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Created February 15, 2012 22:47
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AltTab.ahk - fixed for AHKL - minor tweak to 08-04-13
HELP = ; Gui, 99
Latest version can be found at:
Forum topic for discussion:
Default: Alt+Tab - move forwards in window stack
Alt+Shift+Tab - move backwards in window stack
Alt+Esc - cancel switching window
Mouse wheel over the taskbar scrolls the list - Middle button selects a window in this mode.
Window Groups can be assigned hotkeys to load the group/cycle through the windows.
Double-click a row to select that item and switch to it.
Type first letter of program's title to cycle through them while still holding Alt
Columns can be sorted by clicking on their titles.
Tabs (window groups) can be re-ordered by drag-and-drop.
Right-Click (context menu):
Basic hotkey support for switching to specific windows (using window groups and adding window classes)
Exclude (and un-exclude) specific windows and specific .EXEs - see "Window Groups" below.
Edge-docking - dock windows to the edges of the screen and have them auto-hide (like the taskbar can).
Window Groups - define lists of windows to easily switch between only showing certain apps.
Manage groups of windows and processes (min/max all, close all, etc).
Close windows:
Alt+Middle mouse - close window under the mouse pointer in the Alt-Tab listview.
Alt+\ "hotkey" - close selected window (while list is displayed)
Alt+/ "hotkey" - close ALL windows whose EXE matches that of the selected entry (while list is displayed)
Process menu entry - end selected process or all instance of the EXE in the list.
See "; USER EDITABLE SETTINGS:" section near top of source code.
Choose Exit from the system tray icon's menu.
NOTE: Stroke-It (and maybe other mouse gesture programs) can cause the context menu to be shown twice/problematic.
Solution: exclude the program within the gesture recognition program (window title = Alt-Tab Replacement).
TO DO (maybe):
settings window
save other settings between restarts
include a filter for docked windows to be displayed in alt-tab or not (ie a tab for docked windows) - perhaps alter title? e.g. DOCKED***
stick items to top or bottom of list
use listview insert command to place windows at specific locations in list?
since 25-04-06:
+: Groups of windows are shown in tabs - they can be re-arranged by drag-and-drop.
+: Settings tab.
+ & FIX: Updates to the listview colour code - much smoother now (thanks to ambi for updating the Listview script).
+ & FIX: Sorting of columns with direction indication ([+] or [-])
+: Mouse wheel over the TASKBAR scrolls the list - Middle button SELECTS a window in this mode (it normally CLOSES a window!).
+: Save data on big changes (in addition to program exit) - e.g. new group created, hotkeys changed
CHANGE: Selections with the mouse are now made with a double click (or just release the Alt key) instead of a single one.
CHANGE: Adjusted display position to be centered by default.
CHANGE: Dialog windows only indicated by red higlight (not by title too).
CHANGE: Not Responding windows indicated in a new column (not by title).
CHANGE: Many speed optimisations and code improvements (it's almost decipherable now ;-))
FIX: Handling of "Not Responding" windows with no delays.
> For older changes, see the forum:
; Icons
Use_Large_Icons =1 ; 0 = small icons, 1 = large icons in listview
; Fonts
Font_Size =12
Font_Size_Tab =8
Font_Type_Tab =Courier New
Font_Type =Arial
; Position
Gui_x =Center
Gui_y =Center
; Max height
Height_Max_Modifier =0.92 ; multiplier for screen height (e.g. 0.92 = 92% of screen height max )
; Width
Listview_Width := A_ScreenWidth * 0.55
SB_Width := Listview_Width / 4 ; StatusBar section sizes
Exe_Width_Max := Listview_Width / 5 ; Exe column max width
; Edge-Docking of windows to screen edges
Edge_Dock_Activation_Delay =750 ; Delay in milliseconds for hovering over edge-docked window/dismissing window
Edge_Dock_Border_Visible =5 ; number of pixels of window to remain visible on screen edge
; Widths
Col_1 =Auto ; icon column
Col_2 =0 ; hidden column for row number
; col 3 is autosized based on other column sizes
Col_4 =Auto ; exe
Col_5 =AutoHdr ; State
Col_6 =Auto ; OnTop
Col_7 =Auto ; Status - e.g. Not Responding
Gui1_Tab__width := Listview_Width - 2
; Max height
Height_Max := A_ScreenHeight * Height_Max_Modifier ; limit height of listview
Small_to_Large_Ratio =1.6 ; height of small rows compared to large rows
; Colours in RGB hex
Tab_Colour =C4C5FB
Listview_Colour =E1E2FD ; does not need converting as only used for background
StatusBar_Background_Colour =C4C5FB
; convert colours to correct format for listview color functions:
Listview_Colour_Min_Text := RGBtoBGR("0x000000") ; highlight minimised windows
Listview_Colour_Min_Back := RGBtoBGR("0xC2C6FC")
Listview_Colour_OnTop_Text := RGBtoBGR("0x000000") ; highlight alwaysontop windows
Listview_Colour_OnTop_Back := RGBtoBGR("0x8079FB")
Listview_Colour_Dialog_Text := RGBtoBGR("0x000000")
Listview_Colour_Dialog_Back := RGBtoBGR("0xFB5959")
Listview_Colour_Selected_Text := RGBtoBGR("0xFFFFFF")
Listview_Colour_Selected_Back := RGBtoBGR("0x000071")
Listview_Colour_Not_Responding_Text := RGBtoBGR("0xFFFFFF")
Listview_Colour_Not_Responding_Back := RGBtoBGR("0xFF0000")
#SingleInstance force
Process Priority,,High
SetWinDelay, -1
SetBatchLines, -1
OnExit, OnExit_Script_Closing
OnMessage( 0x06, "WM_ACTIVATE" ) ; alt tab list window lost focus > hide list
LV_ColorInitiate() ; initiate listview color change procedure
Gosub, Initiate_Hotkeys ; initiate Alt-Tab and Alt-Shift-Tab hotkeys and translate some modifier symbols
WS_DISABLED =0x8000000
WS_VSCROLL =0x200000
WS_POPUP =0x80000000
SysGet, Scrollbar_Vertical_Thickness, 2 ; 2 is SM_CXVSCROLL, Width of a vertical scroll bar
If A_OSVersion =WIN_2000
lv_h_win_2000_adj =2 ; adjust height of main listview by +2 pixels to avoid scrollbar in windows 2000
lv_h_win_2000_adj =0
WinGet, TaskBar_ID, ID, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ; for docked windows check
Display_List_Shown =0
Window_Hotkey =0
Use_Large_Icons_Current =%Use_Large_Icons% ; for remembering original user setting but changing on the fly
Gui_Dock_Windows_List = ; keep track of number of docked windows
Time_Since_Last_Alt_Close =0 ; initialise time for repeat rate allowed for closing windows with alt+\
Viewed_Window_List =
Col_Title_List =#| |Window|Exe|View|Top|Status
StringSplit, Col_Title, Col_Title_List,| ; create list of listview header titles
Gosub, ~WheelDown
If (Scroll_Over_wID = TaskBar_ID)
Loop, 2
Gosub, Alt_Shift_Tab
MouseGetPos, JUNK, JUNK, Scroll_Over_wID
If ! (Scroll_Over_wID = TaskBar_ID)
Gosub, Single_Key_Show_Alt_Tab
Hotkey, %Alt_Hotkey%%Use_AND_Symbol%Mbutton, ListView_Destroy, %state% UseErrorLevel ; select the window if launched from the taskbar
Use_AND_Symbol = ; initiate
; If both Alt and Tab are modifier keys, write Tab as a word not a modifier symbol, else Alt-Tab is invalid hotkey
If Alt_Hotkey contains #,!,^,+
If Tab_Hotkey contains #,!,^,+
Replace_Modifier_Symbol( "Tab_Hotkey" , "Tab_Hotkey" )
Else If Alt_Hotkey contains XButton1,XButton2
Use_AND_Symbol :=" & "
Else If Tab_Hotkey contains WheelUp,WheelDown
Use_AND_Symbol :=" & "
Hotkey, %Alt_Hotkey%%Use_AND_Symbol%%Tab_Hotkey%, Alt_Tab, On ; turn on alt-tab hotkey here to be able to turn it off for simple switching of apps in script
Hotkey, %Alt_Hotkey%%Use_AND_Symbol%%Shift_Tab_Hotkey%, Alt_Shift_Tab, On ; turn on alt-tab hotkey here to be able to turn it off for simple switching of apps in script
If Single_Key_Show_Alt_Tab !=
Hotkey, *%Single_Key_Show_Alt_Tab%, Single_Key_Show_Alt_Tab, On
Replace_Modifier_Symbol( "Alt_Hotkey" , "Alt_Hotkey2" )
If (! InStr(Tab_Hotkey, "Wheel") and ! InStr(Shift_Tab_Hotkey, "Wheel")) ; wheel isn't used as an alt-tab hotkey so can be used for scrolling list instead
Use_Wheel_Scroll_List =1
Alt_Tab: ; alt-tab hotkey
Alt_Shift_Tab: ; alt-shift-tab hotkey
Alt_Tab_Common_Function(Key) ; Key = "Alt_Tab" or "Alt_Shift_Tab"
If Display_List_Shown =0
WinGet, Active_ID, ID, A
Gosub, Custom_Group__make_array_of_contents
Gosub, Display_List
Gosub, Alt_Tab_Common__Check_auto_switch_icon_sizes ; limit gui height / auto-switch icon sizes
Gosub, Alt_Tab_Common__Highlight_Active_Window
If ( GetKeyState(Alt_Hotkey2, "P") or GetKeyState(Alt_Hotkey2)) ; Alt key still pressed, else gui not shown
Gui, 1: Show, AutoSize x%Gui_x% y%Gui_y%, Alt-Tab Replacement
Hotkeys_Toggle_Temp_Hotkeys("On") ; (state = "On" or "Off") ; ensure hotkeys are on
Selected_Row := LV_GetNext(0, "F")
If Key =Alt_Tab
Selected_Row += 1
If (Selected_Row > Window_Found_Count)
Selected_Row =1
Else If Key =Alt_Shift_Tab
Selected_Row -= 1
If Selected_Row < 1
Selected_Row := Window_Found_Count
LV_Modify(Selected_Row, "Focus Select Vis") ; get selected row and ensure selection is visible
