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Created November 26, 2013 10:19
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The truth must be told. But at what cost...?
Lok, you awake slowly, as though emerging through a thick fog. You think you hear someone weeping. A high pitched broken voice cries, "Why?..W-why didn't he tell me!" It sounds like Rey but you can't be sure. There is silence then a man's voice replies, "I imagine he didn't want to worry you...sometimes a lie is /kinder/ than an uncomfortable truth."
22:04 Rocketgirl Lok what do you do? Stay and listen, or peek and see who it is?
22:04 Lok I'll peek, as I'm too groggy to really put much thought into it.
22:09 Rocketgirl It's painful to sit up, your muscles groan in protest, but you manage to peek you head over the top of the couch. You see two people sitting against the far wall. The man is facing you, he is a clearly distressed Hawk. A girl is clinging to his chest and crying, she's practically sitting in his lap. You can't see her face, but you are certain it's Rey
22:09 Rocketgirl .
22:10 Rocketgirl What do you do?
22:10 Lok yawns. "...Rey? Hawk...? What are you doing here...?"e
22:12 Lok 's mind starts to clear up a bit. His body is sore, but he feels well rested...wait a minute...something isn't right...
22:12 Rocketgirl Hawk gives you a 'help me please' look. Rey rushes over to you, still crying.
22:12 *** Rocketgirl is now known as Rey
22:14 Rey With tears in her eyes Rey sits on the couch's arm. She looks betrayed, "Lok....why didn't you tell me?"
22:14 Lok raises an eyebrow. "Wait...what? Tell you what?"
22:14 Lok Suddenly, a thought occurs to Lok.
22:15 Lok widens his eyes. He slowly lifts his blanket.
22:15 Rey is crying too hard to form words properly.
22:15 Lok " shirt! Where is my shirt? What did...what...what's going on!?"
22:16 Lok Slowly but surely, Lok puts the pieces together.
22:17 Lok To his horror, he realizes that his secret is out. They have seen the tattoo...
22:17 Lok stares at Rey, not knowing what to say next.
22:17 Rey Hawk walks over and puts a hand on Rey's shoulder. He gives you a stern look. "Tell her. Now."
22:17 Lok is silent for a moment. He then sighs.
22:18 Lok "...I suppose there's no use in hiding it now..."
22:18 Lok touches his left shoulder.
22:20 Lok "I owe Noel a heavy debt...Unless I am able to pay it...I will die from this curse she has put onto me."
22:20 Lok hangs his head in shame.
22:22 Lok "I didn't know it at first...but through this tattoo, she has been keeping tabs on you. Once I realized this, I attempted to sever that connection by burning my skin off. So seems like it worked. you can see, the tattoo is still there."
22:23 Rey trembles her amber eyes full of hurt, and disbelief. You can tell she thought you had told her the /whole/ truth before.
22:24 Rey Hawk frowns, "How in the hell did you manage to owe Noel money? Are you daft, she's fucking crazy?!"
22:24 Lok glares at Hawk. "What are you talking about? You /knew/ I owed Noel money! She's the entire reason you went on your damn holy quest to save Derphy in the first place!"
22:25 Lok pauses.
22:27 Lok "Or at least...I /thought/ you knew...Bah, I couldn't tell how much you knew about my debt! I assumed you knew /that/ much!"
22:28 Rey "I didn't know you owed enough for her to put a kill curse on you! What the fuck did you do to her? How did you rack up that much debt?"
22:28 Lok turns his head away. "I...I got cocky one day and I tried to steal from her...that's all."
22:31 Rey Hawk shakes his head and pulls Rey close, "You over confident ass, what could have possibly been worth that risk?"
22:32 Lok clenches his teeth as he glares at Hawk defensively. "I admit I was foolish! I had nothing to lose! Debt was just another excuse to keep on stealing! I...I have this under control!"
22:36 Rey His face resembles a snarl, "No. No, you fucking don't." His arms flex, and he lets go of her. "Rey, talk to your /boyfriend/ about this. I'm going to get some air before I punch his stupid face in."
22:37 Rey watches him leave, fear plain on her face. She turns to you and says, "Lok...I just don't understand.."
22:38 Lok looks at Rey pleadingly. "Rey...I didn't want to involve you in a mess of my own making."
22:40 Rey Her eyes are sad, and ringed with red from hours of crying, "I wanted to be involved...with everything about you..good and bad. I thought you trusted me."
22:41 Lok Guilt washes over Lok's heart.
22:42 Lok "Rey...I came back because I couldn't stand another moment without seeing your smile again. I didn't come back to make you worry...Please try to understand, I care about you too much to risk endangering you..."
