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Function MenuMaker{
[string]$Title = $null
$Width = if($Title){$Length = $Title.Length;$Length2 = $Selections|%{$_.length}|Sort -Descending|Select -First 1;$Length2,$Length|Sort -Descending|Select -First 1}else{$Selections|%{$_.length}|Sort -Descending|Select -First 1}
$Buffer = if(($Width*1.5) -gt 78){[math]::floor((78-$width)/2)}else{[math]::floor($width/4)}
if($Buffer -gt 6){$Buffer = 6}
# Displays all properties and sub properties of an object in a GUI
# JSON; Home; Properties; Object; GUI
# Requires -version 3
# JSONViewer Download Available At:
Function Show-AllProperties
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $InputObject,
# Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
Function Start-Cleanup {
Automate cleaning up a C:\ drive with low disk space
Cleans the C: drive's Window Temperary files, Windows SoftwareDistribution folder,
the local users Temperary folder, IIS logs(if applicable) and empties the recycling bin.
Install-Module -Name LoopbackAdapter -MinimumVersion -Force
Import-Module -Name LoopbackAdapter
# The name for the loopback adapter interface that will be created.
$loopback_name = 'VIP1'
# The name for the servers main network interface. This will be updated to allow weak host send/recieve which is most likely required for the traffic to work for the loopback interface.
$primary_interface = 'Primary NIC'
# The IPv4 address that you would like to assign to the loopback interface along with the prefix length (eg. if the IP is routed to the server usually you would set the prefix length to 32).
# Powershell GUI Tool for basic windows Administration###############
# Created by MLLSatyanarayana
# Version:1.3
# Enter one or mutiple servers line by line under EnterServers box and click the buttons according to your requirement