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Smaller list of uncountable nouns list

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Uncountable Nouns List

Note that this is NOT a complete list of all uncountable nouns. Note too that some of these uncountable nouns can also be countable; in this list we show only the uncountable meaning.

  • access => the right to see or use something
  • accommodation => a place to live in or stay at
  • adulthood => the period of time when you're an adult
  • advertising => the business of making companies and products well-known
  • advice => suggestions about what someone should do
  • aggression => the urge to attack or to fight
  • aid => money or help given to those who need it
  • air => the mixture of gases surrounding the earth
  • alcohol => substance in drinks that makes people feel drunk
  • anger => a strong feeling we can get if we think we're being treated badly
  • applause => the sound of clapping after a performance or a speech
  • arithmetic => simple mathematics like adding, multiplying, etc.
  • art => paintings, sculpture, drawings, etc.
  • assistance => help given to someone
  • athletics => track and field events, such as running and jumping
  • attention => focus of awareness on something or someone
  • bacon => smoked or salted meat from a pig
  • baggage => bags and suitcases used while travelling
  • ballet => a style of dancing that tells a story
  • beauty => the quality that makes people or things beautiful
  • beef => meat from a cow
  • beer => an alcoholic drink made with malt and hops
  • biology => the study of plants, animals and other living things
  • blood => the red liquid inside our bodies
  • botany => the study of plants
  • bread => a common food that's made from wheat or other grains
  • business => any money-making venture or activity
  • butter => a dairy food that's made from cream
  • carbon => a chemical element that's in all living things (symbol C)
  • cardboard => very thick paper that's used to make boxes
  • cash => money in the form of notes and coins
  • chalk => material that's used for writing on blackboards
  • chaos => a situation that's out of control
  • cheese => a solid dairy food
  • chess => a popular board game
  • childhood => the period of life when you're a child
  • clothing => things you wear, like shirts, socks, etc.
  • coal => black substance that's dug up and burned
  • coffee => a drink made with ground, roasted seeds
  • commerce => the buying and selling of goods and services
  • compassion => strong sympathy for others
  • comprehension => the ability to understand something
  • content => the material in a file or on a website
  • corruption => dishonest or illegal activity by public officials
  • cotton => a type of cloth made from plant fibres
  • courage => the ability to act despite danger or fear
  • currency => the type of money used in a country
  • damage => harm caused to something or someone
  • dancing => bodily movements made to music
  • danger => the possibility of something very bad happening
  • data => statistical or digital information
  • delight => great happiness or pleasure
  • dessert => sweet food eaten at the end of a meal
  • dignity => calm and mature self-respect
  • dirt => soil, or anything that makes something dirty
  • distribution => a system for getting things to those who want them
  • dust => tiny particles in the air or on surfaces
  • economics => the study of the production and distribution of goods and services
  • education => the systematic teaching of children or adults
  • electricity => the power that runs lights, computers, etc.
  • employment => work given to someone for money
  • energy => the power to do things, or the power that makes things work
  • engineering => the design and building of roads, machines, etc.
  • enjoyment => the pleasure you get from something
  • entertainment => films, TV shows, etc. that we watch for enjoyment
  • envy => the feeling of wanting what someone else has
  • equipment => all the things needed to do a job or activity
  • ethics => the study of the principles of right and wrong
  • evidence => information used to show that something is true
  • evolution => gradual change or development over time
  • failure => lack of success in doing something
  • faith => strong belief or trust
  • fame => being known about or recognized by many people
  • fiction => books that tell imagined stories
  • flour => powder from grinding grains such as wheat
  • flu => an illness that feels like a very bad cold
  • food => the things people or animals eat
  • freedom => the ability, or the right, to do what you choose to do
  • fruit => foods like apples, oranges, bananas, etc.
  • fuel => anything that can be burned for heat or energy
  • fun => enjoyment from playful activities
  • furniture => tables, chairs, beds, etc.
