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Created February 10, 2014 08:33
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What is this strange place? Discover the tech-savvy Cyberdome of Tyris!
Lok **Previously, on Elona-DW
20:30 Lok Rey held the boy tightly against her. She couldn't help but smile, even though her arms felt half dead from exhaustion.
20:31 Lok And the small taste of vengeance had only made her feel...empty inside..until she saw the boy.
20:31 Lok Rey Then her reasons made sense. Vanquishing evildoers wasn't best on it's own it was just killing for the right reason.
20:31 Lok But saving a suffering innocent...that was more than enough to inspire Rey to bloody her hands again.
20:31 Lok Nothing would be the same now..she'd killed. She was like Lok and Hawk now. She didn't know if she'd be ok.
20:32 Lok But as she held the sleeping boy in her arms, well, at least now she knew it was worth it.
20:32 Lok No matter how much it hurt her.
20:32 Lok ----
20:32 *** Rocketgirl is now known as Rey
20:33 Lok Several hours pass.
20:34 Lok The journey is long...but it is for the best.
20:35 Lok To Lok, Derphy was simply not an option. No point in saving him from evil only to bring him to a place of evil.
20:36 Lok Was Cyber dome a safe place?
20:36 Lok Actually, yes. Probably the safest place in Tyris.
20:37 Lok Although...of all the places to visit in Tyris, the Cyber dome is probably the most...
20:37 Lok ...well...Scary.
20:38 Rey finds herself a bit overwhelmed by all the machinery, she clings tightly to Joshua, and walks closer to Lok.
20:38 Lok and Rey arrive at a giant Dome shaped infrastructure. The outer shell is completely layered with reflective solar panels. The moonlight creates a brilliant reflection.
20:39 Lok walks up to a strange device near the entrance.
20:39 Lok The device looks like some kind of...looking glass with various buttons underneath it.
20:40 Lok bends over to align his right eye with the looking glass.
20:40 Lok Suddenly, the looking glass shines a beam of light, tracing the outline of Lok's body!
20:41 Rey steps back, "Is..t-that supposes to happen?"
20:42 Lok stands straight up. He doesn't seem at all surprised by this.
20:42 Lok The voice crackles a bit, and then changes to that of a woman.
20:43 Lok "Hello? State your business sir."
20:43 Rey Thorunsvald...was that his last name..Rey wasn't sure she'd ever heard it before..
20:44 Lok clears his throat. "We found a child. He needs shelter and food."
20:44 Rey She decided she liked it...Reylandra Thorunsvald didn't sound terrible..
20:44 Lok A small orb comes out of nowhere, and starts peering at everyone through it's glass eye!
20:44 Lok It's floating in mid air!
20:44 Lok "Are they registered?"
20:44 Rey flinches away from it.
20:45 Lok shakes his head. "No."
20:45 Lok The orb floats toward Rey until it is face to face with her.
20:45 Lok "Hi there, is this your first time?"
20:45 Lok The voice sounds friendly enough.
20:45 Rey She nods slowly, obvious terror showing in her brown eyes.
20:46 Lok The voice chuckles. "That's alright, you wouldn't be the first to be scared. Please look into the retina scanner over there."
20:47 Lok points to the looking glass device. Apparently, it's called a reh-tin-na scan-nur.
20:47 Rey She hesitates but then gazes into it.
20:49 Rey Fear causes her stutter to worsen, "R-r-reylandra S-sparrowsong.."
20:50 Lok gently places a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, it can't hurt you."
20:50 Lok The orb speaks. "You'll need to speak more clearly."
20:51 Rey takes a deep breathe and tries again, "Reylandra Sparrowsong."
20:52 Rey "Yes?"
20:52 Lok smiles. "Good. Now, what do you want to be known as while you're in cyber dome?"
20:52 Rey "Sparrow."
20:53 Rey doesn't understand why this is so redundant, "Yeah..I guess."
20:54 Lok The looking glass shoots a beam at you, and a red light flows over your body!
20:54 Lok After it's finished, a card pops out of the machine!
20:54 Rey After she is done trembling, she takes it and looks it over.
20:54 Lok It's a card with your name on it!
20:55 Lok It has a picture of you looking terrified!
20:55 Lok On the bottom, there's a bunch of thin and thick black bards assembled next to eachother!
20:55 Lok *bars
20:55 Lok face palms. "Oh...right, I think I lost my...card thingy."
