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Created February 11, 2014 10:50
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What happens when you get between a Big Daddy and his little sister? You don't want to know!
*Previously, on Elona-DW!
00:37 Lok Rey found herself blushing was /their/ song. Tears of
pride and joy fell from her eyes.
00:37 Lok Rey stands and claps loudly along with everyone!
00:37 Lok The blonde gentleman rushes to Lok with a strange voice-amplifying
device in hand. "Sir! That was beautiful! Simply amazing!"
00:38 Lok Lok takes a bow, and leaves the stage.
00:38 Lok The audience cheers, and the ceremony's closing music plays in the
00:38 Lok Everyone is leaving their seats now, chattering about the
performances they've seen tonight.
00:38 Lok Rey takes Josh by the hand and goes looking for Lok. She listens to
the conversations as she walks by.
00:38 Lok "Rey! Rey! Over here!"
00:39 Lok You can hear this voice coming from a crowd of walkers. Lok catches
up to you. He's in his normal clothes now.
00:39 Lok Suddenly, his eyes fill with terror.
00:39 Lok "Rey...? Who's /that/...?"
00:39 Lok He points to the little girl holding your hand.
00:39 Lok Where did Joshua go?! She had just had him!!
00:39 Lok You've been holding some other child. It's a smiling little girl.
00:40 Lok Lok turns around and yells. "JOOOOSHUAAA!!!"
00:40 Lok ----
00:40 Lok As Rey and Lok panic, thundering footsteps can be heard. It is
accompanied with a frightful groan!
00:40 Lok turns in the direction of the groan. A Big Daddy is coming this
00:41 Lok How did they end up with its little sister?
00:42 Rocketgirl lets go of the little girl, "Who are you and were's Joshua?"
00:42 *** Rocketgirl is now known as Rey
00:43 Rey where's*
00:44 Lok The smiling little girl starts skipping towards the Big Daddy. "Mr.
00:45 Rey follows the creepy girl in hopes that the /thing/ she' running to
may have found Joshua.
00:45 Lok The Big Daddy sees Rey, and charges towards her!
00:46 Lok At this, Lok pulls out his Rapier and starts dashing towards the Big
00:46 Lok "No!"
00:46 Rey She squeaks and tries to dodge the strange behemoth of metal and
00:47 Lok She dodges a giant drill-shaped arm which crashes into the floor
beneath her
00:47 Lok starts slashing at the Big Daddy, but all of his attacks are
bouncing off!
00:47 Lok "Leave her alone!"
00:48 Rey shouts, "Lok get away from that m-monster!"
00:49 Lok The Big Daddy swipes at Lok with his Drill, and Lok barely manages
to dodge it!
00:50 Lok People are screaming and frantically running away!
00:50 Lok The Big Daddy takes out his shotgun, and aims at Lok!
00:50 Lok Lok can't dodge that!
00:50 Lok The Big daddy is about to shoot, when suddenly he becomes
00:50 Lok The little girl screams, "No! Mr. B!"
00:51 Rey tackles Lok. It's too late for her to stop now.
00:51 Lok falls to the ground. "H-Hey!"
00:52 Lok The Big daddy falls to the ground also.
00:53 Lok As the behemoth falls to the floor with a metallic groan, guards
surround the beast, pointing their guns at it. Behind the fallen giant is a
military woman in a beret. In one hand, she's holding an intimidating looking
cattle prod with an electrified tip. In the other, she is holding Joshua's
00:53 Lok Joshua lets go of her hand and runs over to Rey and Lok, hiding
behind them.
00:54 Rey rushes over to Joshua, "Josh sweetheart! I was so worried about
you. What happened?"
00:54 Lok The military woman scoffs. "Damn girls...always playing tricks." She
looks toward Lok and Rey. "Are you alright?"
00:54 Lok Joshua is trembling. "I...I don't know."
00:54 Lok gets up. "Yes...thank you for saving us."
00:55 Rey is busy hugging Josh tightly, tears are pouring down her face, "S-
s-shh Joshua..everything's ok n-now."
00:56 Lok The woman sighs. "Sorry about that. The little sister used a
dimensional switch on your kid. They like to play pranks every now and then,
but it's usually not this dangerous."
