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Created May 17, 2019 22:20
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Function MenuMaker{
[string]$Title = $null
$Width = if($Title){$Length = $Title.Length;$Length2 = $Selections|%{$_.length}|Sort -Descending|Select -First 1;$Length2,$Length|Sort -Descending|Select -First 1}else{$Selections|%{$_.length}|Sort -Descending|Select -First 1}
$Buffer = if(($Width*1.5) -gt 78){[math]::floor((78-$width)/2)}else{[math]::floor($width/4)}
if($Buffer -gt 6){$Buffer = 6}
$MaxWidth = $Buffer*2+$Width+$($Selections.count).length+2
$Menu = @()
$Menu += "╔"+"═"*$maxwidth+"╗"
$Menu += "║"+" "*[Math]::Floor(($maxwidth-$title.Length)/2)+$Title+" "*[Math]::Ceiling(($maxwidth-$title.Length)/2)+"║"
$Menu += "╟"+"─"*$maxwidth+"╢"
For($i=1;$i -le $Selections.count;$i++){
$Item = "$(if ($Selections.count -gt 9 -and $i -lt 10){" "})$i`. "
$Menu += "║"+" "*$Buffer+$Item+$Selections[$i-1]+" "*($MaxWidth-$Buffer-$Item.Length-$Selections[$i-1].Length)+"║"
$Menu += "║"+" "*$MaxWidth+"║"
$Menu += "║"+" "*$Buffer+"X - Exit"+" "*($MaxWidth-$Buffer-8)+"║"
$Menu += "╚"+"═"*$maxwidth+"╝"
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