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Created February 1, 2014 09:39
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Rey must cope with her first kill.
21:04 Lok **Previously, on Elona DW!
21:05 Lok "You know what? I've decided I /will/ buy you two a room."
21:05 Lok His face is completely concealed with a black mask and a hood.
21:05 Lok There are no markings on a fact, it doesn't even have eye-holes...
21:05 Lok He is wearing a large, black, hooded trenchcoat.
21:06 Lok On his back is Katana...although, it's longer than your usual katana. It' actually a Dai-katana, but only Lok is familiar with that kind of weapon.
21:06 Lok Rey looks at the man again and asks, "Who might you be sir?"
21:06 Lok It is a deep, distorted voice. The black mask seems to muffle it some.
21:06 Lok He chuckles. "Just a friendly passerby. Here..."
21:07 Lok He takes out a bag of coins. "Enough for the finest room in this inn...although, even /that's/ not saying much. Don't spend it on anything else though...I'll know if you do."
21:07 Lok The strange mans silently walks away.
21:07 Lok Lok grabs the bag of coins, and checks it to make sure it's not booby trapped.
21:07 Lok Lok smiles. "We this...and spend it on supplies and food!"
21:07 Lok Rey frowns, "But he said he'd know.." She smiles slyly, "I think we should get the room and order in food."
21:08 Lok Lok looks at the coins. There is enough to take a break and enjoy themselves for today...
21:08 Lok Lok smiles. How could he deny /her/?
21:08 Lok ----
21:08 *** Rocketgirl is now known as Rey
21:09 Rey did not sleep much that night.
21:10 Lok Morning has come.
21:10 Lok (there are 5 days till Rodrich's magic show)
21:11 Rey did not sleep much that night.
21:11 Rey She awoke slowly, feeling pleasantly sore from the inside out.
21:13 Rey It took her a moment to register exactly why she felt this way then memories of their passionate night before came flooding back..
21:17 Lok is sleeping peacefull next to Rey. He's tuckered out from the...workout.
21:19 Rey could feel herself blush to her ears. His arm is draped over her bare chest..last the dark that hadn't bothered her, but now she couldn't help but be embarrassed.
21:20 Rey tries to slip out of bed without waking him..her muscles groan in protest.
21:23 Rey He doesn't even stir..and she can't help but worry that perhaps she asked too much of him..afterall he only had some left.
21:23 Rey leans her ear to his chest, just to make sure he's still breathing..
21:23 Rey had so* much
21:25 Lok is still breathing normally. His chest slowly rises and falls as he sleeps.
21:26 Rey Relief flows through her like fresh air, and she can't help but smile as she looked down at her handsome..lover. She could use that word for him now.
21:28 Rey And it felt wonderful to say! She had to test it on her tongue a few times to be completely certain she liked it. She did.
21:30 Rey Still grinning from ear to ear, Rey began to do her morning stretches. She kept as quiet as she could, reveling in the feeling of her sore muscles limbering up.
21:31 Rey had already decided to let Lok sleep in...maybe..just maybe she could find a simple mission to do while he caught up on his rest!
21:31 Rey That'd make him proud wouldn't it? Oh he'd be so much less stressed if she could make even a little coin..
21:34 Rey Though he was quite upset that last time she left without a word..wasn't he? She didn't want to /hurt/ him like that again, so she decided to tie a lil note around his wrist with a spare leather hair tie she had.
21:36 Rey It read, "Dearest Locke, I've gone out to make some coin so we can eat today. Please get extra rest! You must for my sake, I worry about you.. I love you, so much. Always -Your Sparrow"
21:38 Rey decided that would make him worry less at least, course if she was lucky she'd get back before he even awoke!
21:39 Rey She washed herself off as much as possible then dressed in her leathers and went out to find some work!
21:40 Rey Like only a Derphy native can she one-two stepped through the crowds quickly making her way to the job board.
21:41 Lok Knowing you can't actually /choose/ your request from the job board, you quickly remember some of the more notable job requests.
21:42 Lok A caravan attack, a sabotage mission, and a kidnapping request!
21:44 Rey Kidnapping? Horrible memories threaten to break free right then...
21:45 Rey trembles trying to picture Lok..instead of..that evil man..and his veiny hands..
21:47 Rey For a moment it's as though she's back in that dark..cellar..she can feel the cold string of iron shackles around her wrists..can smell the acrid scent of blood and sweat..
21:49 Rey She remembers the cracks of light in the darkness..and how she dreaded it, because it meant he'd come for her again..
21:50 Rey snapped herself out of it. This time she wasn't the victim, this time she wouldn't let anyone hurt someone the way she was hurt.
21:51 Rey studied every detail of the kidnapping notice.
21:55 Lok "There's a family of rich nobles who've just settled near Vernis recently! They haven't received security yet, so this should be easy pickings! Bring me the kid, and I'll give you a cut of the ransom!" The reward is 1000 gold!
21:56 Lok It describes the location of a house, not too far west from Vernis.
21:57 Lok There's also a drop off point, a little south of Derphy.
