d], :form :e}
{:path [3 :f], :form :f})
#(let [[form path] %]
{:path path :form form})
(path-seq* form nil)))
(path-seq [:a [:b :c] {:d :e} #{:f}])
;; finding nils hiding in data structures:
(->> (path-seq [:a [:b nil] {:d :e} #{:f}])
(filter (comp nil? :form)))
;; finding a nil hiding in a Datomic transaction
(->> (path-seq {:db/id 100
:friends [{:firstName "John"}
{:firstName nil}]})
(filter (comp nil? :form)))
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