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Created March 16, 2014 09:53
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Owl Eye and Beatrice meet, face to face! ...Sort of!
Clarice **Previously, on Elona-DW!
00:58 Clarice /Oh, you didn't know? As long as you're touching him, you will see or hear that of which you desire the most! Creatures of the Undead are so fascinating aren't they? You know, I wrote a paper on an evolutionary theory of how Vampires came to be, and.../
00:58 Clarice So does that mean Owl Eye did this to Dove...?
00:58 Clarice OwlEye laughs, "If ya ever miss him..I'm always willing beautiful."
00:59 Clarice A cold chill runs down her spine as she hears this.
00:59 Clarice /Leaving already? That's a shame, I wanted to get to know him better. Then again, he almost got to know /me/ better...can't have that can we? Still, must be nice having a vampiric Mage in your guild. I'm sure he has his uses.../
01:00 Clarice With a chuckle he adds, "And I'd love ta meet yer new friend Clarice."
01:00 Clarice Clarice 's hair turns black.
01:00 Clarice Time appears frozen for all but Clarice and Owl Eye.
01:00 Clarice Clarice looks over her shoulder with a devilish grin. "I suppose."
01:00 Clarice ----
01:01 Clarice opens her eyes. She stares out into the empty void.
01:01 Clarice Everything dark.
01:01 Clarice "Where...where am I?"
01:02 Clarice looks around, but all she can see is darkness. It's hard to tell whether her eyes are even open or not.
01:02 Clarice She is standing in an abyss of complete darkness. Alone...Afraid.
01:03 Clarice She takes a step forward, and it echoes loudly through the darkness.
01:03 Clarice What is the last thing she remembers...?
01:03 Clarice That's right...She was talking to Owl Eye.
01:03 Clarice Something about him made her...uncomfortable. What were they talking about?
01:04 Clarice strains herself to remember, but everything is so hazy...
01:05 Clarice Suddenly...she hears voices.
01:05 *** Rocketgirl is now known as OwlEye
01:06 OwlEye grins, "Lookie there, so I was right. Huh." He bows slowly keeping his eye on the dark haired 'Clarice'.
01:07 *** Clarice is now known as Beatrice
01:08 Beatrice rolls her head around, stretching her neck.
01:08 Beatrice It's been a while since she's walked around with flesh and bones.
01:09 Beatrice She looks at her hands. They're so soft and delicate...yet at the same time, she can feel the mana, flowing through her veins. There's a charged energy about this body...Clarice has much potential, that's for sure.
01:10 OwlEye only observes for the moment, he knows how strange it can feel to posses a body once more..tis disorientating.
01:10 Beatrice Tendril-like shadows are starting to crawl out from under her feet.
01:11 Beatrice ...However, even with this much potential, it's unfortunate she hasn't been trained properly.
01:11 Beatrice While she was in Sebastian's body, even without the Black Mask, it was so much easier to hide her presence from even the most highly trained Templar.
01:12 Beatrice ...Now she finds herself in quite the pickle. Such bad form.
01:13 Beatrice sighs. "Yes. Yes you were. Question is...what am I to do with you now that you know?"
01:13 Beatrice She examines her finger nails. So clean and pretty...
01:14 OwlEye smiles and shrugs, "I won't say anything you know. Not even to Hawk. It's amusing to me how much she hides from him. I'm waiting for it all to destroy him."
01:16 Beatrice has an amused look on her face. "Oh? Even so, you have leverage on me...and that's something I simply can't afford."
01:17 Beatrice The tendrils begin to inch their way closer to Owl Eye.
01:18 OwlEye laughs, "Leverage? Oh please, no ones believes a word I spew forth." He is eyeing the tendrils curiously, his expression amused, "Dark magic won't harm me lovely, even you ought to know that. And if I should up dead..well everyone's going to know somethin' strange is afoot."
01:20 Beatrice arches an eyebrow, equally amused. "Who said anything about /me/ harming you?"
01:21 Beatrice The tendrils edge closer to Owl Eye, only this time, they are swirling into a pool of shadows.
01:23 OwlEye points at the tendrils, "Those don't look so inviting..though I rather like your bout you try to free me, eh? Even a monster can make nice now an then."
01:24 Beatrice smiles. "It's not for you."
01:24 Beatrice A giant undead head slowly rises from the shadows.
01:25 Beatrice The rest of its body follows suit.
