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Created February 16, 2014 10:53
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Hawk gets to see Lok's family!
2014-02-12 03:02:22 Lysander **Previously, on Elona DW!
2014-02-12 03:02:47 Lysander Finally...he had confessed his love to her.
2014-02-12 03:02:54 Lysander And now, here she was...on her way home.
2014-02-12 03:02:59 Lysander ...Alone.
2014-02-12 03:04:41 Lysander Hawk met with each of his sisters and spoke to them, he shared memories with the older ones, gave Maddy one of his daggers, and played hide and seek with Ally for a bit.
2014-02-12 03:04:48 Lysander Hawk sought out his stepmother, smiled at her, and said, "I know we'll never be on good terms, but I think you done a good job with the girls." She was speechless and confused.
2014-02-12 03:04:53 Lysander Now time for the most difficult of all.
2014-02-12 03:05:10 Lysander Hawk wanted so badly to finally kill the old man, gods know the sick fuck deserved it..but he needed the ass..rather his guild did, "If I died would still fund the guild right?"
2014-02-12 03:05:27 Lysander Deshal leaned on his cane, "If they continue to be useful to me, then yes, of course." He raises his eyebrows, "Now where is this coming from exactly? You aren't exactly the type to plan ahead much boy.."
2014-02-12 03:05:34 Lysander Hawk hesitates, then lies, "I'm over 35 my line of work age will soon catch up to me and kill me. It is not if, but when...for /her/ sake I must prepare."
2014-02-12 03:06:02 Lysander Deshal snorts, "You act like you're going to marry this girl. Isn't it a bit soon for thoughts like that?"
2014-02-12 03:06:18 Lysander Hawk rolls his shoulders back and frowns, "Perhaps..but I care about her."
2014-02-12 03:06:28 Lysander Lysander is staring at his orb as he walks the streets of Palmia.
2014-02-12 03:06:35 Lysander Lysander arches an eyebrow. "Hm? Am I getting warmer?"
2014-02-12 03:06:48 Lysander Lysander accidently bumps into Hawk, who was too busy staring at his own feet to notice.
2014-02-12 03:07:12 Lysander Lysander squints his eyes at Hawk. "...Wait...You look...familiar..."
2014-02-12 03:07:21 Lysander Hawk gives him a half-hearted smile in return, he appears to be studying your face as well, "As do you..though you're too old.."
2014-02-12 03:08:42 Lysander Hawk narrows his eyes, and sighs, "I happen to be Magnus Deshal's bastard, thank you so much for for reminding me. Now please get out of my way."
2014-02-12 03:08:56 Lysander "Right...Well, to answer your question from earlier, my name is Lysander. Now...are you marked for assassination?"
2014-02-12 03:09:04 Lysander Hawk is fed up with this conversation, "Why do you even care? Are you here to kill me?"
2014-02-12 03:09:09 Lysander "No...But I will need you to come with me."
2014-02-12 03:09:27 Lysander Lysander and Hawk ride at a steady pace to his house.
2014-02-12 03:10:43 Lysander Many times, the more information you have, the more danger you expose yourself to.
2014-02-12 03:10:51 Lysander One day though...he hopes to tell his son /everything/.
2014-02-12 03:10:58 Lysander Till that day...he must focus.
2014-02-12 03:11:02 Lysander ----
2014-02-12 03:12:21 Lysander Time passes by.
2014-02-12 03:19:39 Lysander (There is 1 day left till Rodrich's magic show)
2014-02-12 03:19:49 Lysander (There are 5 days left till the Inquisition)
2014-02-12 03:23:21 Lysander The road to Lysander's mansion is long.
2014-02-12 03:23:57 Lysander During the night, Hawk and Lysander decided to make camp, rather than face the ether-tainted beasts of Tyris at night.
2014-02-12 03:25:18 Lysander When morning came, they continued their journey, having various conversations to keep the trip interesting.
2014-02-12 03:25:40 * Hawk tries to break the silence that has fallen. " do you intend to handle this..umm problem of me being marked?"
2014-02-12 03:26:41 Lysander "Basically, we're going to give you a bath."
2014-02-12 03:26:52 Lysander Ah. That may have come out wrong.
2014-02-12 03:27:13 Hawk "What?"
2014-02-12 03:28:26 * Lysander can't help but chuckle at his poor choice of words. "Ah...sorry. Let me explain, do you remember when you opened the note, and it said you were marked?"
2014-02-12 03:29:00 * Hawk nods, "Yes..I /tried/ to be careful about opening it..but no luck."
2014-02-12 03:30:22 Lysander "Well, don't beat yourself up about it. Even an archmage wouldn't be able to detect the trap, because it wasn't even a magic ward."
2014-02-12 03:30:54 Hawk He raises an eyebrow, "It wasn't? Then what the fuck was it?"
2014-02-12 03:32:07 * Lysander rubs his chin. "Tell much do you know of Science and technology?"
2014-02-12 03:33:26 * Hawk is a bit embarrassed to admit, "Not much honestly. I'm Derphy born and raised."
2014-02-12 03:34:45 Lysander "That's to be expected. The majority of Tyris is actually quite oblivious to the wonders of modern technology. Yet, for such a new concept, it has evolved quite quickly. I only know because I researched it extensively myself."
2014-02-12 03:34:48 * Lysander clears his throat.
2014-02-12 03:35:23 * Hawk blinks and wonders if he's about to get a lecture.
2014-02-12 03:35:53 Lysander "Anyways, the note contained advanced nanotechnology. Basically, hidden inside the note were tiny little machines, too small to be seen by the naked eye. Once they had a target, they jumped and latched themselves on to you. They then started emitting a signal so that the enemy could begin tracking you."
2014-02-12 03:35:58 Lysander He takes out his orb.
2014-02-12 03:36:35 Lysander "Thankfully, my little device here also picked up the signal. Still though, your tracker can't be far behind, so we can't afford to waste time."
2014-02-12 03:37:38 * Hawk isn't sure how much of that he understood..fuck it was almost as bad as talking to Sibyl.."Right." He merely says with a nod.
2014-02-12 03:38:41 * Lysander chuckles. He knows /that/ look. "Basically, you've got tiny invisible dust stuck on you, and it helps the enemy find out where you are at all times."
2014-02-12 03:39:35 Hawk That starts to make some sense. Damn..he ought to get his hands on that kind of nifty trick.
2014-02-12 03:39:58 Hawk "But it can come off right?"
