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RHO = 1;
T = 2;
V = 3;
var = 3;
n_points = 31;
n_time = 14000;
List of things I do in Brave Browser after installing.
1) In welcome tour, make sure you are not using Brave rewards
2) Install ublock origin. While Brave's inbuilt ad-block is good, ublock origin is better.
3) Optional extensions - Video Speed controller, Sponsor block, Advanced Profanity Filter
4) Settings -> Search for "dashboard" -> Customize ... page -> Turn off sponsored images
5) In Newtab page, there are some cards like Binance, Crypto etc.
Click on Edit Cards at the bottom and hide the onnes you don't need
6) Enable Password autogenerate - In brave://settings/braveSync, click start new sync chain -> phone. It will generate QR code
But you don't have to use it. Click on manage your devices. Make sure sync everything is enabled.
1) Shift toolbar to bottom. Search for "Dock" -> Position on screen -> Bottom
2) Remove unwanted tools from toolbar (in my case - Thunderbird, Rythmbox, Writer, Help)
3) Change desktop background
4) Connect Firefox sync to get access to previous bookmarks, accounts, etc. You may receive 2FA in primary email.
Remove pocket etc. Follow Firefox guide.
5) Install Brave browser. Follow brave browser guide.
6) Ensure Nvidia is in on-demand mode.
7) Install common tools like
vim racket htop git synaptic build-essential gnome-tweaks vlc nautilus-admin hardinfo ffmpeg
(set vlc as default for video and audio)
C:\Users\stubb\.conan\data\skybolt\1.2.1\_\_\source\src\Skybolt\SkyboltSim\System\EntitySystem.cpp(31,46): warning C424
4: 'argument': conversion from 'const double' to 'skybolt::sim::TimeReal', possible loss of data [C:\Users\stubb\.conan
C:\Users\stubb\.conan\data\skybolt\1.2.1\_\_\source\src\Skybolt\SkyboltSim\System\EntitySystem.cpp(31,34): warning C424
4: 'argument': conversion from 'const double' to 'skybolt::sim::TimeReal', possible loss of data [C:\Users\stubb\.conan
C:\Users\stubb\.conan\data\skybolt\1.2.1\_\_\source\src\Skybolt\SkyboltSim\System\EntitySystem.cpp(42,37): warning C424
4: 'argument': conversion from 'double' to 'skybolt::sim::TimeReal', possible loss of data [C:\Users\stubb\.conan\data\
PS C:\Users\Stubb\Documents\skybolt3> conan build OrbiterSkyboltClient --build-folder OrbiterSkyboltClientBuild
Using lockfile: 'C:\Users\Stubb\Documents\skybolt3\OrbiterSkyboltClientBuild/conan.lock'
Using cached profile from lockfile (orbiter-skybolt-client/1.0.0): Calling build()
-- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.19041.0 to target Windows 10.0.22000.
-- Conan: Using autogenerated FindSkybolt.cmake
-- Library AircraftHud found C:/Users/stubb/.conan/data/skybolt/1.2.1/_/_/package/8f392219b80e3bee08e78084e1bf89852a284543/lib/AircraftHud.lib
-- Found: C:/Users/stubb/.conan/data/skybolt/1.2.1/_/_/package/8f392219b80e3bee08e78084e1bf89852a284543/lib/AircraftHud.lib
-- Library MapAttributesConverter found C:/Users/stubb/.conan/data/skybolt/1.2.1/_/_/package/8f392219b80e3bee08e78084e1bf89852a284543/lib/MapAttributesConverter.lib
-- Found: C:/Users/stubb/.conan/data/skybolt/1.2.1/_/_/package/8f392219b80e3bee08e78084e1bf89852a284543/lib/MapAttributesConverter.lib
**** Orbiter.log
000000.000: Build May 1 2022 [v.602931718]
000000.000: Timer precision: 1e-07 sec
000000.000: Found 0 joystick(s)
000000.000: Module AtlantisConfig.dll .... [Build 220501, API 220501]
000000.000: Module AtmConfig.dll ......... [Build 220501, API 220501]
000000.000: Module DGConfigurator.dll .... [Build 220501, API 220501]
000000.000: Module OrbiterSkyboltClient.dll [Build 220501, API 220420]
000000.000: **** Creating simulation session
[00:00.000 --> 00:15.760] Hello and welcome to Managing Cut-Off. I'm Anthony Clangelo and I'm very excited about
[00:15.760 --> 00:19.460] today's show. We will be sitting down and talking to Brent Sherwood at the Senior Vice
[00:19.460 --> 00:23.560] President of Advanced Development Programs for Blue Origin. We're going to talk all about
[00:23.560 --> 00:27.960] orbital reef, which is their space station project that they have underway. They are
[00:27.960 --> 00:32.560] partnered with Sierra Space on the program and they have a bunch of other team members
[00:32.560 --> 00:37.760] involved Boeing, Redwire, Genesis Engineering Solutions, Arizona State University, among
[00:37.760 --> 00:44.960] others contributing to this. They previously won $130 million from NASA as part of the
[00:44.960 --> 00:51.560] commercial Leo Destinations program to develop these free flying space station concepts.
[00:51.560 --> 00:56.480] So they are in the mix alongside NanoRacks. We previously talked to Marshall Smi