SetTimer, Check_Alt_Hotkey2_Up, 30
GuiControl, Focus, Listview1 ; workaround for gui tab bug - gosub not activated when already activated button clicked on again
Gosub, SB_Update__ProcessCPU
SetTimer, SB_Update__ProcessCPU, 1000
Alt_Tab_Common__Check_auto_switch_icon_sizes: ; limit gui height / auto-switch icon sizes
If (Listview_NowH > Height_Max AND Use_Large_Icons_Current =1) ; switch to small icons
Use_Large_Icons_Current =0
Gosub, Alt_Tab_Common__Switching_Icon_Sizes
If ((Listview_NowH * Small_to_Large_Ratio) < Height_Max AND Use_Large_Icons_Current =0 AND Use_Large_Icons=1) ; switch to large icons
Use_Large_Icons_Current =1
Gosub, Alt_Tab_Common__Switching_Icon_Sizes
Gui, 1: Destroy
Display_List_Shown =0
Gosub, Display_List ; update colours
Active_ID_Found =0 ; init
Loop, %Window_Found_Count% ; select active program in list (not always the top item)
LV_GetText(RowText, A_Index, 2) ; Get hidden column numbers
If (Window%RowText% = Active_ID)
Active_ID_Found :=A_Index
If Active_ID_Found =0 ; active window has an icon in another main window & was excluded from Alt-Tab list
WinGet, Active_Process, ProcessName, ahk_id %Active_ID%
WinGetClass, Active_Class, ahk_id %Active_ID%
; If desktop/taskbar selected or nothing at all, don't select item in alt-tab list
If ( !(Active_Class ="Progman" OR Active_Class ="WorkerW" OR Active_Class ="Shell_TrayWnd" OR Active_Class =""))
Loop, %Window_Found_Count% ; find top item in window list with same exe name as active window
If (Exe_Name%A_Index% = Active_Process)
Active_ID := Window%A_Index% ; find this new ID in the listview
LV_GetText(RowText, A_Index, 2) ; Get hidden column numbers
If (Window%RowText% = Active_ID)
Active_ID_Found :=A_Index
If Active_ID_Found !=0
LV_Modify(Active_ID_Found, "Focus Select Vis")
Single_Key_Show_Alt_Tab_Used =1
Send, {%Alt_Hotkey2% down}
Gosub, Alt_Tab
Hotkey, *%Single_Key_Hide_Alt_Tab%, ListView_Destroy, On
Alt_Esc: ; abort switching
Alt_Esc =1
Gosub, ListView_Destroy
Alt_Esc_Check_Alt_State: ; hides alt-tab gui - shows again if alt still pressed
Gosub, Alt_Esc
If ( GetKeyState(Alt_Hotkey2, "P") or GetKeyState(Alt_Hotkey2)) ; Alt key still pressed - show alt-tab again
Gosub, Alt_Tab
Hotkeys_Toggle_Temp_Hotkeys(state) ; (state = "On" or "Off")
; UseErrorLevel in case of exiting script before hotkey created
Hotkey, %Alt_Hotkey%%Use_AND_Symbol%%Esc_Hotkey%, Alt_Esc, %state% UseErrorLevel ; abort
If Use_Wheel_Scroll_List =1
Hotkey, %Alt_Hotkey%%Use_AND_Symbol%WheelUp, Alt_Shift_Tab, %state% UseErrorLevel ; previous window
Hotkey, %Alt_Hotkey%%Use_AND_Symbol%WheelDown, Alt_Tab, %state% UseErrorLevel ; next window
Hotkey, %Alt_Hotkey%%Use_AND_Symbol%Mbutton, MButton_Close, %state% UseErrorLevel ; close the window clicked on
Hotkey, *~LButton, LButton_Tab_Check, %state% UseErrorLevel ; check if user clicked/dragged a tab
If ! ( GetKeyState(Alt_Hotkey2, "P") or GetKeyState(Alt_Hotkey2)) ; Alt key released
Gosub, ListView_Destroy
LV_ColorChange() ; clear all highlighting
If Display_List_Shown =1 ; empty listview and image list if only updating - e.g. when closing a window (mbutton)
Else ; not shown - need to create gui for updating listview
; Create the ListView gui
Gui, 1: +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption
Gui, 1: Color, %Tab_Colour% ; i.e. border/background (default = 404040) ; barely visible - right and bottom sides only
Gui, 1: Margin, 0, 0
; Tab stuff
Gui, 1: Font, s%Font_Size_Tab%, %Font_Type_Tab%
Gui, 1: Add, Tab2, vGui1_Tab HWNDhw_Gui1_Tab Background w%Gui1_Tab__width% -0x200, %Group_List% ; -0x200 = ! TCS_MULTILINE
Gui, 1: Tab, %Group_Active%,, Exact ; Future controls are owned by this tab
Gui, 1: Add, StatusBar, Background%StatusBar_Background_Colour% ; add before changing font
Gui, 1: Font, s%Font_Size%, %Font_Type%
Gui, 1: Add, ListView, x-1 y+-4 w%Listview_Width% AltSubmit -Multi NoSort Background%Listview_Colour% Count10 gListView_Event vListView1 HWNDhw_LV_ColorChange,%Col_Title_List%
LV_ModifyCol(2, "Integer") ; sort hidden column 2 as numbers
SB_SetParts(SB_Width, SB_Width, SB_Width)
Gosub, SB_Update__CPU
SetTimer, SB_Update__CPU, 1000
GuiControl,, Gui1_Tab, |%Group_List% ; update in case of changes
GuiControl, ChooseString, Gui1_Tab, %Group_Active%
ImageListID1 := IL_Create(10,5,Use_Large_Icons_Current) ; Create an ImageList so that the ListView can display some icons
LV_SetImageList(ImageListID1, 1) ; Attach the ImageLists to the ListView so that it can later display the icons
Gosub, Display_List__Find_windows_and_icons
If Window_Found_Count =0
Window_Found_Count =1
LV_Add("","","","","","","") ; No Windows Found! - avoids an error on selection if nothing is added
ColumnClickSort(Sort_By_Column, 1) ; Col = column clicked on, Update = 1 if true else blank (apply only, not change order)
Gosub, Gui_Resize_and_Position
If Display_List_Shown =1 ; resize gui for updating listview
Gui, 1: Show, AutoSize x%Gui_x% y%Gui_y%, Alt-Tab Replacement
If Selected_Row >%Window_Found_Count% ; less windows now - select last one instead of default 1st row
Selected_Row =%Window_Found_Count%
LV_Modify(Selected_Row, "Focus Select Vis") ; select 1st entry since nothing selected
Display_List_Shown =1 ; Gui 1 is shown back in Alt_Tab_Common_Function() for initial creation
WinGet, Window_List, List ; Gather a list of running programs
Window_Found_Count =0
Loop, %Window_List%
wid := Window_List%A_Index%
WinGetTitle, wid_Title, ahk_id %wid%
WinGet, Style, Style, ahk_id %wid%
If ((Style & WS_DISABLED) or ! (wid_Title)) ; skip unimportant windows ; ! wid_Title or
WinGet, es, ExStyle, ahk_id %wid%
Parent := Decimal_to_Hex( DllCall( "GetParent", "uint", wid ) )
WinGet, Style_parent, Style, ahk_id %Parent%
Owner := Decimal_to_Hex( DllCall( "GetWindow", "uint", wid , "uint", "4" ) ) ; GW_OWNER = 4
WinGet, Style_Owner, Style, ahk_id %Owner%
If (((es & WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) and !(Parent)) ; filters out program manager, etc
or ( !(es & WS_EX_APPWINDOW)
and (((Parent) and ((Style_parent & WS_DISABLED) =0)) ; These 2 lines filter out windows that have a parent or owner window that is NOT disabled -
or ((Owner) and ((Style_Owner & WS_DISABLED) =0))))) ; NOTE - some windows result in blank value so must test for zero instead of using NOT operator!
WinGet, Exe_Name, ProcessName, ahk_id %wid%
WinGetClass, Win_Class, ahk_id %wid%
hw_popup := Decimal_to_Hex(DllCall("GetLastActivePopup", "uint", wid))
If (Group_Active != "Settings" AND Group_Active != "ALL") ; i.e. list is filtered, check filter contents to include
Custom_Group_Include_wid_temp = ; initialise/reset
Loop, %Group_Active_0% ; check current window id against the list to filter
Loop_Item := Group_Active_%A_Index%
StringLeft, Exclude_Item, Loop_Item, 1
If Exclude_Item =! ; remove ! for matching strings
StringTrimLeft, Loop_Item, Loop_Item, 1
If ((Loop_Item = Exe_Name) or InStr(wid_Title, Loop_Item)) ; match exe name, title
Custom_Group_Include_wid_temp =1 ; include this window
If (((Custom_Group_Include_wid_temp =1) and (Exclude_Item ="!"))
or ((Custom_Group_Include_wid_temp !=1) and (Exclude_Not_In_List =1)))
Dialog =0 ; init/reset
If (Parent and ! Style_parent)
CPA_file_name := GetCPA_file_name( wid ) ; check if it's a control panel window
CPA_file_name =
If (CPA_file_name or (Win_Class ="#32770") or ((style & WS_POPUP) and (es & WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME)))
Dialog =1 ; found a Dialog window
If (CPA_file_name)
Window_Found_Count += 1
Gui_Icon_Number := IL_Add( ImageListID1, CPA_file_name, 1 )
Get_Window_Icon(wid, Use_Large_Icons_Current) ; (window id, whether to get large icons)
Window__Store_attributes(Window_Found_Count, wid, "") ; Index, wid, parent (or blank if none)
LV_Add("Icon" . Window_Found_Count,"", Window_Found_Count, Title%Window_Found_Count%, Exe_Name%Window_Found_Count%, State%Window_Found_Count%, OnTop%Window_Found_Count%, Status%Window_Found_Count%)
Window__Store_attributes(Index, wid, ID_Parent) ; Index = Window_Found_Count, wid = window id, ID_Parent = parent or blank if none
Local State_temp
Window%Index% =%wid% ; store ahk_id's to a list
Window_Parent%Index% =%ID_Parent% ; store Parent ahk_id's to a list to later see if window is owned
Title%Index% := wid_Title ; store titles to a list
hw_popup%Index% := hw_popup ; store the active popup window to a list (eg the find window in notepad)
WinGet, Exe_Name%Index%, ProcessName, ahk_id %wid% ; store processes to a list
WinGet, PID%Index%, PID, ahk_id %wid% ; store pid's to a list
Dialog%Index% := Dialog ; 1 if found a Dialog window, else 0
WinGet, State_temp, MinMax, ahk_id %wid%
If State_temp =1
State%Index% =Max
Else If State_temp =-1
State%Index% =Min
Else If State_temp =0
State%Index% =
WinGet, es_hw_popup, ExStyle, ahk_id %hw_popup% ; eg to detect on top status of zoomplayer window
If ((es & 0x8) or (es_hw_popup & 0x8)) ; 0x8 is WS_EX_TOPMOST.