21:57 Rey tries to recall what her informants said about any new family's in the Vernis area.
22:11 Lok Using process of elimination and recent shipment records, you deduce that this family is most likely the Bluedissia's.
22:12 Lok Byron Bluedissia, Jacquelyn Bluedissia, and their son, Samuel Bluedissia. They are one of many noble families from the central political center of Palmia, most likely looking for a simpler life in the suburbs.
22:13 Lok Byron makes most of his money engaging in the political activites of Tyris.
22:14 Rey can't allow this poor Samuel to get kidnapped.
22:15 Rey She fixes her cloak, masking her face and waits in the shadows for someone to dare try and take this heinous job.
22:25 Lok And wait.
22:26 Lok It isn't long before the other two jobs are taken before your eyes.
22:26 Lok Lok would disapprove of you not taking the opportunity, but this is...personal.
22:26 Lok Regardless, it isn't long before your determination pays off.
22:27 Rey steels herself and waits.
22:27 Lok Eventually, a man clad in black leathers makes his way to the job board.
22:27 Lok His legs are long, and his limbs are spidery.
22:28 Lok His hair: A distasteful black Mohawk.
22:28 Lok He stands in front of the board for a moment, and takes the kidnapping request!
22:29 Lok After reading it carefully, he takes it with him, and heads south. He must be going to the drop off point!
22:30 Lok Perhaps he intends to discuss a few details with his employer before going to the house west of Vernis.
22:30 Rey attempts to shadow him without being noticed.
22:38 Lok The streets of Derphy are crowded enough for you to blend in and shadow him from a safe distance.
22:42 Rey keeps her eyes on him, waiting for a chance to strike...she readies herself for the possibility of making her first kill...she hopes she can do it.
22:44 Rey She checks her surroundings, how many people re about right now? How many actually paying attention?
22:45 Lok Many people are around you, as the day is still young. In fact, the amount of people is probably the only reason you're able to stalk him so easily at the moment.
22:46 Rey continues to follow with a sigh, now is not the time to strike.
22:46 Lok And so you continue to stalk.
22:46 Lok The thief makes his way to the exit, looks over his shoulder, shrugs, and leaves Derphy.
23:02 Rey follows closer. He'll be easier to strike down outside the city.
23:04 Lok Easier to strike down...yes. But not easier to stalk.
23:05 Lok A wide gap lies between you and the thief as he walks toward his destination.
23:05 Lok If you're quiet enough, you could probably dash to a nearby tree...
23:06 Rey tries to do just that, she has to get to him first!
23:09 Lok You almost make it the tree, when suddenly, a branch crackles under your feet!
23:09 Lok The thief turns around, quickly drawing a dagger in each hand and snarls at you!
23:09 Lok "Hey! What are yew doing here?"
23:10 Rey panics and whips out her shortbow. She shoots first and asks questions later.
23:13 Lok The arrows flies true to your aim!
23:14 Lok However, the man sees the impending projectile, and tries to jump to the side! It scrapes against the side of his arm!
23:14 Lok Without wasting any time, he throws a dagger at you as he jumps to the side!
23:15 Rey rolls to the left trying to dodge!
23:19 Lok You successfully dodge it, but your footing is off! That gives him time to move in!
23:19 Lok Prepare to trade blows!
23:20 Rey pulls out her dagger and short sword! She lunges at her enemy!
23:23 Lok You swiftly slice through the air, but air is all you cut!
23:23 Lok He side steps, barely dodging your attack, and brings his knife down to you!
23:23 Lok "Die bitch!"
23:25 Lok The knife meets it's mark, and pierces your shoulder before he retracts it!
23:26 Rey "Eeeeep!" Rey can help but scream as the blade sinks into her.
23:26 Rey can't fight him like this..her daggers are no match..
23:27 Rey tries to sprint away and leap into the nearest climbable tree!
23:53 Rey She scrambles up the tree but...
23:53 Lok He scrambles up the tree after you!
23:56 Lok You make it on top of a sturdy branch, but as you turn to face him, another dagger comes flying at you!
00:00 Rey leaps to the next tree landing on a nearby branch, like a squirrel she darts away, putting some distance between her and he attacker before drawing her bow for a shot!
00:00 Lok Running and gunning is harder than it looks!
00:01 Lok Your arrows misses its target, and the man dashes after you, throwing yet another dagger! How many daggers does this guy have!?
00:04 Rey climbs higher to escape the threat! It barely misses her..
00:05 Lok Time slows around you!
00:05 Lok You don't know if it's the previous seconds you've just bought yourself, the pure adrenaline rushing through your veins, or a combination of both, but you are now more focused than ever!
00:13 Rey feels the calm in the storm, she enters the zone of focus where only survival matters. She takes aim and fires away!
00:14 Lok The air parts as the arrow strikes, fast as lightning!
00:14 Lok The thief lunges onto another branch, but not before your arrow hits him right between the eyes!
