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Created November 25, 2013 00:45
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Shira's too horny! It's time Lok lectured her on..."Courtship!"
17:30 * Shira is bored for Heinrich is being annoyingly gentlemanly again...she loves that about him, but damn does it frustrate her at times..
17:30 * Shira decides buggin Lok will cheer her up, and opens his door without knocking.
17:31 < Lok> As you enter his room, Lok is started. He quickly turns around, using his body to cover up...Wait, what's he hiding?
17:32 < Lok> "Shira! What if I was busy with another lady!?"
17:32 * Lok is glaring at Shira. Beads of sweat form on his head.
17:33 < Shira> Shira's gives you a look, "Then you'd be untrue to you elf. I doubted that, so I came in."
17:33 < Shira> your*
17:35 * Lok is stuttering. "W-what? Uh...yes...I suppose that's true...well, what if I had been busy with...with..."
17:35 * Lok is at a loss for words. He decides to try and change the subject. "Why aren't you with Heinrich?"
17:35 * Shira raises an eyebrow, "With what?"
17:35 < Lok> "Nothing..! Again, I ask, why aren't you with Heinrich?"
17:36 * Shira sighs, but smiles slightly, "He is concerned for my 'virtue' again."
17:36 < Lok> "Oh... I see."
17:37 < Lok> /What? How DARE he pass up a chance with Shira! Heinrich must be stupider than he looks.../
17:39 < Shira> She drapes herself over a chair in your room, "Hmm you humans have very odd ideas about mating. Lots of dancing around the act itself."
17:40 * Lok moves a little to block Shira's view of...again, what is he hiding?
17:41 < Lok> "I believe the word you're looking /courting/ Shira. A true gentlemen does not jump to the act of mating right away with someone he /truly/ cares about. Really, you should be flattered."
17:44 * Shira is curious about what he is hiding, but bides her time, "I do not understand this courting. Can I not be court-ed if he mates with me? No one lives forever...why waste time choosing /not/ to be with the one you care for?"
17:45 * Lok chuckles as he shakes his head. "Alright then Shira. I suppose I can't blame you, what with how you were raised by..."
17:45 * Lok hesitates, and chooses his next word carefully...
17:45 < Shira> (Shira's views do not reflect my own mind you. lol I love courtship Squeeeee!! XD Shira is from a very different culture.)
17:47 < Lok> "....Druids. Raised by Druids."
17:47 * Lok clears his throat.
17:48 < Lok> "Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but you had marriage with someone back home, did you not?"
17:51 * Shira nods. "I told you of that. My Taeros...but he is dead."
17:51 * Lok frowns. "Right...sorry. Didn't mean to bring up bad memories."
17:52 < Shira> She gives you a steely look, "It is the past, not point in weeping over it."
17:52 < Shira> no*
17:54 * Lok nods, and continues. "Very good. Well, in a way, your tribe was playing matchmaker for you and Taeros. You two would grow up to be of age, marry, and do the dirty deed, am I correct?"
17:54 < Shira> "Yes, as soon as he had become a man and I a woman."
17:54 * Lok wags his finger.
17:55 < Lok> "Ah...but that's not we do things in Tyris, oh no..."
17:56 < Lok> "Here, we like to know what we're getting into. Sure, I've mated with a girl or two here and there, but only because I wanted to have sex.../Not/ because I wanted the girl."
17:58 * Shira nods, "People take lovers where I am from as well. But that does not explain courting..."
17:58 * Lok grins. "Hey Shira, wanna mate?"
17:59 < Shira> "No." She growls flatly with a sharp glare.
17:59 < Lok> "But why not?"
18:01 * Shira blushes, "I am loyal to one mate...and that is Heinrich."
18:01 * Lok grins. "Alright...Fair enough. But say, against all reason..."
18:01 * Lok hesitates.
18:02 < Lok> "Please remember this is /completely/ hypothetical...But say against all reason we /did/ mate. Would that be an act of love? Or and act of lust?"
18:04 * Shira considers this for a moment, "An act of...lust and friendship..maybe sadness too."
18:04 * Lok nods. "Right. But it would be completely different with Heinrich right? For you, it would most /definitely/ be and act of love...correct?"
18:05 < Lok> (I keep typing and instead of an...=3=)
18:08 [notice(#dw)] lol muscle memory
18:08 * Shira huffs in annoyance as though this were obvious, "It would be an act of admiration, duty, /and/ lust. Love does not grow till much later."
