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Last active June 14, 2024 16:40
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Rofi emoji picker
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Use rofi to pick emoji because that's what this
# century is about apparently...
# Requirements:
# rofi, xsel, xdotool, curl, xmllint
# Usage:
# 1. Download all emoji
# $ rofi-emoji --download
# 2. Run it!
# $ rofi-emoji
# Notes:
# * You'll need a emoji font like "Noto Emoji" or "EmojiOne".
# * Confirming an item will automatically paste it WITHOUT
# writing it to your clipboard.
# * Ctrl+C will copy it to your clipboard WITHOUT pasting it.
# Where to save the emojis file.
# Urls of emoji to download.
# You can remove what you don't need.
function notify() {
if [ "$(command -v notify-send)" ]; then
notify-send "$1" "$2"
function download() {
notify `basename "$0"` 'Downloading all emoji for your pleasure'
echo "" > "$EMOJI_FILE"
for url in "${URLS[@]}"; do
echo "Downloading: $url"
# Download the list of emoji and remove all the junk around it
emojis=$(curl -s "$url" | \
xmllint --html \
--xpath '//ul[@class="emoji-list css_test1"]' - 2>/dev/null)
# Get rid of starting/closing ul tags
emojis=$(echo "$emojis" | head -n -1 | tail -n +1)
# Extract the emoji and its description
emojis=$(echo "$emojis" | \
sed -rn 's/.*<span class="emoji">(.*)<\/span> (.*)<\/a><\/li>/\1 \2/p')
echo "$emojis" >> "$EMOJI_FILE"
notify `basename "$0"` "We're all set!"
function display() {
emoji=$(cat "$EMOJI_FILE" | grep -v '#' | grep -v '^[[:space:]]*$')
line=$(echo "$emoji" | rofi -dmenu -i -p emoji -kb-custom-1 Ctrl+c $@)
if [ $exit_code == 0 ]; then
sleep 0.1 # Delay pasting so the text-entry can come active
xdotool type --clearmodifiers "${line[0]}"
elif [ $exit_code == 10 ]; then
echo -n "${line[0]}" | xsel -i -b
# Some simple argparsing
if [[ "$1" =~ -D|--download ]]; then
exit 0
elif [[ "$1" =~ -h|--help ]]; then
echo "usage: $0 [-D|--download]"
exit 0
# Download all emoji if they don't exist yet
if [ ! -f "$EMOJI_FILE" ]; then
# display displays :)
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omc8db commented Mar 5, 2023

This project is a crime and I love it.

Wrote this patch to download the list from the official unicode website instead of emojipedia. This only requires one download, should have a more stable format over time and cuts out the xmllint dependency + most of the parsing code.

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mmirus commented Nov 29, 2023

Here is a fork of @omc8db's fork that works with wayland, fixes an error with recent versions of rofi that prevents it from launching because ctrl+c is already bound by rofi, and fixes shellcheck warnings.

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