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Last active December 29, 2015 05:29
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Rey and Lok have yet another romantic cuddle! And maybe more ;D
Previously, on Elona DW!
16:53 Lok Hawk continues without missing a beat, "Now you go ahead make up your mind about the man, I've got to begetting back to that lovely lil vixen in my bed." He abruptly leaves without a backward glance.
16:53 Lok Rey hesitates, but not for long, she gets herself dressed and is rushing to Lok's house as fast as her legs can take her.
16:53 Lok (And now we dance)
16:54 Rocketgirl (Yup yup)
16:55 Rocketgirl She's at Lok's hovel in minutes, she doesn't bother knocking this time, instead electing to slip through the still broken window. She searches for him.
16:56 Lok You see a dark figure laying on the couch. The room is badly lit, as the only source of light is the window you just came through.
16:56 *** Rocketgirl is now known as Rey
16:58 Rey is relieved that he is here, and safe. With hesitant steps she walks over to him.
16:59 Lok Lok is in a deep sleep. You can hear him slowly breathing. He has dark bags under his eyes. Perhaps he is exhausted from the day's events prior.
17:02 Rey She kneels next to couch, feeling guilty as sh watches him sleep. She wishes she wasn't so confused. She wishes she could be the kind of woman who could love without fear. She wishes she wasn't so...broken.
17:05 Rey "Lok.." she whispers, "It's not love me so much..and I can hardly love anyone at all.."
17:07 Lok is still sleeping. It seems he cannot hear you. His expression is more than tired...he seems sad.
17:07 Rey reaches out to stroke his hair.
17:08 Lok 's breath softens at Rey's touch.
17:10 Rey She smiles to herself, "You're less scary when you're sleeping...there's so many things I wish I could tell you...but I...I just get so nervous."
17:12 Lok A cold air blows through the window. Though Lok is wearing his cloak, the freezing night manages to get him to shiver.
17:12 Rey looks around for an extra blanket.
17:13 Lok There are no blankets around, but there is a cabinet nearby. Perhaps there is something in there.
17:14 Rey She digs through the cabinet looking for anything suitably warm.
17:15 Lok There is hardly anything in the cabinet. Some spare socks, even some shoes, but not even a spare cloak in sight. At first, you find it odd, but then you recall that Lok and his companions did some packing before going to Noyel.
17:17 Rey curses inwardly, realizing she won't be able to find anything of use...she could give him her cloak...but then she'd be freezing...
17:18 Lok shivers once more.
17:19 Rey An idea dawns upon her...and makes her insides churn...she /could/ try and snuggle up with him the way she did with Hawk....
17:21 Rey She's paralyzed with fear at the idea...with Hawk she didn't get scared..he was familiar, and she knew his feeling for her to be only fatherly...but Lok loved all the ways a man can love a woman.
17:23 Rey tried to steady her breathing, she /knew/ Lok was a good man, that he wouldn't do anything inappropriate to her...but fear still made her stomach clench...
17:24 Rey But she /couldn't/ let him freeze...and he was only sleeping...she could always wake up before him and move so he didn't get the wrong idea...
17:25 Rey looks to see if there's even enough room for her on the couch.
17:26 Lok There is a little room on the couch, but not a lot. It is, after all, a couch. And not a very flattering couch either.
17:30 Rey blanches, she suddenly feels so cold. She throws her cloak over him. Letting out a deep breath she counts to ten then forces herself to get under the cloak and snuggle next to him.
17:30 Lok (SQUEEEEEE)
17:31 Rey She's tries to prevent herself from shaking uncontrollably, and fails.
17:35 Rey feels trapped, dark memories invade her mind, tearing her away from the present. She's shivering violently, her body turned so that he face pressed up against Lok's chest.
17:37 Lok As the nightmares close in onto your mind, you can find a small comfort in the beat of Lok's heart.
17:37 Rey her*
17:39 Lok But...something is off. You are now close enough to hear Lok's heavy breathing, from which you can hear a slight wheezing. Despite your efforts to give him warmth, he is still shivering.'s trembling...?