01:25 OwlEye He steps back a bit and observes even though his instincts are screaming at him to flee.
01:25 Beatrice The abomination has a band of cloth wrapped around its eyes.
01:26 Beatrice It is the very same zombie from before.
01:28 OwlEye A huge fanged smile spreads across his face, "Yer the master of Mr. Zombie?! Oh miss I'm yer biggest fan."
01:28 Beatrice The Zombie lets out a deafening roar.
01:28 Beatrice He looks...annoyed.
01:28 Beatrice The Zombie turns to Beatrice.
01:29 Beatrice He suddenly stops.
01:29 Beatrice Something
01:30 Beatrice He takes a deep whiff of his surroundings...and realizes Clarice is standing in front of him.
01:30 Beatrice's not Clarice.
01:30 Beatrice She smells like his former master.
01:30 Beatrice pouts. "Excuse me? I /created/ you! If I say jump, you should be saying 'How high?'"
01:30 Beatrice The Zombie growls.
01:31 Beatrice frowns. "Er...yes, that may be true, but don't you feel any obligation towards me at all?"
01:31 Beatrice "NO."
01:31 Beatrice Well. This is embarrassing.
01:31 OwlEye was prepared for a fight, but now he can't help but enjoy the show from a safe distance away.
01:32 Beatrice huffs and puffs.
01:32 Beatrice That damn Gabriel.
01:32 Beatrice And here she was, going through all this effort to seem scary and intimidating.
01:32 Beatrice All he had to do was play along, and they might have had a chance of scaring Owl Eye straight into submission...or something.
01:33 Beatrice Truth be told, she didn't want to lay a finger on Owl Eye. Specimens like him should be examined...protected even.
01:33 Beatrice At this point however, it might actually come to violence.
01:33 OwlEye has a shit eating grin on his face, he winks at her. "Sorry dollface, it wouldn't of worked anyways, I don'ta scare easy."
01:34 Beatrice sighs.
01:34 Beatrice Well then, there goes that plan.
01:35 Beatrice But by that logic, if she can't even scare him, then that means there's no way to have any leverage on him.
01:35 Beatrice So...violence it is then.
01:36 Beatrice "Well Gabriel, master or not, I am to be protected. This man has discovered my identity...he is a liability."
01:36 Beatrice Gabriel turns to face Owl Eye.
01:36 Beatrice He's baring his teeth at him. What an annoying situation this has turned out to be.
01:37 OwlEye pouts and sighs, "The Zombie couldn't kill me last time and he won't now. Come on now dark haired beauty, don't you want to study me at all? I'd let ya get all close and personal how you like to."
01:37 Beatrice Tempting...very tempting.
01:37 Beatrice But that doesn't solve the 'leverage' problem.
01:39 Beatrice chuckles. "Look around darling, you're in my world now. Even if we couldn't kill you, we most certainly can hurt you...permanently even."
01:39 OwlEye tries out his smoothest drawl, "I was always told'd that ya humans try to make love not war..I don't wanna fight a lass who's work I admire so."
01:40 Beatrice sighs. "And yet, here we quite a pickle."
01:40 Beatrice She turns to Gabriel. "Can you vouch for this man?"
01:40 Beatrice "ABSOLUTELY NOT."
01:41 Beatrice Gabriel pauses.
01:41 OwlEye grins. "Psh, he just don't like vampires."
01:41 Beatrice Gabriel growls at that comment, but continues.
01:41 Beatrice "...HOWEVER...HE IS NOT A THREAT."
01:42 Beatrice blinks. "Eh?"
01:42 Beatrice What could he possibly mean by that?
01:42 Beatrice He most certainly /is/ a threat.
01:44 Beatrice gives Gabriel a confused look, then looks at Owl Eye for any reaction at all.
01:44 OwlEye brushes aside his bangs, showcasing the strange runic symbol in the socket of his missing eye, "I ain't free darling. I'm bound, gagged, and sworn to protect any member of this joke of a guild. hat include yer lil hostess there."
01:45 OwlEye He mutters something else about 'fucking assassins and an asshole magus'.
01:45 Beatrice Gabriel turns to Beatrice.
01:46 Beatrice is a little flustered. "Since when did /you/ get so smart?"
01:47 Beatrice scoffs. "Smartass."
01:47 Beatrice folds her arms and ponders on this.
01:47 OwlEye wears a silent snarl. His single eye is filled with annoyance. "I take you ain't gonna free then huh?"