OnTop%Index% =Top
OnTop_Found =1
OnTop%Index% =
If Responding
Status%Index% =
Status%Index% =Not Responding
Status_Found =1
; Listview Higlighting Colours
If Status%Index% =Not Responding
LV_ColorChange(Index, Listview_Colour_Not_Responding_Text, Listview_Colour_Not_Responding_Back)
Else If Dialog%Index%
LV_ColorChange(Index, Listview_Colour_Dialog_Text, Listview_Colour_Dialog_Back)
Else If OnTop%Index% =Top
LV_ColorChange(Index, Listview_Colour_OnTop_Text, Listview_Colour_OnTop_Back)
Else If State%Index% =Min
LV_ColorChange(Index, Listview_Colour_Min_Text, Listview_Colour_Min_Back)
Tab_Button_Clicked := TCM_HITTEST()
If Tab_Button_Clicked
Tab_Button_Clicked_Text := Tab_Button_Get_Text(Tab_Button_Clicked)
SetTimer, Tab__Drag_and_Drop, 60 ; check status of drag operation
If ! GetKeyState("LButton")
SetTimer, Tab__Drag_and_Drop, Off
Group_Active := Tab_Button_Clicked_Text
Gosub, Gui_Window_Group_Load__part2
Tab_Button_Over := TCM_HITTEST()
Tab_Button_Over_Text := Tab_Button_Get_Text(Tab_Button_Over)
If (Tab_Button_Over < Tab_Button_Clicked)
Tab_Swap(Group_List, Tab_Button_Clicked_Text, Tab_Button_Over_Text)
Else If (Tab_Button_Over > Tab_Button_Clicked)
Tab_Swap(Group_List, Tab_Button_Over_Text, Tab_Button_Clicked_Text)
Tab_Swap(ByRef Tab_List, ByRef Text1, ByRef Text2)
StringReplace, Tab_List, Tab_List, %Text1% , %Text2%
StringReplace, Tab_List, Tab_List, %Text2% , %Text1%
Tab_Button_Clicked := Tab_Button_Over ; update
GuiControl,, Gui1_Tab, |%Group_List%
GuiControl, ChooseString, Gui1_Tab, %Tab_Button_Clicked_Text%
TCM_HITTEST() ; returns 1-based index of clicked tab
Global hw_Gui1_Tab
MouseGetPos, mX, mY, hWnd, Control, 2
If (Control != hw_Gui1_Tab) ; not clicked on tab control
Return, False
ControlGetPos, cX, cY,,,, ahk_id %Control%
x:=mX-cX, y:=mY-cY ; co-ordinatess relative to tab control
VarSetCapacity(lparam, 12, 0)
NumPut(x, lparam, 0, "Int")
NumPut(y, lparam, 4, "Int")
SendMessage, 0x130D, 0, &lparam,, ahk_id %Control% ; TCM_HITTEST
result := ErrorLevel ; 0-based index, FAIL, or 0xFFFFFFFF (in a tab but not the button)
If (result = "FAIL" or result = 0xFFFFFFFF)
Return, False
Return, result + 1 ; change to 1-based index
If Tab_Index
Loop, Parse, Group_List,|
If (A_Index = Tab_Index)
Return, A_LoopField
DetectHiddenWindows, On ; retrieving column widths to enable calculation of col 3 width
Gui, +LastFound
Gui_ID := WinExist() ; for auto-sizing columns later
If Display_List_Shown =0 ; resize listview columns - no need to resize columns for updating listview
LV_ModifyCol(1, Col_1) ; icon column
LV_ModifyCol(2, Col_2) ; hidden column for row number
; col 3 - see below
LV_ModifyCol(4, Col_4) ; exe
SendMessage, 0x1000+29, 3, 0,, ahk_id %hw_LV_ColorChange% ; LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH is 0x1000+29
Width_Column_4 := ErrorLevel
If Width_Column_4 > %Exe_Width_Max%
LV_ModifyCol(4, Exe_Width_Max) ; resize title column
LV_ModifyCol(5, Col_5) ; State
If OnTop_Found
LV_ModifyCol(6, Col_6) ; OnTop
LV_ModifyCol(6, 0) ; OnTop
If Status_Found
LV_ModifyCol(7, Col_7) ; Status
LV_ModifyCol(7, 0) ; Status
Loop, 7
SendMessage, 0x1000+29, A_Index -1, 0,, ahk_id %hw_LV_ColorChange% ; LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH is 0x1000+29
Width_Column_%A_Index% := ErrorLevel
Col_3_w := Listview_Width - Width_Column_1 - Width_Column_2 - Width_Column_4 - Width_Column_5 - Width_Column_6 - Width_Column_7 - 4 ; total width of columns - 4 for border
LV_ModifyCol(3, Col_3_w) ; resize title column
ListView_Resize_Vertically(Gui_ID) ; Automatically resize listview vertically - pass the gui id value
GuiControlGet, Listview_Now, Pos, ListView1 ; retrieve listview dimensions/position ; for auto-sizing (elsewhere)
; resize listview according to scrollbar presence
If (Listview_NowH > Height_Max AND Use_Large_Icons_Current =0) ; already using small icons so limit height
Col_3_w -= Scrollbar_Vertical_Thickness ; allow for vertical scrollbar being visible
LV_ModifyCol(3, Col_3_w) ; resize title column
GuiControl, Move, ListView1, h%Height_Max%
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
Format_Float := A_FormatFloat
SetFormat, Float, 4.1
SB_SetText( "CPU (%): " GetSystemTimes(), 1)
SetFormat, Float, %Format_Float%
Format_Float := A_FormatFloat
SetFormat, Float, 4.1
SB_SetText( "Process CPU (%): " GetProcessTimes(PID%RowText%), 2)
SetFormat, Float, %Format_Float%
If ListView1__Disabled = 1 ; don't update - for statusbar (timer)
Selected_Row := LV_GetNext(0, "F")
LV_GetText(RowText, Selected_Row, 2) ; Get the row's 2nd column's text for real order number (hidden column).
If MButton_Clicked =1 ; closing a window so don't process events
If A_GuiEvent =DoubleClick ; activate clicked window
Gosub, ListView_Destroy
If A_GuiEvent =K ; letter was pressed, select next window name starting with that letter
Gosub, Key_Pressed_1st_Letter
If A_GuiEvent =ColClick ; column was clicked - do custom sort to allow for sorting hidden column + remembering state
ColumnClickSort(A_EventInfo) ; A_EventInfo = column clicked on
GuiContextMenu: ; right-click or press of the Apps key -> displays the menu only for clicks inside the ListView
If Menu__Gui_1 ; destroy previously generated menus
Gui_wid := Window%RowText%
Gui_wid_Title :=Title%RowText%
StringLeft, Gui_wid_Title, Gui_wid_Title, 40
Menu, Tray, UseErrorLevel
; Clear previous entries
Menu, ContextMenu1, DeleteAll
Menu, Gui_MinMax_Windows, DeleteAll
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, DeleteAll
Menu, Gui_Un_Exclude_Windows, DeleteAll
Menu, Gui_Window_Group_Load, DeleteAll
Menu, Gui_Window_Group_Delete, DeleteAll
Menu, Gui_Processes, DeleteAll
Menu, Gui_Settings_Help, DeleteAll
; Min/Max windows
Menu, Gui_MinMax_Windows, Add, % "Maximize all: " Exe_Name%RowText%, Gui_MinMax_Windows
Menu, Gui_MinMax_Windows, Add, % "Minimize all: " Exe_Name%RowText%, Gui_MinMax_Windows
Menu, Gui_MinMax_Windows, Add
Menu, Gui_MinMax_Windows, Add, % "Normal all: " Exe_Name%RowText%, Gui_MinMax_Windows
Menu, ContextMenu1, Add, &Min / Max, :Gui_MinMax_Windows
; Dock to Screen Edge entries
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Add, Left, Gui_Dock_Windows
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Add, Right, Gui_Dock_Windows
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Add, Top, Gui_Dock_Windows
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Add, Bottom, Gui_Dock_Windows
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Add
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Add, Corner - Top Left, Gui_Dock_Windows
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Add, Corner - Top Right, Gui_Dock_Windows
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Add, Corner - Bottom Left, Gui_Dock_Windows
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Add, Corner - Bottom Right, Gui_Dock_Windows
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Add
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Add, Un-Dock, Gui_Un_Dock_Window
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Add, Un-Dock All, Gui_Un_Dock_Windows_All
IfNotInString, Gui_Dock_Windows_List,%Gui_wid%
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Disable, Un-Dock
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Disable, Left
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Disable, Right
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Disable, Top
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Disable, Bottom
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Disable, Corner - Top Left
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Disable, Corner - Top Right
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Disable, Corner - Bottom Left
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Disable, Corner - Bottom Right
If (Edge_Dock_Position_%Gui_wid% !="") ; produces error if doesn't exist
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Check, % Edge_Dock_Position_%Gui_wid%
If Gui_Dock_Windows_List =
Menu, Gui_Dock_Windows, Disable, Un-Dock All
Menu, ContextMenu1, Add, &Dock to Edge, :Gui_Dock_Windows
; Window Group sub-menu entry
Menu, ContextMenu1, Add ; spacer
Menu, ContextMenu1, Add, Group - &No Filter, Gui_Window_Group_No_Filter
If (Group_Active != "Settings" AND Group_Active != "ALL")
Menu, ContextMenu1, Disable, Group - &No Filter
Loop, Parse, Group_List,|
If (A_LoopField != "Settings")
Menu, Gui_Window_Group_Load, Add,%A_LoopField%, Gui_Window_Group_Load
Menu, Gui_Window_Group_Load, Check, %Group_Active%
Menu, ContextMenu1, Add, Group - &Load, :Gui_Window_Group_Load
Menu, ContextMenu1, Add, Group - &Save/Edit, Gui_Window_Group_Save_Edit
Menu, ContextMenu1, Add, Group - Global &Include, Gui_Window_Group_Global_Include
Menu, ContextMenu1, Add, Group - Global &Exclude, Gui_Window_Group_Global_Exclude
Loop, Parse, Group_List,|
If (A_LoopField != "Settings" AND A_LoopField != "ALL")
Menu, Gui_Window_Group_Delete, Add,%A_LoopField%, Gui_Window_Group_Delete
Menu, Gui_Window_Group_Delete, Check, %Group_Active%
Menu, Gui_Window_Group_Delete, Color, E10000, Single ; warning colour
Menu, ContextMenu1, Add, Group - &Delete, :Gui_Window_Group_Delete
; Hotkeys entry
Menu, ContextMenu1, Add ; spacer
Menu, ContextMenu1, Add, &Hotkeys, Gui_Hotkeys
; Processes entry
Menu, ContextMenu1, Add ; spacer
Menu, Gui_Processes, Add, % "End: " Gui_wid_Title, End_Process_Single
Menu, Gui_Processes, Add ; spacer
Menu, Gui_Processes, Add, % "End All: " Exe_Name%RowText%, End_Process_All_Instances
Menu, Gui_Processes, Color, E10000, Single ; warning colour