22:44 Lok (brb guys!)
22:46 *** Twib quit (Ping timeout)
22:47 Rey closes her eyes, "And I care about you too much to watch you die..."
23:07 jdstroy hrrrnng, dat scenery
23:09 Halibel (*nosebleed*)
23:17 jdstroy Halibel: the artist for this series is awesome -- there's so much more of this that it makes me want to travel, even though I'm not a wanderer!
23:18 Halibel (dat fernweh.)
23:18 Lok (D'awwww at Rey T-T)
23:19 Lok (Btw, back guys! just dropped Twib off at home)
23:20 Lok 's heart pangs with guilt once more. He hangs his head in shame. "...I'm sorry..."
23:23 Rey Rey's hands tremble as she crosses her arms, "Lok, what are you really sorry about, the lying? Or the fact I found out...?'
23:23 Rey "
23:24 Lok sighs. "Everything. You know I would never hurt you intentionally...I'm sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry you had to find out this way...I just..."
23:25 Lok 's eyes begin to water. " are /everything/ to me...I...I didn't know what to do..."
23:26 Rey Her mouth opens, then shuts. She looks exhausted.
23:28 Rey "I don't know what to do...I want to be so angry at you...but I just feel empty."
23:30 Lok can feel his heart breaking. He would easily devote his entire life to making Rey smile...but right now, he has done the exact opposite.
23:31 Lok hangs his head. "Rey...I'll go back to Noyel...if that is what you wish."
23:33 jdstroy Halibel:
23:34 Rey Her shoulders sag, and she meets his eyes, "Lok I don't want you to leave me...... I don't want you to d-d-die."
23:35 Lok groans as he tries to get up from under the coats.
23:35 Lok is now standing close to Rey, staring into her eyes.
23:35 Lok " you remember my promise?"
23:36 Halibel (Nice.)
23:36 Rey nods and looks away, "Yes, but I knew it was a lie.."
23:37 Lok frowns. His eyes are desperate. "Rey...what must I do for you to believe in me again?"
23:39 Rey "I don't know. Before I said no more lies..nut now I just don't know." Her voice is a near whisper.
23:39 Rey but*
23:40 Lok Tears begin to fall down his cheeks.
23:42 Lok "Rey...words cannot express how sorry I am...I do not deserve a woman like you. I can see now I have lost your trust...but please believe me, I will do whatever it takes to get it back..."
23:43 Lok "I am sorry I lied to you, but one thing will always hold true...I love you Rey...and I always will."
23:44 jdstroy (D'awww. But you didn't follow the formula, Lok!)
23:44 Lok (Formula? D: )
23:45 jdstroy Lok:
23:46 Rey stares at you, a spark of anger in her eyes, "Prove it. Tell me everything down to the last detail..then let me decide if it's too dangerous for me to be involved."
23:46 Lok hesitates, and then sighs. He cannot deny the woman he loves...especially not now.
23:46 Lok sits down on the arm of his couch.
23:47 Lok "...Very well then."
23:47 Rey (The song is making me lol more than it should XD)
23:48 Lok (Idk man, seems like Lok is following the formula just fine...)
23:48 Halibel ( <--this one?)
23:49 Lok takes a minute to remember, and begins telling his story.
23:49 jdstroy You gotta sing it and in the right order!
23:49 Lok (Lok makes his own songs G)
23:50 Lok "I had lost a dear friend...well actually...I killed him."
23:51 Lok **A man is on the floor in Lok's abode. Lok is staring at his hands in horror, as if trying to process the sin he had just committed.
23:52 Lok "He first kill. I strangled him with my bare hands...and watched him choke all the way till his last breath."
23:53 Lok is now staring at his trembling hands. He continues telling the story.
23:53 Rey gasps, her eyes wide with surprise.
23:54 Lok "I...refused to acknowledge it was my fault. I blamed it on Derphy. I convinced myself that this evil town had corrupted me...pushing me past the point of no return."
23:54 Lok clenches.
23:54 Lok "...So I took my anger out on the town..."
23:55 Lok **A Street Thug: Har har har, we got a good haul today boys!
23:56 Lok **A Burglar: Yes! Lookit all this gold! Like taking candy from a...Hey! Who are you-AGGGH
23:57 Lok **Lok drops in and slices the man across the neck with his Rapier. Before the other thug can react, he throws a dagger at him, piercing his forehead. He then proceeds to take their spoils.
