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Last active December 14, 2018 17:45
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Makefile for compiling PlantUML diagrams
# Makefile for PlantUML
# Author: Devin Weaver (@sukima) <>
# GistID: 52eacde54bf7861b19ee66a07b864583
# This handles SVGs PNGs and ASCII outputs.
# It handles included files with the .iuml extension: !include foo.iuml
# All diagrams have the .uml extension and reside in the diagrams directory
# All output is saved to the output directory
# make svg - (default) build all diagrams as SVGs
# make png - build all diagrams as PNGs
# make ascii - build all diagrams as ACII Art text files (.atxt)
# make all - build SVG, PNG, and ASCII files
# make depend - build the dependency cache (also done automatically)
# make clean - clean up build artifacts and output files
# Diagrams can be built in parrallel with `make -j`.
# If you installed plantuml from Homebrew (brew install plantuml) use this:
# PLANTUML = plantuml
PLANTUML = java -jar bin/plantuml.jar
SRC = diagrams
OUTPUT = output
DEPEND = .depend
SRC_FILES := $(wildcard $(SRC)/*.uml)
.PHONY: default all depend clean ascii svg png atxt
default: svg
all: svg png ascii
depend: $(DEPEND)
rm -rf $(OUTPUT) $(DEPEND)
ascii: atxt
svg png atxt: $(DEPEND)
@$(MAKE) $(patsubst $(SRC)/%.uml,$(OUTPUT)/%.$@,$(shell ls -1t $(SRC_FILES)))
$(OUTPUT)/%.svg: $(SRC)/%.uml
$(PLANTUML) -tsvg $< -o ../$(OUTPUT)
$(OUTPUT)/%.png: $(SRC)/%.uml
$(PLANTUML) -tpng $< -o ../$(OUTPUT)
$(OUTPUT)/%.atxt: $(SRC)/%.uml
$(PLANTUML) -ttxt $< -o ../$(OUTPUT)
@find_includes() { \
sed \
-e "s,^[[:space:]]*!include \([^<].*[^>]\)$$,$${1}/\1," \
-e t -e d "$$2" \
| paste -sd " " -; \
}; \
echo "# GENERATED BY make depend" > $@; \
echo "# DO NOT EDIT" >> $@; \
echo >> $@; \
for file in $^; do \
name="$$(basename -s .uml "$$file")"; \
includes="$$(find_includes "$(SRC)" "$$file")"; \
printf "$(OUTPUT)/%s.svg: %s\n" "$$name" "$$includes"; \
printf "$(OUTPUT)/%s.png: %s\n" "$$name" "$$includes"; \
printf "$(OUTPUT)/%s.atxt: %s\n" "$$name" "$$includes"; \
done >> $@
-include $(DEPEND)
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