01:48 Beatrice With one hand, she plays with one of her dark curls. "...Free you?"
01:49 Beatrice chuckles. "I'd rather transfer ownership of you to me. But that would require killing this lady's boyfriend...and I can't have that."
01:49 Beatrice Well, it's not /quite/ as simple as killing Hawk. probably wouldn't be worth the trouble.
01:50 OwlEye licks his lips and leers, " beast likes to be chained up for long...he could always die by accident..or we could drive them apart..quite easily might I add."
01:50 Beatrice scoffs. "What does it matter to you? You'd just be under my heel, if everything went my way that is. Judging from our surroundings..."
01:51 Beatrice She looks around at the time-frozen brothel around them.
01:51 Beatrice "...You don't seem to have it /too/ bad."
01:52 OwlEye shrugs, "I'd rather be under the thrall of a clever lady who understands the undead than a doltish thief who hardly even allows me to feed.."
01:53 Beatrice chuckles. "I'll...keep that in mind."
01:53 Beatrice Unfortunately however, as tempting the idea sounds, it would be impossible for her to do anything with a thrall such as Owl Eye.
01:54 Beatrice For an owner to have control over the denizens of darkness, they'd have to be, at the very least, some way or another.
01:55 Beatrice However, she is /not/ alive. She /could/ be alive...but that would require her to cross a line. One she could never bring herself to cross.
01:55 Beatrice Although...she must admit. She misses having Gabriel as a pet zombie.
01:56 Beatrice It seems like only yesterday he was a rubbery little mass of undead putit.
01:56 Beatrice They grow up so fast...
01:56 Beatrice sighs as a wave of nostalgia courses through her mind.
01:57 Beatrice "Well, I suppose this is...satisfactory then. Glad we could resolve this without resorting to...drastic measures."
01:57 Beatrice Gabriel growls. He does not like having his time wasted.
01:59 OwlEye steps close, his eye lingering on the zombie, "Might I ask ya how you allowed him to keep some free-will and brains? Tis some beat'eful hex-work."
02:01 Beatrice beams.
02:01 Beatrice "Well...rather than starting from your typical corpse..."
02:01 Beatrice smiles as she admires her own work.
02:05 Beatrice "...I started from scratch. He started out as a little blob, you know. Didn't have limbs, or even eyes. However, with no sense of limbic functions, it was able to focus more on its mental processes rather than rely on instincts. As he slowly became sentient...he was able to process more complex thoughts and actions. All it needed were a few body parts, once
02:05 Beatrice he was smart enough to handle them, that is."
02:06 Beatrice walks over and squeezes Gabriel's hand lovingly. Gabriel is not amused.
02:08 OwlEye nods, "You hatched him in a way then."
02:10 Beatrice smiles. It's nice to have someone to talk necromancy with for once. "True necromancy shouldn't be about popping corpses out of the ground, having them walk about like dunces. It's a science, and should be treated as such. Gabriel here is the result of several years of research, dedication, and of course..." She nuzzles Gabriel's arm. "...Love!"
02:12 OwlEye smiles, "You gots lotsa wit don'tcha I like the way you think. In fact I'd love to learn more 'bout your style of necromancy! I'd love it my thralls could think for themselves."
02:12 OwlEye if*
02:13 Beatrice scoffs. "Thralls? If thralls could think for themselves, they wouldn't be thralls now, would they? No...Gabriel is more angsty teenage son."
02:13 Beatrice It's true, Beatrice and Gabriel had a master and servant relationship, as all necromancers should have with their undead creations.
02:14 Beatrice However...Gabriel had free will for a reason.
02:14 Beatrice Gabriel was only servant to a master because he /chose/ to be. Somewhere a long the way, Gabriel decided promises were...important.
02:15 Beatrice looks at Gabriel proudly. "Though he may refer to me as his former master, Gabriel here was under no control. He chose to serve me out of his own free will..."
02:17 OwlEye His voice has a hint of wonder, " use love and obligation rather than fear to control him. Like a mother indeed."
02:18 Beatrice sighs happily. "Best years of my life, this one has given me." She pats an annoyed Gabriel on the back.
02:18 Beatrice Gabriel is quite grumpy. In a way, this is the equivalent of his mother showing baby photos while he is forced to stand idly by.
02:18 Beatrice frowns.