18:09 * Lok shakes his head. "Oh sweet...sweet....horny Shira..."
18:10 < Shira> "I do /not/ have horns."
18:10 * Lok shakes his head once more. "Oh sweet...sweet....innocent Shira..."
18:11 * Lok is smiling as he waves his hands about. "There are so many wondrous ways to show love besides mating! There's singing...poetry...dining...wining...So many ways to love a woman...all leading up to that glorious climax!"
18:11 * Lok looks at Shira. "Oh, in case you don't know, the climax is sex. I was referring to sex."
18:13 * Shira scoffs, "He does not love me yet, we are not wed, nor have we mated." (as with many cultures that arrange marriages love it though to come after all that, not before :P)
18:14 [notice(#dw)]
18:14 < Lok> (lol)
18:15 * Lok chuckles. "Even /if/ he doesn't love you...and I /really/ doubt /that/ my dear...he still needs to show his affections. For Heinrich...mating isn't just an act of love. It's an act...of unwavering trust."
18:15 < Shira> (love is thought* sorry I'm sleepy)
18:16 < Shira> Shira looks hurt, "He does not... trust me then?"
18:17 < Lok> "Oh I'm sure /he/ trusts /you/. But again...most humans don't have your sense of smell. He cannot tell what you're thinking at all times...He needs to be sure /you/ trust /him/. Not just with sex, but with /everything/. Shira..."
18:17 * Lok pauses for a moment.
18:18 < Lok> "...If and when you become his won't just be his lover. You will become his /world/. He needs to show is affections and earn your trust. He needs to care for you, and trust /himself/ to take care of you..."
18:19 < Lok> "The affections, the caring, the building of trust.../that/... is courtship."
18:19 * Lok grins.
18:20 < Lok> "And after all is said and done, when the moment is finally right...The mating will be all the more amazing."
18:20 * Shira is confused, "But I /do/ trust him..with my life. He does not need to earn or build anything.."
18:22 < Lok> "That's good! That's very good. Now he just needs to trust /himself/. He wants more than just to mate with you Shira, this much I can tell. Let him prove himself as a man first...In a way, for him, courting you is the equivalent of a Rite of Passage."
18:23 < Lok> "So uh...try not to give him the prize /too/ easy Shira." Lok winks.
18:25 * Shira still looks puzzled, "This culture is so strange to me.." She moves in closer to for a hug, "Thank you for the wisdom Lok."
18:25 * Lok pushes her away. "AH...Don't come near me! I...I might have caught...ether disease!"
18:25 * Lok shuffles around to block Shira's view.
18:26 * Shira smirks, "What are you hiding?"
18:26 * Lok is getting desperate. "Get out! Out! Out! Out!"
18:26 < Lok> A closer inspection reveals
18:26 < Lok> Lok is holding a paintbrush in his hands.
18:27 * Shira refuses to budge, "I want to see the picture."
18:28 * Lok widens his eyes. "There's no picture! Out with you! I'm...I'm..."
18:28 * Lok threatens Shira with a paintbrush. "I'm warning you!"
18:28 < Shira> She takes it out of your hand with a swipe, "Show me."
18:30 < Lok> In a attempt to distract Shira, "Heinrich! What are /you/ doing here?"
18:31 * Shira sniffs, "Liar, I do not smell him."
18:32 * Lok continues to point behind Shira. "No really! He's right there! Just turn around!"
18:33 * Shira growls in annoyance, "Lok I am not stupid. Just stop hiding it before I pounce you."
18:33 * Lok eye's begin to flare. He clenches his fists and gets ready to fight.
18:33 < Lok> "Nevah!"
18:33 < Lok> (Lok is so fail xD)
18:35 * Shira pounces him aiming for his bad shoulder. (you mess with the bear you get the claws!!)
18:36 [notice(#dw)] and not a bear-hug
18:37 * Lok falls down as he flails his arms about. It reminds you of a cub with a childish tantrum.
18:37 < Lok> "No! Don't look! Get off me!"
18:37 * Lok is flailing about to no avail.
18:37 < Lok> You can now clearly see the picture.
18:38 < Lok> It is a small canvas with a painting of a girl. There aren't many colors, but they are used to the best of their extent. Auburn hair...hazel eyes...elf ears? Wait a minute, you recognize this girl!