  • garbage => things that you throw away
  • garlic => a vegetable similar to an onion
  • gas => a household fuel for heating and cooking
  • genetics => the study of genes and heredity
  • glass => the material windows and bottles are made of
  • gold => a precious metal (symbol Au)
  • golf => a game played with clubs and small white balls
  • gossip => the sharing of stories about other people's private lives
  • grammar => the rules of a language
  • grass => a plant that's grown to cover ground in parks and gardens
  • gratitude => the feeling of being thankful
  • grief => a feeling of great sadness
  • ground => the surface of the earth
  • guilt => a feeling of shame for doing something wrong
  • gymnastics => a sport involving physical exercises
  • hair => the thin strands that grow on your head
  • happiness => the feeling of being joyful or happy
  • hardware => the solid parts of a computer system
  • harm => damage or injury
  • hate => strong dislike of someone or something
  • hatred => strong dislike of someone or something
  • health => the state of your body and mind
  • heat => high temperature
  • height => how tall something or someone is
  • help => assistance given to someone in need
  • homework => schoolwork done at home
  • honesty => the quality of being honest, or of telling the truth
  • honey => a sweet food found in beehives
  • hospitality => welcoming behaviour towards visitors
  • housework => cleaning, washing and cooking done at home
  • humour => the quality that makes something funny
  • hunger => the feeling you get when your body needs food
  • hydrogen => a gas that can't be seen or smelled (symbol H)
  • ice => frozen water
  • ice cream => a frozen dessert food
  • importance => the degree to which something is important
  • inflation => rising prices
  • information => facts about something or someone
  • injustice => unfair treatment
  • innocence => the fact of not being guilty of a crime
  • intelligence => the ability to think about complex ideas
  • iron => a strong metal (symbol Fe)
  • irony => humour in which someone says the opposite of what they really mean
  • jam => sweet food made from fruit and spread on bread
  • jealousy => a bad feeling experienced if we think someone we love wants someone else
  • jelly => (British) a dessert made with gelatine
  • jelly => (USA) sweet food made from fruit and spread on bread
  • joy => a feeling of great happiness
  • judo => a martial art that employs throws and holds
  • juice => any liquid that's squeezed from fruit
  • justice => the fair treatment of people
  • karate => a martial art that employs kicks and punches
  • kindness => the quality of being kind to other living things
  • knowledge => facts and information known by someone
  • labour => work, especially physical work
  • lack => a shortage of something
  • land => an area of ground
  • laughter => the act or the sound of laughing
  • lava => hot, molten rock
  • leather => animal skin used for making clothes, bags, etc.
  • leisure => free time, or things you do in your free time
  • lightning => flashes of light in the sky during a storm
  • linguistics => the study of language
  • literature => novels, short stories, poetry, etc.
  • litter => rubbish dropped in public places
  • livestock => animals that are kept on a farm
  • logic => reasoned thought
  • loneliness => unhappiness caused by being alone
  • love => a very strong feeling of affection
  • luck => good fortune
  • luggage => bags and suitcases used while travelling
  • machinery => several machines, esp. large ones
  • magic => a mysterious power, or a magician's tricks
  • mail => letters and parcels sent by post
  • management => the job of running an organisation or business
  • mankind => all the people in the world
  • marble => a type of stone used for building
  • mathematics => the study of numbers and shapes
  • mayonnaise => a thick white sauce eaten with salads
  • measles => a type of disease
  • meat => animal or bird flesh eaten as food
  • metal => a hard substance, like iron or gold
  • methane => a colourless gas that's used as a fuel
  • milk => the liquid that baby mammals get from their mothers
  • money => what you earn from work, and then spend or save
  • mud => soft, wet earth
  • music => organised sound made for enjoyment
  • nature => all living things and the habitats that sustain them
  • news => information about recent events
  • nitrogen => one of the gases in our atmosphere (symbol N)
  • nonsense => anything that isn't true or sensible
  • nurture => the care given to a growing person or animal
  • nutrition => food the body needs for health
  • obedience => doing what someone tells you to do
  • obesity => the condition of being too fat
  • oil => a dark liquid from under the ground
  • oxygen => a chemical element in air and water (symbol O)
  • paper => material used for writing on or wrapping
  • passion => a very strong feeling
  • pasta => an Italian food made from flour and water
  • patience => the ability to wait without getting angry or upset
  • permission => the right to do something you can't normally do
  • physics => the scientific study of matter and energy
  • poetry => literature in the form of poems and verses
  • pollution => waste products that damage the environment
  • poverty => the state of being very poor
  • power => the ability to control people or things
  • pride => the feeling you have when you, or someone close to you, does something special
  • production => the process of making or growing things
  • progress => improvement or development
  • pronunciation => the sounds made when speaking a language
  • psychology => the study of the mind
  • publicity => attention given to something in newspapers, TV, etc.
