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Last active December 29, 2015 07:39
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Lok takes a nap! Consequently, everyone starts to freak out. Also, Owl Eye is introduced!
Lok is sleeping peacefully with Rey by his side. The makeshift Couch bed is still intact, as neither Lok nor Rey shuffled around much duringt their sleep.
22:48 Lok It was a peaceful night's rest...
22:48 Lok ...perhaps /too/ peaceful.
22:48 Rey wakes up slowly, for a second she has no idea where she is and is terrified.
22:50 Rey Then the she recalls the night's events, and feels somewhat less terrified. She looks over at Lok to see if he's awake yet.
22:50 Lok Lok is sleeping peacefully. His hand is still in yours.
22:52 Rey squeezes his hand slightly, she kisses his fingertips.
22:52 Lok (SQUEEEE)
22:54 Rey (apparently that isn't scary to her lol)
22:54 Lok (If only Lok was conscious for that though!)
22:56 Rey (she wouldn't have done it then he is less scary sleeping)
22:57 Rey studies his face...she hopes she's /really/ made him happy...that he isn't just settling for her.
22:58 Lok is still sleeping peacefully. He's probably just tired from the day before.
23:00 Rey runs a hand through his hair. She's wondering how many women he's loved before her..
23:00 Lok (MADE love to or LOVED?)
23:01 Rey (she is thinking both)
23:01 Lok (oh nuuuuus xD)
23:02 Rey (she /really/ needs to get some confidence. le sigh and Shira need to hang out and learn from each other lol)
23:02 Lok (I love Rey just the way she is <3)
23:03 Rey And why he'd be willing to give all that up..for her...she knows she isn't anything special...
23:05 Lok As you look upon Lok's face, you notice that although he seems peaceful, little beads of sweat have formed on his forehead.
23:07 Rey Her face grows worried, she places her hand on his forehead again.
23:07 Lok is definitely sweat. And his forehead is quite hot.
23:08 Rey She doesn't understand why this keeps happening to him.
23:08 Rey tries to shake him awake.
23:09 Lok does not respond.
23:10 Rey puts her ear to his chest, listening for a heartbeat.
23:10 Lok His heart is beating slowly.
23:14 Rey tries to keep a cool head, she hops off the couch, gathers up the blankets, and tucks him.
23:15 Lok Lok is now on the makeshift couch bed with 2 layers of thief cloaks. His condition has not changed.
23:16 Rey She figured as much, she knows she can do nothing for him here. She has to go get Hawk, and many Owl Eye...
23:16 Lok (Owl eye = guildie?)
23:17 Rey grimaces she /hates/ Owl Eye...he gives her the creeps. (yup)
23:17 Lok (Awesome.)
23:17 Rey (maybe* Owl Eye)
23:17 Lok (Love meeting your rp characters <3)
23:17 Lok (Well...technically I'm not meeting him yet, seeing as I'm unconscious)
23:23 Rey checks on Lok one more time, to make sure he is really unwell.
23:25 Lok His face isn't contorted in pain or anything. Honestly, besides his higher than normal temperature, it's not /too/ bad looking. However, the question remains to be unanswered: Why will he not wake?
23:26 Rey decides to search the house for water first...she'd rather not see Owl Eye if she doesn't have to..
23:26 Lok There is a bathroom nearby.
23:27 Rey She heads there and tries the sink.
23:27 Lok The sink is broken. My goodness, what a crappy house. However, there is a bathtub.
23:28 Lok Also, upon closer inspection, there's a few small towels inside the bathtub.
23:29 Rey Now frantic with worry she tries to turn the water on in the bath. She moves the towels first.
23:30 Lok At first, to your dismay, nothing happens except a low rumble. However, after waiting for what seemed like at least 10 seconds, water begins to pour from the spout normally.
23:30 Rey She checks to see if it's cool water.
23:30 Lok The water is cold.
23:32 Rey She soaks two of the towels and returns to Lok, she places one on his forehead and the other on the back of his neck.
23:32 Lok is unresponsive. However, his head wasn't /too/ warm, so that definitely should keep him cool.
23:34 Rey looks on is dismay, she sighs. It's time to face Hawk. She leaves the house and begins the sprint to Hawk's brothel base.