17:42 Lok is mumbling. You can't really make out the words. "....av......Rey..."
17:44 Rey His voice seems to pull her out of her torment, still trembling she observes his face.
17:45 Rey And strains to hear what he's saying.
17:46 Lok You can make out a few more words..." live.....or...Rey..."
17:47 Rey It occurs to her than that he might be sick or injured. Hands shaking she feels his forehead for his temperature.
17:48 Lok It is burning hot to the touch. You didn't see it before because of how dark it was, but there's definitely beads of sweat coming from his forehead.
17:50 Rey pales, she has no idea how to help him...other than to keep him warm. She forces herself to cling to him tighter all the while fighting off the demons of her past. (T_T)
17:52 Lok (poor Rey D: )
17:52 Lok "I will always...protect...her..."
17:53 Lok left arm jolts. It startles you.
17:55 *** Twib joined #dw
17:55 Rey is terrified, for herself, and for /him/. Her eyes glaze over as the images in her mind become more...violent. Yet still she forces herself to still cling.
17:56 Lok (harro twib )
17:58 Lok slowly opens his eyes.
17:59 Lok looks around. He sees a familiar elf clinging to him.
17:59 Lok "...Rey...?"
17:59 Rey doesn't respond, she's trembling violently.
18:00 Lok observes Rey and realizes she is not well.
18:00 Lok "Rey...what's wrong...?"
18:03 Rey Her grips on you tightens painfully, her eyes are shut tight, and she's muttering something.
18:04 Rey Something, that sounds like, ""
18:04 Lok grimaces at her tight grip, but manages to suppress a groan. He slowly shuffles his arms, and carefully wraps them around Rey, holding Rey close to his chest. In an attempt to calm her down, he softly strokes her hair. "Rey...It's okay...I'm here for you..."
18:07 Rey Her trembling slows, and she opens her eyes, they look like she has seen Death himself. "Lok...are.. you ok?"
18:09 Lok grimaces. "I'm just...I'm just tired..." Lok looks into Rey's eyes. The poor elf looks like she's about to cry. "What's wrong Rey...? Why aren't you home with Hawk...?"
18:12 Rey bites her bottom lip, "I...was worried...about you." She's still shaking, and her eyes are watering.
18:13 Lok /She was worried...for me...?/
18:14 Lok tries his best to hide his pain. "But why? /Hawk/ is the one who's been drinking himself to death..."
18:16 Rey Her eyes still hold that terrified fleeing look, "Because I can help you."
18:17 *** Halibel joined #dw
18:17 Lok (IT'S HALI )
18:17 Halibel (Good lord, a full house.)
18:17 Halibel (...are we gaming today? We weren't gaming today, were we? Shit.)
18:18 Rey (*waves* Hi Halibel! No we are just goofing off.)
18:18 Halibel (...wait, it's Sunday. Of course we're not.)
18:18 Halibel (Oh, okay. Wait--Saturday... right. Okay.)
18:19 Rey (XD you cam play with us though! I miss getting to be Shira)
18:19 Halibel (Why is ChanServ in here? Did one of you guys tick off an admin?)
18:19 Halibel (Sure thing. I need a distracting from the /massive cultural indignity/ I must suffer.)
18:19 Lok heart skips a beat. There was an angel...right on top of him. Did this mean...Rey chose Lok?
Lok stares deep into Rey's beautiful hazel eyes. It breaks his heart to see Rey like this. "Rey...I'm not sure I'll ever understand the pain you've endured. But please believe me when I say this; I intend to protect you. I would do anything to ease your pain, Rey. And I will never.../ever/...ask for anything in return because..."
23:48 Lok tenderly holds her as tightly as he can, afraid that if he let's go, she'll fall into pit of fear and despair. He whispers into her ears, "...I love you."
23:52 Rey She's crying, "Lok...part of me loves you too...but I n-need you to... l-let go of me right now...."