23:58 Lok "...I kept telling myself, it wasn't my fault I was like this. I kept telling myself, this city had made me greedy.../too/ greedy. My best friend threatened my new way of life...and the city made me kill him."
23:59 Lok stares at Rey. His expression has turned dark.
00:01 Rey She seems a little fearful, but doesn't move to leave.
00:02 Lok "...I kept on killing and stealing, thinking I could numb myself to the guilt. After all, these people were scum...and I kept telling myself I was different. I kept telling myself I was the victim..."
00:03 Lok **Lok is standing outside the pub's back entrance. He pulls his collar up, and puts his hood on.
00:05 Lok "...I told myself, if I stole from the self proclaimed Queen of Derphy herself, it would justify everything I've done to this point."
00:05 Lok shakes his head. Tears are flowing from his eyes.
00:05 Lok "Gods...I was so stupid. So blind...I kept trying to wash away blood with more blood."
00:06 Lok "Needless to say...I was caught."
00:07 Lok **Lok slowly opens his eyes. He is tied to a chair. In front of him is the smiling Mad Bomber herself...
00:08 Lok **Noel: You really thought you could get away with this? Stealing...? From ME!?
00:09 Lok **Noel takes out a barbed whip and lashes out at Lok. Lok howls in pain.
00:10 Lok "...It only took her one hour to have me begging for my life...but she continued to torture me for hours.
00:11 Lok **Lok has many scratches and wounds on him. Blood is trickling from everywhere on his body.
00:11 Lok **Lok: Please...I'll do more.....please...
00:11 Lok **Noel has an evil smile.
00:12 Lok **"...Anything...?"
00:12 Lok "...I had no choice but to agree to her terms. And for insurance..."
00:12 Lok touches his left shoulder.
00:12 Lok "...She put /this/ on me."
00:13 Lok **Thugs are holding down Lok as Noel cackles madly. She is pricking Lok's left shoulder with a black needle. The black needle has an evil aura about it...
00:14 Lok **Blood curdling screams can be heard...
00:15 Lok looks at Rey, his story now finished. "...In my foolishness, I blamed everyone but myself for my sins. In my hubris, I sentenced everyone but myself to be punished. Now...this is what I get as my penance."
00:17 Rey Rey's voice is flat, " much do you owe her?"
00:17 Lok cannot bear to look her in the eye. "Eight-thousand gold pieces..."
00:19 Rey chokes back a sob, "So...there's no hope.."
00:19 jdstroy (No wonder they call her mad. Just 8K? :L)
00:19 Lok (Lol in REAL elona that's nothing xD)
00:20 Lok (chump change)
00:20 Rey (in this that's alot though )
00:20 Lok (However, at the rate Twib's been giving us money, in THIS elona is a lot xD)
00:20 jdstroy Exactly.
00:21 Lok (I think in twib's world, 10 coins gets you a stay at the inn. Multiple rooms.)
00:21 Lok (In elona, 100 coins gets you a full meal...sooooo)
00:21 jdstroy Halibel:
00:21 jdstroy Yup. Sleep at random inns, steal the king's bed...
00:21 jdstroy Cost: zilch.
00:22 Lok "Rey...of course there's hope. I did not make you an empty promise without a plan, you must believe me!"
00:22 Halibel (nice)
00:23 Rey tries to look less downcast, "What's your plan Lok?"
00:24 Lok hesitates.
00:24 Lok is silent.
00:24 Lok "Could you please just...believe in me...?"
Rey sighs and stands up, "So you still choose to keep things from me..dammit Lok...why are these secrets more important to you than my love?" She trembles, then turns and begins walking out.
00:29 Lok sighs. "...Wait..."
00:30 Lok (oops)
00:30 Lok (lemme try that again)
00:30 Lok "...Wait!"
00:31 Rey stops.
00:31 Lok "...Did...did you just say..."
00:31 Lok hesitates.
00:34 Halibel (you guys are doing great! Brava, brava, because I have to get off before the end of the scene. Night.)
00:34 Lok " you.../love/ me...?"
00:34 Rey (Night Halibel!!! XD)
00:34 Lok (Gnight!)
00:34 *** Halibel quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- Organize your IRC)
00:36 Rey turns to face him, tears streaming down her face, "I thought I did...I just don't know anymore.." She keeps walking.
00:37 Lok calls after her. "Rey...Please don't go...!"
00:39 Rey leans on the doorframe, she doesn't look back, her voice is broken, "What would change if I stayed?"
00:40 Lok walks closer to Rey.
00:40 Lok "...If you leave be it. Being forced to love you from afar is a fitting punishment for what I have done..."