00:57 Rey Rey looks up at the strange woman, a part of her is furious..but
she's so relived all she can say is, "A w-w-what?"
00:58 Lok "Dimensional switch. It switched places with your kid,"
00:58 Lok The Big daddy gets up, groaning all the while.
00:59 Lok The little sister stops crying, and hugs the Big Daddy. "Mr. B,
you're back!"
00:59 Lok The guards are warily aiming their guns at the beast, but the Big
Daddy seems content now, and it slowly marches away.
00:59 Lok winces. Such a powerful armored behemoth.
01:00 Rey picks up Joshua and nuzzles him. She was so afraid...her heart is
still pounding..
01:01 Lok Joshua hides his face as he curls up in Rey's arms.
01:01 Lok sighs. "Yeah well...we almost got killed by that thing! How can you
let the little girls run around like that?"
01:02 Lok The woman flinches. "It's not like we /want/ them to run around like
that. We're just forced to share a home with those...things."
01:03 Rey "Lok..what are those...m-m-monsters?" Rey refuses to let go for Josh
now, but she leans on Lok slightly.
The military woman is still eyeing the Big Daddy as it storms off into the
distance. "Big Daddies. They populated this area before the Cyber Dome was a
civilian area. They guard the little sisters, and the little sisters gather
energy from various sources."
23:28 Rey shivers slightly. She doesn't want Joshua anywhere near those
23:31 Lok "They usually mind their own business, as long as we don't bother
them or their little sisters...We don't really have a choice but to watch our
step around them. Still...with monsters like those walking around, there's
bound to be a few serious accidents every now and then..." She sighs.
23:32 Lok frowns. "Accidents? Try casualties! We didn't even go near the damn
23:34 Lok "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down. I understand it's
not your fault. In fact, I'd like to set you folks up with a room here in
Cyber Dome, if you haven't registered one already, free of charge."
23:35 Rey leans against Lok, trying to calm him down, "We'd like that..w-
wouldn't we?"
23:35 Lok sighs. "Yeah, alright. I guess that'd save me some credits."
23:37 Rey She nuzzles Lok's shoulder, he can feel the wetness of her
tears..but she says no more..she only clings to Joshua.
23:37 Lok The military woman nods, and takes out a small pad of sorts from her
jacket. "Right...just swipe your card through this slot, and I'll apply the
23:38 Lok takes out a small plastic card from his jacket. Strange...never
seen it before. Must be new.
23:38 Lok He swipes it along a slot on the woman's pad, and the woman presses
a few buttons.
23:39 Lok "Alright...and...there. Enjoy your stay at Cyber Dome Mr. E."
23:39 Rey much more didn't she know about her lover?
23:40 Lok She checks her pad. "Your room is D-23. Do you need an escort to
help you find it?"
23:40 Lok shakes his head. "No, it's alright, I've been here before. Besides,
I need to get another one of these cards for the lady. Can you point me to the
23:40 Lok The military woman nods. "Certainly." She gives Lok directions to
the Cyber Bank.
23:41 Lok "Alright Squad, get back to your patrols. I want sector B secured!
Keep an eye on those little girls dammit, don't want another mishap like that
23:41 Lok The soldiers, military woman included, begin to march off in
different directions.
Lok sighs. He turns to Rey. "Are you alright?"
23:43 Rey clutches Joshua against her chest, "I'm...terrified. Lok...I
thought you said this place was safer than Derphy.."
23:44 Lok "It /is/ safer than Derphy. Big Daddies aside, this place actually
has a security force. Besides, they saved us."
23:45 Rey She frowns and quietly asks, " you feel safe here?"
23:45 Lok The boy is silent has he buries his face into your arms.
23:46 Rey sighs, "Lead the way..we'll talk of this more once were the
23:47 Lok shakes his head. "No point in going any further if you're still not
convinced. Rey...if you /really/ think Derphy is safer than this place, then
fine. We'll go back immediately. I'll cash in these credits for gold, and we
can pay for a coach to drive us back."
23:50 Rey She's chewing on he bottom lip, "I'm nervous..but we should stay the
night at least..the room is free after all.."
23:51 Lok frowns. That didn't sound entirely convincing, but at least she
still trusts him this much.
