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Last active June 2, 2017 05:03
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Describe a more specific plan to work and create value to Magmalabs with Magento

I think there are at least 3 ways to empower Magento at MagmaLabs, as we have noticed there are two principal issues with this platform, first the lack of clients (Mexicans or Americans) and finally the tired learning curve about new platform version.

Those 3 ways I will propose to atack the learning curve and give value to the company.

Magento 2.x and 1.x themes (Not frameworks, themes)

  • Get at least 3 desing proposals to implement, as if we were doing it for a client.
  • Issues resolved with this?

    • Each design proposal contains a lot of module developments, since frontend and backend.
    • Each of those modules will be training for Magento unit.
    • Each of those modules will be plug & play
  • How it is giving value?

    • In addition to help with the learning curve each module could be exported and seliing
    • Each theme could be selling through Themeforest or another platform.
    • Each theme could be presented as a client as it specific theme, and the effort will be almost null
  • TODO:

    • Discous with design team to know the possibility of generete at least 3 store design themes.
    • Once those desings are ready analize them to make a backlog of issues and taks to be implemented
    • Every module generated to the design theme purpose should be extracted and pushed to a independent repository

Our own one click platform installed

  • This project could help us to generate Magento projects faster than every other platform project and also faster than other companies does.
  • The general idea is make a interface that gets data and with that run an installer, behind this interface a command line tool previously developed will be exceuted, we are going to define if we need certain module or not, certain theme, certain payment method, etc.
  • Issues resolved with this?

    • In addition to the learning curve, this will help us to get a deep knoladge of the platform
    • Develop clients projects faster
    • Inspire and integrate at the same plataform the opportunity to generate spree/solidus projects
  • How it is giving value?

    • After this will be develop, client projects will cost less effort and generate more.
    • An opprotunity to create a more powerful, scalable and fantastic on click platform for the public, like Shopofy or Zoey: eCommerce Platform and Online Store Builder, between others.
  • TODO:

    • Create a CLI isntruments
    • Get all our modules to be utilized by the CLI
    • Design a web interface
    • Implement interface
    • Connect CLI with the interface

Our own store

  • One of the most popular way to impact in the Magento world is becoming noticed as a Magento team expert, it can be achieved generating our own store, selling some of our modules, blogging about Magento topics, offers install servies, etc.
  • Issues resolved with this?

    • Same about learning curve
  • How it is giving value?

    • Each selling module generate earnings for the company, as well the offer services.
    • We can use same modules developed at the 2 above suggestions.
    • Same developed modules in this suggestion could be used by our own one clikc platform or by any custom design theme.
  • TODO:

    • Get a custom design for Magma Store
    • Implement store
    • Define which modules will be selling by this platform

General TODO's

  • Get a Magento mentor or take a bootcamp
  • Get people to increase the unit if we need it
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