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It was a problem with iButtons. Maybe they just have send me a DS version instead of RW.
I just received few pieces from two other suppliers and and all of them works without any problem.
For anyone coming to this later, I can confirm that's probably crappy iButtons. I just had the same problem and out of a batch of 10 only 2 could be rewritten.
For me this code didn't write to my RW1990. However, a slightly modified version found here does: https://github.com/tes66/Arduino-Uno/blob/master/RW1990.ino
However, this isn't fully complete (a hardcoded pin 10 is used); so here is my slightly modified version:
#define pin 10
OneWire ibutton (pin); // I button connected on PIN 2.
byte addr[8]; //array to store the Ibutton ID.
void setup(){
void loop(){
if (!ibutton.search (addr)){//read attached ibutton and asign value to buffer
Serial.print("> ");
for (byte x = 0; x<8; x++){
Serial.print(addr[x],HEX); //print the buffer content in LSB. For MSB: for (int x = 8; x>0; x--)
Serial.print(" ");
//compute crc//
byte crc;
crc = ibutton.crc8(addr, 7);
Serial.print("CRC: ");
if ( Serial.read() == 'w' ){
Serial.print(" ID before write:");
for (byte x=0; x<8; x++){
Serial.print(' ');
Serial.print(ibutton.read(), HEX);
// send reset
// send 0xD1
// send logical 0
digitalWrite(pin, LOW); pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); delayMicroseconds(60);
pinMode(pin, INPUT); digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); delay(10);
Serial.print(" Writing iButton ID:\n ");
// Hardcode here your desired ID //
// 01 D5 9F DC 02 00 00 96
byte newID[8] = {0x01, 0xA8, 0x29, 0xC9, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xCA};
for (byte x = 0; x<8; x++){
// send 0xD1
//send logical 1
digitalWrite(pin, LOW); pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); delayMicroseconds(10);
pinMode(pin, INPUT); digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); delay(10);
int writeByte(byte data){
int data_bit;
for(data_bit=0; data_bit<8; data_bit++){
if (data & 1){
digitalWrite(pin, LOW); pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pin, INPUT); digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(pin, LOW); pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pin, INPUT); digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
data = data >> 1;
return 0;
@MagicLegend For me this version also working fine. Thanks!
@MagicLegend Thanks for your version because the code written by @swiftgeek was hardcoded pin 8 in part of his code, and whene I use it with pin 12 my ibutton writing didn't work.
- If You using program above use pin 8 for data or change in program for pin 7.
- Do You gave +5v on pin "AREF"?
- If You using program above use pin 8 for data or change in program for pin 7.
- Do You gave +5v on pin "AREF"?
1.I use pin 8
2.I put it this way:
5V to RES 4.8K to pin 8 to the middle part of the Ibutton and the outside of the button simply to ground
Ok, my mistake, on phone it is a pin 8, but on photos I see GND - Resistor to pin 8 .
@DavidFpv do You use program from MagicLegend on 17 Nov 2019?
Do You change line:
#define pin 10
#define pin 8
Do You have other 1wire button to check?
Do You chech this 1wire button on other device (intercom with reader)?
o You have other 1wire button to che
As for the resistor connected to GND you are right.
This is an outdated picture.
Everything is connected as I mentioned
"program from MagicLegend on 17 Nov 2019" No, I did not try. I will try tomorrow
Which penis to use? 10 or 8
This button works 100% because it opens a door
Maybe try connecting a smaller RES?
I realized people do it ...
Use program writen by MagicLegen. You can use pin 10 or 8 - but you must set in program what pin You use.
4.8k it may be too big. Try 4.7k.
Use program writen by MagicLegen. You can use pin 10 or 8 - but you must set in program what pin You use.
4.8k it may be too big. Try 4.7k.
Ok I will try it.
Regarding the resistor I saw someone who used 330 ohms ... what do you say about that?
I use 4.7k ohms like others projects. It works and I don't see the need to use other values.
No, ds1990a-f5 is read only chip.
I ordered few pieces from two other suppliers. I've read russian forums. Many other people are having same issues like me. We will see how new stuff will handle with writing.