2014-02-12 03:42:00 Lysander " just requires a special kind of "bath" if you will. To clean it off that is."
2014-02-12 03:44:07 * Hawk decides that now would be a good time to fill Lysander in on the Sebastian situation..somewhat..he leaves his own romantic involvement with Clarice for now, and his status in the guild.
2014-02-12 03:44:41 Hawk leaves out*
2014-02-12 03:48:25 Hawk "So, in case you haven't already figured it out, I got marked in the service of your friend Sebastian. Though I suppose my ass of a father is to blame as well.."
2014-02-12 03:50:12 Hawk "I was supposed to find out about some kind of Inquisition targeting Derphy, and Sebastion's known associates..Any questions?"
2014-02-12 03:50:47 Lysander " you've been working with Sebastian. That's good to know. I believe that's enough, thank you."
2014-02-12 03:51:11 Lysander Hawk continues to bring Lysander up to date.
2014-02-12 03:51:29 Lysander Eventually, they arrive at the gates of Lysander's Mansion.
2014-02-12 03:52:53 Lysander They both slow their horses to a stop.
2014-02-12 03:53:20 Lysander They are greeted with a woman in a maid's outfit. She's holding...a Halberd!?
2014-02-12 03:53:38 Lysander The maid bows. "Welcome back master. Is this man your guest?"
00:54 Lysander nods. "Yes. Is Lydia well?"
00:55 Lysander The maid nods. "Yes, but she misses you terribly. Please see her if you have the time. I shall open the gates for you."
00:55 Hawk He has a maid with a...halberd..Lok's father is indeed an interesting man..
00:55 Lysander The maid slams her Halberd into the ground, and pushes the gate open.
00:56 Lysander The gate slides to the side with a metallic creak.
00:56 Lysander Lysander and Hawk enter the courtyard.
01:20 Lysander The court yard is a vast expanse of a well maintained lawn, complete with shrubbery, flowery, and trees strewn arranged quite nicely.
01:23 Lysander A platoon of maids and butlers assemble in 2 straight lines, creating an open path in front of Lysander and Hawk.
01:23 Lysander The maids are on the left, and the butlers on the right.
01:23 Lysander One maid steps forward. "Officer on the premises!"
01:23 Hawk finds himself surprised that Lysander has an even larger staff than his father.
01:24 Lysander The entire staff salutes, and they all snap to attention.
01:24 Lysander facepalms.
01:25 Lysander They weren't saluting Lysander, that's for sure.
01:25 Lysander In the distance, at the end of the path, is an armored woman.
01:26 Hawk studies her.
01:26 Lysander The armored woman starts walking toward Lysander and Hawk.
01:26 Lysander From a distance, you recognize the armor as elite Templar armor.
01:27 Lysander Her long black hair flows through the wind.
01:28 Lysander Her white armor is adorned with golden crosses and emblems.
01:29 Hawk suddenly feels uncomfortable..Templars weren't known for their love of thieves..nor assassins. He tries his best to look inconspicuous.
01:29 Lysander gets off his horse, and looks at his wife with an amused look on his face.
01:30 Lysander As the armored woman passes by each maid and each butler, they bow.
01:30 Lysander Finally, she stops in front of Lysander and Hawk.
01:31 Hawk does his best to give her a charming smile, though it seems a bit forced.
01:31 Lysander The woman stares at Lysander with a silent and angry look.
01:31 Lysander sighs.
01:32 Lysander "I love what you've done with the staff."
01:32 Lysander The woman breaks out into a wide grin. "Oh, I'm glad you noticed!"
01:33 Hawk /Smooth/, Hawk thinks to himself.
01:33 Lysander The woman chuckles and turns around. "Alright, dismissed!"
01:33 Lysander The maids and butlers all say, "Yes Ma'am!" in unison, and they all scatter about.
01:33 Lysander frowns. "I've only been gone two days..."
01:35 Lysander The woman laughs. "I only needed one to get them organized like /that/! You however, took /weeks/!"
01:35 Lysander She looks at Hawk from head to toe.
01:35 Lysander "Who's this handsome fella?"
01:36 Hawk takes that as his cue to dismount, he does so with ease and says, "Ello Miss. I'm no one of importance really." He gives her a respectful bow and a wide smile.
01:37 Lysander has a look of horror on his face.
01:38 Lysander The woman frowns. "And how exactly does that answer my question?"
01:40 Hawk sighs and says, "My name is Devin Hawke. I'm a friend of Clarice and Lok."
01:41 Lysander "You giving me attitude boy?"
01:42 Hawk Boy..really? He plasters on a smile, "Not at all miss, I'm simply tired from the long journey. I apologize if it seemed otherwise."
01:43 Lysander She cracks her neck. She's about to say something else, when Lysander interjects.
01:43 Lysander "Hawk, this is Lydia, my wife. Dear, this is Hawk, he's a friend of Sebastian's and Clarice's current..."
01:44 Lysander clears his throat. "Guild mate?"
01:44 Lysander turns to Hawk.
01:44 Lysander "Friend? Guild mate?"
01:45 Hawk nods, for a moment her was terrified Lysander had caught on, "Both actually." He says, "She's quite the proper little lady. very charming."
01:45 Hawk he*
01:45 Lysander Lydia's attitude changes immediately.
01:47 Lysander "Oh! A friend of Clarices? Well then, pleased to meet you! I want to hear everything that's been going on with that little lady, you hear me?" She extends her hand and motions them to follow. "Come on now, you two must be starving! Has my husband fed you well?"
01:48 Hawk looks to Lysander for a cue. He's unsure how to answer that..he doesn't want to piss her off more..
01:49 Lysander clenches his teeth. "Well, we didn't really have time for that...but I bought him a horse!"
01:50 Lysander Lydia shoots him a glare. "...I see."
01:50 Hawk "A fine horse!" Hawk says merrily as he pats the beast.
01:51 Hawk "Though I admit, I am a bit hungry, now that you mention it." He starts following Lydia, "I'd love to discuss Clarice's adventures with you over a nice meal."
01:55 Lysander Lydia smiles. "Indeed."
Lok And so, Lydia leads Lysander and Hawk into the mansion.
19:51 Lok The maids and the butlers are scattered about, minding their duties.
19:51 Lok It is an extremely nice mansion.
19:52 Lok There are many valuables strewn about, but they're not too flashy.
19:53 Lok It's quite the luxurious looking mansion indeed, but at the same time there is a nice modest touch to it.