  • punctuation => small marks used when writing, like commas and question marks
  • quality => the standard of something, or how good it is
  • quantity => the amount of something, or the number of things
  • quartz => a very hard rock
  • racism => the belief that some races of people are better than others
  • rain => water that falls from clouds in the sky
  • recreation => the things you do for fun or pleasure
  • relaxation => a state of rest or low stress
  • reliability => the quality of being unlikely to fail
  • research => work done to find or discover knowledge
  • respect => admiration for someone
  • revenge => acts done to punish someone who has hurt you
  • rice => a type of grain
  • room => the space needed for something
  • rubbish => things you don't need and throw away
  • rum => a type of alcoholic drink
  • safety => the lack of danger
  • salad => mix of raw vegetables like lettuce, tomato, etc.
  • salt => a white substance often added to food
  • sand => material found at beaches and in the desert
  • satire => humour used to criticize someone or something
  • scenery => views of mountains, lakes, valleys, etc.
  • seafood => food from the sea, like fish, crabs, etc.
  • seaside => an area near the sea
  • shame => the bad feeling you get after doing something wrong
  • shopping => the activity of going to shops and buying things
  • silence => complete quiet, with no sound at all
  • sleep => a natural state of unconsciousness and rest
  • smoke => clouds that rise from something that's burning
  • smoking => the act of enjoying cigarettes, pipes, cigars, etc.
  • snow => soft flakes that fall from the sky in cold weather
  • soap => a substance that makes cleaning easier
  • software => computer programs and operating systems
  • soil => dirt or earth in which plants can grow
  • sorrow => a feeling of great sadness
  • soup => a liquid food usually served in a bowl
  • speed => how fast something moves
  • spelling => forming written words with letters
  • sport => competitive activities like football, golf, tennis, etc.