23:51 Lok "Come on, we need to get you a card."
23:52 Rey "The card is money..right?" She asks as she follows him.
23:55 Lok "Yea. In Cyber dome, they use a monetary system known as 'credits.'
It's...a bit difficult to explain, but it's like money that's recorded into a
tiny plastic card."
23:57 Rey understands the concept of credit, Hawk taught her basic finances
so she could run the guild, just in case he got killed. "Oh..that doesn't
sound very secure.."
00:00 Lok shrugs. "In a few ways, maybe. But then again, your card can't be
stolen either, unlike actual gold. The card only works for you, you see. Don't
know how they do it. Something about recognition technology or something."
00:02 Rey is busy trying to think of ways to steal something like that..she
comes up with a few possibilities, but they aren't appropriate for Josh's
00:03 Rey "The t-technology here reminds me of strange magic.." She says as
she fearfully marvels at your surroundings.
00:04 Lok chuckles. "It's science. Personally, I prefer science to magic. It
makes sense, one way or another."
00:04 Lok Finally, they arrive at a kiosk.
00:05 Lok is greeted by a cheerful girl.
00:05 Lok "Hello Sir! How can I help you?"
00:05 Lok clears his throat. "The lady here would like some help registering
for a card."
00:06 Lok "Well alright then! I just need a finger print and your user tag,
and we'll be set!
00:07 Rey hesitantly sets Joshua down for a second, but continues holding his
hand, she turns to Lok, "Please..don't take you eyes off him.." Then she
attempts to look the lady in the eyes and holds out her hand.
00:08 Lok nods.
00:08 Lok The lady uses a small device to scan Rey's finger. "Okay then!
Please give me your user tag so I can see if this checks out, and we'll be
done shortly!"
00:09 Rey "User tag?" She already completely forgotten what that was..
00:09 Rey she's*
00:10 Lok leans over. "Your uh...nick name."
00:11 Rey "Sparrow."
00:13 Lok The lady nods, presses a few buttons, and a confirmatory 'bing'
noise can be heard. A small device prints out a plastic card, and the lady
gives it to Rey. "Annnd here you go! Have a nice stay in Cyber dome!"
00:14 Rey "Uh..t-thank you very much." She takes the card and hands it to Lok
so she can pick Joshua up once more.
00:20 Lok arches an eyebrow. "Uh...this is for you to keep, in case you need
to buy something while I'm not around." He pushes it back to Rey.
00:21 Rey She raises an eyebrow as well, "And why would you n-not be
00:22 Lok shrugs. "What if I need to do more jobs requests?"
00:23 Rey clearly doesn't like the sound of that..her eyes look weary, and
scared, "Lok..can we please just go to our room? I'm exhausted.."
00:24 Lok sighs. "Alright."
00:25 Lok As Lok leads them to their room, they pass by many people. Humans,
Dwarves, Mutants, Elves, Halflings, even Snails!
00:25 Lok Truly, the Cyber dome is a place of Diversity.
00:25 Rey Was it just her imagination..or did he seem../annoyed/ with her
since she found Joshua?
00:25 Lok Although, one can't help but cringe as they pass by a Big Daddy.
00:26 Rey follows on in silence, a tad afraid of all these new..beings..
00:27 Lok Eventually, they arrive at their room. The door has no keyhole,
instead it has a smile slot to swipe a card in.
00:27 Lok takes out his identification card, and swipes it.
00:27 Lok The lock clicks, and he opens the door.
00:28 Rey notes that such a lock would be difficult to pick..impossible with
her set actually..
00:28 Lok The room inside is...clean!
00:30 Lok The beds are made and tucked, the walls are glowing white, the floor
is soft and smooth, and a light source hangs from the ceiling.
00:30 Lok For such a simple room, it's feels quite luxurious and modern.
00:31 Rey set Joshua down and smiles at him. "This is where we get to sleep
tonight. Do you like it?"
00:32 Lok The boy is smiling, and he jumps onto the bed and starts curling up
00:32 Lok chuckles at this.
00:32 Lok "Poor kid. Must have been a while since he's slept in a nice bed."
00:34 Rey can't help but laugh as feels good to chuckle after the
day they've had..almost cleansing. "Well, he's with us now. He doesn't have to
worry about where he sleeps anymore."