02:21 Beatrice "...Of course...while I see him as a living, breathing, sentient being...the society of all things magic see him as an abomination. A taboo. Heresy in the form of a monster. And in the end...I was executed for sticking to my beliefs. I believed necromancy could be so much more than just...'dark' magic.' Gabriel is proof of that."
02:22 Beatrice smiles. " least I died after finally realizing my lifelong dreams."
02:22 Beatrice She had Sebastian and Lysander to thank for that.
02:25 OwlEye He moves closer to her, "Magic is magic in my book. Light and dark seem just like..malleable opinions...what is dark to some is light to another. I think what you did with Mr. Zombie here is amazing! I mean he don't even need to feed.."
02:27 Beatrice laughs. "He /is/ amazing isn't he? In a way, he's the puppeteer pulling his own strings, creating an infinite loop of energy, thus eliminating the need for him to gain energy from outside sources! You see, I started off by..."
02:27 *** Beatrice is now known as Clarice
02:28 Clarice can't believe what's she is hearing.
02:28 Clarice Three voices, two of which she recognizes.
02:31 Clarice The lady in her head...and Owl Eye.
02:31 Clarice Only appears as if she's in the /lady's/ head now...
02:31 Clarice And...they mentioned a zombie named 'Gabriel'
02:31 Clarice "Just like Hawk said..."
02:31 Clarice So...the earthquake zombie /does/ exist...
02:32 Clarice's related to Beatrice?
02:32 Clarice can hardly keep track of everything that's been going on...and she's starting to crack under the emotional distress.
02:33 Clarice She clasps her hands on her head, and starts screaming.
02:33 Clarice "Let me out! Let me out this instant! I...I can't stand it anymore!"
02:33 Clarice The voices, who were just talking casually about...necromancy and sorts, have suddenly stopped.
02:34 Clarice Some murmuring...and then, a bright flash of light.
02:36 Clarice Clarice and Owl Eye are in the Brothel, and Clarice is on her way out. Her conversation with Owl Eye has become quite...uncomfortable.
02:36 Clarice "I...better go..."
02:36 Clarice starts heading towards the door.
02:36 Clarice OwlEye laughs, "If ya ever miss him..I'm always willing beautiful."
02:36 Clarice A cold chill runs down her spine as she hears this.
02:36 Clarice But...what's this feeling?
02:36 Clarice It feels like...Deja Vu?
02:37 Clarice /Leaving already? That's a shame, I wanted to get to know him better. Then again, he almost got to know /me/ better...can't have that can we? Still, must be nice having a vampiric Mage in your guild. I'm sure he has his uses.../
02:37 Clarice Beatrice growls.
02:37 Clarice /...and then some./
02:37 Clarice shakes her head. It's probably nothing.
02:38 Clarice leaves the brothel, and closes the door behind her.
02:39 OwlEye is smiling to himself...he almost feels like he's made a quaint.
02:40 OwlEye He wants to go after Hawk's Blonde Bitch, but he refrains, electing instead to meditate on this new turn of events.
02:42 OwlEye Everything had suddenly become much more interesting..for the first time in a long while he felt something stronger than was curiosity. He had to know how this would play out.
02:43 Clarice Beatrice is quite content.
02:43 Clarice It's always nice to make new friends...especially those with...similar interests.
02:44 Clarice In fact, Owl Eye is probably the first person she's met in a very long time that didn't brand her as a heretic.
02:44 Clarice Sure, Sebastian and Lysander were good friends, but they didn't exactly share the same interests in the dark arts like she did.
02:45 Clarice was good to reminisce about the good old days.
02:45 Clarice Back when she dreamed to redefine and shake the very core of necromancy.
02:45 Clarice However...along the way...she found a new dream.
02:45 Clarice She be a mother.
02:46 Clarice Gabriel was the only man she truly needed in her life. Someone she could give all her love to.
02:47 Clarice In the end, she even gave her life for Gabriel...believing with all her heart that Gabriel wasn't just another mass of undead bones and limbs.
02:48 Clarice Underneath the monstrous a person. And that her son.
02:48 Clarice Beatrice lets out a content sigh.
02:48 Clarice ...But...why does it feel like she's forgetting something?
02:48 Clarice has made it to her father's grave. She has a look of pure horror on her face.
02:49 Clarice Her entire body is trembling with fear and confusion.
02:50 Clarice Her father's grave has been dug out.
02:50 Clarice ...And it's empty.
02:50 Clarice -SCENE-
02:50 Clarice (Bravo! Bravissimo! Clap clap clap clap!)
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