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Forked from anonymous/Clawk Romance 6
Created December 10, 2013 08:44
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**Previously, on Elona DW!
20:11 Lok Clarice narrows her eyes. "...Rey."
20:11 Lok This is the name of the woman who holds the hearts of both Locke /and/ Hawk...
20:12 Lok Dove smiles, "Good luck with that sweetheart, he takes alot of convincing where business is concerned. I doubt an innocent lil thing like you can manage."
20:12 Lok Clarice grins. She actually expected this answer from Dove. "...All the more reason you /teach/ me how to /be/ more convincing...wouldn't you say?"
20:13 Lok Dove stares at you as though you are completely missing the point, "Keeping him interested is the /easy/ part! As long as you accept him and put up with his nightmares he's as loyal as a blind mutt. He's proper too in his own just be improper together and you should be fine eventually."
20:13 Lok Would Hawk really put up with a proper girl like Clarice?
20:14 Lok Perhaps it would be best if they just remained improper...together.
20:14 Lok Clarice curtsies. "Thank you for all your help...I truly appreciate it Miss Dove."
20:14 Lok "I'll...try to talk to Hawk. Perhaps I can arrange something for you."
20:14 Lok Dove yells after Clarice, "Just try and make the dumb bastard happy ok?"
20:14 Lok ----
Under...and over.
20:25 Clarice Under...and over.
20:26 Clarice quickly but carefully brings the needle in and out of the cloth as she works on her dress in progress.
20:27 Clarice She is in Dove's former room now, passing the time by working on her unfinished dress.
20:27 Clarice reflects on what Dove said.
20:29 Clarice **Dove stares at Clarice as though she is completely missing the point. "...Just be improper together and you should be fine eventually."
20:29 Clarice Maybe she's right. Maybe she shouldn't be so worried about herself.
20:30 Clarice Like Dove's almost certain that he likes Clarice for who she is.
20:30 Clarice continues to weave the thread through the fabrics
20:31 Clarice From the corner of her eye, she can see /that/ dresser.
20:31 Clarice /Even so...I am a little curious about how Hawk would respond if I was a bit more...'interesting...'/
20:32 Clarice knots the thread and separates it from the needle.
20:32 Clarice She takes a moment to look at her dress in progress.
20:32 Clarice smiles. "Ah. It's coming along quite nicely!"
20:33 Clarice hugs her unfinished work of art closely to her chest. Father would be proud.
20:33 Clarice She puts down the dress and gets off the bed to stretch her arms a bit.
20:33 Clarice "Hm...I wonder if Sir Hawk has returned from his duties?"
20:35 Clarice Now that she thinks about it, quite some time has passed since she had that little chat with Dove.
20:36 Clarice looks in the mirror and adjusts herself, making sure she looks neat and proper.
20:37 Clarice She places her dress on the bed. She's done enough for today.
20:37 Clarice (unfinished dress.)
20:37 Clarice leaves the room, and makes her way downstairs to the bar. She looks around for Stefan.
20:39 Hawk For once he isn't at the bar. Instead you find him sitting at a table talking animatedly to Wolf.
20:40 Clarice walks over to the table and greets Stefan and Wolf.
20:40 Clarice curtsies.
20:40 Clarice "Hello Stefan! And hello...Sir...?"
20:41 Hawk Wolf glances over with an unreadable expression, "Hello Hawk's woman."
20:41 Clarice flinches.
20:41 Hawk Stefan glares, "She has a name!! Why do you have to embarrass me...Sorry Swan.."
20:42 Hawk Wolf chuckles, "Payback. That is why."
20:43 Clarice laughs nervously.
20:44 Clarice "Ah...I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something?"
20:44 Hawk "Yes" Wolf says just as Stefan chimes in, "Not at all, the more the merrier."
20:45 Clarice flinches. How improper of her!
20:45 Clarice " sorry..."
20:45 Clarice looks downward.
20:47 Hawk Stefan huffs, "Wolf be polite for once. For me. Swan what do you need? Really it's no trouble."
20:47 Hawk Wolf grunts, "As you wish."