20:56 Lok The orb speaks. "No problem, let me just look through the it is, Lok Thorunsvald! This is your one free replacement, so please don't lose it, okay?"
20:56 Lok nods, and a card for Lok pops out of the machine.
20:56 Lok Joshua was scared at first, but now he's quite curious about all this.
20:57 Rey blinks and stares at her picture...does she always look like a frightened animal?
20:57 Lok The orb floats to Joshua's eye level, and he flinches for a moment.
20:57 Lok Then he starts staring at it with child-like curiousity.
20:58 Lok "Hey there cutie! What's your name?"
20:58 Lok Joshua hesitates, then says, "...Joshua."
20:59 Lok "Alright, 'Joshua,' I'm going to need you to speak to the little machine over there clearly, and answer it's questions. Is that all right?
20:59 Lok Joshua nods.
20:59 Lok He looks at Rey, and tugs on her sleeve, trying to get her to come with him to the device.
21:00 Rey She comes along with him.
21:00 Lok Joshua has to stand on his tippy toes just to be at eye level with the machine's looking glass.
21:01 Lok "...Joshua."
21:01 Lok Joshua gives Rey a worried look. "I...don't have another name..."
21:01 Lok The orb floats near the device.
21:01 Lok "Override code, 038 Delta."
21:02 Rey smiles at him, "Josh, it needs your last name too if you remember it. If you can't you can use mine."
21:02 Lok Joshua smiles at Rey.
21:02 Lok "...Joshua...Sparrowsong."
21:02 Lok The orb goes, "D'awwww!"
21:03 Lok nods. "Y-Yes..."
21:03 Lok oops
21:03 Lok Joshua nods. "Y-yes..."
21:04 Lok Joshua is confused. "Joshua...?"
21:04 Lok "...Yes...?"
21:05 Lok The orb speaks. "Three guests, checking in! Have a nice stay you three!"
21:05 Lok The silver doors slide open.
21:05 Lok takes a deep breath. Here we go...
21:05 Rey reaches for Joshua's hand to hold and walks inside.
21:05 Lok The three enter the Cyber dome.
21:06 Lok Strange looking people with strange looking clothes and strange looking hairstyles populate the area!
21:06 Lok The walls, ceiling, and floor are white and clean!
21:07 Lok Colorful lights decorate the halls...
21:07 Lok ...and Giant metal diving suits roam the building with thundering footsteps, each accompanying a strange looking little girl.
21:07 Rey blinks several times, all the brightness bothers her..she's used to the dark alleys of Derphy..
21:07 Lok Metal men with bright red eyes glide across the foor.
21:08 Lok Soldiers with crossbows...wait...they don't /look/ like crossbows...
21:08 Lok Crossbows without the bow...?
21:08 Rey stays very close to Lok, all the metallic /things/ are giving her the willies...
21:08 Lok Soldiers with strange weapons roam the area.
21:09 Lok Strange, electronic music plays in the background.
21:09 Lok This place is definitely like no other.
Rey She can't help but ask her beloved, "Lok...are you s-sure this is a safer place?"
21:10 Lok chuckles. "Scared? Don't worry, even /I'm/ not quite used to this place yet. By the way, do you know what a gun is?"
21:11 Rey "I've heard of them..and what kind of destruction they cause.." She sounds very scared now.
21:11 Lok Is that what the soldiers are holding?
21:12 Lok " here, they serve to keep the peace. So don't try stealing anything from this place."
21:12 Lok points to a rectangular device hanging from the ceiling.
21:12 Lok It too, has a looking glass on it.
21:12 Lok "They'll catch you. They almost always do."
21:13 Rey Her eyes follow where he points, "Is it....w-watching us?"
21:13 Lok nods. "In most places, the security guards keep an eye on everything, make sure no one causes any trouble."
21:14 Lok "Here however, they can do that /without/ patrolling the area."
21:14 Rey isn't sure she likes that.."Then how are we going to get by Lok?"
21:15 Lok arches an eyebrow. "Uh...What do you mean?"
21:16 Rey "If we can't umm, /borrow/ things..well how are we going to manage to survive while we're here?"
21:19 Lok "Have you /ever/ been to a quest board that wasn't in Derphy...?"
21:19 Rey shakes her head.
21:20 Lok And /she's/ the one who brought up the idea of honest work?
21:21 Lok Quite interesting indeed.
21:21 Lok smiles. "Well...unlike Derphy, normal quest boards have...well...honest work."
