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Created August 10, 2021 12:57
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Milma Backend

We use python programming language. Here is a quick tutorial. We use Django a python module for webdevelopment.


Flood Cess Calculations

The flood cess in Kerala is calculated on the value of the supply(CGST and SGST are not included in the value of supply).


  • The value of the goods supplied is Rs. 1000.
  • The GST rate is 12%. CGST is Rs. 60 and SGST is Rs. 60.
  • The flood CESS is 1% and will have a value of Rs. 10.
  • The total of your invoice will be Rs. 1130 only.
MRP = 1130
value = 1130*100/(12+1+100)

Here is the live example: billings/views/ line 165: amount_excl_tax = (amount * 100) / (item.gst_rate+cess_rate + 100)

Thermal print

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Stock and Financial Report Calculations

Closing Balance(Stock)= opening balance + purchase - sales - stock adjustment
Closing Balance(Financial)= closing balance(stock) * purchase rate
Difference(Financial)= opening balance + purchase - sales - closing balance
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