19:53 Hawk tries not to flush...there's all these women running around in the same outfit Clarice reminds him of her...he pretends to study the floor and then art pieces.
19:53 Rocketgirl Hawk*
19:53 *** Rocketgirl is now known as Hawk
19:53 Lok If anything, the most notable thing about the mansion is the staff running about.
*** Lok is now known as Lysander
19:54 NickServ Welcome to Lunarnet IRC, Lysander! Here on Lunarnet IRC, we provide services to enable the registration of nicknames and channels! For details, type /msg NickServ help and /msg ChanServ help.
19:55 Lysander stops in front of a armored statue. It's holding a giant broadsword.
19:55 Lysander "...When did I get this...?"
19:56 Lysander Lydia smiles. "Oh, that? I bought it. A caravan passed by the other day, and I fancied it."
19:56 Hawk smiles, "Quite imposing, I like it."
19:56 Lysander sighs. "Again...I've only been gone two days..."
19:56 Lysander Lydia beams. "Indeed! That's what I thought!"
19:58 Hawk relaxes some, he's feeling as though he finally started to make a good impression.
19:59 *** Hawk quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
Lysander A maid walks up to Lysander and curtsies.
20:06 Lysander "Master, do you have the orb? No doubt it is in need of recharging."
20:06 Lysander blinks. "Hm? Oh. Oh! Yes, quite. Here you go."
20:07 Lysander He takes out the orb device and gives it to the maid. The maid bows, and takes the orb away.
20:11 Lysander "Oh...that reminds me, I should probably prepare the necessary equipment. The sooner I finish this, the better. They might track us here if I take too long."
20:11 Lysander Lydia sighs. "Skipping out on a meal with your dear wife eh?"
20:11 Lysander flinches. "Dear, you know it's not like that..."
20:12 Hawk eyes widen, he did /not/ want to be caught in the middle of a couple's spat...
20:12 Lysander Lydia chuckles. "I was only joking husband. Go on, get out of here."
20:13 Lysander With a breath of relief and a kiss on her cheek, Lysander takes his leave.
*** Lysander is now known as Lydia
20:14 Lydia Lydia and Hawk continue to the kitchen.
20:14 Lydia Once they arrive at the kitchen, Lydia calls out to some of the hired help to detach her armor.
20:15 Hawk looks as though he's about to offer to help, then stops himself and looks for a place to sit down.
20:15 Lydia Two butlers and two maids come over immediately and start dissembling her armor, piece by piece.
20:16 Lydia Another maid comes by with a glass of water, and Lydia chugs it down immediately.
20:16 Lydia "Ahhh...just what I needed!"
20:17 Lydia turns to the maid. "Be a darling and have the chef cook us a meal?"
20:17 Hawk is watching this spectacle and wondering why in hell Lok would have ever left such a life..
20:17 Lydia The maid asks, "What should I tell him to cook, madam?"
20:18 Lydia turns to Hawk. "Any preferences? I'm not sure if the Chef can cook everything, but then again I never asked."
20:19 Hawk "Any cooked meat would be nice, and a bit of wine."
20:19 Hawk rubs the back of his neck, he doesn't want to ask for too much.
20:20 Lydia grins. Good, he's a meat eater.
20:22 Lydia The maid nods, and quickly makes her way to the chef.
20:23 Lydia With her armor finally off, Lydia starts rotating her elbows a bit.
20:23 Lydia For a woman, she's quite...well built.
20:23 Lydia Not too muscular, but definitely stronger than your average woman.
20:24 Hawk As Hawk studies her it occurs to him that this woman would be the Grandmother of Rey's children...the thought made him oddly sad..
20:25 Lydia Underneath her armor, she's wearing a thin white vest and tights, similar to that of a fencer.
20:26 Lydia takes a seat across the table from Hawk.
20:26 Hawk He smiles, "So what would you like to know about Clarice and Lok?"
20:27 Lydia replies with silence as she motions to a nearby butler.
20:27 Lydia She starts rubbing her fingers together.
20:27 Lydia The butler instantly knows what she's referring to, and runs off.
20:27 Lydia looks at Hawk with an eerie smile.
20:28 Hawk looks a tad unnerved, "Did I say something wrong?"
20:30 Lydia "No. Not yet anyways."
20:30 Lydia The butler brings Lydia her sheathed broadsword and a whetstone.
20:30 Lydia Lydia thanks the butler, and takes her sword.
20:30 Hawk chuckles and raises his eyebrows, "Should I be scared milady?"
20:30 Lydia She unsheathes it, and begins to sharpen it with her stone.
20:31 Lydia frowns. "Now...I'm going to ask you only once."
20:31 Lydia The whetstone slowly grinds against the edge of the blade.
20:31 Lydia "...What is your relation to Clarice?"
20:33 Hawk lets out a deep breathe, and decides to man up since he's somewhat certain Templars can sense lies, "We're rather close could consider me one of her suitors I suppose."
20:34 Lydia "Hm. Pray tell, how many suitors does she have?"
20:34 Lydia The whetstone slowly grinds against the edge of the blade once more.
20:36 Hawk is also certain that more people than just him have feeling for her, "I'm not sure."
20:37 Hawk feelings*
20:38 Lydia Once more, the whetstone grinds.
20:39 Lydia "Well that the truth?"
20:40 Hawk glares, "Yes, the others matter not. She /cares/ for me."
20:43 Lydia sighs as she sharpens her blade.
20:44 Lydia "And yet, you are only her suitor, and nothing more?"
20:45 Hawk honestly doesn't know how to define their relationship...
20:45 Hawk He meets her eyes, "I haven't slept with her if that's what you're asking.."
20:47 Lydia "How do you feel about her?"
20:50 Hawk And that's where he hesitates, "I.../care/ for her dearly.." His normally defiant shoulders slump some, "But I worry I am not exactly the best kind of man for her..let alone the safest.."
20:50 Hawk is certain this Lydia would hate him if she knew /who/ he was...she'd no he was no good for Clarice.
20:51 Lydia chuckles.
20:51 Lydia She stops whetting her blade.
20:51 Hawk watches her for any sudden movement.
20:53 Lydia "I'm guessing my husband didn't recognize you right
20:53 Lydia away, did he?"
20:54 Hawk blinks, "No..But you did?"
20:55 Lydia "I know an assassin when I see one. Been stabbed by them far too many times to count."