18:39 -!- Halibel [~Halibel@] has joined #dw
18:39 * Halibel waves.
18:39 < Lok> (It's hali :D )
18:39 < Halibel> (It snew today!)
18:39 < Halibel> (Of course, it also slit in great amounts.)
18:39 < Lok> (I learned a new word!)
18:39 < Lok> (snew! I will assume that's the past tense for snow.)
18:39 < Halibel> (Indeed.)
18:40 * Shira doesn't get off but grins, "You paint her well. Is this for your courtship with her?"
18:40 < Halibel> (...I don't know if it's a /real/ word, so don't go using it around English majors, but still. So, what's happening in here?)
18:41 < Shira> (Hi Halibel! XD Shira and Lok were talking and now she tackled him to see what he was hiding. :P)
18:41 < Lok> (Shira walked in on Lok. Shira was complaining about how Heinrich won't get it on with her. Lok explained some things about courtship :P )
18:41 < Halibel> (......logs please?)
18:41 < Lok> (which log? This one?)
18:41 < Halibel> (This is just too good to pass up reading)
18:41 [notice(#dw)] Hi Halibel, and sure, give me a sec
18:41 < Halibel> (Of this scenario, does someone have--oh, cool. Thanks.)
18:41 < Shira> (It was fantastic, but my spelling is shit XD)
18:42 * Lok is still flailing. "Nunya business! Gerroff me!"
Shira is still pinning him with little effort, "I ask only to learn Lok. The colors are beautiful."
15:34 Lok stops flailing. " really think so...?"
15:34 Lok 's cheeks start to redden.
15:35 jdstroy Halibel:
15:35 Shira smiles and lets him up, "Yes. I am sure she'll love it. Though you should make one of you so she can see you when you are away."
15:36 Halibel (Danke.)
15:36 jdstroy Halibel: 'welcome! ^^ Here, I'll trade ya -
15:36 Lok gets up and looks at the floor. "Oh...well...I mean...even if I wanted to do that I couldn't...Noyel doesn't have as many paints as Palmia would. I mean...who's to say she'll even like /this/ painting? I haven't painted in so know...what with being kicked out of the family and whatnot."
15:37 Shira "I could make you paints from berries I find. It is not hard. In return you can explain Heinrich's courting thing to me more."
15:38 Halibel (>< I... I was a topic of conversation... *fidget*)
15:39 Lok sighs. "Well...even if you /could/ find the berries...and I /really/ doubt you could in a place where it snows ALL the time...There's still the matter of the canvas. I couldn't even afford my regular sized canvas...can't afford to splurge when our group still needs supplies you know?"
15:39 Shira (Shira goes to Lok for romantic advice alot actually )
15:40 jdstroy The Alot is a flexible creature, indeed.
15:40 Halibel (*high-fives jdstroy*)
15:40 Lok (Ahaaaaa)
15:41 Halibel (What, now you want the Alot to know she goes to him also? Aiyah.)
15:41 jdstroy *high5*
15:41 jdstroy huehuehue
15:41 Shira (I love this Alot! I also love Allie..but it does not curb my poor grammar XD)
15:41 Shira (*has her new book*)
15:41 jdstroy Alot less dangerous, huehuehue
15:42 Halibel (Aw, nice!)
15:42 Shira scoffs, "My nose can smell winter berries. And can you paint on tanned animal hides? I can kill you something."
15:43 Lok shakes his head. "No offense, but I'd rather not paint on dead animal skins...besides."
15:43 Lok sighs.
15:44 Lok " more for me than for her."
15:44 Lok There is a sad expression on Lok's face.
15:44 jdstroy Does Shira feel weird about being able to shapeshift to critters while killing animals? I'm guessing not.
15:44 Shira (nah she sees herself as a predator, tis natures way in her opinion)
15:46 Shira frowns, "Lok, if you are courting her you should make something for her. Not you."
15:46 jdstroy Hawkward level: 2
15:46 Shira (*snickers*)
15:46 Halibel (That's a lot of trouble, can't he just use a sock?)
15:47 Lok "I know I know it's just...She's all the way back in Derphy, and we're here on the edge of Tyris in Noyel. I...I miss her Shira. At night, when I close my eyes, her face is the only face I see."