00:35 Lok stretches and yawns. "Actually, I wouldn't mind taking a moment to
relax myself."
00:36 Rey She's tempted to tackle him onto the bed..but refrains..they can't
go carrying on like newlyweds with a child about..
00:37 Rey flushes at that thought, "I'm a little s-sleepy too." She lies.
00:38 Lok smiles. "Well then. Shall we call it a day?"
00:39 Rey nods and hugs onto Lok with a grin, "You know..there's alot of
things don't know about you.."
00:40 Rey I*
00:40 Lok pats her on the back and chuckles. "Well, you could always ask I
00:42 Rey She pulls him towards the bed, "Well..I never knew you were
so..musically gifted.." She blushes beautifully as she says this.
00:43 Lok gets onto the bed with her. "I dabble."
00:43 Lok "Or...dabbled." He smirks.
00:45 Rey She curls up against him, "It was beautiful...and you played /our/ that..suit." She's even more red now, and unable to look him in the
00:46 Lok She's so cute when she blushes. " a thief, I was able to
travel the world. I found that people in Cyber dome appreciated people with a
talent for music, so I was able to get a taste of the limelight during my stay
in Cyber Dome. It was nice actually."
00:48 Rey lays her head on his chest, "Tell me more about your travels Lok."
It dawns upon her how little of the world she's actually seen.
00:49 Lok puts his arm around Rey and relaxes his head a little. Joshua is
already sleeping like a baby. The poor lad must be exhausted. Everything up
till now has been a long nightmare for him.
00:53 Lok "Well..I've been to many places in Tyris. It was nice feeling,
exploring the world on my own, so I took advantage of it.
00:54 Lok I've been to the temple of altars north of Palmia. It's quite the
spiritual place...though, I'm not sure why there were so many silver cats
jumping around."
00:55 Lok ponders as he thinks upon his travels.
00:55 Lok "Seen my share of dungeons too. The Puppy Cave is quite interesting.
Feels as if the walls are always...shifting in that place."
00:56 Lok looks at Rey. "Oh, have you ever seen snow?"
00:57 Rey is silent for a moment then sadly says, "No, Hawk's told me about
it though. He said he'd take me when I got older..but he always got too busy.
Is it really like a frost spell all over?"
00:58 Lok nods. "Yea. In a town called Noyel, far..far away in the corner of
Tyris, it's always snowing."
00:59 Lok smiles. He wonders what his friends have done in Noyel since he
00:59 Rey "Always snowing? Then how do they grow food?"
01:00 Lok "They trade with other towns. Fish from Port Kapul are quite the
delicacy to them."
01:01 Rey "That must be hard...having to depend on another town completely
like that.."
01:02 Lok "Well, not just Port Kapul. They trade with all the towns of course.
Lumiest, Vernis, Palmia..." He chuckles. "Even Derphy."
01:03 Rey feels like she should know these things..after all information was
her job. Maybe she's just too tired to recall.
01:04 Rey She's starting to get sleepy, her fingers begin tracing lazy circles
on Lok's chest.
01:04 Lok lets out a content sigh. "'s a big world out there." He
01:14 Rey Her worries start to creep into her mind, "Hey, aren't
mad at me..are you?"
01:16 Lok arches an eyebrow. "Hm? Why would you think that? Of course not."
01:19 Rey looks away from him, "Well...I'm n-not so innocent now..I've k-k-
k-killed people..and.." he gaze falls upon Joshua, "I didn't exactly ask if
you were ok with bringing him along.." She flushes again, this time feeling
01:20 Lok "Though I /did/ say it was unwise to bring him to Derphy, I didn't
save him just to ditch him there, you know...?"
01:20 Lok frowns. "You really think I wouldn't try to help the kid? He's like
you after all."
01:22 Rey She gives him a slight smile, "I know that...but..I should have at
least..consulted you before deciding to take him...I'm s-sorry.."
01:22 Lok "Hey now, none of that. If a stray child needs help, we'll help him,
no questions asked."
01:24 Rey Her smile brightens, "Thank you Lok." She chuckles, "Though if we
keep this up we'll have to run an orphanage."
01:24 Lok frowns. "Whoa there. We can only do so much within reason."