20:55 Lydia She puts the whetstone on the table and sheathes her blade.
20:56 Lydia "You however, are no ordinary assassin. You're the Bloody Hawk."
20:57 Hawk brings his chin up and meets her eyes without shame, "I am. And I apologize if I ever tried to kill was simply business."
20:58 Lydia shakes her head and smiles. "Most Templars don't respect Assassins. Cowards they call them. Me? Anyone that can shiv me and get away with it deserves my respect."
20:59 Hawk widens his eyes and smiles, "I respect your views then."
20:59 Lydia "I don't care if you and Clarice are together. I just wanted to make sure you actually cared for her. Besides...she wouldn't be the first to fall for a rogue."
21:00 Lydia The maid comes and lays out the food. It's a beef wellington with a side of mashed potatoes. A butler comes and pours some wine for the both of them.
21:01 Hawk He chuckles, "I suspect one of these days she'll make an honest man out of me.." Then he sips his wine rather daintily and digs into the steak.
21:02 Lydia laughs, and then proceeds to scarf down her food.
21:06 Hawk After a glass or three of wine Hawk is feeling buzzed enough to quietly admit, "I think.. I kind of love her actually. It scares me."
Lydia is scarfing down some mashed potatoes.
21:11 Lydia "Oh? Mmmrf, imterusting! Tell me mur!"
21:28 *** Hawk quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
21:29 *** Hawk joined #elona-dw
21:30 Hawk Hawk flushes and shakes his head, "I'm not good enough for her..I'm so screwed she's this innocent, proper, young girl..too young for me."
21:30 Lydia She swallows her food.
21:31 Lydia "If you keep thinking like that, then you're /definitely/ not good enough for her! Don't be making me regret letting you off the hook. I see her as the daughter I never had, you know."
21:32 Hawk nods, "I know, and she sees you as a mother.."
21:33 Hawk He sighs, "I don't know what I 'm supposed to think..I had to leave her to come here because I /foolishly/ got myself marked tying to help Mr. Wimble.."
21:34 Lydia starts swirling her wine glass.
21:35 Lydia "We all make mistakes. We become stronger for coming out alive on the other side."
21:35 Lydia She gives Hawk a look. "You /do/ plan on staying alive...right?"
21:37 Hawk He stares the red juices pooling under his steak, "Of course..but what if I don't?" He sinks into his chair some, "She..doesn't deserve to loose another person she loves.."
*** Hawk is now known as Shira
23:07 Lydia siiiigh
23:07 Lydia im back
23:12 *** Shira is now known as Hawk
23:13 Lydia slams her fist on the table.
23:14 Lydia "Stow that talk! Are you telling me my girl is having relations with a /coward/!?"
23:15 Hawk scowls, "First off, we're not have /relations/, not yet anyways." His eyes get a spark of fire to them, "And I am no coward."
23:20 Lydia gives Hawk a stern look. "Then why are you asking, 'What if I don't,' instead of, 'What if I do?' Lysander may not be an assassin like you, but I reckon he's been through worse than you've ever experienced!"
23:20 Lydia She beams as she speaks of her husband.
23:22 Lydia "I stood by my husband as he faced the three guilds of Tyris! Once, a squad of fighters had him cornered, and he beat them all to a pulp with his bare /hands/! Are you saying you're going to let /one/ assassin get the better of you!?"
23:25 Hawk smiles sadly, "Have you heard of the Sanguine Devil? because she sounds as good if not better than me..and even if I don't die..I'm still all wrong for my dearest Clarice that is."
23:26 Lydia slams both hands on the table, this time smashing the wine glass she was holding. "We don't not speak of /her/ at this table!"
23:26 Lydia Her eyes are burning with rage.
23:26 Lydia "Blasted whore...galavanting around my...."
23:26 Lydia stops, and clears her throat. "Ah...Terrible sorry."
23:26 Hawk recoils, eyes wide, "But she's the one who wants to kill me.."
23:27 Lydia "Yes, yes, I know all about..."
23:27 Lydia She says the next word with great disdain. ".../Her/..."
23:28 Hawk You noticed he flinched a bit at the word whore..odd.
23:28 Hawk "Tell me. I need to know everything. She is a treat to Clarice and thus must die."
23:28 Hawk threat*
23:29 Lydia sighs, and leans back in her chair a little.
23:31 Lydia "Honestly, not much to tell. She's a dangerous bitch, I'll give her that. Back in my days as a Templar, she was always in the top 5 priority assassins to look out for. Even made it to rank 1 for a brief amount of time."
23:31 Hawk is a tad curious as to where he ranks, but doesn't ask...though his curiosity is obvious..
23:32 Lydia smirks. "Thing is...I happen to know that's /all/ she's good at. Probably why she can't hold on to a man for very long." She chuckles.
23:32 Lydia She leans in a little. "Anyways...Point is, the life of an assassin is all she knows. /If/ you ever come to blows with her, just remember to be..."
23:33 Lydia pauses, trying to think of the right word for it. "...Unpredictable. She doesn't adapt well to things she didn't plan for."
23:34 Hawk smirks, "Should I try and seduce her then? She might not expect that is she's as awful as you say..I'd kill her before it got too far of course."
23:36 Lydia sighs. "Honestly? I'd love for you to seduce her. Make things a hell of a lot easier, that's for sure."
23:36 Lydia She looks away. "...Except...she's already too far obsessed with a certain man."
Hawk He raises an eyebrow, "I used to be a whore in my youth, I know how to play along with fantasies."
23:37 Hawk "What kind of man does she fancy?"
23:39 Lydia waves her hand dismissively. "It's not important. We tend not to speak of such things in this house."
23:42 Hawk His voice is gravely serious,"It sounds rather important if I'm to keep her on her toes..this is life and death situation for me."
23:45 Lydia Lysander comes into the room. He's wearing rubber gloves and a pair of goggles on his head.
23:46 Lydia "Ah, there you are. The preparations are...ready...?"
23:46 Lydia He sees Lydia looking somewhat upset, and Hawk has a stern look on his face.
23:46 Lydia "Am I...interrupting something?"
23:46 Lydia huffs and crosses her arms.
23:49 Hawk gets up and bows to Lysander, "I wasn't entirely honest with you earlier sir. I am not merely Deshal's bastard, but also the assassin known as the Bloody Hawk."
23:49 Hawk "And I simply asked about the Sanguine Devil who's trying to kill me."