23:34 Rey in*
23:35 Lok (oh yes, if any of your guildies is an expert on curses or something, You can ask me questions and I will answer truthfully)
23:36 Rey Her fleet feet take her there in no time. (Owl Eyes would be...he's a bit of a dark mage lol)
23:36 Lok (omg how coooool)
23:37 Rey (He is basically an older version of that creepy necromancer kid I was telling you about. )
23:38 Rey (He's also an asshole...Hawk keeps him around because he is useful lol)
23:39 Lok (lol I can't wait to see him!)
23:40 Rey She enters the bar, steeling herself for the sigh to Hawk drinking himself to death again...but she doesn't see that...
23:43 Rey Instead she sees Hawk leaning against the wall laughing at something Jez says, the whore is leaning close to him, her hand on his chest.
23:43 Rey vision clouds red.
23:44 Rey (brb Marm)
23:44 Lok (MARLEY <3)
23:51 Rey She didn't understand why he kept acting like this, but she /hated/ it! Why did a man as good as Hawk always have to fall from whores who'd destroy him. Why?
23:52 Lok (D'awwww)
23:52 Rey for*
23:53 Rey Fueled by fury she stormed over to him. His eyes widened when he saw her, he batted Jez's hand away.
23:54 Rey "Sparrow, my sweet, where were you last night, and what is troubling you now?" He asked, his eyes full concern.
23:55 Rey She didn't by his act, if he'd really been worried he'd have been out looking for her.
23:55 Lok (good point there)
23:56 Rey (Psh Rey, he had someone stalk you, Wolf is good at that. )
23:56 Lok (So wolf saw everything? "Hawk"ward...)
23:57 Rey (Nah he hung out on the roof to make sure she came and went there lol)
23:58 Rey looks at Hawk with defiance, "I was with Lok, and it's an emergency."
23:58 Lok (Oh, in that case, I'm "Owl"right with that.)
00:00 Rey A quick flash of pain crosses his face, then he smirks, "All night Rey? Wow I'm guessing he knows he's loved now doesn't he."
00:01 Rey scrunches up her nose and scowls, "That isn't funny, this is serious!!!"
00:03 Rey Jez looks between the two of them and leaves. She knows better than to be around when these two fight.
00:04 Rey Hawk holds up his palms, "Ok, ok. What's wrong?"
00:05 Rey is still pissed, but tries to reign herself in, "Lok won't wake up, and he's really sweaty."
00:08 Rey Hawk raises an eyebrow as his heart sinks, "Maybe you just tired to poor lad out Sparrow.." His tone is lightly mocking, but she completely misses the hint of bitterness.
00:08 Rey the*
00:08 Lok (So much bronemy going on)
00:08 Rey (I know T_T)
00:09 Rey glares at him, "We didn't do anything lie that! Hawk I am scared for him..."
00:10 Rey like* dammit
00:11 Rey Hawk gently puts his hands on her shoulders, "Calm down Rey, I'll figure this you think he's sick?"
00:15 Rey "I don't know what's wrong with him..." With tears in her eyes she falls against his chest.
00:16 Lok (Awww poor Rey)
00:17 Lok (pssst are you getting too sleepy?)
00:19 Rey (I'm ok for now) Hawk squints his eyes thinking /Oh gods why?/. He blushes red as he hugs her awkwardly.
00:22 Rey "You go talk to Owl Eye, alright? I'll go find Wolf." He says.
00:26 Rey Hawk leaves quite quickly...was he blushing? Odd.. Rey headed into the cellars looking for Owl Eye...she tried not to shiver at the thought of the slimy healer.
00:27 Lok (Squeeee)
00:28 Lok (blushing hawk xD)
As usual Owl Eye found her first. "Sparrow~! You are looking fine today. Were you coming around to visit lil ole me? I'm flattered."
00:31 Lok (He seems nice ^_^)
00:34 Rey (Just wait, he's pretty much an evil cleric ) With annoyance Rey turns to face the hooded man. His silvery bangs are covering his missing eye, but his remaining one focuses on her with uncomfortable intensity.
00:34 Rey
00:34 Rey picture that.
00:35 Lok ( mean he LOOKS like an owl!?)
00:36 Rey (no his eye looks like that...) "I am not here to chat, I need your help."
00:37 Lok (oh ok, I got freaked for a moment there xD)
00:39 Rey He leans in much too close to her, and smiles, "Are you /finally/ going to let me look at those old wounds of yours? I can fix them with just a touch you know. I'm pretty good with my hands actually, you might even like it.."