00:14 Lok His dying corpse thuds against the branch, and falls to the floor as the blood sprays onto the leaves
00:16 Rey stands there watching in horror as he falls..she hit him in the head...she hadn't meant to do that...she /killed/ someone.
00:18 Rey Bile rises in her throat, but she forces it down. In a zombie-like trance she slides out of the tree..with trembling legs she walk over to the../body/.
Somehow, his black leather seems even /darker/...stained with the blood /you/ spilled.
00:19 Lok His eyes are hollow...white...empty.
00:19 Lok ...Devoid.
00:19 Lok His arm, bent out of must have taken the blunt of the force from the fall.
00:20 Lok There are lines of blood, streaming from the protruding arrow between his eyes. They crawl down his face like the legs of a spider...
00:20 Lok This man is dead. You killed him.
00:22 Rey can fight it back anymore the sight of blood undoes the last strand of willpower
00:23 Rey She wretches her eyes away and vomits up everything in her half-starved stomach.
00:25 Rey finishes emptying her stomach..though it takes several painful heaves..then she faces what she has done.
00:25 Rey Faces the man she killed.
Rey tries to pretend she's stealing from someone who's only sleeping as she digs through his pockets..she's looking for the note, and any coin he might have on hand.
00:37 Lok On him, you find a small pouch with a substantial amount of pocket money! 200 gold in fact!
00:39 Lok You successfully find the request note in one of his pockets. All that's left to take are his daggers and his clothes.
00:40 Rey takes the daggers, even though just touching them makes her feel sick...she knows Lok and Hawk would disapprove of her letting the 'spoils' go to waste..
00:41 Rey She also tears off a bit of the man's shirt to bind her wound, she wished in vain for any type of healing poultice...after all the real fight was ahead of her.
00:42 Rey was going to catch the one behind this...or die trying.
Lok Rey was going to catch the one behind this...or die trying.
19:44 Rey The makeshift bandage made her wound stop bleeding at least.
19:44 Rey studied the kidnapping request once more, then started for the drop off location it specified.
19:47 Lok You make your way through a grove of trees, and eventually find a clearing. There is a fat man with a thin mustache sitting on a chair, eating grapes...and he has a strong-looking bodyguard. The fat man speaks. "Hm hm you think no one will answer my request after all?"
19:48 Lok The bodyguard speaks, "Naw boss, Derphy's full of em cutthroat types, you'll see. I'll bet there's already someone on the way right now!"
19:49 Rey hides behind a tree, decided how she should approach this..
19:50 Rey She could try and get a clear shot before they've seen her..but still there's two of them..she isn't sure she can take survive outnumbered..
Rey er no take*
19:53 Lok Although, the fat one doesn't seem like he's much of a fighter...
19:53 Rey pulls a vial of serpents tear's out of her pouch..she could always poison them..
19:58 Rey She can help but fidget..and wonder if it'd be a better idea to pretend to be their friend, say she'll do the job, then come back with Lok and kill them..
19:59 Rey But Lok's probably too..tired still...and then she'd have to blow whatever stealth advantage she has right now..
20:07 Rey wants so bad just to sneak around and put a few arrows through these guy's necks..but she promised Lok..that she wouldn't die..not out loud..but still, it meant something to her.
20:08 Rey She decides to slowly walk out in front of the men. The job flyer clasp gentle between her fingers.
20:09 Lok The bodyguard becomes wary of you.
20:10 Lok The fat man hobbles out of his seat, and greets you. "Hello there!" His eyes fall to the flyer in your hand. "Hm hm hm! I don't suppose that's my job request dear?"
20:11 Rey nods shyly, she's glad her cloak and hood cover much of her face.
20:13 Lok He grins creepily, baring his crooked teeth. "Wonderful! I was getting sick of waiting out here! Hm hm hm!" He pulls out a map, and shows it to you, pointing out key destinations, such as where you are to go to kidnap the boy, and where to drop him off.
20:14 Lok "I'll be here, in my little you can see, it's a bit northeast of Derphy, hm hm hm! Drop him off there, and you shall receive your payment!"
20:15 Rey warily asks, "How will I get my payment, from you or..?"
20:16 Lok "Just ring the doorbell dear, and we'll commence the trade. Oh, but of course! You want payment in advance don't you?" He takes out a small pouch of gold and offers it to you. "!00 gold, just for trying, hm hm hm!"
20:18 Rey smiles and says, "Thank you, a girl's got to eat you know. I should be able to have the boy for you by tomorrow night, perhaps later. Does that work?"
20:19 Lok The fat man plays with his mustache and continues to grin. "Hm hm hm! Of course! Don't go ripping me off now girl!"
20:21 Rey gives him a beautiful and innocent smile, "Wouldn't dream of it sir, you'll get exactly what you're due." She nods politely to the bodyguard as well then tries to take her leave.
and innocent smile, "Wouldn't dream of it sir, you'll get exactly what you're due." She nods politely to the bodyguard as well then tries to take her leave.
"Toodle loo!" The fat man and his fighter take their leave.
20:29 Rey hopes she'll be able to find them at the drop off point..for now she heads home to Lok, to ask for his advice at the very least.