Menu, ContextMenu1, Add, &Processes, :Gui_Processes
; Help + Latest changes
Menu, ContextMenu1, Add ; spacer
Menu, Gui_Settings_Help, Add, Delete Settings (.ini) && Reload, Delete_Ini_File_Settings
Menu, Gui_Settings_Help, Add, ; spacer
Menu, Gui_Settings_Help, Add, Help, HELP_and_LATEST_VERSION_CHANGES
Menu, Gui_Settings_Help, Add, Latest Changes, HELP_and_LATEST_VERSION_CHANGES
Menu, ContextMenu1, Add, Settings && Help, :Gui_Settings_Help
Menu, ContextMenu1, Show, %A_GuiX%, %A_GuiY%
Gosub, GuiControl_Disable_ListView1
List_of_Process_To_MinMax = ; need to store list now as re-drawing the listview over-writes necessary variables
Loop, %Window_Found_Count%
If ( Exe_Name%A_Index% = Exe_Name%RowText% and ! Dialog%A_Index% ) ; don't try to act on dialog windows (e.g. save prompts)
List_of_Process_To_MinMax .= "|" . Window%A_Index%
StringTrimLeft, List_of_Process_To_MinMax, List_of_Process_To_MinMax, 1 ; remove 1st | character (empty reference otherwise)
If A_ThisMenuItem contains Maximize
MinMax_Message =0xF030 ; SC_MAXIMIZE
Else If A_ThisMenuItem contains Minimize
MinMax_Message =0xF020 ; SC_MINIMIZE
Else If A_ThisMenuItem contains Normal
MinMax_Message =0xF120 ; SC_RESTORE
Loop, Parse, List_of_Process_To_MinMax,|
PostMessage, 0x112, %MinMax_Message%,,, ahk_id %A_LoopField% ; 0x112 = WM_SYSCOMMAND
Sleep, 50 ; wait for min/max state to change otherwise updated listview will be wrong
Gosub, Display_List
Gosub, GuiControl_Enable_ListView1
OnMessage( 0x06, "" ) ; turn off: no alt tab list window lost focus -> hide list
ListView1__Disabled = 1
GuiControl, Disable, ListView1
GuiControl, Enable, ListView1
GuiControl, Focus, ListView1
ListView1__Disabled = 0
OnMessage( 0x06, "WM_ACTIVATE" ) ; turn on again - alt tab list window lost focus > hide list
Edge_Dock_%Gui_wid% =%Gui_wid% ; write window ID to a unique variable
Edge_Dock_Position_%Gui_wid% :=A_ThisMenuItem ; store Left, Right, etc
WinGet, Edge_Dock_State_%Gui_wid%, MinMax, ahk_id %Gui_wid%
If Edge_Dock_State_%Gui_wid% =-1 ; if window is mimised, un-minimise
WinRestore, ahk_id %Gui_wid%
WinGetPos, Edge_Dock_X_%Gui_wid%, Edge_Dock_Y_%Gui_wid%, Edge_Dock_Width_%Gui_wid%, Edge_Dock_Height_%Gui_wid%, ahk_id %Gui_wid%
Edge_Dock_X_Initial_%Gui_wid% := Edge_Dock_X_%Gui_wid%
Edge_Dock_Y_Initial_%Gui_wid% := Edge_Dock_Y_%Gui_wid%
Edge_Dock_Width_Initial_%Gui_wid% := Edge_Dock_Width_%Gui_wid%
Edge_Dock_Height_Initial_%Gui_wid% := Edge_Dock_Height_%Gui_wid%
WinGet, Edge_Dock_AlwaysOnTop_%Gui_wid%, ExStyle, ahk_id %Gui_wid% ; store AlwaysOnTop original status
If Gui_Dock_Windows_List =
Gui_Dock_Windows_List =%Gui_wid% ; keep track of number of docked windows
Gui_Dock_Windows_List .="|" Gui_wid
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, ahk_id %Gui_wid%
Gosub, Alt_Esc_Check_Alt_State ; hides alt-tab gui - shows again if alt still pressed
Edge_Dock_X =
Edge_Dock_Y =
; leave just 5 pixels (Edge_Dock_Border_Visible) of side visible
If Edge_Dock_Position_%Gui_wid% contains Left
Edge_Dock_X := - ( Edge_Dock_Width_%Gui_wid% - Edge_Dock_Border_Visible )
Else If Edge_Dock_Position_%Gui_wid% contains Right
Edge_Dock_X := A_ScreenWidth - Edge_Dock_Border_Visible
If Edge_Dock_Position_%Gui_wid% contains Top
Edge_Dock_Y := - ( Edge_Dock_Height_%Gui_wid% - Edge_Dock_Border_Visible )
Else If Edge_Dock_Position_%Gui_wid% contains Bottom
Edge_Dock_Y := A_ScreenHeight - Edge_Dock_Border_Visible
WinMove, ahk_id %Gui_wid%,, %Edge_Dock_X%, %Edge_Dock_Y%
SetTimer, Check_Mouse_Position, %Edge_Dock_Activation_Delay% ; change to affect response time to having mouse over edge-docked window
Gosub, Check_Docked_Windows_Exist
WinGet, Previously_Active_Window_Before_Using_Docked, ID, A
Edge_Dock_Active_Window =
If ( Edge_Dock_%Previously_Active_Window_Before_Using_Docked% != "" ) ; check keyboard focus
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos,Check_Mouse_Position_X, Check_Mouse_Position_Y
Edge_Dock_Active_Window := Previously_Active_Window_Before_Using_Docked
MouseGetPos,,, Mouse_Over_Window
If ( Edge_Dock_%Mouse_Over_Window% != "" ) ; over-ride keyboard with mouse "focus" if necessary
Edge_Dock_Active_Window := Mouse_Over_Window
WinActivate, ahk_id %Mouse_Over_Window%
If Edge_Dock_Active_Window != ; i.e. window is already docked
SetTimer, Check_Mouse_Position, Off
WinGet, PID_Edge_Dock_Active_Window, PID, ahk_id %Edge_Dock_Active_Window%
Edge_Dock_X =
Edge_Dock_Y =
; move window onto screen
If Edge_Dock_Position_%Edge_Dock_Active_Window% contains Left
Edge_Dock_X =0
Else If Edge_Dock_Position_%Edge_Dock_Active_Window% contains Right
Edge_Dock_X := A_ScreenWidth - Edge_Dock_Width_%Edge_Dock_Active_Window%
If Edge_Dock_Position_%Edge_Dock_Active_Window% contains Top
Edge_Dock_Y =0
Else If Edge_Dock_Position_%Edge_Dock_Active_Window% contains Bottom
Edge_Dock_Y := A_ScreenHeight - Edge_Dock_Height_%Edge_Dock_Active_Window%
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off, ahk_id %Edge_Dock_Active_Window%
WinMove, ahk_id %Edge_Dock_Active_Window%,, %Edge_Dock_X%, %Edge_Dock_Y%
SetTimer, Check_Mouse_Position_Deactivate, %Edge_Dock_Activation_Delay%
If Gui_Dock_Windows_List = ; keep track of number of docked windows
SetTimer, Check_Mouse_Position, Off
SetTimer, Check_Mouse_Position_Deactivate, Off
Loop, Parse, Gui_Dock_Windows_List,| ; check if windows in docked list have been closed before un-docking
IfWinNotExist, ahk_id %A_LoopField%
Gui_wid =%A_LoopField%
Gui_Un_Dock_Window_No_Alt_Esc =1
Gosub, Gui_Un_Dock_Window
Check_Mouse_Position_Deactivate: ; check if not over an edge-docked window any more
Gosub, Check_Docked_Windows_Exist
WinGet, Style, Style, ahk_id %Edge_Dock_Active_Window%
If ( Style & WS_DISABLED ) ; don't allow disabled windows to be re-docked (e.g., showing save box)
; retrieve active window focus and mouse over window - active window has priority
WinGet, PID_Active_Window_Now, PID, A
WinGet, Active_Window_Now_ID, ID, A
WinGetTitle, Active_Window_Now_Title, A ; use titles to check if in same program title but over a problematic control such as xplorer2 dropdownbox (different id and pid)
WinGetTitle, Edge_Dock_Active_Window_Title, ahk_id %Edge_Dock_Active_Window%
WinGetTitle, Active_Window_Now_Mouse_Title, ahk_id %Active_Window_Now_Mouse%
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos,Active_Window_Now_Mouse_X, Active_Window_Now_Mouse_Y, Active_Window_Now_Mouse
If ((Check_Mouse_Position_X >= Active_Window_Now_Mouse_X -10 and Check_Mouse_Position_X <= Active_Window_Now_Mouse_X +10) ; ; mouse not moved - e.g. clicked taskbar
and (Check_Mouse_Position_Y >= Active_Window_Now_Mouse_Y -10 and Check_Mouse_Position_Y <= Active_Window_Now_Mouse_Y +10)
and (Active_Window_Now_Title = Edge_Dock_Active_Window_Title))
If (Active_Window_Now_Title = Edge_Dock_Active_Window_Title and Active_Window_Now_Mouse_Title = ""
and (Active_Window_Now_ID != TaskBar_ID and Active_Window_Now_Mouse != TaskBar_ID))
If (PID_Active_Window_Now != PID_Edge_Dock_Active_Window) ; compare pid to check that a child window is not created/active
Gosub, Gui_Dock_Windows_ReDock_Initiate
WinGet, PID_Active_Window_Now_Mouse, PID, ahk_id %Active_Window_Now_Mouse%
If (PID_Active_Window_Now_Mouse != PID_Edge_Dock_Active_Window)
Gosub, Gui_Dock_Windows_ReDock_Initiate
If Gui_Dock_Windows_List contains %Previously_Active_Window_Before_Using_Docked% ; activate window under mouse to prevent looping
WinActivate, ahk_id %Active_Window_Now_Mouse%
WinActivate, ahk_id %Previously_Active_Window_Before_Using_Docked%
SetTimer, Check_Mouse_Position_Deactivate, Off
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, ahk_id %Edge_Dock_Active_Window%
WinGetPos, Edge_Dock_X_%Edge_Dock_Active_Window%, Edge_Dock_Y_%Edge_Dock_Active_Window%, Edge_Dock_Width_%Edge_Dock_Active_Window%
, Edge_Dock_Height_%Edge_Dock_Active_Window%, ahk_id %Edge_Dock_Active_Window%
Gui_wid =%Edge_Dock_Active_Window%
Gosub, Gui_Dock_Windows_ReDock
If Gui_Un_Dock_Window_No_Alt_Esc !=1
Gosub, Alt_Esc_Check_Alt_State ; hides alt-tab gui - shows again if alt still pressed
Gui_Un_Dock_Window_No_Alt_Esc = ; reset
If ! ( Edge_Dock_AlwaysOnTop_%Gui_wid% & 0x8 ) ; 0x8 is WS_EX_TOPMOST - keep AlwaysOnTop if originally on top
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off, ahk_id %Gui_wid%
WinMove, ahk_id %Gui_wid%,, % Edge_Dock_X_Initial_%Gui_wid%, % Edge_Dock_Y_Initial_%Gui_wid%, % Edge_Dock_Width_Initial_%Gui_wid%
, % Edge_Dock_Height_Initial_%Gui_wid% ; original position
; erase variables
Edge_Dock_%Gui_wid% =
Edge_Dock_X_Initial_%Gui_wid% =
Edge_Dock_Y_Initial_%Gui_wid% =
Edge_Dock_Width_Initial_%Gui_wid% =
Edge_Dock_Height_Initial_%Gui_wid% =
Edge_Dock_State_%Gui_wid% =
Edge_Dock_X_%Gui_wid% =
Edge_Dock_Y_%Gui_wid% =
Edge_Dock_Width_%Gui_wid% =
Edge_Dock_Height_%Gui_wid% =
Edge_Dock_Position_%Gui_wid% =
Edge_Dock_AlwaysOnTop_%Gui_wid% =
StringReplace, Gui_Dock_Windows_List, Gui_Dock_Windows_List,%Gui_wid%| ; remove entry
If ErrorLevel =1
StringReplace, Gui_Dock_Windows_List, Gui_Dock_Windows_List,%Gui_wid% ; last window so no delimiter to replace too
Loop, Parse, Gui_Dock_Windows_List,| ; check if windows in docked list have been closed before un-docking
Gui_wid := A_LoopField
Gui_Un_Dock_Window_No_Alt_Esc =1
Gosub, Gui_Un_Dock_Window
Gosub, Alt_Esc
Gui, 2: Default ; for listview operations
Gui, 2: Font, s10
Gui, 2: Add, Text, xm y+15, Main hotkeys:
Gui, 2: Font
Gui, 2: Add, Text, x+5 yp+2, (Note that "Alt" must be either Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Win or mouse XButton1 / 2 - but using XButton requires "Shift+Tab" is a single key!)