15:47 Lok looks at his painting.
15:47 Lok "I thought maybe...if I painted her...I wouldn't feel so lonely."
15:47 jdstroy lol...
15:48 Halibel (D'awww...)
15:50 Shira Her face is solemn, "That is not how it works Lok. Mates are /meant/ to be at each other's side. Half of you is missing when she is far away. It is the way of love."
15:50 Shira (Shira so wise...yet so derp all at once XD)
15:50 Halibel (Embrace the derp... be the derp...)
15:51 jdstroy D'awww
15:51 Halibel
15:51 Lok takes a deep breath. "I know Shira...I know. You don't know how badly I wanted to stay in Derphy...but I had...things to take care of. Until my fight is finished, I cannot stay with her."
15:51 Shira (Derp-tastic!! XD)
15:51 jdstroy lmfao
15:51 Lok (omg that face xD)
15:52 jdstroy "Much tie. Such derp. Wow."
15:52 jdstroy lol
15:52 jdstroy too good, too good
15:53 Shira "Yours is a sad story then Lok. I am sorry. I hope you can be with her soon."
15:54 Lok hangs his head in disappointment. "I mean...I /know/ I love /her/...but I don't even think she'll ever come around to loving /me/..."
15:55 Shira Her voice is soft, full of concern,"Why do you think that?"
15:56 Lok "There's another man. One she's already had her eye on. Also..."
15:57 Lok "I don't think she'll even /touch/ me, let alone love me."
15:59 Shira ponders his words, "As for the other man, prove to her you are a more worthy mate. Give her gifts, provide for her, show her your strengths. As for not touching you...perhaps find the reason for that."
16:00 Lok smiles as he looks at the picture of Rey. "Honestly though...I wouldn't mind if she never touched me. It's strange...I feel that seeing her smile is enough to keep me content for the rest of my life."
16:01 Shira throws up her hands, "What is with you humans and not wanting to mate! It baffles me."
16:01 Halibel (Hahaha.)
16:02 jdstroy
16:02 Lok smirks. "I believe it was /you/ who once told /me/...wanting to mate with someone...and wanting to /be/ one's mate are two different things entirely."
16:03 Shira (loling so hard at the vid!)
16:03 Halibel (Bahaha, yes.)
16:03 Lok (lmao)
16:03 jdstroy :3c
16:04 Shira "But you want to be her mate. So it still doesn't make sense." Her brow is furrowed.
16:05 Lok "What's there to be confused about? I don't need to make love to her to love her."
16:06 Shira blinks, "Then how will you have young? I understand this less and less.."
16:06 Lok is startled. "What? Who said I /wanted/ young?"
16:07 Shira "What man doesn't want his image passed on?"
16:08 Lok scoffs.
16:08 Lok "Me? Kids? Can you imagine? Little Lok's running around, 'Daddy, daddy! Can you steal this toy for me?'"
16:08 Lok chuckles at the thought.
16:09 jdstroy Mini-Lok
16:09 Lok "They'd all wear their little cloaks...Probably play, 'Guards and Burglars'...I'd name the boy Sebastian...'
16:09 Lok It is faint, but you detect a small smile forming on Lok's lips.
16:10 Lok shakes his head. "No...just the idea of /being/ with Rey is more than I could ever ask for."
16:10 Shira Shira raises an eyebrow,"If you are embarrassed of what you do then teach your sons and daughters differently. And you sound very much like a man who wants young, you have a /name/ picked out already."
16:11 Shira (is humming *Tradition!*)
16:12 jdstroy XD
16:12 Lok is startled once more. Every now and then, Shira has her keen moments of wisdom. To be lectured by Shira like this is quite rare indeed.
16:12 Lok Of course...Lok will /never/ admit /that/.
16:13 Shira (Shira never gets to know when she wins...poor puppy.)
16:14 Lok sighs. "Fine...say /everything/ you say is true. Say I /do/ want kids. Say she /does/ end up loving me!"
16:14 Lok expression turns solemn.
16:14 Lok turns away.
16:14 Halibel (It's not that he's sentimental... it's jsut that he's terrified!)
16:15 jdstroy huehuehue
16:15 Lok He taps his left shoulder.
16:15 Lok "...We don't even know if I'll live to see the day..."
16:17 Shira Shira's eyes fill with sadness, "And that is why I think people should make the most of now."