20:31 Lok You make your way through the denizens of Derphy, and eventually to the inn you were staying at.
20:31 Lok Lok isn't there.
20:31 Lok However, he did leave a note.
20:32 Rey pales as she picks it up, this isn't what she wanted at all..
20:33 Lok The note reads, "Hope you know what you're doing. Guess I'll scope out the job board myself. Good luck darling, and come back home safe. I left this note in case you came back before I did, but I doubt there's need for that. Still, can't be too careful."
20:33 Lok Hopefully, he's still at the job board!
20:34 Rey sprints over to it!
20:36 Lok You dash to the job board area. There is a man in a familiar cloak! It's Lok!
20:37 Lok yawns as he leans against a wall, watching the job board. Slow pickings today...although, he supposes he could've gotten up earlier.
20:37 Rey breathes a shy of relief as she approaches in front of him, with her hood down. Huh..she looks a lil pissed.
20:38 Lok blinks as she sees Rey approaches. "Hm? Done already? Wow, that was quick, how did it go?"
20:39 Rey Her tone is sharper than you've ever heard it, "I thought I asked you to stay in bed and rest."
20:41 Lok raises an eyebrow. Where did this come from? "And...I /did/ rest. I'm quite well rested actually. So well rested, that I took too long in coming here, and all the good jobs were taken."
20:43 Rey Worry clouds her eyes, "Are you s-sure you got enough..I didn't w-want to wake you..I thought you'd be exhausted after.." She blushes bright red, "You know.."
20:45 Lok chuckles. "Trust me, I got enough rest...hey...wait a minute..."
20:46 Lok His eyes fall to your bandaged arm and they widen. "Wha...what happened to /you/!? Are you alright!?"
20:47 Rey gulps then says, "Fine..I think. I fought someone." She looks a little dazed as she says this, "And I got us a job. Kind of."
20:50 Lok 's eyes turn angry. "A dangerous one no doubt! Why didn't you tell me!? I trusted you to be fine on your own!"
20:50 Rey winces and hands him the flyer, "I c-couldn't let them do t-that."
20:52 Lok reads the kidnapping request. "I...Well..." He shakes his head. "No! That's still no excuse, I could've lost you!"
20:54 Rey She let's herself nearly fall into his arms, "I would'a run back to you if it go too bad...and it kind of did, there were tow of them so now I need your help."
20:54 Rey got**
20:56 Lok sighs. "You should've went to me even if there was just /one/ of them! I assumed you were going to pick something easy..."
20:58 Rey nuzzles him, "I would have...but..I just c-could stand there and do nothing...what if they s-s-sold him like they did me?"
20:59 Lok "What if you /died/?"
21:01 Rey Her hold on him tightens, "I wouldn't let it get that far..I didn't even mean to kill the guy.."
21:03 Lok 's eyes widen once more. " killed someone...?"
21:05 Rey nods, tears are forming in her eyes. "I..I d-d-didn't.../mean/ to.."
Lok Lok can't be mad at her...not anymore.
21:14 Lok If she's willing to go this far for this...
21:14 Lok sighs. "Alright. Where do we go?"
21:23 Rey She hesitates, "I don't know..we could go after the man ordering this, or warn the boy's family..."
21:23 Lok shrugs. "Well, what do you know of this job?"
21:24 Rey tell him everything she knows.
21:24 Rey tells*
21:26 Lok "'re technically the only one that's 'taken' the request? And as of now, he's the only one hiring?"
21:26 Rey "As far as I know yes.."
21:26 Lok ponders on this.
21:28 Lok "Well...Either way, we end up going after the man ordering this. Sounds to me the family just hasn't had time to prepare against thugs, whether they're aware of this kidnapping attempt or not. Either way, we end up going after the fat man. Whether or not
21:29 Lok you want to take courtesy to warn them, that's your call. You /do/ have the flyer, so it's not like you don't have proof."
21:31 Rey looks seriously at Lok, "The question is who do we go after first? The fat man will be expecting us to make the we at least have to take that long..I figured we might as well warn the family then."
21:32 Lok arches an eyebrow. "By /that/ logic, we'd have the element of surprise if we go after him now. Again, your choice. Either way the family get's security, and either way we go after the fat man. If we choose to warn the family, they might call in more security then they first ordered or something like that. If we choose to go after the fat man, he won't be
21:32 Lok expecting us so early."
21:33 Lok shrugs. "Of course, I assume we're not actually going to go up to the fat man's door and announce our arrivals, if you know what I mean."
21:34 Rey kisses his nose, "You're so clever darling. Surprising him would work well, I just hope he doesn't have any other body guards.."
21:35 Lok clears his throat. "Ah...yes."
21:35 Lok Actually, he's got a hunch they'll be more body guards at the mansion.
21:36 Lok Perhaps he's just being paranoid, but on the other hand, it /would/ make sense to have more security at his own home.
21:38 Rey gives him a look, "Lok...what aren't you saying?"