00:40 Lok (intrigue! )
00:40 Rey cringes and fights back the urge to slap him. "No, Hawk sent me to get you. That is all I'll doing. Now follow."
00:42 Rey "Oh goody, lead the way!" He grins merrily as he follows, his eyes lingering on her backside, "Have I ever told you that you have a wondrous ass for an elf?"
00:42 Rey sighs, "Yes, several times. Please shut up."
00:43 Rey (I wasn't lying when I said he's an asshole.)
00:43 Rey (brb, gotta Marm)
00:44 Lok (MARLEY <3)
00:49 Rey He strides in front of her and wags his finger, "Now Sparrow, if you talk like that to every man who admires you, you're gonna to die alone. You don't want that do you? Course' I'd always be willing to make you feel less lonely."
00:51 Rey stops cold. "Shut up."
00:51 Lok (Creeeeeepooo)
00:51 Lok (time to make Owlrey and ship it.)
00:51 Rey (Yes, that's exactly what he is...think of Henry from the new Fire Emblem..similar to that.)
00:52 Rey (Noooo don't do that to her D: )
00:52 Lok *(henry wasn't super creepy, he just had a dark sense of humor xD)
00:53 Lok ( beast. Made her m waifu.)
00:54 Rey (He is like Henry, but serious, not joking at all. Tharja looked nice, but nope I don't like stalkers lol)
00:54 Lok (xD)
00:56 Rey He sighs melodramatically, "Oh Sparrow, why must you be always so cold to me, is it because you need my body to warm you? Just ask and I'll give it to you gladly."
00:57 Lok (I like this guy. He knows how to talk to the ladies xD)
00:57 Rey (Yep he knows how to make em run away screamin alright lol)
00:57 Rey just ignores him and continues.
00:59 Rey He places his hand on the small of her back and whispers, "Really Rey, you ought to give me a chance. I can do things with these fingers that will make you forget you ever looked at another man."
01:00 Rey (He harasses her like this constantly. T-T) Bile rises within her throat, Rey has to fight back the urge to puke.
01:00 Lok (poor Rey ;-; )
01:01 Rey (Yeah he's really an asshole...he thinks he's funny but it's really not.)
01:02 Rey gathers her composure then says to him, "Back off. I have a boyfriend now."
01:02 Lok (SQUEEE?)
01:03 Lok (Permission to squee???)
01:03 Rey (Granted!)
01:05 Rey His single eye widens in surprise, then quickly narrows, "Wait, you expect me to believe that?"
01:05 Lok (BOOOO)
01:08 Rey "That doesn't make any sense! You hate every man beside Hawk! You never let any guy tough you without shaking! No guy is going to put up with that shit unless you're a real freak in the sack. And everyone knows you've never gotten laid-"
01:08 Rey cracks him hard on his blindside. "Shut. The fuck. Up. Or I will stab you."
01:08 Rey touch*
01:10 Lok (oh's getting hot in here...*fans self*)
01:10 Rey He rubs his face with a whine, "Jeez you don't have to be a bitch about it, I was /just/ surprised that's all."
01:11 Rey He is quiet for the rest of the time it takes to find Hawk and Wolf. Then the group heads to Lok's house.
01:11 Rey (badass Rey = hot?)
01:12 Lok (muy fuego)
01:12 Rey (lolz)
01:13 Rey Rey lets them all inside, and then men inspect you.
01:13 Lok The house is as it is before.
01:13 Lok The makeshift couch bed, the picture frames with no pictures
01:14 Rey "Is he dead?" Hawk asks, his voice sounding almost hopeful. (Bad Hawk D: )
01:14 Lok There are no towels or blankets, save for the 2 cloaks still on Lok, and the small towels you put on Lok to lower his temperature.
01:14 Rey "No." Wolf says.
01:15 Rey Owl Eye smugly pushes them both aside, "Let the master have a look eh chaps, after all I am the only qualified healer here."
01:16 Lok (oh, is he examining right now?)
01:17 Rey After a brief inspection he announces, "This poor bastard ain't sick, he's cursed, and it's a nasty ass one by the looks of it!"
01:17 Rey (yes)
01:17 Rey (what does he see, find out?)
01:18 Lok On the exterior, you can tell he's cursed alright. However, it's not too bad right now. It's just draining him. He shouldn't be THIS tired though...unless he was doing something the night prior? Perhaps you should ask the others.
01:19 Rey blanches, "He's cursed..." She is acting as though she didn't already kind of know.
