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Created October 31, 2010 14:48
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vim_bridge example try
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo "Self training for 'vim_vridge' example"
echo ""
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo "Example 1"
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
python << ENDPYTHON
from vim_bridge import bridged
def say_hello(first, last):
return "Hello, %s %s!" % (first, last)
echo SayHello("t9", "md")
" [Result]
" Hello, t9 md!
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo "Example 2"
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
python << ENDPYTHON
def get_longest(list):
return max(map(lambda s: len(s), list))
echo GetLongest(['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'])
" returns 5 (because "three" is 5 chars long)
" [Result]
" 5
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo "Example 3"
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
python << ENDPYTHON
def will_cause_exception():
raise Exception("Oops")
" This will throw an error to the user...
echo WillCauseException()
catch /.*python.*/
echo "Error occured"
echo "Clean up"
" [Result]
" Error occured
" Clean up
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo "Example 4"
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
python << ENDPYTHON
import os.path
def normalize_path(path):
return os.path.realpath(path)
echo NormalizePath("/this/../or/./.././that/is/./a/.//very/../obscure/..//././long/./../path/name")
echo NormalizePath("..")
" [Result]
" /that/is/a/path/name
" /Users
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo "Example 5"
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo "I skipped, because I couldn't understand the difference from example-4"
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo "Example 6"
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
python << ENDPYTHON
import os
def public():
return "I am public."
def _private():
return "I am private (available in the current script only)."
def my_name_is_auto_converted():
return "In Python, I'm called my_name_is_auto_converted, but in Vim, I'm called MyNameIsAutoConverted :)"
def _long_private_name():
return "I'm private, and my case is converted automatically."
echo Public()
echo s:Private()
" [Result]
" I am public.
" I am private (available in the current script only).
echo MyNameIsAutoConverted()
echo s:LongPrivateName()
" [Result]
" In Python, I'm called my_name_is_auto_converted, but in Vim, I'm called MyNameIsAutoConverted :)
" I'm private, and my case is converted automatically.
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo "Example 7"
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
python << ENDPYTHON
# import os.path
def is_cool(name):
"""I need to fix to convert True/False => 1/0 """
let = 1 if name == 'Mr. Freeze' else 0
return let
def dont_return_anything():
"""I need to fix to return 0 explicitly"""
print "I'm a function without return value."
return 0
echo IsCool("Mr. Freeze") | " => 1
echo IsCool("Mr. t9md") | " => 0
echo DontReturnAnything()
" [Result]
" I'm a function without return value.
" 0
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