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tailbane / The Dead, Undead, and the Dead-er
Created March 16, 2014 09:53
Owl Eye and Beatrice meet, face to face! ...Sort of!
Clarice **Previously, on Elona-DW!
00:58 Clarice /Oh, you didn't know? As long as you're touching him, you will see or hear that of which you desire the most! Creatures of the Undead are so fascinating aren't they? You know, I wrote a paper on an evolutionary theory of how Vampires came to be, and.../
00:58 Clarice So does that mean Owl Eye did this to Dove...?
00:58 Clarice OwlEye laughs, "If ya ever miss him..I'm always willing beautiful."
00:59 Clarice A cold chill runs down her spine as she hears this.
00:59 Clarice /Leaving already? That's a shame, I wanted to get to know him better. Then again, he almost got to know /me/ better...can't have that can we? Still, must be nice having a vampiric Mage in your guild. I'm sure he has his uses.../
01:00 Clarice With a chuckle he adds, "And I'd love ta meet yer new friend Clarice."
01:00 Clarice Clarice 's hair turns black.
01:00 Clarice Time appears frozen for all but Clarice and Owl Eye.
01:00 Clarice Clarice looks over her shoulder with a d
tailbane / Home Again
Created March 8, 2014 02:24
Clarice has returned to Derphy! What will she do next?
*** Lok joined #elona-dw
20:41 Lok **Previously, on Elona-DW!
20:42 Lok Clarice is staring out the window of her carriage with sad
eyes...wondering if her beloved will be alright.
20:42 *** Lok is now known as Clarice
20:42 NickServ Welcome to Lunarnet IRC, Clarice! Here on Lunarnet IRC, we
provide services to enable the registration of nicknames and channels! For
tailbane / Meet the Thorunsvalds!
Created February 16, 2014 10:53
Hawk gets to see Lok's family!
2014-02-12 03:02:22 Lysander **Previously, on Elona DW!
2014-02-12 03:02:47 Lysander Finally...he had confessed his love to her.
2014-02-12 03:02:54 Lysander And now, here she was...on her way home.
2014-02-12 03:02:59 Lysander ...Alone.
2014-02-12 03:04:41 Lysander Hawk met with each of his sisters and spoke to them, he shared memories with the older ones, gave Maddy one of his daggers, and played hide and seek with Ally for a bit.
2014-02-12 03:04:48 Lysander Hawk sought out his stepmother, smiled at her, and said, "I know we'll never be on good terms, but I think you done a good job with the girls." She was speechless and confused.
2014-02-12 03:04:53 Lysander Now time for the most difficult of all.
2014-02-12 03:05:10 Lysander Hawk wanted so badly to finally kill the old man, gods know the sick fuck deserved it..but he needed the ass..rather his guild did, "If I died would still fund the guild right?"
2014-02-12 03:05:27 Lysander Deshal leaned on his cane, "If they continue to be useful to
tailbane / A Heart to Hawk talk.
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Hawk finally meets Lok's father! If only the circumstances were better...
02:09:04 Lok *Previously, on Elona DW!
2014-01-28 02:11:55 Lok Hawk turns his head to look in her eyes, "But that's nothing compared to...well my mistake..." He cannot bear to meet her eyes, "I'm marked for assassination now."
2014-01-28 02:13:01 Lok Clarice widens her eyes. "What!?"
2014-01-28 02:13:24 Lok Hawk gives her a half-hearted smile, "I'm not worried for myself darling, I worry for /you/. You won't be safe around me until I've dealt with this Sanguine Devil woman."
2014-01-28 02:13:44 Lok But she doesn't /want/ to go...
2014-01-28 02:13:54 Lok /But you don't want your boy to get hurt either right? The Sanguine Devil is way out of your league dear...just leave it to the professionals. Listen to me...I /promise/ we'll make sure your boyfriend gets through this. For now, you need to be a good girl, and head on home...alright?/
2014-01-28 02:14:00 Lok But she wants to help...
2014-01-28 02:14:05 Lok /You're not strong enough. I'm sorry to be the ice queen here, but you're simply too weak. Again.
tailbane / Cyber Dome Distress
Created February 11, 2014 10:50
What happens when you get between a Big Daddy and his little sister? You don't want to know!
*Previously, on Elona-DW!
00:37 Lok Rey found herself blushing was /their/ song. Tears of
pride and joy fell from her eyes.
00:37 Lok Rey stands and claps loudly along with everyone!
00:37 Lok The blonde gentleman rushes to Lok with a strange voice-amplifying
device in hand. "Sir! That was beautiful! Simply amazing!"
00:38 Lok Lok takes a bow, and leaves the stage.
00:38 Lok The audience cheers, and the ceremony's closing music plays in the
tailbane / Welcome to the Cyberdome!
Created February 10, 2014 08:33
What is this strange place? Discover the tech-savvy Cyberdome of Tyris!
Lok **Previously, on Elona-DW
20:30 Lok Rey held the boy tightly against her. She couldn't help but smile, even though her arms felt half dead from exhaustion.