; Gui_Add_Hotkey(Gui number, Text, Comment, variable name)
Gui_Add_Hotkey(2, "Alt","(key in Alt+Tab)", "Alt_Hotkey")
GuiControl, 2: Disable, Alt_Hotkey_Tab
GuiControl, 2: Disable, Alt_Hotkey_Esc
GuiControl, 2: Disable, Alt_Hotkey_Enter
GuiControl, 2: Disable, Alt_Hotkey_WheelUp
GuiControl, 2: Disable, Alt_Hotkey_WheelDown
GuiControl, 2: Disable, Alt_Hotkey_Hotkey
Gui_Add_Hotkey(2, "Tab","(key in Alt+Tab)", "Tab_Hotkey")
Gui_Add_Hotkey(2, "Shift+Tab","(Key(s) in Alt+Shift+Tab)", "Shift_Tab_Hotkey")
Gui_Add_Hotkey(2, "Esc","(key in Alt+Esc)", "Esc_Hotkey")
Gui, 2: Font, s10
Gui, 2: Add, Text,xm y+15, Single keys:
Gui, 2: Font
Gui, 2: Add, Text, x+5 yp+2, (Alternative way to show the Alt+Tab list by 1 key (blank for no hotkey) and another for selection)
Gui_Add_Hotkey(2, "Alt+Tab list", "", "Single_Key_Show_Alt_Tab")
Gui_Add_Hotkey(2, "Alt+Tab selection", "", "Single_Key_Hide_Alt_Tab")
Gui, 2: Font, s10
Gui, 2: Add, Text,xm y+30, Group hotkeys:
Gui, 2: Font
GuiControl, 2: Focus, Static1
Gui, 2: Add, ListView, section xm r15 w470 -Multi, Group name|Assigned hotkey
Loop, Parse, Group_List, |
If (A_LoopField != "Settings")
LV_Add("", A_LoopField, %A_LoopField%_Group_Hotkey)
Gui, 2: Add, Button, x+10 yp+40 gGui_2_Group_Hotkey_Assign w170, Assign hotkey to selected group:
Gui, 2: Add, Hotkey, vGui_2_Group_Hotkey xp y+5, %Hotkey%
Gui, 2: Add, Button, xp y+30 gGui_2_Group_Hotkey_Clear w170, Clear hotkey of selected group
Gui, 2: Add, Text, xp y+30, ( Key: !=Alt, ^=Ctrl, +=Shift, #=Win )
Gui, 2: Add, Text, xm+250, WARNING! No error checking for hotkeys - be careful what you choose! (Delete the .ini file to reset settings)
Gui, 2: Add, Button, xm+430 g2GuiClose w100, &Cancel
Gui, 2: Add, Button, x+20 gGui_2_OK wp Default, &OK
Gui, 2: Show,, Hotkeys
Gui, 2: Submit, NoHide
Selected_Row := LV_GetNext(0, "F")
If (! Selected_Row or ! Gui_2_Group_Hotkey)
Loop, Parse, Group_List,|
If %A_LoopField%_Group_Hotkey =%Gui_2_Group_Hotkey%
Msgbox, Hotkey already exists! Please clear the duplicate hotkey first.
LV_GetText(Gui_2_Group_Selected, Selected_Row)
%Gui_2_Group_Selected%_Group_Hotkey := Gui_2_Group_Hotkey
LV_Modify(Selected_Row, "Col2", Gui_2_Group_Hotkey)
Selected_Row := LV_GetNext(0, "F")
If not Selected_Row
LV_Modify(Selected_Row, "Col2", "")
Loop, % LV_GetCount() ; process group hotkeys from listview
LV_GetText(Group_Name, A_Index, 1)
LV_GetText(Group_Hotkey, A_Index, 2)
%Group_Name%_Group_Hotkey =%Group_Hotkey%
Gui, 2: Submit
Gui, 2: Destroy
Gui_Read_Hotkey(2, "Alt_Hotkey") ; Gui_Read_Hotkey(Gui number, associated variable)
Gui_Read_Hotkey(2, "Tab_Hotkey")
Gui_Read_Hotkey(2, "Shift_Tab_Hotkey")
Gui_Read_Hotkey(2, "Esc_Hotkey")
Gui_Read_Hotkey(2, "Single_Key_Show_Alt_Tab")
Gui_Read_Hotkey(2, "Single_Key_Hide_Alt_Tab")
Gui_Read_Hotkey(Gui, var_name)
%var_name% =
If %var_name%_Alt =1
%var_name% = % %var_name% "!"
If %var_name%_Ctrl =1
%var_name% = % %var_name% "^"
If %var_name%_Shift =1
%var_name% = % %var_name% "+"
If %var_name%_Win =1
%var_name% = % %var_name% "#"
If %var_name%_Tab =1
%var_name% = % %var_name% "Tab"
If %var_name%_Esc =1
%var_name% = % %var_name% "Esc"
If %var_name%_Enter =1
%var_name% = % %var_name% "Enter"
If %var_name%_XButton1 =1
%var_name% = % %var_name% "XButton1"
If %var_name%_XButton2 =1
%var_name% = % %var_name% "XButton2"
If %var_name%_WheelUp =1
%var_name% = % %var_name% "WheelUp"
If %var_name%_WheelDown =1
%var_name% = % %var_name% "WheelDown"
If (%var_name%_Hotkey != "None" and %var_name% = "")
%var_name% = % %var_name% %var_name%_Hotkey
Gui_Add_Hotkey(Gui, Text, Comment, var_name)
Local Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Win, Tab, Esc, Enter, XButton1, XButton2, WheelUp, WheelDown, Hotkey, hotkey_temp, hotkey_list__symbols, hotkey_list__symbols0, hotkey_list__vars, hotkey_list__vars0, symbol_temp, var_temp
hotkey_temp := %var_name%
hotkey_list__symbols =!|^|+|#|Tab|Esc|Enter|XButton1|XButton2|WheelUp|WheelDown
hotkey_list__vars =Alt|Ctrl|Shift|Win|Tab|Esc|Enter|XButton1|XButton2|WheelUp|WheelDown
StringSplit, hotkey_list__symbols, hotkey_list__symbols ,|
StringSplit, hotkey_list__vars, hotkey_list__vars ,|
Loop, %hotkey_list__symbols0%
symbol_temp := hotkey_list__symbols%A_Index%
var_temp := hotkey_list__vars%A_Index%
If hotkey_temp contains %symbol_temp%
%var_temp% =1
StringReplace, hotkey_temp, hotkey_temp, %symbol_temp%, ; remove it from list
%var_temp% =0
Hotkey=%hotkey_temp% ; remainder
Gui, %Gui%: Font, bold
Gui, %Gui%: Add, Text, xm, %Text%
Gui, %Gui%: Font
If Comment !=
Gui, %Gui%: Add, Text, x80 yp, %Comment%
Gui, %Gui%: Add, Checkbox, v%var_name%_Alt Checked%Alt% x200 yp, Alt
Gui, %Gui%: Add, Checkbox, v%var_name%_Ctrl Checked%Ctrl% x+10, Ctrl
Gui, %Gui%: Add, Checkbox, v%var_name%_Shift Checked%Shift% x+10, Shift
Gui, %Gui%: Add, Checkbox, v%var_name%_Win Checked%Win% x+10, Win
Gui, %Gui%: Add, Checkbox, v%var_name%_Tab Checked%Tab% x+10, Tab
Gui, %Gui%: Add, Checkbox, v%var_name%_Esc Checked%Esc% x+10, Esc
Gui, %Gui%: Add, Checkbox, v%var_name%_Enter Checked%Enter% x+10, Enter
Gui, %Gui%: Add, Text, x+10, XButton:
Gui, %Gui%: Add, Checkbox, v%var_name%_XButton1 Checked%XButton1% x+2, 1
Gui, %Gui%: Add, Checkbox, v%var_name%_XButton2 Checked%XButton2% x+2, 2
Gui, %Gui%: Add, Text, x+10, Wheel:
Gui, %Gui%: Add, Checkbox, v%var_name%_WheelUp Checked%WheelUp% x+2, Up
Gui, %Gui%: Add, Checkbox, v%var_name%_WheelDown Checked%WheelDown% x+2, Down
Gui, %Gui%: Add, Hotkey, v%var_name%_Hotkey x+10 yp-3, %Hotkey%
Group_Active =ALL
Gosub, Alt_Esc_Check_Alt_State
Group_Active =%A_ThisMenuItem%
Gosub, Custom_Group__make_array_of_contents
Gosub, Alt_Esc_Check_Alt_State ; hides alt-tab gui - shows again if alt still pressed
Exclude_Not_In_List =
If (Group_Active != "Settings" AND Group_Active != "ALL")
Group_Active_Contents := %Group_Active%
If Group_Active_Contents contains Exclude_Not_In_List
Exclude_Not_In_List =1
StringReplace, Group_Active_Contents, Group_Active_Contents, Exclude_Not_In_List|, ; remove text
StringSplit, Group_Active_, Group_Active_Contents,|
Gosub, Alt_Esc
Gui, 3: Default ; for listview operations
Gui, 3: Add, Text, y+15,
Choose window titles/exes to include/exclude when LOADING a list:
- Double-click / F2 to rename an entry.
- Titles match anywhere within a target window's title or parent's title (exe is ignored).
- Delete the title completely to match the EXE instead.
- To EXCLUDE a window, prefix title or EXE with an exclamation: e.g. !notepad.exe, or only ! in title column.
- "Exclude all windows not in list?" ignores new windows that do not match the list.
- Only ticked items are added to the list. Unticked are removed.
- Priority of rules is top (highest) to bottom (lowest).
- Not case sensitive.