00:41 Lok Tears are streaming down Lok's face.
00:42 Lok "...If you stay...No more secrets. No more lies. But even then, I cannot guarantee anything changes..."
00:42 Lok stares deep into Rey's eyes.
00:46 Lok "...But if you love me.../everything/ changes Rey. If you truly love life is yours. I will trust you with my heart...completely."
00:50 Rey Her eyes are red-rimmed and oh so weary looking, "Lok, I wouldn't be standing here if I didn't love you..." She clenches her fists, "But now I think I hate you too.."
00:56 Lok slowly moves his hands, and gently places them on Rey's fists. "...I'll accept any punishment you deem fit for me...I'll tell you everything. Take my hand...and I will share every experience with you from this point on...good and bad. My strengths, my weaknesses, my secrets...everything will be at your disposal. I love you Rey, with all my heart. And I
00:56 Lok will do /anything/ to make sure you believe me."
00:57 Lok brings his face closer to Rey's, and whispers..."Please...let me be your everything..."
01:01 Rey flinches at the closeness, "Lok, just stop....please."
01:01 Lok steps back. He is silent.
01:03 Lok "I-I'm sorry...I wasn't trying...I didn't mean to..."
01:03 Lok falls silent once more.
01:06 Rey Rey stutters, "I-I- n-need some s-s-space. Ok?"
01:06 Lok (*Cries*)
01:07 Rey (come on you had to see that coming? D: )
01:07 Lok (Oh I saw it coming. But it's like us seeing Lok's death coming. When it actually HAPPENS it tears your heart out)
01:07 Lok (Not that we know if lok is gonna die yet or not, but you know what I'm talking about)
01:07 Rey (Don't remind me.....D: T_T)
01:08 Lok (Im so saaaaad T_T)
01:10 jdstroy all the feels
01:12 Lok just stares at Rey in dismay. "If...that is what you wish..."
01:15 Rey It's like all of her pent up anger chooses now to erupt, "I didn't wish for /any/ of this!! S-s-space is what I /need/."
01:15 Rey walks out, Hawk puts a protective arm around her and whispers something into her ear.
01:15 Lok (Where'd hawk come from?)
01:16 Rey He then turns his gaze to you Lok. (He was waiting outside lol you thought he left...silly)
01:16 Lok (herp de derp)
01:16 Rey (You really should know him better by now )
01:17 Lok (I suppose I should've xD)
01:17 Lok continues to stare blankly ahead...
01:17 Lok (It's too late~ To apologize~)
01:18 Rey (It's tooooo late!! Oooh~)
01:20 *** Rey is now known as Hawk
01:21 Hawk glares at you, "Wolf is going to escort Rey home, and you and I are going to have a /friendly/ chat."
01:21 Lok is silent. His heart is slowly ripping in two.
01:23 Hawk He lightly shoves you, pushing you off balance, "Did you hear me you fucking bastard? I said we're going to talk!"
01:25 Lok loses his balance and falls flat on his bottom. Yet still, he stares blankly ahead...
01:27 Hawk grits his teeth, "Fine, turn mute for all I fucking care, I'll talk!"
01:27 Lok (And so, Lok became Link.)
01:30 Hawk He paces in front of you, "I trusted you Lok....trusted you to be a good man for my Sparrow..." He lets out a manic laugh, "Hell, I spoke on /your/ behalf to her several times. I sent her to you this time! And this is how you repay me? By stealing her heart then throwing on the ground?! You ass!!! I should...I should..hurt you...bad."
01:30 Lok /...Kill me./
01:33 Hawk stops in front of you, his look one of carefully caged rage, "But I can't. I refuse to lay a hand on you if it will make her sad....and I know it would." He sighs, "She has such a gentle heart...too gentle for the likes of /you/..she deserves better."
01:34 Lok /....Do you hear me Noel...? KILL ME.../
01:39 Hawk continues his rant, "Yes...she deserves so much better, than /you/...better than me too. But she loves you...she /loves/ you and you sit here like you've given up!" He gives you a look of utter disgust, "It's like you aren't even trying.."
01:40 Lok /KILL ME...KILL ME...KILL ME...KILL ME..../
01:41 Lok Suddenly, you see the tattoo glow an ominous shade of blue. Dark vapors are coming from the tattoo now...
01:41 Hawk steps back, "The fuck!"
01:42 Lok is now grinning widely like a madman. His eyes are wide open now...still staring blankly ahead.
01:43 Hawk actually looks afraid.
01:43 Lok /me 's eyes turn to you.
01:43 Lok 's eyes turn to you.