21:22 Rey "Oh...really? Like what?" She sounds genuinely curious, as though she hasn't ever even heard of much honest work.
21:25 Lok scratches his head. "Well...Farming...Deliveries...Rescue missions...Party entertainment...sometimes the occasional monster hunt."
21:26 Rey All of that sounds rather..nice..she wondered if she'd be qualified at all.
21:27 Rey "We ought to check it out then!" She says with forced determination, you can tell she's trying hard to appear upbeat for Joshua's sake.
21:27 Lok looks amused, as if Rey is being silly. "Ah...excuse me? What do you mean 'we?'"
21:29 Rey Her tone grows worried, "Well I'm coming with you aren't I?"
21:30 Lok "Uh...sure. If you're okay with leaving Joshua with the local daycare."
21:30 Lok Joshua clings tightly on to Rey's sleeve.
21:31 Rey pats him, "Lok...couldn't we find a job to do that is safe to take him on?"
21:33 Lok shrugs. "Besides the monster hunt, they're /all/ safe to take him on, but it's against the rules. Child safety is kind of a big thing in Cyber Dome."
21:34 Lok A giant diving suit man walks by, holding the hand of his little companion.
21:35 Rey "Oh..I see. They let the huge metal monster guard the kids.." She sighs, "I suppose I'll stay with him then. Unless you want to play with the golem things Josh?"
21:36 Lok Josh is very terrified you would even suggest such a thing.
21:36 Lok sighs.
21:37 Lok "Well...there is /one/ job he's allowed to tag along in..."
21:37 Lok 's eyes stray to the ceiling.
21:37 Rey looks up as well, "And what is that?'
21:38 Lok frowns. "Well...I was /hoping/ to go on a good monster hunt..."
21:40 Lok is hesitant to anwer.
21:40 Rey frowns as well, "Lok..that's too dangerous.."
21:41 Lok looks offended. "What? I went toe to toe with Owl Eye! /That's/ dangerous!"
21:43 Rey She looks down, "And I'd rather us do something.." She almost said 'as a family'.."together.."
21:43 Lok sighs. He can't refuse /her/.
21:46 Lok "Fine. Come on, follow me."
21:46 Rey picks up Joshua and follows.
21:47 Lok They walk past multitudes of strangers and mechanical wonders. Finally, they arrive at the job board.
21:48 Lok looks nothing like a job board. At least not the one 'you've seen."
21:49 Lok It's some kind of...magical window with letters on it.
21:49 Lok The letters are constantly changing too!
21:49 Lok And the job board is gigantic!
21:50 Rey Mesmerized Rey stares at the screen and it's moving words..
21:50 Lok The little flying orbs from earlier are zipping about, flying and floating all over the place, giving directions and offering assistance.
21:50 Lok You, Lok, and Joshua wait in one of several lines at the job board.
21:51 Lok frowns as he watches the job board. "Ah...damn. I wanted to go kobold hunting..."
21:52 Lok Eventually, Lok makes it to the front of the line.
21:52 Rey nudges Lok, "No bad language in from of Joshua."
21:52 Lok There's a little pedestal in front of him, similar to the looking glass device that identified you at the entrance.
21:52 Rey front*
21:52 Lok widens his eyes. "I can't say damn!?"
21:54 Rey crosses her arms, "Not in front of him you can't."
21:54 Lok frowns. "Fudge."
21:54 Lok Joshua giggles.
21:55 Lok sighs and turns his attention to the pedestal.
21:55 Lok He raises his hand.
21:55 Lok "Ah...assistance please?"
21:55 Lok A floating orb makes its way to Lok. A young man speaks through it. "Can I help you sir?"
21:55 Lok "It
21:55 Lok "It's been a while...can I get a quick refresher on this...thing?"
21:56 Lok "Sure thing sir, allow me to guide you through our J.O.B. Interface, version 4.7!"
21:56 Rey (*snickers*)
21:57 Lok and the orb exchange words as he presses strange symbols on the pedestal's screen.
21:57 Lok "Will that be all sir?"
21:57 Lok nods. "Yes, thank you."
21:57 Lok "Thank /you/ sir! And remember; Internet Explorer! For all your web browsing needs!"
21:57 Lok The floating orb zips away.
21:59 Lok After a brief moment with the pedestal, the pedestal makes a confirmatory "bing!" sound, and Lok gets out of line, motioning for both of you to follow him.