23:50 Lydia Lysander's eyes widen. "Oh! Now /that's/ interesting!"
23:51 Lydia has an astonished look on her face. "Wait, /you/ didn't know?"
23:51 Lydia He shrugs. "It's...hard to keep track of information from /every/ town. That, and Sebastian hasn't been keeping me in the loop lately."
Lysander Lydia frowns. "Hold on, I didn't even get to ask about my son yet!"
23:54 Lysander She turns to Hawk. "You mentioned both Clarice /and/ Lok earlier! Are you acquainted with my son?"
23:56 Hawk He nods, "I am, a little. We drink together sometimes, and he's in a relationship with my best information scout." A strangely sad look crosses his face, "A lovely lil elven lass, she's almost like a daughter to me."
23:57 Hawk You feel like this isn't quite the whole story.
23:58 Hawk But he says no more.
23:59 Lysander Lydia gasps. "My boy is with another woman!? For how long?"
00:02 Hawk shrugs, "A month or so, but he's quite smitten from what I gathered."
00:04 Hawk laughs, there's a hint of bitterness to it, ut it's so small you think you must be imagining things, "She was terrified of men but myself, but Lok managed to earn her trust. Quite an achievement."
00:04 Hawk of all men*
00:06 Lysander sighs. "How romantic..." She starts sniffling. "And he didn't even tell his mother..."
00:06 Lysander dammit.
00:06 Lysander Lydia sighs. "How romantic..." She starts sniffling. "And he didn't even tell his mother..."
00:08 Hawk gives her a look of sympathy, "If my Sparrow has any say, and I think she does, you ought to be getting a visit from them soon enough."
00:11 Lysander She starting rubbing her eyes. "I'm...I'm sorry. I need to...take my leave."
00:11 Lysander She gets up, and quickly leaves the kitchen.
00:11 Lysander is about to go after her, but stops.
00:11 Lysander She hates letting other people see her cry.
00:12 Hawk "I didn't mean to upset her.."
00:15 Lysander sighs. "'s been a while since she's heard of her son. Despite everything, I think she was glad to hear news of her son for once. So...thank you."
00:15 Hawk raises an eyebrow, "Isn't he your son too?"
00:17 Lysander "Yes. I too was glad to hear he's doing alright. I also wish that he would come home but...well...I suppose he needed to find his own path in life to follow."
00:18 Hawk smiles thinking of Rey, "Children often do.."
00:21 Lysander "Right then. Shall we proceed?"
00:23 Hawk "But of course, lead the way."
00:24 Lysander And so, Lysander led Hawk to his personal ...Alchemy lab?
00:24 Lysander If this /is/ an alchemist's lab, it's certainly not an alchemy Hawk is familiar with, that's for sure.
00:25 Hawk figures it's more of this technology stuff, it occurs to him to ask, "Sooo your wife wouldn't give me all the information I needed about the Sanguine Devil..any chance you will?"
00:26 Lysander Yes, there's the flasks and the beakers and the bubbling liquids, but there's also strange steel chambers, electricity trapped inside of a glass container, and all sorts of strange machinery.
00:27 Lysander arches an eyebrow. "Hm? She's an assassin, like you. Very dangerous. Did I forget to mention that to you?"
00:29 Hawk "I wanted to know how to seduce her. I was told to do the unexpected, and I need her close for the kill I have planned."
00:29 Lysander pauses. "...Oh."
00:29 Lysander sighs. "Well...good luck with that. She...may or may not still be obsessed with...well..."
00:29 Lysander He clears his throat. "...Me."
00:31 Hawk looks Lysander over, trying to decide how much they look alike, "Huh. As I suspected, and why might she be obsessed with you? Any special reason, or just the usual ones?"
00:33 Lysander sighs. "Honestly? I don't even know...she I hear she went crazy after I left the thieves guild."
Hawk isn't sure he buys /that/, "So you never led her on or anything?"
00:35 Lysander He rolls his eyes. "Yacatect, I hope not..."
00:36 Lysander A maid is walking around with a clipboard, taking notes as she observes the electricity in the container.
00:37 Hawk Then it doesn't really add up..why would someone be obsessed for now reason? He continues following.
00:38 Lysander "She always did act a little...weird around me. I guess I was too oblivious to realize she know."
00:39 Lysander He starts exchanging words with the maid, and the maid nods. The maid walks over to the nearby counter and starts setting something up.
00:39 Hawk understands completely..he'd hadn't realized Rey's affections until it was far too late..
00:43 Hawk "So, if this bath thing doesn't work...I'll have to be fighting this crazy woman. Any tips?"
00:44 Lysander The maid brings over a strange contraption. She's holding a hose connected to a tank attached to her back.
00:44 Lysander puts on his goggles, and the maid does the same.
00:45 Lysander "Since you're both assassin's, it's most likely the better assassin will win. might want to learn some new tricks."
00:45 Lysander nods at the maid.
00:45 Lysander The maid nods at Lysander, and flips a switch on the contraption.
00:45 Lysander Suddenly, the hose starts spurting out blue foam onto
00:45 Lysander Hawk!
00:45 Hawk closes his eyes and let's it wash over him.
00:56 Lysander The foam completely covers Hawk, then hardens for a brief moment.
00:56 Lysander The foam then crumbles apart, and dissolves into thin air.
00:57 Hawk He opens his eyes slowly, "Did it work?"
00:57 Lysander takes off his goggles and makes sure there isn't any residue on Hawk.
00:58 Lysander "Only one way to find out I suppose..."
00:58 Lysander He walks over to the nearby counter and takes the orb device off of a charging pedestal.
00:58 Lysander He flips it on.
00:58 Lysander ...Nothing happens.
00:58 Lysander "...Huh. Look at works."
01:00 Hawk grins, "So about learning new about you start showing me what you know? One can never be too prepared."
Lysander takes off his goggles and arches an eyebrow.
23:58 Lysander "Careful...I don't think you know what you're asking."
23:58 Hawk looks resolute, "I'm not afraid of a little hard work. And if I want to protect..the people I care about..well then I must learn all I can."
00:00 Lysander frowns. "I can tell you're serious learn what I have to teach would take several days at least. Now that you're no longer in any danger, you should consider getting your affairs in order at least."
00:02 Hawk Affairs in order...meaning what exactly? Hawk was never good at understanding people who weren't direct..
00:03 Hawk pretends to understand, though it isn't convincing, "Yes...right."