Gui, 3: Add, ListView, xm y+15 r15 w500 Checked -ReadOnly -Multi NoSortHdr AltSubmit gListView3_Event, (Partial) Window Title|EXE
Gui_3_ImageList:= IL_Create(15,5,0)
LV_SetImageList(Gui_3_ImageList, 1)
IL_Add( Gui_3_ImageList, "shell32.dll" , 110) ; not included icon
Gui, 3: Add, Picture, icon48 x+10 yp+100 gGui_3_ListView_Swap_Rows_Up, C:\WINDOWS\system32\progman.exe ; up arrow
Gui, 3: Add, Picture, icon45 gGui_3_ListView_Swap_Rows_Down, C:\WINDOWS\system32\progman.exe ; down arrow
Gui, 3: Add, Text, xm+20, Manual add:
Gui_3_Manual_Allow_Blank =1
Gui, 3: Add, Edit, x+5 w200 gGui_3_Manual_Exe_Blank vGui_3_Manual_Title, [window title]
Gui, 3: Add, Edit, x+5 w100 gGui_3_Manual_Title_Blank vGui_3_Manual_Exe, [program.exe]
Gui, 3: Add, Button, x+10 w80 gGui3_Manual_Add, A&dd
Gui, 3: Add, Text, xm+20 y+30, Group name:
Gui, 3: Add, ComboBox, x+5 w200 vCustom_Name, %Group_List%
GuiControl, ChooseString, Custom_Name, %Group_Active%
Gui, 3: Add, Checkbox, x+20 vExclude_Not_In_List Checked, Exclude all windows not in list?
If %Group_Active% not contains Exclude_Not_In_List
GuiControl,, Exclude_Not_In_List, 0 ; check box
Gui, 3: Add, Button, xm+10 y+20 w80 gGui3_RESET, &Reset List
Gui, 3: Add, Button, x+20 wp gGui3_SelectALL, Select &All
Gui, 3: Add, Button, x+20 wp gGui3_SelectNONE, Select &None
Gui, 3: Add, Button, x+20 wp g3GuiClose, &Cancel
Gui, 3: Add, Button, x+20 wp Default gGui3_OK, &OK
If (Global_Include_Edit or Global_Exclude_Edit)
GuiControl, 3: Disable, Exclude_Not_In_List
GuiControl, 3: Disable, Custom_Name
If Global_Include_Edit =1
Else If Global_Exclude_Edit =1
Else If (Group_Active = "Settings" OR Group_Active = "ALL")
Loop, %Window_Found_Count% ; populate listview
LV_Add("Check Icon2", Title%A_Index%, Exe_Name%A_Index%) ; Icon 1 = not included icon, Icon 2 = blank
Gosub, Gui_3_Update_Icons
DetectHiddenWindows, On
Gui, 3: +LastFound
Gui_3_ID := WinExist() ; for auto-sizing columns later
LV_ModifyCol(1, 350)
ControlGet, Gui_3_Listview_Style, Style,, SysListView321, ahk_id %Gui_3_ID%
If ( Gui_3_Listview_Style & WS_VSCROLL ) ; has a vertical scrollbar - reduced width for listview
Gui_3_Col_2_w := 500 - 350 - Scrollbar_Vertical_Thickness - 4
Gui_3_Col_2_w := 500 - 350 - 4
LV_ModifyCol(2, Gui_3_Col_2_w)
Gui, 3: Show,, Group - Save/Edit
Loop, Parse, %list%,|
If A_LoopField =Exclude_Not_In_List
If A_LoopField contains .exe
LV_Add("Check Icon2" ,"", A_LoopField) ; Icon 1 = not included icon, Icon 2 = blank
LV_Add("Check Icon2" ,A_LoopField,"") ; Icon 1 = not included icon, Icon 2 = blank
ListView_Swap_Rows("Up") ; "move" selected row up 1 - higher priority
ListView_Swap_Rows("Down") ; "move" selected row down 1 - lower priority
ListView_Swap_Rows(Direction) ; Direction=Up/Down -swaps all text in each column of 2 adjacent rows and their checked states
Row_Selected := LV_GetNext("Focused")
If Row_Selected =0 ; no row selected
LV_Modify(1, "Select Focus")
If Direction =Up
Row_Swap_With := Row_Selected -1
If Row_Swap_With =0 ; reached top of listview
Row_Swap_With := Row_Selected +1
If ( Row_Swap_With > LV_GetCount() ) ; reached end of listview
Loop, % LV_GetCount("Col")
LV_GetText(Row_Text_%Row_Selected%_%A_Index%, Row_Selected, A_Index)
LV_GetText(Row_Text_%Row_Swap_With%_%A_Index%, Row_Swap_With, A_Index)
If ( LV_GetNext(Row_Selected - 1, "C") = Row_Selected ) ; save box checked states
Row_Selected_Checked =Check
Row_Selected_Checked =-Check
If ( LV_GetNext(Row_Swap_With - 1, "C") = Row_Swap_With )
Row_Swap_With_Checked =Check
Row_Swap_With_Checked =-Check
Loop, % LV_GetCount("Col")
LV_Modify(Row_Selected, Row_Swap_With_Checked . " -Focus -Select Col" . A_Index, Row_Text_%Row_Swap_With%_%A_Index%)
LV_Modify(Row_Swap_With, Row_Selected_Checked . " Focus Select Vis Col" . A_Index, Row_Text_%Row_Selected%_%A_Index%)
Gosub, Gui_3_Update_Icons
Gui, 3: Submit
If Global_Include_Edit
Custom_Name =Global_Include
Exclude_Not_In_List =
Else If Global_Exclude_Edit
Custom_Name =Global_Exclude
Exclude_Not_In_List =
If (Custom_Name = "" OR Custom_Name = "Settings" OR Custom_Name = "ALL")
MsgBox, 48, ERROR, Enter a valid name for the group!
Gui, 3: Show
StringReplace, Custom_Name, Custom_Name,%A_Space%,_,All
If Exclude_Not_In_List =1 ; checked - add suffix to variable name to filter
%Custom_Name% = |Exclude_Not_In_List ; add first entry - will parse and process when filtering alt-tab listview
%Custom_Name% = ; make sure it is empty in case it previously existed (over-writing)
RowNumber = 0 ; init
RowNumber := LV_GetNext(RowNumber, "C") ; Resume the search at the row after that found by the previous iteration.
If not RowNumber ; The above returned zero, so there are no more checked rows.
LV_GetText(Title_temp, RowNumber)
If Title_temp = ; blank therefore set the exe name instead
LV_GetText(Title_temp, RowNumber, 2)
If Title_temp =! ; exclude exe name instead
LV_GetText(Title_temp, RowNumber, 2)
If Title_temp not contains !
Title_temp =!%Title_temp%
%Custom_Name% .= "|" . Title_temp
StringTrimLeft, %Custom_Name%, %Custom_Name%, 1 ; trim initial |
If ! (Global_Include_Edit or Global_Exclude_Edit)
If Group_List not contains %Custom_Name%
Group_List .= "|" Custom_Name ; store name to a list for finding later
Group_Active := Custom_Name ; automatically apply the saved group filter
Gosub, 3GuiClose
Global_Include_Edit = ; reset
Global_Exclude_Edit =
Gosub, Alt_Esc_Check_Alt_State ; hides alt-tab gui - shows again if alt still pressed
If A_GuiEvent = E ; edited a row
Gosub, Gui_3_Update_Icons
If A_GuiEvent = DoubleClick
SendMessage, 0x1017, LV_GetNext(0, "Focused") - 1, 0, SysListView321 ; 0x1017 is LVM_EDITLABEL
Loop, % LV_GetCount()
Gui_3_Row_To_Modify := A_Index
Gui_3_Icon =2 ; blank icon as default
Loop, 2 ; check column 1 and 2
LV_GetText(Title_temp, Gui_3_Row_To_Modify, A_Index)
If Title_temp contains !
Gui_3_Icon =1 ; not included icon
LV_Modify(Gui_3_Row_To_Modify, "Icon" . Gui_3_Icon)
Gui, 3: Submit, NoHide
Gui_3_Manual_Allow_Blank =1
Gosub, Gui_3_Manual_Title_Blank
Gui_3_Manual_Allow_Blank =1
Gosub, Gui_3_Manual_Exe_Blank
Gui_3_Icon =2 ; blank icon
If Gui_3_Manual_Title contains !
Gui_3_Icon =1 ; not included icon
If Gui_3_Manual_Exe contains !