21:39 Lok gives her a worried look. "He lives in a mansion and he only has one body guard? Not likely..."
21:41 Rey frowns, "So maybe we should go to the family first, and see if they'll lend us a hand.." She looks downcast, "Oh who am I kidding, they wouldn't help would they?"
21:44 Lok shrugs. "I'm sorry dear, I truly don't know. Even if they wanted to, could they? I imagine their security hasn't been settled in yet. Also, if you ask for help, we put others at risk." He gives her a serious look. "Rey...I'll help you however I can, but understand this is /your/ mission. However /you/ want to deal with it, I will advice and aid you."
21:48 Rey She takes his hand, "Thank means so much to me..t-that you'll s-stand by my side.." Her eyes get a hard, determined glint to them. "Let's go after that b-b-asterd."
21:49 Lok nods. "Lead the way."
21:51 Rey recalls the directions and leads on!
Lok Eventually, they arrive at the fat man's mansion. As they in the trees outside the mansion, Rey and Lok takes the chance to observe the mansion's surroundings.
21:53 Lok It's almost night time.
22:00 Lok Unfortunately, it's hard to see through the windows of the mansion, as the curtains are all down.
22:00 Lok sighs. He hates it when he doesn't know what he's up against.
22:02 Rey strokes his hand and whispers, "You don't have to do this.."
22:06 Lok shakes his head. "But /you/ do. Come on, we need to get over the wall."
22:08 Lok climbs down the tree, and silently makes his way to the outer walls.
22:08 Rey She follows Lok, looking for a quiet and hopefully stealthy way over it.
22:09 Lok The wall is climbable...but it will be difficult. Lok rubs his hands together, and jumps onto the wall, trying to get a grip on the stonework.
22:10 Lok He lands on his butt.
22:11 Lok gets up. "Hey, Rey, come on, I'll give you a boost."
22:11 Rey heads over to him, "Alright, but I'm not sure I can pull you up.."
22:12 Lok shakes his head. "I'll find another way in if you can't."
22:18 Lok This way doesn't work either. Lok tries to give Rey a boost, but she loses her footing and they stumble upon eachother.
22:18 Lok Such weak...weak....weak thieves.
22:18 Lok curses under his breath.
22:19 Rey is mortified, "I'm so s-sorry."
22:19 Lok They used nothing but arrows and willpower to climb a giant 2 story wall, and they can't even climb this.
22:19 Lok ...Oh wait.
22:19 Lok facepalms.
22:20 Lok It takes some effort, but Lok manages to lodge two daggers into the wall.
22:20 Lok He then scales the wall with ease!
22:21 Lok Before he jumps over the wall, he quickly checks his surroundings once more.
22:22 Rey copies him using the throwing daggers she just got..
22:23 Lok There's a lone thug, patrolling the front yard.
22:23 Lok looks to Rey as they both peek over the wall.
22:24 Lok In a low voice, he asks her, "What do you want to do?"
22:25 Rey hesitates, then solemnly says, "Whatever it takes."
22:28 Lok "Then what /will/ you do?"
22:31 Rey She turns to look into his eyes, "What do you think we should do? Is k-killing really the easiest way?"
22:36 Lok sighs, and shakes his head. "I can't tell you what I'd do. This is something you need to figure out yourself."
22:36 Lok gives Rey a serious look.
22:36 Lok "Weigh the consequences and the benefits against eachother. Sometimes...the prize is worth the risk. Other times..." He falls silent, and waits for your decision.
22:40 Rey looks on the verge of tears, "There's no prize here Lok..just some e-evil that needs to be d-dealt with." She pulls out her bow and takes aim at the lone guard.
22:41 Rey She whispers, "If this all goes bad..I love you and I want you to run." She fires.
22:51 Lok The thug stretches his arms out, but is stopped mid-yawn by an air-piercing arrow.
22:51 Lok The dead silence of the night is broken by a 'thud.'
22:51 Lok An arrow protrudes from the back of his skull. He is dead.
22:52 Lok climbs over the wall, and quickly rushes to the man to drag him to a hiding place.
22:52 Rey covers her mouth to keep from shrieking. Another one dead...just like that..
22:52 Lok He proceeds to loot the man.
22:53 Rey She pulls herself together in time to scan the area, bow drawn. She'll give Lok all the cover he needs.
22:53 Lok keeps his eyes open for anyone else that might be around as he searches his pockets.
22:54 Lok Some gold and a longsword (much too heavy for his taste). He chooses to leave the longsword behind.
22:55 Lok He quickly makes his way to the front entrance, and motions for Rey to do the same.
22:56 Rey hops down and follows her beloved.
22:57 Lok They are at the front entrance now, hiding behind the closed double-doors.
22:57 Lok looks at Rey. "Now what?"
22:59 Rey Her eyes are glassy almost as she having a memory issue right now?
22:59 Lok taps her lightly on the cheek. "Hey. Focus."
23:00 Rey shivers..
23:02 Lok 's eyes narrow. "I know you're scared, but you've lost the right to falter here and now. You have just ended someone's life. It doesn't matter if he was evil or not, but you took his life for a purpose. You /must/ see this through."
23:02 Rey nods slowly, she appears to be a bit more lucid now.
23:03 Lok nods. "Good. Now...what do we do?"
23:05 Rey "I don't know're the one who's good at these kind of missions.." She doesn't sound confident at all..
23:05 Lok sighs. "I know, but this isn't my mission to direct."
23:08 Rey "Lok...this isn't a me." Her eyes are pleading.
23:09 Lok shakes his head. "I'm sorry."
23:09 Lok It hurts him to be this hard on his beloved, but this is what must be done.
23:09 Lok She needs to know what it's like.
23:10 Lok Ever since his first kill, killing was no longer just an option when he carried out missions.
23:11 Lok became more of a /necessity/.
23:11 Lok Rey didn't have to kill that man.
23:11 Lok They could have tried sneaking past him.
23:11 Lok They could've tried looking for a back entrance.
23:11 Lok They could've tried...anything else.
23:12 Lok Killing that man was /her/ choice.
23:12 Lok The man had no say.
23:12 Lok She will direct this mission...and she will live with the choices /she/ makes.
23:12 Lok There are two sides to this coin.
23:13 Lok The hunter...and the hunted.
23:15 Lok Rangers have the utmost respect for their prey, whether they be man or animal. They bond with nature and realize the sanctity of life. When they decide to take a life, they understand what must be done.
23:16 Lok But when a thief is behind the bow...they don't take a life. They /steal/ it.
23:18 Rey gives Lok a heart-wrenching frown, then slips inside the house.
23:20 Lok slips in after her, slowly and silently closing the doors behind him, letting in as little light as possible.
23:21 Rey She chooses her steps carefully, her large ears listening for any sign of danger.
23:25 Lok The mansion is dark.
23:25 Lok The lights are on upstairs however.
23:26 Lok You find yourselves in the living room. There's a few couches, some unlit lamps, and a coffee table in the center.
23:27 Lok As you carefully make your way through the bottom floor, Lok stops you.
23:31 Rey stops, and opens her mouth as though she's about to ask something..then closes it and gives him a confused look.
23:31 Lok puts his finger to his mouth, indicating silence. He then cups his hand to his ear, and then points upwards.
23:31 Lok Footsteps are growing louder. It sounds like someone's coming downstairs.
23:32 Rey looks around for somewhere to hide.
23:33 Lok The curtains, the couches, and a nearby plant seem like the only suitable hiding spots;
23:34 Rey slowly creeps behind a couch.
23:35 Lok Lok has already disappeared into the shadows.
23:35 Lok Another thug walks downstairs. He snorts. "So dark down 'ere..."
23:36 Lok He looks around for a lamp. There's one on the coffee table...near the /couch/.
23:36 Lok The thug makes his way towards the couch.
23:36 Lok The thug makes his way towards the coffee table.
23:37 Rey peers out just enough to line up her shot, then throws one of her new daggers his way.
23:38 Lok The dagger flies into the man's throat!
23:39 Lok He doesn't even get a chance to gasp for air, because Lok is right behind him, driving a dagger into the back end of his neck!
23:40 Lok carefully lets the man's corpse lean against his arms, and he gently places him on the floor.
23:41 Lok He loots the thug. He finds 50 gold, and a short sword. He drags the man's lifeless body behind the curtains.
23:42 Rey pokes her head up from her hiding place again. She caught herself before she threw her next dagger at Lok...for a second she'd though the was one of the bad guys...
23:42 Lok He takes the dagger from the body, cleans it off on his cloak, and crawls to Rey behind the couch.
23:42 Lok waits silently for Rey's next move.
23:45 Rey hugs onto him for a moment, he can feel her trembling violently.
23:45 Lok gently pats her on the back.
23:47 Rey She has a lost look in her different from the wildfire they'd held last night..
23:49 Lok shakes his head and remains silent.
23:51 Lok /It's not it? To have to make all the tough decisions? It's easy to hurt or kill someone if you didn't pull the trigger first. That's just support. But to actually decide to take someone's life...that is the ultimate act of theft./
23:52 Rey strains to hear anything. She's desperately wishing Lok something..and lead the Hawk always did..
23:53 Rey She hates herself in that moment for thinking of him..she shouldn't be thinking of him anymore.../he/ certainly wasn't thinking about her..
23:54 Lok There's still more footsteps coming from upstairs. Probably more thugs on patrol.
23:55 Rey feels so small in that moment..there's more of them..more people she'd have to kill to stop this evil..why? Couldn't three be enough..
23:55 Rey Keeping to the shadows she slides away from the couch and begins looking for the stairs.
23:57 Lok You find the stairs.
23:58 Rey nods to Lok and slowly head up them, keeping her eyes peeled for any sign of movement.
23:59 Lok follows her silently.
23:59 Lok The two make it to the upstairs area.
23:59 Lok It's well lit, so it won't be easy to use the shadow's as refuge.
00:00 Lok You are in a wide hallway. There are many statues across the hall.
00:01 Lok There's also some curtains near the windows.
00:01 Lok You hear footsteps coming round the corner.
00:01 Lok Lok is already gone.
00:02 Rey hides behind the nearest statue.
00:02 Lok From the corner of the statue, you see another thug come round the corner.
00:03 Lok "Oy, Jimbo? What's taking you so long?
00:03 Lok The man mumbles to himself. "Stupid idjit, can't even get a sandwich..."
00:03 Lok He starts making his way towards the stairs.
Rey readies another throwing dagger, at the very worst she can distract him long enough for Lok to make the kill.
00:04 Rey She hurls it in the new man's direction.
00:05 Lok The dagger flies past the man, causing him to jump!
00:05 Lok "What the-"
00:07 Lok From behind the curtains, Lok jumps out at the man and tries to grapple him from behind!
00:10 Lok He successfully manages a chokehold on the thug, and attempts to stifle his noises, but Lok can't hold him for long! And he's starting to make too much noise! You need to make a decision /now/!
00:12 Rey pulls out another dagger and throws it, praying that she doesn't hit Lok instead..
00:13 Lok The knife makes it's mark into the thug's chest.
00:14 Lok It digs deep, and blood is streaming from the wound. You can hear a muffled scream come from the thug's mouth.
00:14 Lok He's not dead yet...and Lok is still trying to subdue him...
00:14 Lok You need to make a decision /now/.
00:15 Rey rushes in to hack and slash at her foe with a backstab!
00:19 Lok You drive a knife, straight through the heart of your foe.
00:19 Lok One final last breath...and the thug dies...his body limping against Lok.
00:19 Lok Blood...splatters onto your face.
00:19 Lok It soaks your dagger...your sleeve...the floor...
00:19 Lok It just continues to poor.
00:20 Lok (pour)
Rey It's still it's alive..
00:20 Rey Once again she has to fight back the urge to puke..
00:21 Lok Footsteps are coming!
00:21 Lok quickly tries to lockpick the nearest room!
00:22 Rey pulls her daggers out and guard's Lok's back.
00:22 Lok taps Rey on the shoulder, shakes his head, and points aggressively at the body!
00:22 Lok He whips out his picks, and starts frantically picking at the lock.
00:22 Lok The footsteps are growing louder!
00:22 Lok A turn, a pivot, and a click!
00:23 Lok He silently opens the door, and motions for Rey to help drag the body inside!
00:23 Lok turns off the nearest light source, in order to hide the blood stains on the carpet.
00:23 Rey tries to help him drag it away.
00:23 Lok The thug is nearing the corner!
00:24 Lok Rey and Lok drag the body into the room, and Lok closes the door, but not all the way.
00:24 Lok The thug has rounded the corner.
00:24 Lok Footsteps.
00:24 Lok A step. Another step.
00:25 Lok Another step. The thug has stopped.
00:25 Rey stays stock still..
00:25 Lok "Eh? Who turned off the lights? And what's that smell...?"
00:26 Lok A step. Another step.
00:26 Lok He's about to turn on the lights!
00:26 Rey goes in the backstab, and pops out at him!
00:29 Lok Silent and deadly, you drive a knife /hard/ through the front of his skull.
00:30 Lok Blood splatters onto your face once more.
00:30 Lok The man falls forward lifelessly onto you.
00:34 Rey can't help but let out a small squeak! The man was touching her..dead man was..
00:34 Lok No one but Lok hears you. There are no more footsteps.
00:34 Rey Panic.She can feel it set in.
00:34 Lok rushes over to Rey and pushes the man aside onto the floor.
00:35 Lok He drags the man into the same room, and loots him.
00:35 Rey She feels cold hands touching her all over..
00:36 Lok You feel a warm hand gently place itself on your shoulder.
00:36 Rey starts whimpering..her eyes glassy and can help but wonder why she had to insist on doing this...and if letting her was a good idea..
00:37 Rey She freezes..."Lok..?"
00:39 Lok rubs her shoulder. He whispers, "...Will you see this through? It's okay if you can't. You can leave now...and I'll finish the rest."
00:42 Rey stares blankly for a few seconds then says in a voice you can scarcely make out, "N-n-no..we'll d-d-do it t-together.." She sounds like she doesn't want to..but that she /has/ to.
00:44 Lok nods slowly, and begins to silently stalk around the upstairs area.
00:44 Lok Together, you and Lok comb the upstairs area.
00:44 Lok There is no one left, and there is one room left.
00:45 Lok You can hear someone snoring from within.
00:45 Lok No is the fat man.
00:45 Lok You and Lok silently post yourselves outside the door.
00:45 Lok turns to face you.
00:46 Lok "...One left. Are you sure you want to go through with it?"
00:47 Rey 's eyes are dark icy cold block of aged anger that /never/ fully thawed out. You've never seen this side of doesn't even seem like the girl you love.
00:48 Rey She nods, her features resolute. She'd not allow a kidnapper to live..not on her watch.
00:49 Lok This be expected.
