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Created April 16, 2013 03:03
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Titanium Studio is very finicky about how it's installed and used on a computer. Despite the claims of several bug tickets at Appcelerator the Studio IDE does not provide clues or error messages when it has problems with what version of Node.js, titanium CLI package, Android SDK, or iOS SDK. It's ability to guide you in the installation process is severely lacking and down right broken.

Rule 1: DO NOT INSTALL NODE.JS VIA HOMEBREW! This will undoubtedly lead you astray. If you have, already done so you should uninstall it now! (See references)


Rule 3: DO NOT INSTALL THE ANDROID SDK BY HAND make Titanium Studio do it.

So here is the install procedures:

  1. Install XCode.
  2. In settings install the 6.1 Simulator and Command Line Tools
  3. Download Titanium Studio (As of the writing it was version:
  4. Run and check for updates. It should ask to install updates: titanium SDK, Node.js, and Alloy.
  5. Click on Help | install titanium SDK. Select install from update stream. Choose Release>2.1.4.GA in the drop down. And install.
  6. In the dash board click Get Started | Configure Native SDK | Android. Press the Install SDK button.
  7. When the andriod app pops up, choose a sane directory to install to (I used /Users/username/android_sdk).
  8. Leave the latest version checked and ready to install. Also check install for Android 2.2 (API 8). Then install everything. When done exit the app.
  9. Setup XCode with your certificates for deployment.
  10. Exit and Restart Titanium.

FYI Working version so far are:

| Studio | 3.0.2 | | Node.js | v0.8.22 | | NPM | 1.2.14 | | Titanium CLI | 3.0.24 | | Alloy | 1.0.0 |

According to the bug reports all these problems are fix in later releases of Titanium. However access to later releases seems to be restricted to those who download. (Possible paid feature).

Investigations on the use of Node.js 0.10.x or upgrading / installing with homebrew after are still on going. YMMV.


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