01:19 Lok (You can either ask the others why he might be so tired, or observe more closely)
01:21 Rey Owl Eye smiles, "Yup, it's draining his life away, at night too I reckon..he shouldn't be quite this bad in the morning, unless he had a busy night. Does anyone know what he was up to last night?"
01:22 Rey blushes bright red.
01:22 Lok Rey may recall that Lok was up all night talking to her and singing and whatnot.
01:22 Rey Hawk gives her a look, "Rey, be honest."
01:22 Lok Hawk may recall that Lok was up for quite a few hours trying to prevent him from going on a drinking binge.
01:24 Rey starts talking very softly, "Well first he talked to Hawk, then he went here and I found him and he may have been up all night singing to me..."
01:26 Rey Owl Eyes smirks, "More like making you sing Sparrow," he winks, "you should have told me this was your boyfriend." He pauses, "Darn, now I really don't want to help."
01:27 Rey Hawk glares, "Ellory, I will stab you."
01:27 Lok (your options are now: Interrogate your friends further just in case; Observe more carefully just in case; Stop helping. What's Lok ever done for you anyways?)
01:28 Rey Owl Eye laughs,"Oh look at that beautiful knife, I'm feeling so motivated now!" He continues his inspection of Lok, peeling off your shirt.
01:30 Rey (do tell me what I discover~)
01:30 Lok You take black long sleeved shirt off...
01:31 Lok The sight before you is gruesome. His left shoulder's in bad shape. It's not an open wound, but it hasn't fully healed yet either. Black, burnt, dead skin...improper stitches...probably self made. Oh? But what's this?
01:32 Lok My my...what beautiful manner of sorcery is this?
01:32 Lok (Your options are now: Take a closer look; Stop helping and Lie to your friends. What's Lok ever done for you anyways?)
01:33 Rey "Oh the workmanship!" He coos, "Now this is a high class curse, I feel privileged to see it!" He can't resist closer inspection.
01:33 Lok You have taken a closer look...
01:36 Lok Gorgeous...absolutely gorgeous. Someone has taken a very complicated rune circle and turned it into a simple tattoo! Genius! You recognize this circle too, it's one that's used to trap foes and drain their life force. Who ever stands within the trap circle must reveal everything he's seen or heard. But as a tattoo? Oho...brilliant! Simply brilliant!
01:37 Lok (Your options are now: Take a moment to remember the pattern, this is too good to pass up; Observe closer; Stop helping. This is interesting and all, but what's Lok ever done for you?)
01:37 Rey Owl Eye giggles, giddy with glee. He commits the pattern to memory.
01:37 Lok You attempt to commit the pattern to memory...
01:39 Lok Let's see...ruinic counter measure line swirls around the dark depository index...this symbol must be next to this one for obvious reason-wait a minute...Oh blast it all, the man must have tried to /burn/ it off! This won't do!
01:39 Lok To your disappointment, Lok's skin is too burnt to make out the tattoo.
01:40 Lok (Your options are now: Observe closer; Stop helping. This stopped being interesting once you couldn't memorize it.)
01:40 Rey /He's ruined it, oh well tis a start at least..I'll have to experiment with this rune later./
01:41 Rey (why do you want him to stop so bad? He gets pad only if he fixes people lol)
01:41 Lok (Oh no, I include the option because I'm trying to think like Owl Eyes)
01:41 Lok (At no point do I expect you to actually PICK the option)
01:41 Rey He sighs, tis isn't fun anymore, but work is work. He continues looking. (You are doing a decent job of that lol)
01:42 Lok Though you cannot commit it to memory, you now know the rune circle /exists/. You once thought of this combination of scrawls impossible...a myth. /Now/ it's just a matter of finding the right book...
01:42 Lok Oh the people you'll trap, enslave, and extort...
01:42 Lok But you digress.
01:43 Lok You decide to observe closer...
01:43 Rey (You understand him XD)
01:43 Lok Oh? What's this?
01:44 Lok face scrunches a little, then relaxes again.
01:44 Lok Did the tattoo just...glow?
01:44 Lok And not just that...but did it also.../grow/?
01:44 Rey "Oh I like beautiful!"
01:45 Rey looks on in disgust, Owl Eye always sounds /too/ excited about curses. It gives her the willies..
01:45 Lok You now have a much clearer understanding of how this works.
01:45 Lok In a trap form, it simply drains the victim and extorts information.