00:05 Lysander "I /are/ the Bloody Hawk aren't you? Don't you have a guild to go back to? Unless of course, they can manage themselves. Which leaves Clarice...unless you don't mind leaving her with your guild."
00:06 Hawk Honestly they could manage themselves for a bit as long as Stefan and Wolf are there..but Clarice...well..Hawk wasn't going to pass up a chance to see her!
00:06 Hawk asks, "You are sure it's safe for me to be around her now?"
00:09 Lysander grins. "So you /are/ in a relationship with Clarice?"
00:12 Hawk chuckles, a has a wry grin, "I thought that was obvious once I said who I was. I did tell you she'd fallen for the boss of the guild."
00:13 Lysander chuckles."Just checking."
00:14 Lysander He starts cleaning his goggles on his shirt. "Anyways...yes. I'm sure it's safe. I'm confident in my particular skillset, else I wouldn't let you go otherwise. And...well..."
00:15 Lysander looks to the side. "You could...always bring her here. You know...if you're worried. No one can track us here as long as we stay in the vicinity of my home..."
00:16 Hawk understands that her unconventional family misses her, "I'll do that...if it wouldn't be imposing, that is...I'm sure you don't particularly approve of me with..uh her."
00:17 Lysander blinks. "...Why would you think that?"
Hawk He flushes, "Well earlier you said it was terrible for her to have fallen for a thief guild boss...before you knew I was one."
00:21 Lysander "Correction, that was before I knew /who/. True, I said it was terrible, but only because I worried for her safety. How would you feel if your child was off with a rogue you've never met? You seem all right though. Besides, I'm not her father. By the sounds of it, her real father has already approved of you."
00:21 Lysander "Also..." He clenches his teeth.
00:22 Lysander "...I was worried that Lydia would not approve. You don't know how relieved I am to see you're still in one piece."
00:24 Hawk looks behind him to make sure she isn't there, "I think she'd have sliced me up if I lied. So I was just honest. And well...I wouldn't say Sebastion approves completely.." He recalls the zombie incident, and the constant cockblocking..
00:26 Lysander scoffs. "Well, you're still alive aren't you?"
00:27 Hawk He nods, "Yes, and he's had many chances to kill me quietly."
00:28 Lysander "Well there you go then." He smiles. "Well...stay here as long as you like. If you still want to go through with the training, I won't refuse. Just make sure you're ready, that's all I ask."
00:28 Hawk "May I ask what I'd be learning exactly?'
00:30 Lysander starts helping the maid put away the foam dispersing device. "Well...there's many weapons one can master...but do you know which weapon is the most powerful?"
00:31 Hawk thinks then guesses, "The..mind?"
00:31 Hawk It's what his father would have said..
00:32 Lysander "Well, that's half of it I suppose. Actually, I was thinking...the body."
00:33 Hawk finds he likes that answer is the opposite of what Deshal would say.
00:33 Lysander finishes cleaning his gear, and starts dusting himself off.
00:34 Hawk He scratches his head though, "I thought I'd mastered my body well enough, am I mistaken?"
00:35 Lysander shakes his head. "Yet you still carry weapons."
00:35 Lysander You then notice that Lysander doesn't carry a single weapon on him.
00:36 Hawk "Well yes, I'm an archer by trade..I can't exactly fire poisoned arrows from my fists now can I?"
00:37 Lysander chuckles. "I'm not saying you /shouldn't/ carry any weapons. That would be silly."
00:38 Hawk frowns, his brow wrinkled in concentration, "Then I'm afraid i don't understand...I'm not exactly an educated man, please speak frankly with me."
00:40 Lysander "Weapons are extremely valuable. Bows can pierce an opponent from a far. Swords can cleave enemies up close. Maces can crush through defenses. All these things make fighting that much easier. But that's just it. They're safety nets. Extensions of your body."
00:42 Lysander "The body is always at the core. Well, one might argue that the mind is at the core, but the logic still applies. To master magic, you don't just practice your spell, you sharpen your mind. To master weaponry, you don't just practice with weapon, you strengthen your body."
00:44 Hawk nods, and again starts to think Lok was an idiot for leaving this place, didn't he know how much instruction he squandered?
00:44 Lysander "I'm sure you've practiced extensively with a bow and dagger, am I correct?"
00:45 Hawk "Aye, and swordplay as well. Even darts. Some hand-to-hand."
00:47 Lysander "Consider this. All the weapons you've used are extensions of your body. Even the arrow which is shot from your bow. However, if you took the time to understand your turn, you would be taking the time to understand /all/ weaponry, rather than specializing one weapon at a time."
00:47 Hawk grins widely, "I like the sound of that. I could be ready for anything then."
Lysander grins. "Exactly."
00:53 Hawk bows slightly, "Thank you Sir, I think I'll rest up here for the day then head back to my dear Clarice on the morrow."
00:55 Lysander nods. "Right then." He looks to the lab assistant maid. "Would you be so kind as to keep Sir Hawk company? I wouldn't want him to get lost."
00:56 Hawk He smiles to himself, thinking that clearly meant there were things in here he should see or touch.
00:56 Lysander The maid bows. "Yes Master."
00:57 Lysander The maid walks over and curtsies. "Sir Hawk, should I show you to your room? Or is there someplace you would like to go?"
00:58 Hawk He smiles politely as he looks the girl over, "I'd actually like to speak to Mistress Lydia if you know where she's gone off to."
00:59 Lysander nods. "Knowing her, she is most likely out in the training grounds at this time of day."
00:59 Lysander The maid nods. "To the training fields then?"
01:01 Hawk follows her.
01:02 Lysander The maid leads her to the training ground.
01:02 Lysander Sure enough, Lydia is there.
01:03 Lysander She's fencing against five staff at once!
01:03 *** Lysander is now known as Lydia
01:03 Lydia "Hah! Have at ye! Is that all you got!?"
01:03 Hawk watches her form, trying to decide if she's better than Wolf.
01:04 Lydia Her sword is a blur as she deflects blow after blow.
01:04 Lydia "Too easy! Send in three more!"
01:04 Lydia Three butlers bow, and draw practice rapiers from the weapons rack, and rush her from behind!
01:05 Lydia Lydia slips her blade into the hand guard of one of the maid's swords, and flicks it into the air!
01:05 Lydia She catches it with her free hand and starts fencing the staff on all sides!
01:06 Hawk is honestly impressed. He vaugely wonders how rusty he is at this..
01:06 Lydia The swords blur into a fantastic show of silver sparks!