23:52 Lok immediately let's go.
23:52 Lok Guilt washes over his heart. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..."
23:53 Rey slowly rolls off the couch and curls up into a ball. She's shivering violently again.
23:53 Rey "Not...y-your...f-f-f-fault.." she stutters.
23:54 Lok quickly takes off his coat, and puts it over Rey, careful not to touch her. He then takes Rey's coat, and spreads it over Rey.
23:55 Lok " that better?"
23:56 Rey Her teeth are chattering, her eyes hazy...they seem very far away. She doesn't respond.
23:56 Lok quickly looks around for a blanket, but doesn't find any.
23:57 Lok gets off the couch, and hobbles over to hi cabinet to search for something to warm Rey with.
23:57 Lok "Damnit...I packed it all away..."
23:58 Lok has a desperate look on his face as he looks upon Rey.
23:59 Lok What good is a man who cannot ease his beloved's pain?
00:00 Lok "Rey...Are you still cold?"
00:01 Lok Silence.
00:01 Rey trembles, and says "S-stay away...p-please...don't touch me."
00:02 Rey Her eyes are unfocused, seeing far past you.
00:02 Lok widens his eyes. She isn't cold...she's scared.
00:03 Lok sits down next to Rey, who is curled up on the floor.
00:04 Lok Tears are now streaming from his eyes.
00:05 Lok "Rey...I'm here...I won't let anyone hurt you ever again...please hear my words..."
00:05 jdstroy ;_;
00:05 Lok "Know them to be true..."
00:07 jdstroy
00:07 Rey Your words seem to break her out of her trance, "Lok....they've already...hurt me so much."
00:08 Lok "I know Rey...and I'm sorry I haven't been able to take that pain away. But I will care for you, and love you for as long as it takes...until my dying breath. So please...if you can find comfort in anything in the world...please..."
00:09 Lok Tears drop onto the floor below.
00:09 Lok "...believe in /me/."
00:11 Rey reaches for your hand, "I'm t-trying to..."
00:11 Lok slowly reaches for her hand...and gently touches it. He is careful not to hold it, so as not to scare her any further.
00:14 Rey After minutes of trembling on the floor Rey seems to slowly pull herself together.
00:15 Lok ", sleep on the's much more comfortable. I'll sleep on the other couch, okay?"
00:16 Rey shakes her head, "No, you'll be too cold then. I made myself snuggle you because you seemed like you had a ever and were shaking..."
00:17 Rey fever*
00:17 Rey (brb, plz continue)
00:17 Lok flinches. A fever?
00:18 Lok touches his head. It's not burning like before, but it's still quiet hot.
00:18 Lok /The's draining me.../
00:19 Lok If he does not pay his debts soon...there will be no future to look forward to.
00:19 Lok looks at Rey's worried expression.
00:19 Lok But...this is more important.
00:20 Lok takes a deep breath. " know I would never force you to do something you would not want to do...but..."
00:25 Rey Her eyes are wide and fearful as she whispers, "But?"
00:26 Lok "Perhaps...just for tonight...could you keep me warm...?"
00:28 Rey looks down. "I can promises." She's terrified her past will return to haunt her.
00:29 Lok "It's okay...the moment you want to stop, we'll stop. I promise."
00:29 Lok Hopefully...this will calm her worries. But how will he calm her fears?
00:31 Rey nods, then asks, "Do you have a bed....the couch is really small."
00:31 Lok shakes his head. "No...I'm sorry...but...I suppose we could..."
00:31 Lok looks at both his couches.
00:31 Lok "Ah...wait one moment."
00:32 Lok moves some clutter out of the way, and with great difficulty, he managed to push the couches together.
00:32 Lok (It's a couch bed )
00:33 Lok takes one look at his make-shift bed and hangs his head in shame.
00:33 Lok A mansion...this is not.
00:33 Rey She smiles nervously, "At least now I can't fall off.."
00:33 Lok rubs his head awkwardly.