  • steam => hot gas that rises from boiling water
  • strength => physical power
  • stuff => undefined material or things
  • stupidity => lack of thought or intelligence
  • success => the achievement of a goal
  • sugar => sweet crystals put in tea and coffee
  • sunshine => light from the sun
  • symmetry => perfect balance in design or form
  • tea => a drink made by adding boiling water to dried plant parts
  • tennis => game played on a court with racquets and balls
  • thirst => the feeling you get when your body needs water
  • thunder => a loud sound heard during a storm
  • timber => wood for building and for making furniture
  • time => duration as measured by clocks
  • toast => slices of bread that have been cooked in a toaster
  • tolerance => the ability to accept beliefs and behaviour that differ from our own
  • trade => the buying and selling of goods and services
  • traffic => all the cars and other vehicles using a road
  • transportation => the moving of goods and people from place to place
  • travel => going to other places, esp. distant places
  • trust => the belief that someone is honest
  • understanding => knowledge about something or someone
  • underwear => clothing worn under other clothes
  • unemployment => the lack of paid work
  • unity => the state of forming one unit
  • usage => how, or how much, something is used
  • validity => the state of being acceptable, legally or logically
  • veal => meat from a calf
  • vegetation => plants and trees
  • vegetarianism => the practice of only eating plant-based foods
  • vengeance => the act of punishing somebody who has hurt you
  • violence => actions meant to hurt or kill
  • vision => the ability to see
  • vitality => energy and enthusiasm
  • warmth => the state, or the feeling, of mild heat
  • water => a clear liquid that we have to drink
  • wealth => money and other valuable things
  • weather => local conditions, incl. temperature and rainfall
  • weight => how heavy a person or an object is
  • welfare => the health and well-being of people or animals
  • wheat => a grain that's used for making bread
  • whiskey => a strong alcoholic drink
  • width => the distance from one side to the other
  • wildlife => animals and other living things in their natural habitats
  • wine => an alcoholic drink made from grapes
  • wisdom => knowledge of life that's gained from experience
  • wood => the hard material in trees
  • wool => thick hair that grows on sheep
  • work => a job done for money, or any productive activity
  • yeast => a fungus used to make bread, wine and beer
  • yoga => a system of techniques for body and mind control
  • youth => the time, or the state, of being young
  • zinc => a chemical element (symbol Zn)
  • zoology => the scientific study of animals
access, accommodation, adulthood, advertising, advice, aggression, aid, air, alcohol, anger, applause, arithmetic, art, assistance, athletics, attention, bacon, baggage, ballet, beauty, beef, beer, biology, blood, botany, bread, business, butter, carbon, cardboard, cash, chalk, chaos, cheese, chess, childhood, clothing, coal, coffee, commerce, compassion, comprehension, content, corruption, cotton, courage, currency, damage, dancing, danger, data, delight, dessert, dignity, dirt, distribution, dust, economics, education, electricity, employment, energy, engineering, enjoyment, entertainment, envy, equipment, ethics, evidence, evolution, failure, faith, fame, fiction, flour, flu, food, freedom, fruit, fuel, fun, furniture, garbage, garlic, gas, genetics, glass, gold, golf, gossip, grammar, grass, gratitude, grief, ground, guilt, gymnastics, hair, happiness, hardware, harm, hate, hatred, health, heat, height, help, homework, honesty, honey, hospitality, housework, humour, hunger, hydrogen, ice, ice cream, importance, inflation, information, injustice, innocence, intelligence, iron, irony, jam, jealousy, jelly, joy, judo, juice, justice, karate, kindness, knowledge, labour, lack, land, laughter, lava, leather, leisure, lightning, linguistics, literature, litter, livestock, logic, loneliness, love, luck, luggage, machinery, magic, mail, management, mankind, marble, mathematics, mayonnaise, measles, meat, metal, methane, milk, money, mud, music, nature, news, nitrogen, nonsense, nurture, nutrition, obedience, obesity, oil, oxygen, paper, passion, pasta, patience, permission, physics, poetry, pollution, poverty, power, pride, production, progress, pronunciation, psychology, publicity, punctuation, quality, quantity, quartz, racism, rain, recreation, relaxation, reliability, research, respect, revenge, rice, room, rubbish, rum, safety, salad, salt, sand, satire, scenery, seafood, seaside, shame, shopping, silence, sleep, smoke, smoking, snow, soap, software, soil, sorrow, soup, speed, spelling, sport, steam, strength, stuff, stupidity, success, sugar, sunshine, symmetry, tea, tennis, thirst, thunder, timber, time, toast, tolerance, trade, traffic, transportation, travel, trust, understanding, underwear, unemployment, unity, usage, validity, veal, vegetation, vegetarianism, vengeance, violence, vision, vitality, warmth, water, wealth, weather, weight, welfare, wheat, whiskey, width, wildlife, wine, wisdom, wood, wool, work, yeast, yoga, youth, zinc, zoology
"ice cream",
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