Gui_3_Icon =1
LV_Add("Check Icon" . Gui_3_Icon,Gui_3_Manual_Title,Gui_3_Manual_Exe)
GuiControl, Focus, &OK
Sleep, 50
GuiControl, +Default, &OK
Gui, 3: Destroy
Gosub, Gui_Window_Group_Save_Edit
Loop, %Window_Found_Count%
LV_Modify(A_Index, "Check")
Loop, %Window_Found_Count%
LV_Modify(A_Index, "-Check")
If Gui_3_Manual_Allow_Blank =1
GuiControl,, Gui_3_Manual_Title, ; blank
Gui_3_Manual_Allow_Blank =0
GuiControl, +Default, A&dd
If Gui_3_Manual_Allow_Blank =1
GuiControl,, Gui_3_Manual_Exe, ; blank
Gui_3_Manual_Allow_Blank =0
GuiControl, +Default, A&dd
Global_Include_Edit =1
Gosub, Gui_Window_Group_Save_Edit
Global_Exclude_Edit =1
Gosub, Gui_Window_Group_Save_Edit
If Group_Active =%A_ThisMenuItem%
Group_Active = ALL
StringReplace, temp_List, Group_List, %A_ThisMenuItem% ; remove item from list
Group_List =
Loop, Parse, temp_List,|
If A_LoopField
Group_List .= "|" A_LoopField
StringTrimLeft, Group_List, Group_List, 1 ; remove leading |
Hotkey, % %A_ThisMenuItem%_Group_Hotkey, Off, UseErrorLevel
IniDelete, Alt_Tab_Settings.ini, Groups, %A_ThisMenuItem%
IniDelete, Alt_Tab_Settings.ini, Groups, %A_ThisMenuItem%_Group_Hotkey
Gosub, Alt_Esc_Check_Alt_State ; hides alt-tab gui - shows again if alt still pressed
Group_Hotkey: ; from loading ini file - determine hotkey behaviour based on current hotkey
Group_Active_Before := Group_Active
Loop, Parse, Group_List,|
If %A_LoopField%_Group_Hotkey =%A_ThisHotkey% ; find which group to activate
If Group_Active !=%A_LoopField%
Group_Active=%A_LoopField% ; load custom group
Gosub, Custom_Group__make_array_of_contents
; check if currently active window is in the newly loaded group, else switch to 1st
Gosub, Single_Key_Show_Alt_Tab ; show list to generate updated variables to check
Viewed_Window_List .="|" Active_ID
Loop, %Window_Found_Count% ; abort switching and start to cycle through windows in list next
If (! InStr(Viewed_Window_List, Window%A_Index%) or Window_Found_Count <=1)
Gosub, ListView_Destroy
WinActivate, % "ahk_id" Window%A_Index%
If A_Index =%Window_Found_Count%
Viewed_Window_List = ; viewed all windows so reset list
Group_Active := Group_Active_Before
MButton_Clicked =1
MouseGetPos,,, Mouse_Over_Gui
If Mouse_Over_Gui =%Gui_ID% ; check to be safe
SetTimer, MButton_Close_Cont, 50
Click, Left
; weird pause after left click - hence using timers - continues after moving mouse
MButton_Clicked =
SetTimer, MButton_Close_Cont, Off
Gui_wid =% Window%RowText%
If Gui_wid ; prevent error if nothing was selected due to delay in program
Gosub, End_Process_Single
Gosub, GuiControl_Disable_ListView1
Selected_Row ++ ; find window after window to close for positioning focus in listview afterwards
LV_GetText(RowText, Selected_Row, 2) ; Get the row's hidden text
Window_After_1st_Ending_Window_ID := Window%RowText%
Gosub, End_Process_Subroutine
Gosub, End_Process_Update_Listview
Loop, Parse, Gui_Dock_Windows_List,| ; un-dock docked window first (might remember off-screen position)
If A_LoopField =%Gui_wid%
Gui_Un_Dock_Window_No_Alt_Esc =1
Gosub, Gui_Un_Dock_Window
PostMessage, 0x112, 0xF060,,, ahk_id %Gui_wid% ; 0x112 = WM_SYSCOMMAND, 0xF060 = SC_CLOSE
WinWaitClose, ahk_id %Gui_wid%,, 1
Gosub, GuiControl_Disable_ListView1
List_of_Process_To_End = ; need to store list now as re-drawing the listview over-writes necessary variables
Loop, %Window_Found_Count%
If Dialog%A_Index% ; don't try to close dialog windows (e.g. save prompts)
If Exe_Name%RowText% = % Exe_Name%A_Index%
List_of_Process_To_End .= "|" . Window%A_Index%
StringTrimLeft, List_of_Process_To_End, List_of_Process_To_End, 1 ; remove 1st | character (empty reference otherwise)
Window_After_1st_Ending_Window_ID := Selected_Row + 1 ; find window after window to close for positioning focus in listview afterwards
LV_GetText(RowText, Window_After_1st_Ending_Window_ID, 2) ; Get the row's hidden text
Window_After_1st_Ending_Window_ID =% Window%RowText% ; over-ridden below if necessary
If Exe_Name%RowText% = % Exe_Name%Selected_Row% ; find an earlier window which won't be closed
Loop, %Window_Found_Count%
Window_After_1st_Ending_Window_ID := Selected_Row + 1 + A_Index
If Window_After_1st_Ending_Window_ID =% Window_Found_Count
LV_GetText(RowText, %Window_Found_Count%, 2) ; Get the row's hidden text
If RowText not between 1 and %Window_Found_Count% ; avoid an error when closing all windows
Window_After_1st_Ending_Window_ID =% Window%RowText%
LV_GetText(RowText, Window_After_1st_Ending_Window_ID, 2) ; Get the row's hidden text
If Exe_Name%RowText% != % Exe_Name%Selected_Row% ; find an earlier window which won't be closed
Window_After_1st_Ending_Window_ID =% Window%RowText%
Loop, Parse, List_of_Process_To_End,|
Gui_wid := A_LoopField
Gosub, End_Process_Subroutine
List_of_Process_To_End = ; reset
Gosub, End_Process_Update_Listview
Gosub, Display_List
Loop, %Window_Found_Count%
If Window%A_Index% =%Window_After_1st_Ending_Window_ID%
LV_GetText(RowText, A_Index, 2) ; Get the row's hidden text
LV_Modify(RowText, "Focus Select Vis")
Gosub, GuiControl_Enable_ListView1
Key_Pressed_ASCII =%A_EventInfo%
If Key_Pressed_ASCII =93 ; Alt+Apps key - context menu
Gosub, GuiContextMenu
If (Key_Pressed_ASCII =40) ; Down arrow
GoSub Alt_Tab
If (Key_Pressed_ASCII =38) ; Up arrow
GoSub Alt_Shift_Tab
; \ key - close window
If (Key_Pressed_ASCII =92 or Key_Pressed_ASCII =220) ; \ or Alt+\
If ( A_TickCount - Time_Since_Last_Alt_Close < 200 ) ; prevention of accidentally closing too many windows
Time_Since_Last_Alt_Close := A_TickCount
Gui_wid := Window%RowText%
Gosub, End_Process_Single
; / key - close all instances of exe
If (Key_Pressed_ASCII =47 or Key_Pressed_ASCII =191) ; / or Alt+/
If ( A_TickCount - Time_Since_Last_Alt_Close < 200 ) ; prevention of accidentally closing too many windows
Time_Since_Last_Alt_Close := A_TickCount
Gui_wid := Window%RowText%
Gosub, End_Process_All_Instances
Loop, %Window_Found_Count%
Selected_Row +=1
If Selected_Row > %Window_Found_Count% ; wrap around to start
Selected_Row =1
LV_GetText(List_Title_Text, Selected_Row, 2) ; hidden number column
; Check for parent's title for typing first letter
If Window_Parent%List_Title_Text% !=
WinGetTitle, List_Title_Text, % "ahk_id " Window_Parent%List_Title_Text%
WinGetTitle, List_Title_Text, % "ahk_id " Window%List_Title_Text%
StringUpper, List_Title_Text, List_Title_Text ; need to match against upper case when alt is held down
List_Title_Text:=Asc(List_Title_Text) ; convert to ASCII key code
If Key_Pressed_ASCII =%List_Title_Text%
LV_Modify(Selected_Row, "Focus Select Vis")
ColumnClickSort(Col, Update="") ; Col = column clicked on, Update = 1 if true else blank (apply only, not change order)
If Update=
If ((Sort_By_Direction = "Sort") and (Col = Sort_By_Column)) ; opposite sort direction - unless choosing a new column
Sort_By_Direction =SortDesc
Sort_Direction_Symbol =[-]
Sort_By_Direction =Sort
Sort_Direction_Symbol =[+]
Loop, %Col_Title0% ; reset column titles to remove [+] or [-] suffix
Col_Title_temp := Col_Title%A_Index%
LV_ModifyCol(A_Index,"", Col_Title_temp)
If (Col ="1" or Col ="2") ; Col 1 sorts using Col 2 (hidden)
LV_ModifyCol(2, Sort_By_Direction)
LV_ModifyCol(1,"", Col_Title1 " " Sort_Direction_Symbol)
LV_ModifyCol(Col, Sort_By_Direction, Col_Title%Col% " " Sort_Direction_Symbol)
If Update=1
Sort_By_Column := Col ; store
Display_List_Shown =0 ; set to execute update of listview widths
Gosub, Gui_Resize_and_Position
Display_List_Shown =1
SetTimer, Check_Alt_Hotkey2_Up, Off
SetTimer, SB_Update__CPU, Off
SetTimer, SB_Update__ProcessCPU, Off
If Single_Key_Show_Alt_Tab_Used =1
Send, {%Alt_Hotkey2% up}
Hotkey, *%Single_Key_Hide_Alt_Tab%, Off
Single_Key_Show_Alt_Tab_Used = ; reset
Hotkeys_Toggle_Temp_Hotkeys("Off") ; (state = "On" or "Off")
Gui, 1: Default
If Alt_Esc != 1 ; i.e. not called from Alt_Esc
Display_List_Shown =0
If Status%RowText% =Not Responding ; do not activate a Not Responding window (O/S unstable)
Alt_Esc =1
If Alt_Esc != 1 ; i.e. not called from Alt_Esc
wid := Window%RowText%
hw_popup := hw_popup%RowText%
WinGet, wid_MinMax, MinMax, ahk_id %wid%
If wid_MinMax =-1 ;minimised
WinRestore, ahk_id %wid%
If hw_popup
WinActivate, ahk_id %hw_popup%
WinActivate, ahk_id %wid%
Else If Alt_Esc =1 ; WM_ACTIVATE - clicked outside alt-tab gui 1
WinActivate, ahk_id %Active_ID%
Gui, 1: Destroy ; destroy after switching to avoid re-activation of some windows
LV_ColorChange() ; clear all highlighting
OnTop_Found = ; reset
Status_Found = ; reset
Alt_Esc = ; reset
Get_Window_Icon(wid, Use_Large_Icons_Current) ; (window id, whether to get large icons)
Local NR_temp, h_icon
Window_Found_Count += 1
; check status of window - if window is responding or "Not Responding"
NR_temp =0 ; init
h_icon =
Responding := DllCall("SendMessageTimeout", "UInt", wid, "UInt", 0x0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0x2, "UInt", 150, "UInt *", NR_temp) ; 150 = timeout in millisecs
If (Responding)
If Use_Large_Icons_Current =1
SendMessage, 0x7F, 1, 0,, ahk_id %wid%
h_icon := ErrorLevel
If ( ! h_icon )
SendMessage, 0x7F, 2, 0,, ahk_id %wid%
h_icon := ErrorLevel
If ( ! h_icon )
SendMessage, 0x7F, 0, 0,, ahk_id %wid%
h_icon := ErrorLevel
If ( ! h_icon )
If Use_Large_Icons_Current =1
h_icon := DllCall( "GetClassLong", "uint", wid, "int", -14 ) ; GCL_HICON is -14
If ( ! h_icon )
h_icon := DllCall( "GetClassLong", "uint", wid, "int", -34 ) ; GCL_HICONSM is -34
If ( ! h_icon )
h_icon := DllCall( "LoadIcon", "uint", 0, "uint", 32512 ) ; IDI_APPLICATION is 32512
If ! ( h_icon = "" or h_icon = "FAIL") ; Add the HICON directly to the icon list
Gui_Icon_Number := DllCall("ImageList_ReplaceIcon", UInt, ImageListID1, Int, -1, UInt, h_icon)
Else ; use a generic icon
Gui_Icon_Number := IL_Add(ImageListID1, "shell32.dll" , 3)
Gui, 2: Destroy
Gui, 1: Default
Gui, 3: Destroy
Gui, 1: Default
IniFile_Read_or_Write := Read_or_Write ; store
; Hotkeys
IniFile("Alt_Hotkey", "Hotkeys", "!")