00:34 Lok "Right...uhm...after you I suppose?"
00:37 Rey She climbs onto the makeshift bed, moving all the way to one side.
00:38 Lok Lok does the same. He takes the cloaks, and spreads it over both Rey and himself.
00:42 Rey isn't facing you, and she's already trembling.
00:42 Lok heart begins to break. Is there nothing more he can do for his beloved...?
00:42 Lok Sebastian's words come to mind...
00:43 Lok **Locke: The world? To me?
00:43 Lok **Sebastian: (he is smiling widely) Yes master Locke. She will be your...your /everything/.
00:44 Lok **Locke: But...but what if she doesn't like /me/? What if she's scared of me? (He is looking at the ground. What girl would like /him/ anyways?)
00:44 Lok **Sebastian: (He is rubbing his chin in deep thought. Suddenly, he grins and snaps his fingers.) ...You /sing/.
00:44 Lok **Locke: (His eyes widen) What?
00:45 Lok **Sebastian: Sing from the heart Locke...and maybe...just'll touch hers.
00:45 Lok **Locke: That sounds silly...she'll laugh at me!
00:45 jdstroy Feels. All the feels. ;_;
00:45 Lok **Sebastian: (he is chuckling) Haven't I already told you? Some prizes...
00:46 Lok sighs. Some prizes..are worth the risk.
00:46 Lok "...I'll be your knight in shining armor..."
00:47 Lok "...You'll be the princess in the tower..."
00:47 Lok "...I'll be there soon, so wait a bit longer..."
00:47 Lok "...And I will rescue you..."
00:47 Lok flinches. This is silly. Stupid Sebastian...
00:48 Lok **Locke: I'm not even /good/ at singing...
00:48 Lok **Sebastian: Nonsense! You've got the voice for it! Just...give it a go!
00:48 Lok "...Of all women, you're like no other..."
00:48 Lok "If only I...could be your lover..."
00:48 Lok "...From all evil, fears, and horror..."
00:49 Lok "...I'll always rescue you..."
00:49 Lok looks at Rey to see if there's any reaction...any reaction at all.
00:55 Rey has turned at him, and is smiling pleasantly, "Your voice is... soothing."
00:55 Lok widens his eyes.
00:55 jdstroy Mood music!
00:56 Lok **Locke: Okay...say she DOES like my voice...what do I sing?
00:56 Lok **Sebastian: Well...why not just write one now?
00:56 Lok **Locke: (is startled) What? Who would I practice singing it to? You? I think not!
00:56 Rey (perfect song for right now lol)
00:57 jdstroy Isn't it?
00:57 Lok **Sebastian: (He rolls his eyes)'s up to you really. Trust me though...there's no time like the present. (he winks at Locke.)
00:57 Lok smiles at Rey, and continues to sing.
00:58 Lok "...I'll be your prince, and you'll be my bride..."
00:58 Lok "...You'll be my joy...and my greatest pride...."
00:59 Lok "I promise I' at your side..."
00:59 Lok (Derp.)
00:59 Lok (wrong verse...that was the verse I was preparing while you were gone >.>)
01:00 Lok (Starting over from Lok smiling)
01:00 Lok smiles at Rey, and continues to sing.
01:00 Lok "Please don't run... away in fear..."
01:00 Lok "...I promise that... if you stay here..."
01:01 Lok "I'll always be... true to you dear..."
01:01 Lok "...Please let me rescue you..."
01:01 Lok is now staring into Rey's eyes.
01:03 Rey looks content, "Singing, always reminds me of home."
01:04 Lok smiles. If only Sebastian can see him now...
01:04 Lok continues to sing.
01:04 Lok (oops)
01:04 Lok ( i mean)
01:04 Lok "Ah...sorry about that..."
01:07 Rey "Why are you sorry? It's rare that I can even remember my real home...but I remember the singing, my mother used to sing whenever she was happy." There are tears in her eyes.
01:08 Lok (T_T)
01:08 Lok His heart pangs with guilt...