01:07 Lydia The staff are quite talented themselves. You can't help but wonder if the staff alone would prove to be a formidable military force.
01:07 Lydia However, their skills are no match for Lydia!
01:08 Lydia With a couple of twists, she deflects multiple blows at once, and starts sweep kicks the staff!
01:08 Lydia All but three maids do not see this coming, and fall to the ground as their legs are swept off the floor!
01:09 Lydia The three maids jump over her leg, and quickly take a few steps back
01:10 Lydia They then tighten their formation and start rotating with eachother as they lash out at Lydia! They're determined to keep her on the defensive!
01:10 Lydia "Haha! Not bad! Looks like the men are getting shown up by the women today!"
01:11 Lydia The maids are spinning and side stepping as they keep their triangular formation! It's like a whirlwind of blades!
01:12 Lydia One of the maids actually manages to strike Lydia's hand, forcing her to drop her blade!
01:12 Hawk almost feel tempted to join in, but he holds himself back.
01:12 Lydia Now Lydia only has one blade left.
01:12 Lydia "Oho! Looks like I'm in trouble!"
01:12 Lydia The butlers regain their composure and pick up their blades. They all rush towards her once more!
01:13 Lydia Lydia quickly takes several steps back to prevent getting surrounded on all sides.
01:13 Lydia The butlers join in with the maids, keeping a tight circular formation as they strike at Lydia, who can barely hold them off at this point
01:14 Lydia Steel meets steel in this hurricane of swordsmanship!
01:15 Lydia Sparks fly as Lydia deflects one blow after another!
01:15 Lydia Lydia is being forced back as the staff strike out at her.
01:15 Lydia The maid beside Hawk sighs. "...She's going to cheat again."
01:15 Hawk "Cheat?"
01:16 Lydia "Watch."
01:16 Lydia What's this? Lydia is purposely losing she gets closer to the weapons rack!
01:16 Hawk can't help but grin...that's something he would do.
01:17 Lydia She takes a shield from the rack, and puts up her guard!
01:17 Lydia "Now...Take this!!!"
01:17 Lydia She starts charging into the staff, shield ready, smiting all who are crazy enough to stand in her way.
Hawk Those poor, poor servants..
01:18 Lydia The swords bounce off the shield and their bodies are sent flying to the side as Lydia knocks them away with her shield bashing technique.
01:19 Lydia It takes seconds for the entire staff to be left sprawling on the ground. Lydia stands at the center of the field, pounding her shield with the hilt of the sword.
01:19 Lydia "Haha! Victory! Thy name is Lydia Thorunsvald!"
01:20 Lydia The maids and butlers get up and start clapping.
01:20 Hawk saunters up to her clapping, "Bravo, you're training your very own militia out here!"
01:21 Lydia beams. "Yes, I'm quite proud of them! Nothing beats good old fashioned discipline!"
01:23 Hawk He wanders over to the weapon rack and begins choosing a training blade, "I agree, if you aren't too winded from that impressive display do you fancy sparring with me? I'd like to learn your kind of discipline."
01:24 Lydia Despite her panting, she seems raring to go!
01:25 Lydia "Oho! Eager to try your hand against the Lone Tower are you? I like that!"
01:25 Lydia She tosses her shield aside and readies her blade.
01:26 Hawk He grins as he tests the weight of his chosen blade, "I am, though I'll warn you, tis been some time since i picked up a sword, I doubt I'll be worthy of facing you."
01:27 Lydia She places her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. "Just...give me a minute...I'll be ready..."
01:27 Lydia A maid bring her water.
01:27 Lydia takes the pitcher of water and starts chugging it immediately.
Hawk nods and begins stretching, he's quite flexable for a man. He then begins practicing his slices, slowly and mechanically, as though he's trying o recall how it's done.
01:29 Lydia Once she's had her fill, she seems quite refreshed now. She thanks the maid, and the maid runs off to watch with the rest of the staff.
01:31 Lydia "Right! Ready when you are!"
01:31 Hawk takes a deep breathe, readies his stance, then nods.
01:32 Lydia She assumes a stance, and starts her advance on you!
01:33 Hawk circles her, doing his best parry and evade, he isn't really going on the offensive just yet.
01:33 Lydia As you deflect and dodge her attacks, you notice she's holding back.
01:34 Lydia You surmise that she's testing you to see how strong you are. Perhaps it's best not to go all out yet and hide your skill for now.
01:35 Hawk That /irks/ him, he's no child, but he decides to buy his time, showcasing more of his speed and agility, and downplaying the power in his strikes.
01:35 Lydia Lydia is quite impressed!
01:35 Lydia "Not bad!"
01:35 Lydia She quickens the pace!
01:35 Lydia She's trying to keep you on the defensive now!
01:36 Lydia Her blade lashes out at you like a python! Step by step, she's starting to gain ground!
01:36 Hawk He matches it with practiced fluidity. Then dares to try and lunge under one of her strikes, aiming for her hand as the maid did.
01:36 Lydia She parries it, and takes two steps back! Her eyes are wide with surprise.
01:37 Lydia Quick, this is your chance to keep on the offensive
01:37 Lydia Strike now!
01:37 Hawk dashes in for a swift, strong strike.
01:37 Lydia She blocks, and lashes out from underneath!
01:38 Hawk tries to leap over her blade!
01:38 Lydia You succeed, but you've lost the offensive!
01:39 Lydia She quickens the pace as she sends a flurry of quick strikes towards you, forcing you to take a few steps back! You can no longer circle her at this point! You'll need to think of a way to grab the offensive back!
01:40 Hawk thinks it's time to fight dirty, her parries her next strike and tries to hook her legs in his, going for a takedown.
01:42 Lydia Your legs are now locked, however, her legs won't budge! Her stance is quite sturdy, as expected of a Templar! Your swords are now locked in a grapple! Lydia's eyes are burning with determination as she grins. "Oho! I must apologize, it seems I've been underestimating you! It's time to take the kid gloves off!" She says, this, but you can tell she's
01:43 Lydia struggling to maintain the grapple! You're strong enough to keep her locked in, for your legs don't budge either! However, if you release your sword from the grapple, you risk putting yourself into danger!
01:44 Hawk tries to continue with what's working and does his best to push against her, using his full strength now.
01:47 Lydia With the strength of a Templar, she refuses to budge one bit! However, she has the light frame of a woman! Inch by inch, the soles of her boots scrape into the dirt as you push her backwards! It's like trying to move a statue
01:47 Lydia clenches her teeth. This man is putting up quite a fight!
