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Created May 24, 2022 12:48
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instruction to install node and npm successfully in WSL

Setup a node.js env in WSL

I was trying to install nodejs in WSL for Emulating a server enviourment for creating and test a code before deploying into server. I was able to install the node successfully, but had issue with using npm. After a lot searching I was able to fix the issue by using nvm, here I am sharing the step for the same hope it helps.

I had also uninstalled the nodejs before proceding the nvm installation, here are commands for to perform the same:

  1. removing nodejs

    sudo get-apt remove nodejs
  2. update the pakages

    sudo apt-get update
  3. Install NVM

    curl -o- | bash
  4. Reload shell

    source ~/.bashrc
  5. Install the required node version

    nvm install v<version number>


  1. Installing Node.js with nvm to Linux & macOS & WSL
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