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Created May 17, 2019 22:18
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# Displays all properties and sub properties of an object in a GUI
# JSON; Home; Properties; Object; GUI
# Requires -version 3
# JSONViewer Download Available At:
Function Show-AllProperties
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $InputObject,
# This specifies how many layers deep the JSON will go. It seems that anything more than 5 can result in a signifigant performance penalty
$JSONViewPath = "c:\bin\jsonview\jsonview.exe"
if(!(Test-Path $JSONViewPath)) { Write-Error "$JSONViewPath is not found. This is required."; break}
# Need to use reserved PowerShell variable $input to bypass the "one object at a time" default processing of pipelined input
$InputObject = $input
$Date = Get-Date
# Set the file path to the temporary file we'll save the exported JSON to so it can be loaded into jsonview.exe
# We will constantly overwrite/reuse this file since we have no way of safely deleting it without knowing for sure it's not being used by the jsonview.exe
$TempFilePath = $env:TEMP+"\PSjsonviewtemp.json"
# Create a status bar so if the conversion takes a long time to run, the user has some kind of visual feedback it's still running
$Params = @{
"Activity" = "[$Date] Converting object to JSON. This process may take several minutes to complete."
"Status" = "(Note: Increasing the -depth paramater beyond 4 may result in substantially longer processing times)"
"Id" = 1
Write-Progress @Params
# Convert the object to JSON. Need to use the Compress option to get around a bug when processing some Powershell Objects
try { $JSON = $InputObject | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth $Depth }
catch { Write-Warning "This object cannot be converted to JSON. Try selecting a sub property and trying again.`n$_"; break }
Write-Progress "Completed converting the object to JSON..." -id 1 -Completed
# Write the JSON to the temporary file and then open it with jsonview.exe
$JSON | Out-File $TempFilePath -Force
# Call the external JSON view application and pass it the file to display
Start-Process -FilePath $JSONViewPath -ArgumentList $TempFilePath
# Set a three letter alias to make it faster to run
Set-Alias sap Show-AllProperties
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