01:49 Hawk has her where he wants her now, with catlike grace he disentangles from her and tries to dash past and leave with a nasty backhand strike!
01:52 Lydia "Oh no you don't!"
01:52 Lydia She quickly takes one step forward, and /grabs/ your wrist with her free hand as you're striking her! She drops her sword and uses both hands to flip you over her head!
01:54 Hawk tries to hang onto her so he won't go flying!
01:54 Lydia With your free hand, you grab her wrist as tight as you can!
01:55 Lydia However, this works against you /completely/!
01:55 Lydia She swings you over head, and slams you into the ground! Before you can react or recover, she does it once more! "Heave!!" She swings you over her head! "HO!!!" She slams you into the ground yet again!
01:56 Hawk frantically tries to pry off her grip!
01:58 Lydia Desperately, you try to pry off her grip! However, she has /both/ hands grabbing onto you, and you only have one free hand! She swings you over her head once more! "Heave...!!!"
01:58 Lydia And slams you into the ground yet /again/! "HO!"
01:59 Hawk vision starts to blur..he's no brute..his body can't stand a good pummeling for long..
02:00 Hawk As a desperate last ditch effort he swings the flat of his sword at the back of her head, trying to use her force against her.
02:02 Hawk To do this he quickly switches which hand has his sword.
02:03 Lydia She notices this, and tries to free up one hand to catch your wrist, but she's too late!
02:04 Lydia Slam!
02:04 Lydia The back end of your blade smacks onto the side of her head!
02:04 Lydia ...But...
02:05 Lydia ...Her head merely budges. She turns her face so that the back of your blade is pushing pressure on her face. She has an evil grin on her face.
02:05 Lydia But how!?
02:05 Lydia How is she so...immovable?
02:06 Lydia Like a stone! Like a statue!
02:06 Lydia Like...a Tower.
02:07 Hawk can feel the blood running from his bashed up nose...his thoughts are fuzzy..but he knows she shouldn't be able to do this..unless, "Magic." He says spitting out blood.
02:07 Lydia cackles. "Wrong!"
02:08 Lydia She grabs your wrist, and starts dragging you across the floor, as to gain momentum.
02:09 Lydia Before you can react, your body slowly lifts above the ground! Round and round, your body goes as the world blurs around you.
02:09 Lydia She spins you once, twice, thrice, and then let's go of her grip! Your body flies through the air!
02:10 Hawk forces himself to relax his muscles in order to prevent worse fall damage.
02:12 Lydia Your knowledge serves you well!
02:14 Lydia With what little consciousness you have left during midflight, you relax your muscles, and your body starts rolling across the floor like a ragdoll, minimizing the inertia.
02:14 Lydia Still, it hurts.
02:15 Hawk tries to fight through the pain and stand up once more...everything still so blurry though..and he's unsteady on his feet.
02:16 Lydia Lydia rotates her shoulders, stretches her neck, and walks over to her sword to pick it up.
02:16 Lydia She picks up her sword and points it at you.
02:16 Lydia "You fought well! Now yield, lest you wish to face my wrath once more!"
02:17 Hawk tries to find his sword, which is hard since he can fucking see straight.
02:17 Lydia She picks up your sword, and tosses it to you.
02:18 Lydia "Will you not yield?"
02:18 Hawk He catches it..somehow. Then feebly raises it and says, "I'm not unconscious yet am I?"
02:19 Lydia chuckles. "Such strength!"
02:19 Lydia She turns to look at the staff. "You see this? This is a /real/ man!"
02:19 Hawk grits his teeth and steps towards her.
02:20 Lydia She advances on you, sword in hand!
02:20 Lydia The first strike is hers!
02:20 Lydia Her blade lashes out at you like a whip!
02:21 Hawk barely blocks it in time, even then she can feel his strength in nigh exhausted.
02:22 Lydia Her leg lunges at you from below, delivering a crushing kick to your stomach! Her womanly frame is quite deceiving!
02:23 Lydia You could probably block it with your free arm
02:23 Lydia But...that would still hurt.
02:23 Lydia Dodging it is out of the question, you're far too tired.
02:23 Hawk blocks it anyways, he's lived through broken arms before.
02:24 Lydia Luckily, your arm doesn't break, but only because your stance has been broken. Your arm cushions the kick, but as a result, you lose your footing and your body is sent backwards.
02:24 Lydia Miraculously however, you still have enough consciousness to maintain your footing, and you do not fall ove.
02:25 Hawk uses his last bit of energy to try and lock blades with her, then go in for a headbut!
02:28 Lydia She parries your strike, and you lock blades with her!
02:28 Lydia You lunge forward with your head, and smash your skull into hers!
02:28 Lydia Her head nudges back...but takes the blow full on!
02:29 Lydia She presses her head against yours, grinning all the while.
02:29 Lydia It feels like you just crashed into a wall!
02:29 Lydia Your mind is now dizzy, and the world looks fuzzy.
02:30 Lydia She quickly retracts her head, and bashes into /your/ head this time!
02:30 Hawk starts to see the color draining from the world...
02:30 Lydia She quickly retracts her head once more, and headbutts you again!
02:30 Lydia And again!
02:30 Lydia And again!
02:30 Lydia An...gain...!
02:30 Lydia!
02:30 Lydia ..nd........n...!
02:30 Lydia ...
02:31 Hawk Darkness has over taken Hawk..he falls forward..
02:31 Lydia is panting heavily. She throws her arms up into the air. "Victory!!!!"
02:32 Lydia The staff isn't clapping. Instead, they're rushing over to Hawk, trying to check his vitals.
02:32 Lydia rubs her head. Maybe she...overdid it.
02:32 Lydia "Ah jeez..."
02:32 Hawk He badly bloodied and out cold, but still alive.
02:33 Lydia She got quite carried away there.
02:33 Lydia It's been a while since she's had a good opponent. The Bloody Hawk no less...
02:33 Lydia Cept now, he's more like the...Bloodied Hawk.
02:34 Lydia In retrospect, going all out like that was probably a bad idea. Lysander will get quite angry with her.
02:34 Lydia They don't have a cleric or a magical healer of sorts either...
02:35 Lydia It...might take a while for Hawk to recover fully.
02:35 Lydia clenches her teeth. "Oopsie..."
02:35 Lydia -SCENE-
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