IniFile("Tab_Hotkey", "Hotkeys", "Tab")
IniFile("Shift_Tab_Hotkey", "Hotkeys", "+Tab")
IniFile("Esc_Hotkey", "Hotkeys", "Esc")
IniFile("Single_Key_Show_Alt_Tab", "Hotkeys", "")
IniFile("Single_Key_Hide_Alt_Tab", "Hotkeys", "Enter")
; Sort_Order
IniFile("Sort_By_Column", "Sort_Order", "2") ; initial column to sort (2 is a hidden column)
IniFile("Sort_By_Direction", "Sort_Order", "Sort") ; initial sort direction
IniFile("Sort_Direction_Symbol", "Sort_Order", "[+]") ; initial sort direction
; Groups + Group_Hotkey - remember lists of windows
IniFile("Group_List", "Groups", "Settings|ALL")
If ! (Global_Include_Edit or Global_Exclude_Edit)
IniFile("Global_Include", "Groups", "")
IniFile("Global_Include", "Groups", "")
IniFile("Group_Active", "Groups", "ALL")
Loop, Parse, Group_List,|
IniFile(A_LoopField, "Groups", "")
IniFile(A_LoopField . "_Group_Hotkey","Groups", "")
If %A_LoopField%_Group_Hotkey
Hotkey_temp := A_LoopField . "_Group_Hotkey"
Hotkey, % %Hotkey_temp%, Group_Hotkey, On
IniFile(Var, Section, Default="")
If IniFile_Read_or_Write =Read
IniRead, %Var%, Alt_Tab_Settings.ini, %Section%, %Var%, %Default%
If %Var% =ERROR
%Var% = ; set to blank value instead of "error"
Else If IniFile_Read_or_Write =Write
IniWrite, % %Var%, Alt_Tab_Settings.ini, %Section%, %Var%
Replace_Modifier_Symbol( Variable_Name , New_Variable_Name )
; replace 1st modifier symbol in Alt_Hotkey,etc with its equivalent text (for hotkey up event compatability)
%New_Variable_Name% :=%Variable_Name%
StringReplace, %New_Variable_Name%, %New_Variable_Name%,#,LWin
StringReplace, %New_Variable_Name%, %New_Variable_Name%,!,Alt
StringReplace, %New_Variable_Name%, %New_Variable_Name%,^,Control
StringReplace, %New_Variable_Name%, %New_Variable_Name%,+,Shift
StringReplace, %New_Variable_Name%, %New_Variable_Name%,%A_Space%&%A_Space%, ; remove & for hotkeys like XButton1
ListView_Resize_Vertically(Gui_ID) ; Automatically resize listview vertically
Global Window_Found_Count, lv_h_win_2000_adj
SendMessage, 0x1000+31, 0, 0, SysListView321, ahk_id %Gui_ID% ; LVM_GETHEADER
WinGetPos,,,, lv_header_h, ahk_id %ErrorLevel%
VarSetCapacity( rect, 16, 0 )
SendMessage, 0x1000+14, 0, &rect, SysListView321, ahk_id %Gui_ID% ; LVM_GETITEMRECT ; LVIR_BOUNDS
y1 := 0
y2 := 0
Loop, 4
y1 += *( &rect + 3 + A_Index )
y2 += *( &rect + 11 + A_Index )
lv_row_h := y2 - y1
lv_h := 4 + lv_header_h + ( lv_row_h * Window_Found_Count ) + lv_h_win_2000_adj
GuiControl, Move, SysListView321, h%lv_h%
GetCPA_file_name( p_hw_target ) ; retrives Control Panel applet icon
WinGet, pid_target, PID, ahk_id %p_hw_target%
hp_target := DllCall( "OpenProcess", "uint", 0x18, "int", false, "uint", pid_target )
hm_kernel32 := DllCall( "GetModuleHandle", "str", "kernel32.dll" )
pGetCommandLineA := DllCall( "GetProcAddress", "uint", hm_kernel32, "str", "GetCommandLineA" )
buffer_size = 6
VarSetCapacity( buffer, buffer_size )
DllCall( "ReadProcessMemory", "uint", hp_target, "uint", pGetCommandLineA, "uint", &buffer, "uint", buffer_size, "uint", 0 )
loop, 4
ppCommandLine += ( ( *( &buffer+A_Index ) ) << ( 8*( A_Index-1 ) ) )
buffer_size = 4
VarSetCapacity( buffer, buffer_size, 0 )
DllCall( "ReadProcessMemory", "uint", hp_target, "uint", ppCommandLine, "uint", &buffer, "uint", buffer_size, "uint", 0 )
loop, 4
pCommandLine += ( ( *( &buffer+A_Index-1 ) ) << ( 8*( A_Index-1 ) ) )
buffer_size = 260
VarSetCapacity( buffer, buffer_size, 1 )
DllCall( "ReadProcessMemory", "uint", hp_target, "uint", pCommandLine, "uint", &buffer, "uint", buffer_size, "uint", 0 )
DllCall( "CloseHandle", "uint", hp_target )
IfInString, buffer, desk.cpl ; exception to usual string format
return, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\desk.cpl"
ix_b := InStr( buffer, "Control_RunDLL" )+16
ix_e := InStr( buffer, ".cpl", false, ix_b )+3
StringMid, CPA_file_name, buffer, ix_b, ix_e-ix_b+1
if ( ix_e )
return, CPA_file_name
return, false
If ( wParam =0 and A_Gui =1 and Display_List_Shown =1) ; i.e. don't trigger when submitting gui
Alt_Esc =1
Gosub, Alt_Esc ; hides alt-tab gui
Gui_Un_Dock_Windows_All_No_Alt_Esc = 1
Gosub, Gui_Un_Dock_Windows_All
; Listview color highlighting functions
LV_ColorInitiate() ; initiate listview color change procedure
; MUST include HWNDhw_LV_ColorChange when creating listview (Gui, Add, ListView, ... HWNDhw_LV_ColorChange)
VarSetCapacity(LvItem, 36, 0)
OnMessage( 0x4E, "WM_NOTIFY" )
LV_ColorChange(Index="", TextColor="", BackColor="") ; change specific line's color or reset all lines
If Index =
Loop, %Window_Found_Count% ; or use another count if listview not visible
Line_Color_%Index%_Text := TextColor
Line_Color_%Index%_Back := BackColor
WinSet, Redraw,, ahk_id %hw_LV_ColorChange%
WM_NOTIFY( p_w, p_l, p_m )
local draw_stage, Current_Line, Index, IsSelected=0
if ( DecodeInteger( "uint4", p_l, 0 ) = hw_LV_ColorChange ) { ; NMHDR->hwndFrom
if ( DecodeInteger( "int4", p_l, 8 ) = -12 ) { ; NMHDR->code ; NM_CUSTOMDRAW
draw_stage := DecodeInteger( "uint4", p_l, 12 ) ; NMCUSTOMDRAW->dwDrawStage
Current_Line := DecodeInteger( "uint4", p_l, 36 )+1 ; NMCUSTOMDRAW->dwItemSpec
if ( draw_stage = 1 ) ; CDDS_PREPAINT
else if ( draw_stage = 0x10000|1 ) { ; CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT
If ( DllCall("GetFocus") = hw_LV_ColorChange ) { ; Control has Keyboard Focus?
SendMessage, 4140, Current_Line-1, 2, , ahk_id %hw_LV_ColorChange% ; LVM_GETITEMSTATE
IsSelected := ErrorLevel
If ( IsSelected = 2 ) { ; LVIS_SELECTED
; custom selected color highlighting
EncodeInteger( Listview_Colour_Selected_Text, 4, p_l, 48 ) ; NMCUSTOMDRAW->clrText ; foreground
EncodeInteger( Listview_Colour_Selected_Back, 4, p_l, 52 ) ; NMCUSTOMDRAW->clrTextBk ; background
EncodeInteger(0x0, 4, &LvItem, 12) ; LVITEM->state
EncodeInteger(0x2, 4, &LvItem, 16) ; LVITEM->stateMask ; LVIS_SELECTED
SendMessage, 4139, Current_Line-1, &LvItem, , ahk_id %hw_LV_ColorChange% ; Disable Highlighting
; We want item post-paint notifications
Return, 0x00000010 ; CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT
; change the 3rd parameter in the line below if the line number isn't in the 2nd column!
LV_GetText(Index, Current_Line, 2)
If (Line_Color_%Index%_Text != "") {
EncodeInteger( Line_Color_%Index%_Text, 4, p_l, 48 ) ; NMLVCUSTOMDRAW->clrText ; foreground
EncodeInteger( Line_Color_%Index%_Back, 4, p_l, 52 ) ; NMLVCUSTOMDRAW->clrTextBk ; background
else if ( draw_stage = 0x10000|2 ) ; CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT
If ( IsSelected ) {
EncodeInteger(0x02, 4, &LvItem, 12) ; LVITEM->state
EncodeInteger(0x02, 4, &LvItem, 16) ; LVITEM->stateMask ; LVIS_SELECTED
SendMessage, 4139, Current_Line-1, &LvItem, , ahk_id %hw_LV_ColorChange% ; LVM_SETITEMSTATE
SetFormat, integer, hex
var += 0
SetFormat, integer, d
return var
DecodeInteger( p_type, p_address, p_offset, p_hex=true )
old_FormatInteger := A_FormatInteger
ifEqual, p_hex, 1, SetFormat, Integer, hex
else, SetFormat, Integer, dec
StringRight, size, p_type, 1
loop, %size%
value += *( ( p_address+p_offset )+( A_Index-1 ) ) << ( 8*( A_Index-1 ) )
if ( size <= 4 and InStr( p_type, "u" ) != 1 and *( p_address+p_offset+( size-1 ) ) & 0x80 )
value := -( ( ~value+1 ) & ( ( 2**( 8*size ) )-1 ) )
SetFormat, Integer, %old_FormatInteger%
return, value
EncodeInteger( p_value, p_size, p_address, p_offset )
loop, %p_size%
DllCall( "RtlFillMemory", "uint", p_address+p_offset+A_Index-1, "uint", 1, "uchar", p_value >> ( 8*( A_Index-1 ) ) )
return (oldValue & 0x00ff00) + ((oldValue & 0xff0000) >> 16) + ((oldValue & 0x0000ff) << 16)
GetProcessTimes(pid) ; Individual CPU Load of the process with pid
Static oldKrnlTime, oldUserTime
Static newKrnlTime, newUserTime
Static PreviousPID
oldKrnlTime := newKrnlTime
oldUserTime := newUserTime
hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", "Uint", 0x400, "int", 0, "Uint", pid)
DllCall("GetProcessTimes", "Uint", hProc, "int64P", CreationTime, "int64P", ExitTime, "int64P", newKrnlTime, "int64P", newUserTime)
DllCall("CloseHandle", "Uint", hProc)
If (PreviousPID != pid)
PreviousPID := pid
Return 0 +0.0
Return (newKrnlTime-oldKrnlTime + newUserTime-oldUserTime)/10000000 * 100 ; 1sec: 10**7
GetSystemTimes() ; Total CPU Load
Static oldIdleTime, oldKrnlTime, oldUserTime
Static newIdleTime, newKrnlTime, newUserTime
oldIdleTime := newIdleTime
oldKrnlTime := newKrnlTime
oldUserTime := newUserTime
DllCall("GetSystemTimes", "int64P", newIdleTime, "int64P", newKrnlTime, "int64P", newUserTime)
Return (1 - (newIdleTime-oldIdleTime)/(newKrnlTime-oldKrnlTime + newUserTime-oldUserTime)) * 100
MsgBox, 1, ALT-TAB REPLACEMENT, Delete Settings (.ini) and load defaults?
IfMsgbox, Cancel
FileDelete, Alt_Tab_Settings.ini
IniFile_Data("Read") ; load defaults
Gosub, Alt_Esc ; hides alt-tab gui
Gui, 99: Font, s9, Courier New
Gui, 99: Default
If A_ThisMenuItem =Help
Gui, 99: Add, Edit, vGui_99_Edit ReadOnly, %HELP%
If A_ThisMenuItem =Latest Changes
Gui, 99: Add, Edit, vGui_99_Edit ReadOnly, %LATEST_VERSION_CHANGES%
Gui, 99: Show,, %A_ThisMenuItem%
WinWaitActive, %A_ThisMenuItem%
ControlSend, Edit1, ^{Home}, %A_ThisMenuItem%
Gui, 99: Destroy
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