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Last active August 5, 2016 17:14
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How to contribute to ODK

#How to contribute

We want help! Please contribute and help us fill out Open Design Kit to make it even better.

Create an issue

See something you think needs to be added, but you don't have time to do it yourself? See a typo, mistake, etc and you don't want to do a fork and fix it and then do a PR back to our repo? We get it. Creating an issue will let us know what's going on or let us know of your interest in helping us out.

From there we can figure out a way for you to do the thing you want. If it's to write a method, that can be done in a gist or in a public Google Doc and one of the maintainers can make sure once it's ready to go it gets into the code base.

If you don't feel comfortable working with Git and doing pull requests, that's totally OK, issues are a great way to contribute and help us out.

Do a Pull Request

If you are familiar with Git and Github or you want to get more familiar, here we go, we're going to walk through the pull request process. This is a great way to do it if you want to add an entire method or help us out with one that is already in process but needs to be expanded or you want to localize content (this is a huge job so we need help with this if you speak another language).

Feel like you don't know how to begin with this process? Here are some great articles to read to get more comfortable and familiar with Git and Github:

For Open Design Kit, we recommend following the outline of the article Contributing to Open Source. If you aren't a maintainer or collaborator on Open Design Kit, you'll want to fork the repo, do your work, and then do a pull request to let us know what you've done and we can then have a discussion, if necessary, and hopefully merge in the work. This has been written about in so many places, we didn't want to reinvent the wheel, so hopefully that article is helpful.

We realize that a lot of designers may not feel comfortable working with the actual code and using Git and Github. If this is the case, don't worry, open an issue and we'll figure out how to get your ideas into the kit.

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