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drifting on a solar wind

Aaron Ross superhawk610

drifting on a solar wind
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PJUllrich /
Last active June 28, 2024 20:25
Big-O Time Complexities for Elixir Data Structures

Big-O Time Complexities for Elixir data structures

Map [1]

Operation Time Complexity
Access O(log n)
Search O(log n)
Insertion O(n) for <= 32 elements, O(log n) for > 32 elements [2]
Deletion O(n) for <= 32 elements, O(log n) for > 32 elements
juanbrujo /
Last active July 21, 2024 15:17
Files for PlayStation BIOS Files NA-EU-JP
ewen-lbh /
Last active September 14, 2023 01:48
Remove the "Deployments" tab from
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
ines /
Created August 1, 2019 12:19
Print colored visual diff in Python
import difflib
import wasabi
def diff_strings(a, b):
output = []
matcher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, a, b)
for opcode, a0, a1, b0, b1 in matcher.get_opcodes():
if opcode == "equal":
elif opcode == "insert":
fnky /
Last active July 22, 2024 12:03
ANSI Escape Codes

ANSI Escape Sequences

Standard escape codes are prefixed with Escape:

  • Ctrl-Key: ^[
  • Octal: \033
  • Unicode: \u001b
  • Hexadecimal: \x1B
  • Decimal: 27
const createLogger = (backgroundColor, color) => {
const logger = (message, ...args) => {
if (logger.enabled === false) {
`background-color: ${backgroundColor}; color: ${color}; padding: 2px 4px;`,
souporserious / getJSONFromFigmaFile.js
Created July 13, 2018 21:52
Generates JSON from Figma file
import request from 'request'
const api_endpoint = ''
const personal_access_token = 'FIGMA_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE' //
function downloadSvgFromAWS(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
SeppPenner / Installing Python 3.7.4 on Raspbian.rst
Last active May 9, 2024 21:52
Installing Python 3.7.4 on Raspbian

Installing Python 3.7.4 on Raspbian

As of July 2018, Raspbian does not yet include the latest Python release, Python 3.7.4. This means we will have to build it ourselves, and here is how to do it.

  1. Install the required build-tools (some might already be installed on your system).
jackdpeterson /
Created April 4, 2018 18:05
Ubuntu 18.04 - Mixed DPI with 4k Laptop monitor (HiDPI), and two LoDPI monitors (27", 21")
echo "setting frame buffer" &&
xrandr --fb 12800x2880 &&
echo "setting laptop monitor" &&
xrandr --output eDP-1-1 --mode 3840x2160 --rate 60 --primary&&
echo "setting 27 inch monitor" &&
xrandr --output DP-0.2 --mode 2560x1440 --scale-from 5120x2880 --panning 5120x2880+3840+0 --right-of eDP-1-1 &&
echo "setting the samsung monitor" &&
xrandr --output DP-0.1 --mode 1920x1080 --scale-from 3840x2160 --panning 3840x2160+8960+0 --right-of DP-0.2&&
echo "setting global scaling to 2x" &&
schmich /
Last active July 10, 2024 10:25
Programming media keys on the Ducky One 2 Skyline

Programming Media Keys on the Ducky One 2 Skyline

To use media keys on the Ducky One 2 Skyline, you must record a macro to bind the media function to a hotkey combination, i.e. Fn plus some key.


Important: In the instructions below, "Press X+Y+Z" means press and hold key X, press and hold key Y, press and hold key Z in that order, and then release all three.

As an example, to bind Fn+PgUp to the play/pause media function: