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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Hawk finally meets Lok's father! If only the circumstances were better...
02:09:04 Lok *Previously, on Elona DW!
2014-01-28 02:11:55 Lok Hawk turns his head to look in her eyes, "But that's nothing compared to...well my mistake..." He cannot bear to meet her eyes, "I'm marked for assassination now."
2014-01-28 02:13:01 Lok Clarice widens her eyes. "What!?"
2014-01-28 02:13:24 Lok Hawk gives her a half-hearted smile, "I'm not worried for myself darling, I worry for /you/. You won't be safe around me until I've dealt with this Sanguine Devil woman."
2014-01-28 02:13:44 Lok But she doesn't /want/ to go...
2014-01-28 02:13:54 Lok /But you don't want your boy to get hurt either right? The Sanguine Devil is way out of your league dear...just leave it to the professionals. Listen to me...I /promise/ we'll make sure your boyfriend gets through this. For now, you need to be a good girl, and head on home...alright?/
2014-01-28 02:14:00 Lok But she wants to help...
2014-01-28 02:14:05 Lok /You're not strong enough. I'm sorry to be the ice queen here, but you're simply too weak.'d just be a liability./
2014-01-28 02:14:09 Lok Weak...and useless. Why must she always feel this way?
2014-01-28 02:14:16 Lok Clarice looks down at her feet, and reluctantly nods.
2014-01-28 02:14:23 Lok "I...I understand." She starts to choke up a little, as if trying to hold back her tears as she regurgitates these words.
2014-01-28 02:15:09 Lok Hawk takes one of her hands in his own, and is sure to look her in the eyes as he clearly says, "Hey, I...kind I'll find my way back to you. I swear it." There, he said it, and it wasn't a lie thanks to the 'kind of', now he'd have no regrets if he did die.
2014-01-28 02:15:16 Lok Clarice looks up at Hawk with wide eyes.
2014-01-28 02:15:23 Lok Did he really just say...he kind of.../loved/ her...?
2014-01-28 02:15:30 Lok Clarice leans in closer to Hawk's lips, and kisses him tenderly.
2014-01-28 02:15:44 Lok Now she knows. She finally knows...that he loves her.
2014-01-28 02:15:45 Lok ----
2014-01-28 02:15:56 -- Lok is now known as Lysander
(There are 2 days left till Rodrich's magic show.)
(There are 6 days left till the Inquistion)
2014-01-28 02:16:28 Lysander There is no time to lose.
2014-01-28 02:20:00 Lysander As he rides his black horse, he takes a moment to double check the marked destination on his glove.
2014-01-28 02:20:04 Lysander *globe
2014-01-28 02:20:55 Lysander Palmia. The political center of Tyris.
2014-01-28 02:21:16 * Lysander grimaces. "This better not be your doing Sebastian..."
2014-01-28 02:21:59 Lysander His leather coat flutters in the wind as the horse gallops rapidly towards its destination.
2014-01-28 02:23:38 Lysander Meanwhile...on a road back to Derphy...
2014-01-28 02:23:49 -- Lysander is now known as Clarice
2014-01-28 02:25:46 * Clarice is staring out the window of her carriage with sad eyes...wondering if her beloved will be alright.
2014-01-28 02:25:50 Clarice She lets out a heavy sigh.
2014-01-28 02:31:01 Clarice Their goodbye was
2014-01-28 02:31:12 * Clarice frowns.
2014-01-28 02:31:16 Clarice ...Sad.
2014-01-28 02:31:34 Clarice Finally...he had confessed his love to her.
2014-01-28 02:31:40 Clarice She should have been celebrating.
2014-01-28 02:32:32 Clarice But...what with this new situation...
2014-01-28 02:32:43 Clarice Everything was...not exactly well-timed.
2014-01-28 02:32:53 Clarice And now, here she was...on her way home.
2014-01-28 02:32:54 Clarice ...Alone.
2014-01-28 02:33:16 * Clarice lets out another heavy sigh. "...Come back to me soon my love...please."
2014-01-28 02:34:39 Rocketgirl ***
2014-01-28 02:34:44 -- Rocketgirl is now known as Hawl
2014-01-28 02:34:50 -- Hawl is now known as Hawk
2014-01-28 02:36:14 * Hawk doesn't want to get out of bed...the pillow still smells like her..
2014-01-28 02:40:00 Hawk Like soft, calming lavender..
2014-01-28 02:41:00 * Hawk inhales the scent conjuring up memories of their goodbye..
2014-01-28 02:43:01 Hawk Her golden curls falling on his face as he held her in his arms..her whispered words of love..those tears in her beautiful blue eyes..
2014-01-28 02:43:44 * Hawk wondered if he'd ever get to hold her like that again...
2014-01-28 02:44:08 Hawk He'd be lucky if he ever got to hold her again at all..
2014-01-28 02:46:17 Hawk He'd said he loved her. Like some jackass he'd told her that right before what was likely his death was so incredibly /selfish/.
2014-01-28 02:47:54 Hawk Now what if he died? Would she suffer /more/ because of his thoughtless confession? The very idea made him want to throw up..
2014-01-28 02:49:41 * Hawk shouldn't have said it...his only consolation was that he'd been too depressed to try and sleep with least he hadn't taken that from her yet..
2014-01-28 02:50:14 * Hawk lay there regretting his actions, hating his stupidity, and missing his love.
2014-01-28 02:53:58 Hawk He laid there for hours.
2014-01-28 02:55:22 Hawk Until finally something broke inside him and he decided to see...his more /interesting/ sister.
2014-01-28 02:56:57 * Hawk wanders off to look for Sibyl, the only other bastard with special privileges like him.
2014-01-28 02:58:48 Hawk He finds her room easily enough, it wasn't too far from the one he was staying in. He expected to find it locked, but the strange door actually opened for him.
2014-01-28 02:59:41 Hawk Inside his eerie sister sat on her pillows, staring at him.
2014-01-28 03:00:12 Hawk She did not speak yet, so he ventured a "Ello sis...long time no see."
2014-01-28 03:01:28 Hawk "Death stalks you brother, more than usual. And you do not welcome it this time."
2014-01-28 03:01:51 * Hawk flinched, he was never really sure how to respond to her...
2014-01-28 03:02:26 Hawk It was unnerving how easily she saw right through...and beyond..everyone.
2014-01-28 03:03:23 Hawk But seriously what did /that/ even mean? He never was clever enough to understand her words without father around to interpret.
2014-01-28 03:04:38 * Hawk says, "Well that's nice and everything, but I actually have a do I stop this Sanguine Devil?"
2014-01-28 03:09:18 Hawk Her voice deepens strangely as she says, "To pierce the crimson lady's heart, you will need a double-edged blade."
2014-01-28 03:09:53 * Hawk felt like that didn't really help...all of his blades were double edged..
2014-01-28 03:10:50 Hawk Maybe it meant he had to aim for her heart or something? Hmmm or maybe it meant his arrows would be useless against her? Fuck...
2014-01-28 03:11:25 * Hawk didn't know why he even bothered asking for the help of a seer...they never made any sense at all..
2014-01-28 03:12:57 Hawk He is about to rise and leave when Sibyl shrieks and grabs his hand, "I see...a hawk...falling from the sky..covered in red."
2014-01-28 03:13:51 * Hawk shakes her off him and exits with frayed nerves...had she actually seen him die?
2014-01-28 03:16:05 Hawk But...he can't die..not when he'd finally found someone worth living for..
2014-01-28 03:18:37 Hawk Was this perhaps...a twisted justice?
2014-01-28 03:19:09 Hawk He'd taken so many least a few in their prime..when they were happy and had loved ones..
2014-01-28 03:20:03 Hawk Perhaps it was only fair he die in such a way..
2014-01-28 03:22:12 * Hawk decided right then to prepare himself, after-all a follower of Kumiromi ought to meet his scythe on good terms at least.
2014-01-28 03:24:29 Hawk He'd say his goodbyes to his father's family, write a letter to Dove, and their child...whom he might never meet. He'd write another one to Clarice of course..and send his drawing s of her along with it.
2014-01-28 03:25:25 * Hawk arrived at his room and started writing at the fancy ass desk.
2014-01-28 03:28:36 Hawk Two hours pass, and his letters are is a new sketch of himself and Clarice...together and was unfinished of course..he doubted he'd ever be able to finish it..
2014-01-28 03:30:24 * Hawk left the letters with his luggage, Father would no doubt rummage through his stuff...afterwards..
2014-01-28 03:32:40 * Hawk met with each of his sisters and spoke to them, he shared memories with the older ones, gave Maddy one of his daggers, and played hide and seek with Ally for a bit.
2014-01-28 03:35:09 * Hawk sought out his stepmother, smiled at her, and said, "I know we'll never be on good terms, but I think you done a good job with the girls." She was speechless and confused.
2014-01-28 03:36:31 Hawk Now time for the most difficult of all.
2014-01-28 03:38:27 * Hawk found his father...trying to make time with one of the maids in the library. The poor girl ran off looking beyond embarrassed..and a lil dazed.
2014-01-28 03:40:35 Hawk Deshal tried his best to look annoyed and huffy, but Hawk could hear the hint of concern in his voice when he said, "Devin, that was rude of you to interrupt me. Whatever could be so urgent?"
2014-01-28 03:43:20 * Hawk wanted so badly to finally kill the old man, gods know the sick fuck deserved it..but he needed the ass..rather his guild did, "If I died would still fund the guild right?"
2014-01-28 03:45:53 Hawk Deshal leaned on his cane, "If they continue to be useful to me, then yes, of course." He raises his eyebrows, "Now where is this coming from exactly? You aren't exactly the type to plan ahead much boy.."
2014-01-28 03:50:19 * Hawk hesitates, then lies, "I'm over 35 my line of work age will soon catch up to me and kill me. It is not if, but when...for /her/ sake I must prepare."
2014-02-02 21:57:37 Rocketgirl Deshal snorts, "You act like you're going to marry this girl. Isn't it a bit soon for thoughts like that?"
2014-02-02 22:03:46 <-- Rocketgirl ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
2014-02-02 23:15:14 --> Rocketgirl ( has joined #elona-dw
2014-02-02 23:17:20 Rocketgirl Lok?
2014-02-02 23:23:48 Lok harro :3
2014-02-02 23:24:55 Lok Deshal snorts, "You act like you're going to marry this girl. Isn't it a bit soon for thoughts like that?"
2014-02-02 23:25:59 -- Rocketgirl is now known as Hawk
2014-02-02 23:26:34 * Hawk rolls his shoulders back and frowns, "Perhaps
2014-02-02 23:27:49 * Hawk rolls his shoulders back and frowns, "Perhaps..but I care about her."
2014-02-02 23:32:01 Hawk Deshal shakes his head and sighs, "You are far too sentimental at times boy." He appears to be counting and says, "You're only 30 by my count, no need to rush into a relationship. Enjoy yourself."
2014-02-02 23:33:00 * Hawk only glares in response.
2014-02-02 23:35:55 Hawk His father chuckles, "Son, men like you and I want to suck the /marrow/ out of life. We aren't the type to ever settle down...because we always want /more/. Be it glory, power, or will never satisfy, mark my words."
2014-02-02 23:37:32 * Hawk clenches his fist, "I'm not like /you/."
2014-02-02 23:39:52 Hawk Deshal's eyebrows rise as though he heard a witty joke, and he grins slowly, "Aren't you though? I mean really Devin."
2014-02-02 23:43:57 Hawk "You'll lie, steal, cheat, and kill to protect your family, your /legacy/. You live off your charm and willingness to do a dirty job. You destory those who get in your way slowly, and cruelly." Deshal adds offhandedly, "Hell, you've already sired your first bastard. No boy, I think you are very much your father's son, a shame you aren't a mage."
2014-02-02 23:45:55 * Hawk winces, how was it that this man could push his buttons so easily? Was..was he right? We're they really /that/ alike?
2014-02-02 23:46:54 * Hawk didn't even want to /entertain/ that idea any longer.
2014-02-02 23:47:45 Hawk Deshal kept prattling on, "I hear you've even inherited my taste for elves, not to mention younger women-"
2014-02-02 23:48:02 * Hawk hit him. Square in the jaw.
2014-02-02 23:50:37 Hawk His patience had run out, "Just SHUT UP! I will /never/ be like you."
2014-02-02 23:51:59 Hawk Deshal rubs his face and scowls, "That was uncalled for, you ungrateful swine. Leave. Before I have you removed."
2014-02-02 23:54:48 * Hawk leaves without another incident..he can't believe that he'd /forgotten/ about the midst of his grief he hadn't even thought to write to her...if he died..would she be ok?
2014-02-02 23:54:53 Hawk Could Lok take care of her?
2014-02-02 23:55:09 Hawk Could he even understand what she'd been through?
2014-02-02 23:57:11 Hawk To be honest..for a while he'd been trying to forget about her..even Clarice at first had only been Rey's replacement..
2014-02-02 23:57:38 Hawk But now that he'd actually forgotten her, for even a moment...he felt awful..
2014-02-02 23:58:25 * Hawk sighed as he stalked up and down the streets of Palmia.
2014-02-02 23:59:25 Hawk He everything was spinning so out of place..and nothing made sense anymore..least of all his fucked up feelings.
2014-02-03 00:05:24 -- Lok is now known as Lysander
2014-02-03 00:06:08 * Lysander is staring at his orb as he walks the streets of Palmia.
2014-02-03 00:06:22 Lysander He scratches his head in confusion...
2014-02-03 00:06:53 Lysander According to the orb, who ever was marked is wandering the streets of Palmia. Assuming this /is/ Sebastian...why would he be out in the open?
2014-02-03 00:07:18 Lysander The orb starts to *blip*
2014-02-03 00:08:01 * Lysander arches an eyebrow. "Hm? Am I getting warmer?"
2014-02-03 00:10:10 * Lysander he turns to one direction, and the orb starts blipping at more rapid intervals.
2014-02-03 00:10:19 * Lysander looks up.
2014-02-03 00:10:42 Lysander The citizens of Palmia are bustling about. He doesn't recognize anyone.
2014-02-03 00:10:58 * Lysander continues to stare at his orb. It's blipping faster...and faster...and faster!
2014-02-03 00:11:17 * Lysander accidently bumps into Hawk, who was too busy staring at his own feet to notice.
2014-02-03 00:11:28 Lysander "Oh, terribly sorry sir."
2014-02-03 00:13:55 Hawk This man's voice reminds you of someone you'd rather avoid, his green eyes are sharp as he says, "Sorry, I'm a bit distracted."
2014-02-03 00:15:40 * Lysander chuckles. "Aren't we all." He looks up, and smiles at Hawk.
2014-02-03 00:16:26 * Lysander squints his eyes at Hawk. "...Wait...You look...familiar..."
2014-02-03 00:16:52 * Hawk gives him a half-hearted smile in return, he appears to be studying your face as well, "As do you..though you're too old.."
2014-02-03 00:17:28 Lysander The orb is blipping extremely fast.
2014-02-03 00:17:47 * Lysander arches an eyebrow. He looks at the orb, then looks at Hawk. Back to the orb, then at Hawk again.
2014-02-03 00:18:37 * Hawk raises an eyebrow, he then frowns as his suspicions grow.
2014-02-03 00:20:04 Lysander Now that he studies him closer, this man looks like Deshal!
2014-02-03 00:20:33 Lysander And /he's/ the source of the signal? Coincidence? Lysander thinks not!
2014-02-03 00:22:04 * Lysander starts getting cautiously paranoid. "So wouldn't happen to be related to Magnus Deshal, would you...?"
2014-02-03 00:23:11 Hawk This causes hawk to grimace, "Who's asking?" Ah, at least that explained this man's awkward staring..Hawk didn't like him already..he reminded him of that smug LokE.
2014-02-03 00:27:28 * Lysander takes a step back. "Hey's alright...I just want to talk. You wouldn't happen to be...marked for assassination would you?"
2014-02-03 00:28:31 * Hawk scowls and starts reaching for his daggers, "Who are you?"
2014-02-03 00:30:29 * Lysander keeps an eye on Hawk's hand as it nears the dagger. "Yeah...I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to answer my question first. I did ask first after all..."
2014-02-03 00:34:12 * Hawk does not like how this conversation is going, "Do I look related to a Magnus?"
2014-02-03 00:36:47 Hawk He gestures at his clothes, and continues scowling.
2014-02-03 00:36:56 Lysander This man is being very uncooperative. He keeps answering Lysander's questions with other questions.
2014-02-03 00:38:32 * Lysander slowly assumes a stance...just in case. "You're not saying /no/..."
2014-02-03 00:40:19 * Hawk narrows his eyes, and sighs, "I happen to be Magnus Deshal's bastard, thank you so much for for reminding me. Now please get out of my way."
2014-02-03 00:42:40 Lysander Oh wow. No wonder he looks so familiar.
2014-02-03 00:43:26 Lysander "Right...Well, to answer your question from earlier, my name is Lysander. Now...are you marked for assassination?"
2014-02-03 00:44:12 * Hawk is fed up with this conversation, "Why do you even care? Are you here to kill me?"
2014-02-03 00:45:49 Lysander Okay, don't escalate it, and everything should be just fine.
2014-02-03 00:45:59 Lysander "No...But I will need you to come with me."
2014-02-03 00:47:26 * Hawk laughs bitterly, "Oh I should just follow you, Mr. Random Stranger down a dark alley eh? Fuck that, I'm not stupid. I'm from Derphy for gods sake."
2014-02-03 00:49:39 Lysander Well, judging by the ways he acts, it doesn't look like this boy inherited Deshal's mental powers. Still, can't be too careful.
2014-02-03 00:52:31 Lysander "Hold on need for that. I just need to get you to a safe place...that's all I'm doing here..."
2014-02-03 00:53:28 Lysander His wife would probably have resorted to violence by now, but there's nothing a civilized conversation can't do, right?
2014-02-03 00:54:06 Hawk He laughs again, "And I should just trust you right? Because you want to help me out of the /goodness/ of your heart? Sorry I don't buy it."
2014-02-03 00:55:28 * Lysander takes a deep breath. "Okay...what's it going to take then?"
2014-02-03 00:57:23 * Hawk smirks in a way that is quite reminiscent of his father, "I dunno, what do you normally do to proof trustworthiness?"
2014-02-03 00:59:54 * Lysander shrugs. "Well...I'm in no position to negotiate, as I'm the one trying to convince you to come with me. So...what do you want?"
2014-02-03 01:02:07 Hawk The red haired man looks you dead in the eyes, his gaze holding the same kind of curiosity his father possessed, "I want you to answer some questions honestly. And I'll know if you're lying."
2014-02-03 01:02:48 * Lysander clenches his teeth. "Hm...I'll try my best, but I must be honest, there might be a question or two I simply can't answer until I get to know you better."
2014-02-03 01:04:21 * Hawk nods and leans against a nearby wall as he toys with a dagger that somehow ended up in his hand, "Do you have a son? I swear I know your face, but on someone younger."
2014-02-03 01:06:01 * Lysander 's chest tightens at the question. "...Yes."
2014-02-03 01:07:52 * Hawk studies your reaction, "Dark hair, always scowling, is a thief and goes by Lok. That sound like your boy?"
2014-02-03 01:08:13 * Lysander 's widen. "You've seen my boy? Where? Where is he?"
2014-02-03 01:11:13 * Hawk puts his knife away, "Relax, he was fine in Derphy last time I saw him. Hell he even got himself a girl.." Hawk's face darkens a bit as he says that../Rey/..he deleberately doesn't mention Lok's curse..tis not his place.
2014-02-03 01:15:42 * Lysander takes a breath of relief. His heart still aches long has it been...?
2014-02-03 01:15:52 * Lysander shakes his head. He needs to focus. " that all?"
2014-02-03 01:18:43 Hawk "Almost.." Hawk flushes, "I'm assuming you also know Clarice.."
2014-02-03 01:20:11 * Lysander gasps. "Is she safe? I...I haven't been kept in the loop recently...Please, tell me you know where she is!"
2014-02-03 01:21:37 * Hawk nods, though his voice sounds tender, and worried, "As safe as she can be right now. The zombie thing has been looking after her."
2014-02-03 01:23:24 * Lysander sighs. This man knows...quite a bit.
2014-02-03 01:24:25 Lysander "Okay, I...think that's enough, don't you? You're obviously more in the loop than /I/ am. We need to compare notes and stop you from being marked."
2014-02-03 01:24:28 * Lysander relaxes a little.
2014-02-03 01:25:45 * Hawk solemnly agrees, "For Clarice's sake I'd rather not die. She's lost too many people already...well at least as far as she knows."
2014-02-03 01:31:39 * Lysander nods. He takes the orb, and turns it off. You can't help but think what a strange artifact it is.
2014-02-03 01:31:52 Lysander "Right then. Do you have a horse?"
2014-02-03 01:33:12 * Hawk shakes his head, "No, but I can steal one or borrow one from my dad."
2014-02-03 01:35:03 * Lysander frowns. "No...that's alright, I'll you one."
2014-02-03 01:36:03 Hawk He mutters something about "a waste of good gold," but doesn't press the issue.
2014-02-03 01:39:18 Lysander And so, Lysander and Hawk find a stable on the outskirts of Palmia,
2014-02-03 01:39:35 Lysander There, Lysander manages to find and buy a black horse for Hawk.
2014-02-03 01:41:43 Hawk "Thank you." Hawk says this with a genuine smile, "I'm curious as to where you want me to run off to though.."
2014-02-03 01:44:07 * Lysander holds his horse by the mane, and lifts himself onto it with ease. "My house."
2014-02-03 01:46:26 * Hawk mounts his horse from the left and settles in with practiced ease, "Oh.." He seems a bit hesitant about felt wrong visiting his beloved's home without her.
2014-02-03 01:47:35 Lysander If only he had time to search for Locke and Clarice...
2014-02-03 01:54:58 * Lysander sighs. He must focus on the task at hand.
2014-02-03 01:55:17 Lysander Lysander and Hawk ride at a steady pace to his house.
2014-02-03 01:55:34 Lysander Along the way, Lysander is quite and contemplative.
2014-02-03 01:56:21 * Lysander slows his horse so that he can ride next to Hawk. "So...Locke is doing...alright?"
2014-02-03 01:58:04 * Hawk looks over and softly says, "Well he's got himself an amazing woman. Can a man ask for much more?"
2014-02-03 01:58:15 * Lysander frowns.
2014-02-03 01:58:52 Lysander'd be nice to /meet/ this amazing woman. He wonders if Locke even thought about showing her to the family.
2014-02-03 01:59:10 Lysander Is it because he's too embarrassed of his father?
2014-02-03 01:59:30 Lysander Well, even he knows he could've been a better father, but he wasn't a /bad/ least.../he/ doesn't think so.
2014-02-03 01:59:43 Lysander Then again, it could be much simpler than that.
2014-02-03 01:59:55 Hawk "You seem strangely unhappy to hear that."
2014-02-03 01:59:55 Lysander Locke might still just...hate him for sheltering him all his life.
2014-02-03 02:00:20 * Lysander looks up. "Hm?, I'm glad he's found someone. Really. I was just thinking to myself."
2014-02-03 02:00:32 Lysander He clears his throat. "And...what of Clarice?"
2014-02-03 02:01:44 * Hawk flushes a bit red, "Well..umm, she's fine I suppose."
2014-02-03 02:02:33 Hawk He really wished she were here right now...he'd feel so much less awkward then..
2014-02-03 02:02:44 * Lysander arches an eyebrow. "Oh? Well...that's...good to hear...I suppose?"
2014-02-03 02:04:20 Lysander Is it just him, or did things just get awkward?
2014-02-03 02:06:02 * Hawk decides he might as well test the waters now, "You see she's actually fallen in with a gang of thieves...their leader is apparently quite smitten with her." He frowns, "I'm not sure it's a good environment for a girl her age.."
2014-02-03 02:07:28 * Lysander flinches. "My, that sounds...terrible."
2014-02-03 02:07:47 Lysander Well actually, he doesn't find the idea terrible.
2014-02-03 02:08:09 Lysander He'd like to think Clarice is perfectly capable of managing her own love life...
2014-02-03 02:08:22 Lysander ...although, it /is/ quite strange. He assumed she would go for someone...well...proper.
2014-02-03 02:09:01 * Lysander can't help but chuckle. He remembers when Clarice was younger, and had a tendency to point out improprieties.
2014-02-03 02:09:35 Lysander Lydia on the other hand...would probably make it her life's mission to find out the identity of this alleged 'gang leader,' and smite him.
