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Kenta SUZUKI suzuken

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thesamesam /
Last active December 21, 2024 19:38
xz-utils backdoor situation (CVE-2024-3094)

FAQ on the xz-utils backdoor (CVE-2024-3094)

This is a living document. Everything in this document is made in good faith of being accurate, but like I just said; we don't yet know everything about what's going on.


On March 29th, 2024, a backdoor was discovered in xz-utils, a suite of software that

pei0804 /
Last active December 5, 2024 08:21
pei0804 profile
dynamis /
Last active October 10, 2024 02:02
GitHub - Slack 連携メモ

GitHub と Slack の連携 には次の設定が必要:

Billz95 / .php_cs.dist
Last active September 11, 2024 10:46
A Customised fixer for PHP-CS-Fixer to use `prettier`'s php plugin to pre-process the code before getting analysed by other fixers. This would enable `php-cs-fixer` to take advantage of `prettier`'s ability of managing long line.
require_once __DIR__.'/relative/path/to/PrettierPHPFixer/File';
return PhpCsFixer\Config::create()
(new PrettierPHPFixer()),
'Prettier/php' => true,
stevenringo /
Created December 3, 2017 23:01
Links to YouTube recordings of AWS re:Invent 2017 sessions

| Title | Description

Principles of Adult Behavior

  1. Be patient. No matter what.
  2. Don’t badmouth: Assign responsibility, not blame. Say nothing of another you wouldn’t say to him.
  3. Never assume the motives of others are, to them, less noble than yours are to you.
  4. Expand your sense of the possible.
  5. Don’t trouble yourself with matters you truly cannot change.
  6. Expect no more of anyone than you can deliver yourself.
  7. Tolerate ambiguity.
  8. Laugh at yourself frequently.

MacbookAir mid 2013 に Windows10 と FF11 をインストールする話

ドーモ、皆=さん。 @ajiyoshi です。

この記事は #ajiting アドベントカレンダーの 12/18分です。

FF11というMMORPGがあります。2002年発売のゲームですから、もう13年も運営している長寿命のゲームです。2015年11月にシナリオの最終更新があり、以降のアップグレードはキャンペーンやバランス調整等のみとなる予定です。 かなり長期間遊んだゲームで、個人的に思い入れ深いゲームの一つです。せっかくなので、最終シナリオを堪能したくなり、再びFF11に舞い戻ってみました。


ashigeru /
Last active December 30, 2020 14:33
Prestoソースコードリーディング#2 メモ

Presto メモ

  • presto 0.60
  • [ QueryResource , TaskResource )


なんかそのまま mvn clean install eclipse:eclipse -DskipTests コマンド叩いても checkstyle で落ちたので:

mvn clean install -DskipTests
mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dcheckstyle.skip
danparsons / gist:3195652
Created July 29, 2012 01:46
How to stream the London 2012 Olympics

How to stream the London 2012 Olympics

There have been several HOWTOs posted regarding streaming the 2012 Olympics using HTTP / SOCKS proxies via SSH and other similar methods. None of these actually work using the latest Flash on Mountain Lion (with Firefox, Chrome or Safari). Additionally, the third-party streaming sites don't provide BBC's amazing interface, which lets you quickly skip to individual competitors and events. However, setting up an OpenVPN server does work, with some tweaks. You'll get the exact same UX that people in England receive.

> perl -E 'say "生" & "死"'
生 Life U+751F \xe7\x94\x9f 11100111 10010100 10011111
死 Death U+6B7B \xe6\xad\xbb 11100110 10101101 10111011
愛 Love u+611B \xe6\x84\x9b 11100110 10000100 10011011