01:44 Lok The dark vapors are turning blacker.
01:45 Hawk looks like he's ready to run.
01:45 Lok gets up and starts hobbling towards Hawk.
01:45 Lok "Now what do I have to live for!? I've lost EVERYTHING! I WANT IT TO BE SIMPLE AGAIN...SO KILL ME!!!"
01:45 Lok lunges at Hawk
01:47 Hawk tries to roll out of the way, "Lok stop it! I don't want to fight you!!!"
01:48 Lok misses. He stumbles a little, then cocks his head towards Hawk. His expression is maniacal!
01:49 Lok "GAAHH!!!"
01:49 Lok lunges at you again!
01:49 Hawk steadies himself and tries to knee you in the chest.
01:50 Lok You successfully knee him in the chest!
01:50 Lok is sprawling on the floor. "YES!!! YESS!!! KILL ME!!!"
01:50 Lok It does not take long to get back up, and hobble towards you once more!
01:52 Hawk frowns, "I'm not trying to kill you!" Oh he wants to, but that blow was only meant to knock Lok back.
01:52 Lok (What do you do? D: )
01:53 Hawk He dashes towards a wall and pushes off it to change momentum, he's trying to get behind you!
01:54 Lok Lok is hobbling too slowly! Either his reflexes are dimmed, or he's not even trying to fight back, but you successfully get behind him!
01:54 Lok (What do you do? D: )
01:55 Hawk grabs the back of your neck, squeezing the pressure points in attempt to get Lok to pass out.
01:57 Lok To your dismay, Lok does not pass out! Instead, his hands on yours, adding to the pressure!
01:57 Lok Suddenly, a figure dashes through the doorway in front of you!
01:57 Lok "Hold him still!"
01:57 Hawk does so.
01:58 Lok She takes out a bottle, pops off the cap, and forces Lok to drink it!
01:58 Lok "Glurgh-! Glaab-! Glaaa-!"
01:59 Lok is coughing and hacking. Suddenly...he's out cold!
01:59 Hawk sneaks a glance at the mysterious woman.
02:01 Lok The woman is panting heavily. She is wearing a white dress with ruffles and a rather large bustle. Blonde curly locks frame her face. Her heard is adorned with a fancy silk hat with feathers.
02:02 Lok Not something you see in Derphy everyday, that's for sure o.o
02:03 Hawk suddenly feels out of place, "Um, hello there miss..thank you for the assistance." He recovers his natural charm and bows politely.
02:04 Lok The woman has caught her breath. As she lifts her face, you can see her bright blue eyes twinkle. "Oh no, thank /you/ sir! Without your help, I'd probably never get him to drink this!" She proudly presents the empty bottle in her hands. "Oil of Tagit! Works every time!" She winks.
02:06 Hawk smiles sheepishly, "Aye, I should have had some one me, but I rushed over here unexpectedly. May I ask your name, and how you know my poor friend here?"
02:06 Hawk on*
02:07 Lok She puts her hand to her mouth. "Isn't it rude for a gentleman to ask a lady's name without properly introducing himself first? My my, I suppose /everyone/ in Derphy is improper after all!" She giggles.
02:09 Hawk chuckles, wondering what this high society lady is doing in a place like Derphy, "Well, I'm afraid I can't give you my true name, but around these parts I'm know as Hawk."
02:11 Lok She curtsies. "Clarice Wimble. I am Locke's bride to be!"
02:11 Lok -SCENE-
02:12 Hawk (Talk about a bomb dropped!!! XD)
02:12 Lok (Clap clap clap clap)
02:12 Lok (Bravo! Bravissimo!)
02:12 Hawk (The look on Hawk's face is going to be priceless. XD Lok hiding even more things tsk tsk.)
02:13 Lok (IKR? I had this planned for a while, but I never thought I'd get to introduce her like THIS)
02:14 jdstroy The studio audience applauds!
02:14 Hawk (Seriously Idk how he's going to dig himself out of this hole now lol)
02:14 Lok (...actually I don't know either. o.o)
02:14 Hawk (Have fun figuring that one out )
02:15 Hawk does a victory dance internally!
02:15 Hawk (He is looking so much better to her right about now )
02:15 Lok (Poor Lok >: )
02:16 Hawk (I want you to win Lok! But you have to stop screwing yourself over DX)
02:17 Lok (I want him to win too! He needs to learn to trust people more! T_T )
02:17 Hawk (Yes, especially people he claims to love! DX)
02:18 Hawk (logs btw?)
02:18 Lok (oh right! Taking a moment to log...)
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