00:49 Lok After his first kill, Lok was never the same.
00:49 Lok The kills that followed only changed him further.
00:49 Lok So why make Rey kill all those thugs?
00:50 Lok Because it's different this time.
00:50 Lok This time...she had someone to hold her hand through it all.
00:50 Lok Lok never had that privilege.
Lok He wasn't sound of mind...and no one helped him question himself...
00:53 Lok Soon, it was too late. He was too far gone.
00:54 Lok Rey /chose/ her actions, just like Lok did. But she didn't have to choose alone...not like he did.
00:54 Lok Now...all she needs is for someone to ask her the right questions.
00:54 Lok gives Rey a serious look.
00:54 Lok "Rey...what treasures did you gain from all this?"
00:56 Rey She hands him the bag of gold, "Nothing that matters..but I'm s-s-stopping someone..from hurting I was..hurt."
00:56 Lok "So gold then." He takes the bag, and pockets it.
00:56 Lok "What enemies did we overcome?"
00:58 Rey "All in our path."
00:58 Lok "What did you learn?"
00:59 Rey 's face looks empty and broken, "What it's like to steal another's life."
01:00 Lok Ah yes. The three important questions every adventurer must ask himself after a quest.
01:00 Lok This is how one progresses. This is how one evolves.
01:00 Lok But...there's one question Lok wished he asked himself...above all.
01:01 Lok Rey's answer...will forever define the person she'll become.
01:01 Lok "Finally..."
01:01 Lok takes a deep breath.
01:01 Lok "...Was it worth it?"
01:02 Rey Her answer is soft, but it rings in your ears for days to come, "I..d-don't know yet."
01:03 Lok 's eyes soften.
01:03 Lok Exactly.
01:03 Lok Is she /really/ ridding the world of evil?
01:03 Lok Or she just delaying the inevitable?
01:04 Lok Suddenly...its not as simple as black and white.
01:04 Lok When you steal something valuable, you might have done it out of greed...desperation...or any other reason.
01:05 Lok But when you steal a life...everything changes.
01:05 Lok Suddenly, you untold power in your hands.
01:05 Lok The power to choose whether someone lives, or dies.
01:06 Lok Sometimes, the prize is worth the risk.
01:07 Lok This time however...she doesn't know what to do with this prize. She may be a killer now...but at least Lok knows she's still has her humanity.
01:07 Lok nods. "Good. Now wait outside."
01:08 Rey "What..?"
01:10 Lok "You came stop others from being kidnapped. But at the same time, you realize it's easier said than done. Your innocence may be lost, but your soul is still intact. Wait for me outside...keep what little you have left of your soul, and nurture it back to health."
01:11 Rey is speechless..he was going to finish it for her? But...this was something she needed to do..
01:11 Lok lifts down his collar, and kisses Rey on the cheek.
01:12 Rey She grabs his arm, "Lok...I n-need to do this."
01:14 Lok shakes his head. "No. You only needed to see it through. I needed you to be here till the very make sure you could stick to your principles, but at the same time feel basic human emotions. Guilt. Regret. Remorse. Here we the end of our waltz. Let me finish this dance my dear...please."
01:16 Rey takes his hand in hers and kisses it, "And let you lose your soul? Never."
01:16 Lok shakes his head. "...I've already killed so many. It isn't my soul to lose anymore."
01:19 Rey She only whispers in response, "Then let me d-do this, and be /damned/ along with you."
01:20 Lok "Never. Get out before I run out of patience with you. I'm serious Rey. You've already ended four lives tonight. I'm just asking for one."
01:22 Rey glares at him..but you can see relief present in her honey brown eyes, "Only because I l-l-love you."
01:26 Rey She leaves with shaking legs. Once she gets to the bottom floor she searches briefly for any kind of cellar or..basement..
01:27 Rey has to check..just in case..
01:27 Lok There is a basement. It is pitch black.
01:27 Lok You eventually find a lightsource, and switch it on.
01:28 Lok There are boxes and other pieces of furniture in the basement.
01:28 Lok Nothing more.
01:29 Rey doesn't feel relieved...only empty..she leaves the house entirely, and waits for Lok on the outside wall.
01:31 Lok has successfully lockpicked the door.
01:31 Lok He silently enters the room, and hovers over the sleeping fat man.
01:31 Lok He slowly draws his rapier.
01:32 Lok What is...evil?
01:32 Lok Is a man who kidnaps children evil?
01:32 Lok Howabout a man who kills just for fun?
01:32 Lok What about someone who steals, just for greed?
01:34 Lok If there /is/ such a thing as evil in the world, Lok thinks one is evil when he can kill someone.../anyone/...without a shred of guilt.
01:34 Lok kills the fat man.
01:34 Lok One less 'evil' man in the world.
01:34 Lok But more importantly...
01:34 Lok One less man...for Rey to kill.
01:35 Lok -SCENE-
01:35 Lok (Clap...clap...clap....clap....CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP)
01:35 Lok (BRAVO! BRAVISSIMO!!!)
01:35 Rey many feels
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