01:25 Rey pokes him on the nose, "That was a joke, love."
01:25 Lok smiles.
01:25 Lok Still though...
01:26 Lok He's right. They can only do so much within reason...
01:26 Lok He's no Hawk. He can't take in orphans as he pleases. He can only
offer so much protection.
01:26 Lok Today's Big Daddy fiasco proved that.
01:26 Lok Sooner or later...and most likely sooner...they're going to have to
leave Joshua somewhere. It'd be irresponsible to keep him around.
01:28 Rey kisses Lok's chin, then whispers, "Do you think we'll /really/ be
able to find his real family?"
01:28 Lok is silent.
01:29 Lok The boy looked...very malnourished.
01:29 Lok Almost as if the fat man had stopped feeding him.
01:29 Lok Which meant...the fat man probably had no use for Joshua anymore.
01:30 Lok Even a kidnapper has to take good care of his kidnappee.
01:30 Lok "...Well...another part of the reason why I wanted to bring him here
was because the Cyber Dome is the best place I could think of to track down
his parents...but..."
01:32 Rey "But?" She feared she already knew the answer..
01:33 Lok avoids her eyes. " know the odds. I mean...the fat
man was already looking for another child to kidnap..."
01:34 Rey nods, "Which means..either he grew tired of Joshua..." She shudders
at that thought, "Or...he could not longer ransom him.."
01:34 Rey no*
01:36 Lok sighs. "But...I promise, we won't leave him till he's in safe
01:37 Rey She can't help but gaze at the sleeping child, "I know it's
silly...but I wish we could keep him."
01:40 Lok can't help but cringe a little at the thought of having kids.
01:40 Lok It's not that he doesn't want to have kids with Rey eventually, but
the idea of having one /now/...well...that's just irresponsible.
01:42 Rey "Don't make that face..I'm not stupid..I know we can handle a child
now...that wouldn't be fair to him..but..I don't just want to hand him off to
some strangers that will never let us visit him.."
01:43 Lok "Yeah...I know what you mean."
01:43 Lok sighs. "Let's just hope it doesn't come to that..."
01:45 Rey squeezes his hand, "Yeah...I wish I knew where my family
was..they'd care for him in a heartbeat.."
01:47 Lok Family...
01:48 Lok How long has it been since he's seen his parents?
01:48 Lok For that matter, how long has it been since he's even /thought/ of
his parents...?
01:48 Lok Would they be proud of him if they knew he was doing his best to
protect the love of his life and an innocent child...?
01:49 Lok Or would they shun him after realizing what kind of remorseless
monster he's become?
01:49 Lok's best not to think of them for now.
01:49 Lok "...Yeah."
01:51 Rey fidgets a little, "'re family is still alive correct?"
01:52 Lok "Yeah.
Rey tries to choose her words carefully, she doesn't want to come off
as..desparate..or pushy, "Have you ever t-t-thought of visiting them a-again?"
02:06 Lok "Honestly...? Not really. Then again, I suppose I'll have to
introduce you sooner or later..."
02:06 Lok smiles. "...Then again...I suppose that wouldn't be so bad."
02:07 Rey blushes brightly and smiles from ear to ear, "You..want to
introduce me to them?"
02:08 Lok "One of these days."
02:10 Lok yawns and begins to close his eyes.
02:10 Rey kisses him on the cheek and cuddles closer, "I'd love to meet them
02:10 Rey She'd been worried that he was embarrassed of her..
02:10 Lok "Mhm..." He's starting to drift away.
02:11 Rey Lok came from a wealthy family. Heck they might have even been
nobility for all she knew..and she..was just a clanless thieving elf girl..
02:13 Rey His family probably wanted him to find a /proper/ wife, someone of
the same social class...she knew she'd be..a disappointment.
02:13 Rey But Lok didn't care.
02:13 Rey He wanted to introduce her anyways...
02:14 Rey Because he loved her.
02:16 Rey couldn't help but drift off to sleep with a soft smile on her face.
She dreamed of Lok in /that/ handsome suit on one knee..and asking that
terrifying question.
02:17 Rey --SCENE--
02:19 Lok (Clap clap clap clap!)
02:19 Lok (Bravo! Bravissimo!)
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