01:09 jdstroy ;_;
01:09 Lok "Please...I didn't mean to make you cry...I'll stop..."
01:10 Rey wipes her eyes and gives him a strangely peaceful smile, "Don't stop. I /want/ to remember what it was like before..."
01:10 Lok hesitates, and then he smiles. If only Sebastian could see him now...
01:10 Lok "...Are you sure...?"
01:12 Rey "Very." She tentatively reaches for your hand.
01:14 Lok widens his eyes in surprise. He slowly reaches for her hand...and touches it.
01:14 Lok (Does she hold Lok's hand?)
01:14 Rey holds your hand squeezing ever so slightly.
01:15 Lok At her delicate touch, Lok can feel his breath being taken away.
01:15 Lok continues to sing.
01:16 Lok "I'll be your prince, and you'll be my bride..."
01:16 Lok "You'll be my joy... and greatest pride..."
01:16 Lok "I promise I'll be... at your side..."
01:16 Lok takes a deep breath.
01:16 Lok "...My heart belongs to you."
01:17 Lok is silent. His cheeks are now red with embarrassment.
01:20 Rey is still holding your hand, "Can you sing for me when I get scared Lok? It...helps. Alot."
01:20 Lok widens his eyes. He is astonished...she liked it. She really liked it.
01:21 Lok "Of...O-of course...!"
01:24 Rey blinks a few times, her breathing slows, "I'm kinda tired Lok...can we talk til I fall asleep?"
01:26 Lok 's arm is slowly draining him of life. He barely has any energy left...but he refuses to show any sign of weakness to Rey. This moment...alone with Rey. He
01:26 Lok 's never been happier.
01:26 Lok smiles. "Of course Rey...what do you want to talk about?"
01:27 Rey thinks for a second, "Tell me something I don't know about you. We can trade secrets."
01:28 Lok ponders.
01:28 Lok "Well../that's/ not fair. You've /already/ done research on /me/. After all, that used to be your job remember?"
01:29 Rey She chuckles, "I don't know everything though, you were fun to tail because you're such a mystery."
01:30 Lok grins. "Well...let's see..."
01:30 Lok ponders.
01:31 Lok "...Why don't you give me a general idea of what you /do/ know about me first then?"
01:32 Rey "Where's you favorite place in the world? And you can't say 'by your side or something like that' I want a real place."
01:33 Lok chuckles. "But it /is/ by your side! ..Alright alright, don't give me that look...let me think..."
01:34 Lok ponders.
"Well...I don't know if you already knew this about me, but I used to live in this big mansion. My favorite place to be was on the porch...Just...standing there. Paintbrush in hand...trying to capture the multitude of colors that the world offered me."
01:42 Lok (weird, still lagging)
01:43 Lok (k I think I fixed it)
01:43 Rey sighs, "That sounds lovely."
01:44 Lok smiles. "Let's see...what to ask you...?"
01:45 Lok chuckles. "The woman I love is laying right in front of me, and I barely know a thing about her. Well then...what's /your/ favorite place in the world?"
01:46 Rey She puts one hand under her chin and thinks "Is it ok if I have two?"
01:47 Lok "Of course!"
01:47 Rey thinks aloud*
01:49 Lok (OH sorry, did she not say it?0
01:49 Rey "Well there was this one field of wildflowers by where my family's caravan would stop to rest. It was so...peaceful and the horses loved it. If I could find it I'd like to back someday."
01:49 Rey (no she did no worries)
01:50 Lok (Oh ok, that almost got "Hawk"ward)
01:50 Rey go back*
01:50 Lok (I thought maybe you were correcting it BECAUSE I responded xD)
01:52 Rey Then she grins, "And I also love pretty much /any/ circus." She laughs, it's a high and musical sound, "Hawk made the mistake of taking me to one when I was younger, and at 16 I ran away to join one...I was gone two days before he found me."
01:52 Lok laughs. "Really now? Did you get to do anything while you were there?"