20:31 Lok And the small taste of vengeance had only made her feel...empty inside..until she saw the boy.
20:31 Lok Rey Then her reasons made sense. Vanquishing evildoers wasn't best on it's own it was just killing for the right reason.
20:31 Lok But saving a suffering innocent...that was more than enough to inspire Rey to bloody her hands again.
20:31 Lok Nothing would be the same now..she'd killed. She was like Lok and Hawk now. She didn't know if she'd be ok.
20:32 Lok But as she held the sleeping boy in her arms, well, at least now she knew it was worth it.
20:32 Lok No matter how much it hurt her.
20:32 Lok ----
20:32 *** Rocketgirl is now known as Rey
tailbane / Joshua
Created February 3, 2014 02:39
Rey is having an emotional breakdown. Perhaps she will find solace in the heart of an innocent boy.
Rey *Previously on Elona DW*
22:25 Rey Relief flows through her like fresh air, and she can't help but smile as she looks down at her handsome..lover. She could use that word for him now.
22:25 Rey Rey had already decided to let Lok sleep in...maybe..just maybe she could find a simple mission to do while he caught up on his rest!
22:26 Rey A caravan attack, a sabotage mission, and a kidnapping request!
22:27 Rey Lok Eventually, a man clad in black leathers makes his way to the job board. His legs are long, and his limbs are spidery. His hair: A distasteful black Mohawk. He stands in front of the board for a moment, and takes the kidnapping request!
22:28 Rey The thief lunges onto another branch, but not before your arrow hits him right between the eyes!
22:28 Rey (I give up I suck at this...)
22:31 Rey Rey stands there watching in horror as he falls..she hit him in the head...she hadn't meant to do that...she /killed/ someone
22:33 Rey The fat man plays with his mustache and continues to grin.
tailbane / If You Never Say Goodbye [The World Knot]
Created February 2, 2014 06:25
The veil is sometimes thin between worlds! What happens when you cross the boundary?
Yuni **Previously, on IYNSG!
18:42 Yuni A small but clear "hem!" sounds from the darkness. A woman's voice. The sound of stiff-heeled shoes /click/ing across smooth floor...
18:42 Yuni She is closer--you can sense her warmth seeming to radiate out of the darkness--but she is no brighter, no clearer. The Dark Lady of the Dark Place has arrived, stars braided in her hair, faint moonlight caught on her lips.
18:42 Yuni "I apologize for the lack of notice. But there has been... misfortune."
18:43 Yuni "In Ectdysozoa, in the farmlands theirof, small communities have been--vanishing. One, a few months ago; the second, two weeks ago. And now, a third, within the hour."
18:43 Yuni "I trust you will do your best... as will you all."
18:43 Yuni And so, our intrepid heroes set off to the farmlands, only to find...!
18:44 Yuni They are--human--or used to be--but each of them is lopsided and ungainly, their body parts exchanged with those of oversized insects and arachnids. Three of them bear the featur
tailbane / Rey's First Kill
Created February 1, 2014 09:39
Rey must cope with her first kill.
21:04 Lok **Previously, on Elona DW!
21:05 Lok "You know what? I've decided I /will/ buy you two a room."
21:05 Lok His face is completely concealed with a black mask and a hood.
21:05 Lok There are no markings on a fact, it doesn't even have eye-holes...
21:05 Lok He is wearing a large, black, hooded trenchcoat.
21:06 Lok On his back is Katana...although, it's longer than your usual katana. It' actually a Dai-katana, but only Lok is familiar with that kind of weapon.
21:06 Lok Rey looks at the man again and asks, "Who might you be sir?"
21:06 Lok It is a deep, distorted voice. The black mask seems to muffle it some.
21:06 Lok He chuckles. "Just a friendly passerby. Here..."
tailbane / Confession
Created January 27, 2014 05:19
It's time for Hawk to fess up! He's been marked, and it's time for him to let Clarice know! But how will Clarice take it?
**Previously, on Elona-DW!
22:27 Lok Arcturus glares at Hawk. "...N-No...kill me. Torture me...I'm afraid this is all the information I'll be giving you today Bloody Hawk." Suddenly, he bites down on his tongue.../hard/. Muffled scream of pain can be heard from his insides, but he does not stop biting down. Blood spurts from his mouth...and then he spits something out at you. The object slides
22:27 Lok down Hawk's shirt. It's his tongue.
22:27 Lok Hawk sighs, and offers up a silent prayer to his god. Then his whips out his dagger and slices open the mage's throat.
22:28 Lok Hawk knows that his father will take care of the body, so he proceeds to loot the corpse before Deshal gets a chance to.
22:28 Lok There's a folded piece of paper in one of his pockets. Other than that, nothing else.
22:28 Lok It reads, "Whomever reads this note, know that you have been marked. With love, 'The Sanguine Devil.' "
22:28 Lok He feels like he just really screwed himself over somehow..
22:28 Lok Hawk wonders if