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Last active October 26, 2016 03:46
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二分検索/Binary Search
int binary_search(int value, int values[], int left_index, int right_index) {
int middle_index = (right_index - left_index) / 2 + left_index;
if (left_index > right_index) {
return -1;
else if (value < values[middle_index]) {
return binary_search(value, values, left_index, middle_index - 1);
else if (value > values[middle_index]) {
return binary_search(value, values, middle_index + 1, right_index);
else {
return middle_index;
def binary_search(value, values, left_index = nil, right_index = nil)
left_index ||= 0
right_index ||= values.size - 1
middle_index = (right_index - left_index) / 2 + left_index
if left_index > right_index
elsif value < values[middle_index]
binary_search(value, values, left_index, middle_index - 1)
elsif value > values[middle_index]
binary_search(value, values, middle_index + 1, right_index)
values = (1 .. 999).to_a
p binary_search(0 , values) # false
p binary_search(1 , values) # 0
p binary_search(2 , values) # 1
p binary_search(500 , values) # 499
p binary_search(999 , values) # 998
p binary_search(1000, values) # false
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