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Created December 11, 2020 21:47
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Janet 1.12.2-5df8ac5 linux/x64 - '(doc)' for help
repl:1:> (import fugue)
repl:2:> (fugue/defproto shape ())
@[@{:_prototype_allocations {} :_object-id shape_000006 :_prototype? true :_object-name :shape :_fields () :new <function new-from-shape>} <function shape?>]
repl:4:> (fugue/defproto square shape (x {:init? true}))
@[<function x> @{:_prototype_allocations {} :_object-id square_00000a :_prototype? true :_object-name :square :_fields (:x) :new <function new-from-square>} <function square?>]
repl:5:> (fugue/defproto circle shape (radius {:init? true}))
@[<function radius> @{:_prototype_allocations {} :_object-id circle_00000e :_prototype? true :_object-name :circle :_fields (:radius) :new <function new-from-circle>} <function circle?>]
repl:8:> (fugue/defproto manifold shape (hypoteneuse? {}))
@[<function hypoteneuse?> @{:_prototype_allocations {} :_object-id manifold_00000k :_prototype? true :_object-name :manifold :_fields (:hypoteneuse?) :new <function new-from-manifold>} <function manifold?>]
repl:9:> (fugue/defmethod area circle [{:radius radius}] (* math/pi (math/pow radius 2)))
@[<function area> @{:_prototype_allocations {} :_object-id circle_00000e :_prototype? true :_object-name :circle :_fields (:radius) :area <function 0x562F3F66DD60> :new <function new-from-circle>}]
repl:10:> (fugue/defmethod area square [{:x x}] (math/pow x 2))
@[nil @{:_prototype_allocations {} :_object-id square_00000a :_prototype? true :_object-name :square :_fields (:x) :area <function 0x562F3F66FF90> :new <function new-from-square>}]
repl:11:> (fugue/defmethod area shape [self] "This has an area, but I don't know what it is.")
@[nil @{:_prototype_allocations {} :_object-id shape_000006 :_prototype? true :_object-name :shape :_fields () :area <function 0x562F3F671040> :new <function new-from-shape>}]
repl:12:> (fugue/defgeneric area [x] "Does this even have an area?")
<function area>
# A demonstration of methods and inheritance
repl:13:> (area (:new circle 100))
repl:14:> (area (:new square 100))
repl:15:> (area (:new manifold))
"This has an area, but I don't know what it is."
repl:16:> (area :blub)
"Does this even have an area?"
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