22:01 Rey follows, reaching for Lok's hand as well. She wants to hold both of them. :3
22:01 Lok As they all hold hands, Lok is trying to read the signs floating above everyone's heads. Perhaps he's trying to follow directions.
22:05 Lok Eventually, they make it in front of a grand doorway labeled, "THEATRE"
22:05 Lok An orb flies towards Lok.
22:05 Lok "Are you "E?"
22:07 Lok sighs. "Yes, let's get this over with."
22:07 Lok The orb speaks, "You're on in ten Mr. E! Thanks for coming on such short notice, please hurry and get changed!"
22:07 Lok The orb turns to Rey and Josh. "Will they be performing?"
22:08 Lok shakes his head. "No, just spectating."
22:08 Lok "Right this way ma'am!"
22:08 Lok let's go of Rey's hand, and heads off into another direction.
22:08 Rey "Um Lok?"
22:09 Rey "What exactly are we doing here?"
22:09 Lok turns around. "Just, follow the orb and enjoy the show I suppose."
22:10 Rey She looks quite confused. "Ok, love..I trust you."
22:10 Rey Her and Josh head out to the seats.
22:11 Lok The place is packed with people of all sorts!
22:11 Lok The theatre is dark!
22:11 Lok On the stage, there is a lone woman, pronouncing a strange sort of poetry under a dim spotlight.
22:12 Rey listens intently.
22:12 Lok You have no idea what she's talking about.
22:12 Lok Something about...cows. And...berries?
22:13 Lok Then it occurs to you she's not even speaking your language.
22:13 Lok However, when she finishes, the crowd is in an uproar!
22:13 Lok Everyone's clapping and cheering and whistling about!
22:13 Lok Apparently, this woman put on quite the show!
22:13 Rey starts tuning it out then..and is a little upset. She can /read/ several languages..but can only speak/understand about two.
22:14 Lok The woman bows, and leaves the stage.
22:15 Lok A man with bright clothing and blonde hair enters the stage.
22:15 Lok "Give it up one more time for Miss Leticia!"
22:15 Lok Everyone applauds.
22:15 Rey claps politely.
22:16 Lok "Unfortunately, our next scheduled act, Valus the Bard, could not make it today! Standing in for him will be a returning Cyber Dome guest, Mr. E! Please, show your support!"
22:16 Lok Enter a...tuxedo?
22:16 Lok The audience claps as he takes a bow.
22:16 Lok Suddenly, the stage transforms!
22:16 Lok A grand piano rises from the floor!
22:17 Rey is flabbergasted...he looks so...handsome in that...and he can play?
22:20 Lok The lights dim, and the stage is set. A single spotlight follows Lok as he makes his way to the piano.
22:20 Lok takes a seat, and stretches his arms out. "Here goes nothing..."
22:20 Lok An arpeggio.
22:20 Lok "...I'll be your knight in shining armor..."
22:21 Lok "...You'll be the princess in the tower..."
22:21 Lok "...I'll be there soon, so wait a bit longer..."
22:21 Lok "...And I will rescue you..."
22:21 Lok Suddenly, he starts playing numerous chords in succession, the notes dancing from octave to octave, and then back again.
22:22 Lok The crowd is going absolutely nuts.
22:22 Lok "...Of all women, you're like no other..."
22:22 Lok "If only I...could be your lover..."
22:22 Lok "...From all evil, fears, and horror..."
22:22 Lok "...I'll always rescue you..."
22:22 Lok His hands glide across the piano. Is this really for real?
22:25 Lok "Please don't run... away in fear..."
22:25 Lok "...I promise that... if you stay here..."
22:25 Lok "I'll always be... true to you dear..."
22:25 Lok "...Please let me rescue you..."
22:25 Lok Another chord, and another! A crescendo, followed by an arpeggio, and then back to the chords
22:26 Lok "...I'll be your prince, and you'll be my bride..."
22:26 Lok "...You'll be my joy...and my greatest pride...."
22:26 Lok "I promise I' at your side..."
22:26 Lok He stops playing.
22:26 Lok He ends it on a single note.
22:26 Rey found herself blushing was /their/ song. Tears of pride and joy fell from her eyes.
22:26 Lok "My you."
22:27 Lok The crowd applauses!
22:27 Lok Everyone is cheering!
22:27 Lok People are standing up!
22:27 Lok "Bravo! Bravissimo!"
22:27 Rey stands and claps loudly along with everyone!