01:55 Rey There's mischief in her smile,"Well I got to steal lots of yummy food, and I helped take care of the horses. Hawk was so mad when he found me, I think he threatened to disembowel the poor ringleader."
01:56 Lok manages a chuckle. He strains to fight back against the tattoo's overwhelming power.
01:59 Rey "" Her face grows serious, "Do want a family?"
02:00 Lok blinks. "Well...I mean...I wouldn't /mind/ having a family..."
02:01 Lok "Uh, but Rey! It's okay though, I mean, to have a family...we'd have to...I mean...well you know. I would never force you into /that/! Honest!"
02:01 Rey (d'awwwwwwwwwwwwwww)
02:01 Lok is stumbling over his own words.
02:02 Lok "N-n-not that I've already assumed that you...and me...I mean...well...I uh..."
02:03 Lok cheeks turn that ever so familiar reddish hue once more. In an attempt to prevent any further embarrassment, he shuts his mouth.
02:04 Rey flushes, and looks past you, "I know that you wouldn't force me...but I know you'll want to..eventually...I'm asking if you /want/ a family of your own someday?"
02:06 Lok **Sebastian: you want a family of your own someday?
02:06 Lok **Locke: What? But I already /have/ a family Sebastian!
02:06 Lok **Sebastian: (He shakes his head) I mean...with another woman.
02:07 Lok **Locke: (He stutters) W-w-what? Aren't a bit /young/ to be thinking about these kinds of things?
02:07 Lok **Sebastian: You're almost of age Locke. It's time you thought about your future...
02:07 Lok mutters to himself. "...My future..."
02:09 Lok looks at Rey. "...I believe..I would want a family. But...if you don't...I'm fine with that. You're all I need in this world Rey."
02:16 Rey worries her lip, looking concerned, "I thought so...Lok..I...don't know if I can ever give that to you..." She closes her eyes, "it's not even just the s-s-s-ex...I might be too messed" she can't seem to finish that sentence.
02:18 Lok gives Rey a serious look. "Rey...I don't care if we never have a child. I don't care if we never have sex. I don't even care if we never kiss. I just want /you/ to be happy. As long as you're smiling, I'll always be happy..."
02:20 Rey She frowns, "But you do care, I can tell you do...and I'm so sorry..."
02:21 Lok shakes his head. "No...really! I /don't/ care! I like the /idea/ of having a family...but your happiness comes first. It will /always/ come first....Honest."
02:25 Rey looks as though she doesn't believe you, "Lok....most men be intimate...and carry on their legacy..I understand, and I wish you /didn't/ have to make sacrifices for me happiness."
02:25 Lok /me shakes his head.
02:25 Lok (fail)
02:25 Lok shakes his head
02:28 Lok "Legacy...? Rey...I'm just a thief. And intimacy?"
02:28 Lok gently squeezes Rey's hand.
02:28 Lok "...From a woman like you...this is more than enough."
02:28 Lok smiles.
02:30 Lok "So please understand...I only want to live to make you smile for the rest of your life."
02:30 Rey stares sadly into your dark eyes, "But I should be able to give you everything...not just more than enough."
02:32 Lok "Rey. To me.../you/ are my everything."
02:33 jdstroy D'awwwwwwwwww
02:34 Rey She snuggles closer to him, "I'll try to believe you Lok."
02:34 Lok smiles, and softly sings.
02:35 Lok "I'll be your prince, and you'll be my bride..."
02:35 Lok "You'll be my joy... and my greatest pride..."
02:35 Lok "I promise I'll... be right at your side..."
02:35 Lok "My heart belongs to you..."
02:37 Rey looks like she's already drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
02:39 Lok For a while now, the tattoo has been draining Lok at night. Lok can hardly keep his eyes open's a wonder if he'll even wake up.
02:39 Lok "My"
02:40 Lok 's eyes are too heavy now. His mind drifts away, and he begins to sleep.
02:41 Lok -SCENE-
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