01:46 Lok does not /kill/ the victim. Merely exhausts the victim.
01:46 Lok In /tattoo/ form serves a life-sucking leech.
01:48 Lok Not /only/ does it present the curser with a set of eyes and ears (Although, /that/ perk probably became null and void once the idiot mucked up the scrawls), but it grows onto the wearer,
01:48 Rey "Glorious!"
01:48 Lok And slowly kills him in his sleep.
01:49 Lok The more it grows, the less time he has...
01:49 Lok You trace your finger along a very thin set of lines coming from the tattoo...
01:49 Lok ...It seems to be growing in the direction of his chest...or rather...his heart..?
01:50 Lok (Your options are now: Observe closer; Stop helping! You need to visit the mages guild library post haste!)
01:51 Rey (Tell me when he's gotten all the info he can...the ass is dying to tell everyone.) Oh no, the library can wait, he has to unlock all this mark's secrets!
01:51 Lok (As long as the observe option is available, he still has more info he can attain)
01:52 Lok You decide to observe closer...but your body is itching to get out and find this beautiful rune trap.
01:53 Lok Let's see...not much else you can see...then again, judging by the way that rune grew...Seems like this runes been on him a while. Factor in your regular sized tattoo...calculate decay...calculate Dark Magic half life...
01:53 Lok ...He's got a few months maybe.
01:53 Lok Not bad...but not /good/ either.
01:53 Lok (Your options are now: What is this, a charity? You've done all you can, stop helping and get on with it!)
01:54 Lok (You can TRY to observe, even though it's not an option xD)
01:55 Lok (I only offer suggestions, you can do w/e you want)
01:56 Rey "Well everyone I've examined him as much as I can. Here's the good news he isn't going to die tonight."
01:58 Rey "The bad new happens to be that the cursed tattoo is killing him, fact I'd say he only has a few months left at most before it reaches his heart."
01:58 Rey looks like she's about to faint.
01:59 Rey Hawk put his arm around her to steady her.
02:01 Lok (how was that? I've been watching you guys DM )
02:01 Rey Owl Eye continues, "The worse news is that I cannot do anything to help him. Whoever put the curse on him is the genius who must remove it...though it'd be a shame to tamper with such a marvelous curse.."
02:02 Rey (awesome! You have skill, lol you may have to take over for me more now! XD)
02:02 Lok (D'aww...shucks...)
02:04 Rey Owl Eye, winks at Rey, "Looks like you're gonn be looking for a new boyfriend soon Sparrow."
02:04 Lok (Owl Eye is so cool xD)
02:04 Rey Hawk growls, his arms tighten around Rey protectively, "Enough Owl. Get out!"
02:04 Rey (Owly is just such an ass an doesn't care what anyone thinks XD)
02:05 Rey "Fine, fine, but I'm getting paid for this one!"
02:06 Rey Rey's worst fear had come true...she'd finally found someone who loved her....and now she was going to lose him...she felt weak in the knees..
02:07 Lok (nuuuu x.x)
02:07 Rey Wolf sighed, "We just let him rest then?"
02:08 Lok (Oh yeah, forgot to make it clear he just needs rest, sorry. But I think you figured that out already based on what Owl figured out)
02:09 Rey Hawk felt Rey practically collapse into his arms, he held her close to his chest, shushing her, and stroking her hair. "Yes let him rest. Go home Wolf. Rey and I will watch over him."
02:10 Rey was sobbing uncontrollably.
02:12 Rey Hawk stood there holding her until she quieted some, thinking to himself /Lok is going to die./ Over and over that ran through his mind...and he hated himself for the slight jump of happiness and hope it brought into his heart.
02:15 Rey trembled as he held her, finally choking out the words, "W-what am I g-g-going to do? Hawk.....I l-love him."
02:15 Lok (...permission to squee?)
02:15 Rey (granted.. )
02:17 Rey "I know Rey." He said quietly, his voice heavy with defeat, and resignation. /And I love you my little Sparrow...I /love/ you./
02:17 Rey -SCENE-
02:17 Lok (BRAVO! BRAVISSIMO!!!)
02:17 Lok (Clap clap clap clap!)
02:18 Lok (taking a moment to log!)
02:18 Rey (Psh that was all you lol I have half a mind to give you Owl Eye since you understand him so well lol)
02:18 Lok (I wouldn't mind DMing an Owl Eye oneshot )
02:18 Lok (He could travel to the mages guild and whatnot)
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