22:27 Lok *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*
Rey found herself blushing was /their/ song. Tears of pride and joy fell from her eyes.
22:26 Lok "My you."
22:27 Lok The crowd applauses!
22:27 Lok Everyone is cheering!
22:27 Lok People are standing up!
22:27 Lok "Bravo! Bravissimo!"
22:27 Rey stands and claps loudly along with everyone!
22:27 Lok *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*
22:28 Rey She honestly tempted to run up on stage and kiss him...but she knows that would be...improper.
22:28 Rey She's
22:28 Lok stands up, lets out a deep breath, and takes a bow.
22:28 Lok "ENCORE! ENCORE!!!"
22:28 Lok shakes his head and chuckles. It looks like he's apologizing or something.
22:29 Lok "ENCORE! ENCORE!!"
22:29 Rey She shouts for an encore as well!
22:29 Lok (-SCENE-)
22:29 Rey (not funny T-T)
22:30 Lok The blonde gentleman rushes to Lok with a strange voice-amplifying device in hand. "Sir! That was beautiful! Simply amazing!"
22:30 Lok He turns to the audience.
22:30 Lok "Do we want MORE?"
22:31 Lok The audience answers "YES!" very loudly.
22:31 Lok He passes the device to Lok.
22:31 Lok "Well? What say /you/ Mr. E?"
22:31 Rey whispers to Joshua, "See I told you he's not /all/ scary."
22:32 Lok Joshua is smiling and cheering with the rest of the audience!
22:32 Lok sighs, and speaks into the device. "Just give my money dammit."
22:32 Lok The audience laughs.
Lok "Awww what a poor sport you are Mr. E! Oh well, give it up one more time!"
22:33 Lok The audience cheers!
22:33 Lok takes a bow, and leaves the stage.
22:34 Lok The blonde man turns to the audience. "That's all for today folks! Come in next time for another, Cyber Spectacular! I'm your host, George McCoy! See you next time everybody!"
22:34 Lok The audience cheers, and the ceremony's closing music plays in the background.
22:35 Lok Everyone is leaving their seats now, chattering about the performances they've seen tonight.
22:35 Rey takes Josh by the hand and goes looking for Lok. She listens to the conversations as she walks by.
22:36 Lok Many of them are in different languages (not because I'm lazy), and you can hardly understand a thing. However, you hear the name "E" mentioned a lot.
22:37 Lok As you enter the hallway, a familiar voice calls out from behind you.
22:37 Rey flushes with pride, /her/ beloved is someone to be admired.
22:37 Lok "Rey! Rey! Over here!"
22:38 Rey She turns and smiles at him.
22:38 Lok You can hear this voice coming from a crowd of walkers. Lok catches up to you. He's in his normal clothes now.
22:38 Lok "Thank goodness, thought I'd lose you in this crowd."
22:38 Lok He's wearing his collar over his mouth and his hood over his face.
22:40 Rey slyly pulls down his collar and kisses him with passionate zeal, "You..were..incredible."
22:40 Lok rubs his head bashfully.
22:40 Lok "Well...whatever. Looks, let's just go..."
22:40 Lok Suddenly, his eyes fill with terror.
22:40 Lok "Rey...? Who's /that/...?"
22:40 Lok He points to the little girl holding your hand.
22:41 Rey looks down and panics!
22:41 Lok You're not holding Joshua's hand.
22:41 Rey Where did Joshua go?! She had just had him!!!! D:
22:41 Lok You've been holding some other child. It's a smiling little girl.
22:41 Lok turns around and yells. "JOOOOSHUAAA!!!"
22:41 Lok -SCENE-
(Bravo! Bravissimo!)
22:43 Lok (*clap clap clap clap*)
22:43 Rey (T-T....she shouldn't be this this bad of a parent..I shoulda got a spot check or something..)
22:44 Lok (You lost your spot check the minute you were listening to people's convos instead of checkin on the boy!)
22:44 Rey (I looked at him and took his hand..I did not let go..D: )
22:45 Lok (too disctracted by your pride in your boifreeend)
22:46 Rey (I suppose but when you abuse it, tis not that fun..)
22:46 Lok (yeah i guess. Still, it's important! For...some reason i haven't decided yet.)
22:47 Rey (hmmkay..
22:47 Lok (And what are you talkin about, you were squeezing your pants.)
22:48 Lok ("squeezing)
22:48 Lok (Squee ing.)
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