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Created November 4, 2015 21:05
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# set parameters
# encode numeric UID into three port numbers
TOTP_PORT1=$(( $(( ${TOTP_UID} / 4194304)) + 4096 ))
TOTP_PORT2=$(( $(( $(( ${TOTP_UID} % 4194304)) / 16384 )) + 4096 ))
TOTP_PORT3=$(( $(( $(( ${TOTP_UID} % 4194304)) % 16384 )) + 4096 ))
# encode TOTP code into three port numbers
TOTP_PORT4=$(( $(( ${TOTP_CODE} / 4194304)) + 4096 ))
TOTP_PORT5=$(( $(( $(( ${TOTP_CODE} % 4194304)) / 16384 )) + 4096 ))
TOTP_PORT6=$(( $(( $(( ${TOTP_CODE} % 4194304)) % 16384 )) + 4096 ))
# display results
printf "Numeric UID: %s\n" ${TOTP_UID}
printf "TOTP Code: %s\n" ${TOTP_CODE}
printf "Encoded Ports: %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s\n" \
# end of script
# set parameters
# encode numeric UID into three port numbers
TOTP_PORT1=$(( $(( ${TOTP_UID} / 4194304)) + 4096 ))
TOTP_PORT2=$(( $(( $(( ${TOTP_UID} % 4194304)) / 16384 )) + 4096 ))
TOTP_PORT3=$(( $(( $(( ${TOTP_UID} % 4194304)) % 16384 )) + 4096 ))
# encode TOTP code into three port numbers
TOTP_PORT4=$(( $(( ${TOTP_CODE} / 4194304)) + 4096 ))
TOTP_PORT5=$(( $(( $(( ${TOTP_CODE} % 4194304)) / 16384 )) + 4096 ))
TOTP_PORT6=$(( $(( $(( ${TOTP_CODE} % 4194304)) % 16384 )) + 4096 ))
# reconstruct numeric UID from port numbers
TOTP_UID1=$(( $(( ${TOTP_PORT1} - 4096 )) * 4194304 ))
TOTP_UID2=$(( $(( ${TOTP_PORT2} - 4096 )) * 16384 ))
TOTP_UID3=$(( ${TOTP_PORT3} - 4096 ))
# reconstruct TOTP code from port numbers
TOTP_CODE1=$(( $(( ${TOTP_PORT4} - 4096 )) * 4194304 ))
TOTP_CODE2=$(( $(( ${TOTP_PORT5} - 4096 )) * 16384 ))
TOTP_CODE3=$(( ${TOTP_PORT6} - 4096 ))
# display results
printf " %10s %10s\n" \
"Original" \
printf "Numeric UID: %10s / %10s\n" \
"${TOTP_UID}" \
"$(( ${TOTP_UID1} + ${TOTP_UID2} + ${TOTP_UID3} ))"
printf "TOTP Code: %10s / %10s\n" \
"${TOTP_CODE}" \
"$(( ${TOTP_CODE1} + ${TOTP_CODE2} + ${TOTP_CODE3} ))"
printf "Encoded Ports: %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s\n" \
# end of script
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