2014-02-03 02:09:44 Lysander /That's/ what's terrible.
2014-02-03 02:09:48 * Hawk feels his heart break a little bit..did he have to be a disappointment to everyone in her life? He sighs, "Well, love is foolish I suppose. The girl honestly deserves so much better.." He can't help but say this like a man in love.
2014-02-03 02:11:12 * Lysander sighs. "Well...what can you do? She's old enough to make her own decisions I suppose. I just wish she or Locke would visit once in a while...My wife and I have been so worried."
2014-02-03 02:12:43 Hawk He tires to comfort the man, "I can't speak for Lok, but I'm sure Clarice will make time to visit you all soon. She speaks quite highly of you and your wife."
2014-02-03 02:14:42 * Lysander is quite surprised. "Does she now? Well...I must say, I'm glad to hear that." He smiles a little.
2014-02-03 02:15:05 Lysander A thought just occurred to him.
2014-02-03 02:15:50 Lysander He assumed that when Clarice ran away, she would try to find Locke.
2014-02-03 02:16:04 Lysander So...where does /this/ man fit in all this?
2014-02-03 02:16:13 Lysander "If you don't mind me did you get acquainted with Locke and Clarice?"
2014-02-03 02:17:40 * Hawk looks at bit sheepish, "Well Lok happens to be dating a girl who's like a daughter to me, and I happen to be a just small part of the gang of thieves that Clarice is now somewhat part of."
2014-02-03 02:23:32 Lysander Something tells him he should just leave it at that.
2014-02-03 02:24:07 Hawk "Any more questions?" Hawk asks with a knowing smile.
2014-02-03 02:25:02 Lysander "You said earlier you didn't think Clarice was in environment. Should I be worried about the gang of thieves you're in then?"
2014-02-03 02:26:35 * Hawk doesn't have to think about it much, "Probably. We'd never hurt one of our own..specially the boss's lady, but tis a dangerous profession to be in."
2014-02-03 02:27:50 Lysander Dangerous indeed. Lysander knows this all too well.
2014-02-03 02:29:16 * Hawk grins, "Course it's more dangerous to be an assassin like me, hence why I'm marked."
2014-02-03 02:30:24 * Lysander arches an eyebrow with an amused smile on his face.
2014-02-03 02:30:54 Lysander He sees a bit of Sebastian in this one.
2014-02-03 02:31:17 Lysander "Ah. Assassin. I was a scout myself you know. Intelligence gathering and all that."
2014-02-03 02:31:59 Hawk "Really? Then you're like Lok's girl. She was our scout till she ran off with him."
2014-02-03 02:33:18 Lysander He approves of this.
2014-02-03 02:35:45 * Lysander chuckles. "Good to know I suppose...good to know."
2014-02-03 02:35:51 Lysander /is/ good to know for once.
2014-02-03 02:36:02 Lysander Being out of the loop with Sebastian's affairs is one thing...
2014-02-03 02:36:08 Lysander But being out of the loop with his own children?
2014-02-03 02:36:38 Lysander Even though Clarice is Sebastian's daughter, it almost felt like she was also /his/ child.
2014-02-03 02:36:52 Lysander Sebastian and Lysander have done so much to protect their children...
2014-02-03 02:37:08 Lysander It's rather unfortunate Sebastian got to be the "fun" one.
2014-02-03 02:37:18 * Lysander sighs.
2014-02-03 02:37:25 Lysander But he digresses.
2014-02-03 02:37:41 Lysander /His/ job was always to focus on the task at hand, as he is doing now.
2014-02-03 02:38:22 Lysander But would it be so wrong to be just a little selfish and look for Locke and Clarice...? Just to see them with his own eyes?
2014-02-03 02:38:43 Lysander A tear almost escapes his eye. He blinks it away.
2014-02-03 02:39:10 Lysander Funny thing about information.
2014-02-03 02:39:38 Lysander Many times, the more information you have, the more danger you expose yourself to.
2014-02-03 02:39:50 Lysander One day though...he hopes to tell his son /everything/.
2014-02-03 02:40:03 Lysander Till that day...he must focus.
2014-02-03 02:40:23 Lysander -SCENE-
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