16:18 Shira (hehehe d'awwwwww, poor scared lil Nazi)
16:18 Lok scoffs. "Easy for /you/ to say. Heinrich is /here/. Now. With /you/."
16:18 Lok looks over his shoulder at Shira. His eyes are full of regret.
16:19 Lok "I am here. Away...from /her/."
16:20 Shira does not know what to say, she knows words will be of little comfort to him.
16:22 Lok sighs. "I'm sorry Shira...I do not mean to be rude. I'm just...bitter. It used to be so much simpler when I pined after /you/. I already knew I couldn't have you...But with Rey..."
16:22 Lok turns around. He has a desperate look on his face.
16:22 Halibel (No good can come of this. I swear, he's going to finally get to this Cyber Dome, find himself a portal to Berlin, and right in the middle with talking to his CO she's just going to run out of patience and tackle him.)
16:23 Lok "...I can't stand being away from her...I just...I just can't."
16:23 Shira (And it will be glorious!!! XD)
16:23 Halibel (><;
16:24 Shira thinks then says, "And there is no way you can go to her?"
16:26 Lok flinches. "Well...there is.../one/ way..."
16:26 Shira (We should finish the Shienrich scene next I have something amusing planned. )
16:27 Lok (ooh I'd love to see that! This scene is almost over too!)
16:28 Shira looks at him pointedly, "Then why do you hesitate?"
16:29 Lok shakes his head. He sounds angry. "Bah! None of your business! Give me back my paintbrush, I simply want to paint!"
16:29 Shira "No. Explain your cowardice."
16:29 Halibel (*ulp*)
16:30 Lok glares at Shira.
16:30 Lok However, he does not glare for long.
16:30 Lok Deep down, he knows she's right.
16:31 Lok sighs as he calms down. "Please...I need time alone to think...may I please have my paintbrush back now...?"
16:32 Shira She hands it back to him saying, "I see it that you have two choices, stay and be miserable, or visit her and risk fleeting happiness. Thank you for the advice Lok."
16:33 Lok (hoooo~ T-T)
16:33 Lok (She's so wise in her own way xD)
16:33 Shira (And stupid in all others!!! XD)
16:34 Shira exits the room, leaving Lok alone with his thoughts.
16:35 Shira (Don't worry Halibel she isn't going to jump him There's actually going to be a bit of an explanation for her antics.)
16:35 Lok Once Shira leaves, Lok sits in a nearby chair. He takes out 2 small scrolls from his cloak.
16:35 Lok As he looks at his scrolls, he recalls a memory.
16:36 Lok **Sebastian: Master Locke! I expected you to be back sooner! Why didn't you use those scrolls I gave you?
16:36 Lok **Locke: (he is smiling) What? This gift is too special to use on a mere /fishing/ trip!
16:37 Lok **Sebastian: (Chuckles) I suppose you're right. I was just hoping for you to experience the wonders of modern day magic.
16:38 Lok **Locke: Ha! As if! (He shakes his head.) No...One day, Father will let me explore the outside world. If that time ever comes, I'll use your gift to return to you posthaste! That way, I can tell you about all my adventures as soon as possible!
16:38 Lok **Sebastian: (He is laughing heartily) Right then. I'll hold you to that Master Locke!
16:39 Shira (T_T)
16:39 Lok **Locke: (He has a wide smile on his face as he crosses his chest with his finger.) 'Thieves honor!' Right Sebastian?
16:39 Lok **Sebastian: (He continues to laugh) 'Thief's honor' indeed Master Locke!
16:40 Lok A tear falls down his cheek.
16:40 Lok This...was the only memento he had of Sebastian now.
16:40 Shira (T_T...D: )
16:41 Lok "'d /want/ me to go...wouldn't you?"
16:41 Lok sighs. He gets up, and continues to paint on the canvas.
16:41 Lok -SCENE-
16:42 Halibel Brava, brava~
16:42 Lok (Clap clap clap clap)
16:42 Shira (bravo!!! We covered so much stuff in that lil bit)
16:42 Lok (Bravo! Bravissimo!)
16:42 Lok (yes we did!)
16:42 Lok (Sebastian flashbacks always hurt me in the feels T-T)
16:42 Shira (log please? I know...tis so sad...)
16:43 Lok (taking a moment to log)
16:43 jdstroy all the feels
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