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sxing / README
Last active September 20, 2015 12:53
A copy of configure_edison, ww42 with WEP HEX fix
Below is an edited version of configure_edison (from the ww42 maintenance release) with the edits suggested by Karsten C. over at this link:
This should solve issues with connecting to 10 character (HEX) WEP keys.
sxing /
Last active January 10, 2024 14:37
Cloning Edisons by making a flashable image from an existing Edison

This’ll make a flashable clone of an existing Intel Edison (with Yocto... Ubilinux here: I've wanted to extract a flashable image from my Edisons for a while; I usually hack straight on my Edison until something works and don't want to porting to the Yocto build process afterwards. To clone Edisons, I've been using rubidium's commands from the Intel forums, but I wanted a method that worked on top of the Phone Flash Tool used for flashing Edison since it'll be easier to distribute images. I've tested this for flashing Edisons from ww36 (1.0), ww05-2015 (2.0), and ww25.5-2015 (2.1) firmwares to an ww25.5-2015 (2.1) based clone image.

NOTE: I've noticed that this doesn't work well with Edisons that are cloned copies that were produced through copying the entire mmcblk0 block as done in the Intel forum thread referenced above. I've built a workaround for that, but it is a bit longer: https://gist.github.c

sxing /
Last active February 28, 2017 11:33
Got problems with This is the path I take when things don't work out for some reason.

I'm guessing you've had some problems with the other CloningEdisons instructions ( if you're here. Sorry about that...

This is the path I take when things don't work out, usually related to a completely messed up data corruption that was my fault.

  1. Acquire a microSD card and an Edison breakout that has an microSD card slot, like the Arduino Expansion board. Make sure the microSD card is at least 4GBs in size.
  2. Make sure nothing that needs to be copied over is in your /home folder. This won't be copied over in the process.
  3. Follow these instructions to set up the Edison you want to clone to boot from USB:
  4. Boot to the microSD card.
  5. Make a ext4 image that is the same size as your / partition. If you've already made an image, I recommend not recreating a new image and skip this step to save some time. This gets me pretty close in size without being larger:
sxing / CloningEdisonsPart3 - Ubilinux
Last active February 10, 2018 16:14
Raw commands for copying an Ubilinux image to an SD card.
# connect an SD card and mount it. Assuming Arduino expansion board. Also, mount the / partition into the rootcopy folder.
mkdir /home/sdcard
mkdir /home/rootcopy
mkdir /home/sdcard/image
mount /dev/mmcblk0p8 /home/rootcopy
mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /home/sdcard
# copy the operating system to an empty ext4 image
dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/sdcard/edison-image-edison.ext4 count=1500 bs=1M iflag=fullblock
mkfs.ext4 /home/sdcard/edison-image-edison.ext4