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subsetpark / interp.c
Last active August 17, 2021 09:58
baby's first Janet C module
#include <janet.h>
// Function to be exported
// Returns a Janet; that's the static value that boxes a dynamic Janet type
// argc: number of arguments it was called with
// argv: arguments array
static Janet interp(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
// Assert that argc == 2
janet_fixarity(argc, 2);
subsetpark / plugin_opts.lua
Created August 8, 2021 05:25
A working efm language server config for janet/lua
require('lspconfig').efm.setup {
init_options = {
documentFormatting = true,
hover = true,
documentSymbol = true,
codeAction = true, completion = true
settings = {
rootMarkers = {".git/"},
languages = {
Janet 1.12.2-5df8ac5 linux/x64 - '(doc)' for help
repl:1:> (import fugue)
repl:2:> (fugue/defproto shape ())
@[@{:_prototype_allocations {} :_object-id shape_000006 :_prototype? true :_object-name :shape :_fields () :new <function new-from-shape>} <function shape?>]
repl:4:> (fugue/defproto square shape (x {:init? true}))
@[<function x> @{:_prototype_allocations {} :_object-id square_00000a :_prototype? true :_object-name :square :_fields (:x) :new <function new-from-square>} <function square?>]
Define a CLOS-style class.
[name parent & attributes]
(def forms @[])
(let [init-args @[]
names-with-defaults (mapcat |[(keyword ($0 0)) (($0 1) :default)]
Hello, Joe!
subsetpark /
Last active October 13, 2020 22:31
Installing VS Code / VS Live Share under Linux
  1. Install the normal VS Code binary. I did this using the visual-studio-code-bin package on AUR for Arch Linux.
  2. Access the Extensions pane in the left-hand sidebar.
  3. Search for Live Share in the extensions search. There are a couple extensions associated with Live Share, but the Live Share Extension Pack will include all of them.
  4. There is now a Live Share affordance in the colored status bar at the bottom of the window. Clicking on it will prompt you to sign in and authenticate via OAuth.
  5. NOTE! I wasn't able to get Github auth to work. I had to create a Microsoft account and then do auth via Microsoft.
  6. After going through the OAuth flow, the Live View affordance at the bottom will be replaced by the email you used to auth into Microsoft.
  7. Open the directory you want to collaborate on.
  8. In the menu provided by the Live View affordance, you can copy the invite link for your session to the clipboard.
  9. Send the link to whomever you want to collaborate with.
subsetpark / erlang.kak
Created June 1, 2020 13:55
A half-baked kakoune language file for erlang.
# Detection
# ---------
hook global BufCreate .*\.(erl|hrl) %{
set-option buffer filetype erlang
# Highlighters
# ------------
subsetpark /
Created September 5, 2019 02:42
A brief introduction to trick-taking games


In every game, all the players receive some given number of cards. To play one hand is to play a series of tricks, where each player chooses one of the cards in their hand and plays it to the middle, and one of the players ends up winning the trick. Usually, the hand is finished when all the cards have been played in tricks, and deal rotates to the left and a new hand starts.


A trick is a single rotation, where everybody playing plays one of the cards in their hand to the middle. One person leads, or plays first, and then play proceeds to that player's left, until everyone in the game has played one card. A single person then wins the trick, and takes the cards that were played to signify they've won.

The rules that determine what a person may lead, what others may play after, and who wins are the meat of most games.

import TypeClass
defmodule Minotaur do
defstruct name: ""
defimpl TypeClass.Property.Generator, for: Minotaur do
def generate(_), do: %Minotaur{name: "#{:crypto.strong_rand_bytes(2)}"}
subsetpark / Wordpress API demo - root
Created April 10, 2019 14:50
Wordpress API demo - posts
[i] zax/SERV-1499/invoice-email ~/frame-src/massdriver & http OPTIONS
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-WP-Total, X-WP-TotalPages
Allow: GET
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2019 14:33:23 GMT