20:48 Clarice waves her hands nervously."No no, really, it's fine! I'll just be going now..."
20:49 Hawk Wolf frowns, "Do not interrupt for nothing. Speak girl."
20:50 Clarice bites her lip.
20:50 Clarice Let's do a recount of all the Bloody Hawk's she's interacted with...
20:51 Clarice Owl Eye.
20:54 Clarice Creepy...scary...pervert.
20:54 Clarice Wolf. Already she can tell they're off to a great start.
20:55 Clarice sighs. Is Stefan the only one willing to be her friend?
20:55 Clarice "I was just wondering if any of you had an idea where Hawk might be?"
20:56 Hawk The two men share a look, and Stefan says, "Not sure, but he tends to go in his room after a job."
20:57 Clarice "Ah...I see..."
20:57 Clarice ponders a bit.
20:58 Clarice The man sitting next to Stefan obviously does not like her.
20:58 Clarice It would be nice to be liked.
20:58 Hawk (don't feel bad...he doesn't like any girls lol XD)
20:59 Clarice looks at the man sitting next to Stefan. " are you?"
20:59 Hawk Wolf's voice is dry, "Well enough." Stefan shoots him a stern look, and Wolf reluctantly adds, "And you?"
21:01 Clarice politely smiles. "Good...very good! I've been working on a new dress lately, and I must say I'm quite proud of my work so far." She beams.
21:02 Hawk Wolf blinks, "You know a useful craft? Good."
21:02 Hawk He actually sounds surprised. Did he think you to be useless...?
21:03 Clarice widens her eyes.
21:04 Clarice Praise Yacatect! A sign of approval! At this rate, she'll be loved by the entire guild! Then Hawk will respect her that much more!
21:05 Clarice "I...I'm also trained in the arts of magic!"
21:05 Hawk Wolf's eye narrow, "What kind?"
21:08 Clarice blinks. She did not expect this.
21:09 Clarice "Ah...Evocation magic mostly...other than that, I'm...not sure what to call it."
21:09 Hawk Wolf looks suspicious, "Demonstrate what you mean."
21:09 Clarice blinks.
21:10 Clarice "...As"
21:10 Hawk "Yes. Now."
21:11 Hawk Stefan gives you a sympathetic look and says, "Wolf stop testing the poor girl."
21:11 Hawk Wolf nearly growls, "It is my job to make sure she is worthy."
21:12 Clarice gulps.
21:13 Clarice /This is it Clarice! It's time to prove your worth!/
21:13 Clarice clenches her fists. "...Very well."
21:14 Clarice With a resolute look on her face, she raises her hand, and yells, "/Contego!/
21:14 Clarice The air around Clarice becomes charged.
21:14 Clarice A white protective runic circle appears at her feet!
21:17 Hawk Wolf does not look impressed, he throws a half-hearted punch to test her barrier.
21:18 Clarice widens her eyes. "Wait, stop-!"
21:19 Clarice The magic, intending to protect Clarice from harm, pushes back at Wolf with great force!
21:20 Hawk Wolf flips out of his chair and onto the floor with a thud. Stefan is try very hard not to laugh as Wolf slowly picks himself up and looks at you.
21:20 Hawk He nods slightly, "That is useful. What else can you do?"
21:31 *** Twibphone joined #dw
21:31 Twibphone Guh. Today was rough.
21:32 Hawk (Hi Twibbles!)
21:33 Twibphone Hello
21:42 Clarice (Why was it rough twib?)
21:43 Clarice Her concentration breaks, and the circle disappears.
21:43 Clarice "Are you okay!?"
21:43 Clarice has a worried expression on her face.
21:43 Clarice Her cheeks are red with embarrassment.
21:43 Hawk Wolf stretches, "I am fine."
21:44 Clarice looks at Wolf. He /seems/ fine...but still. She is hesitant to say this...
21:45 Clarice In a soft voice, she says, ""...I...I also consider myself proficient in...swordsmanship..."
21:45 Hawk His face cracks into a slight smile, "We should spar sometime."
21:46 Clarice /That sounds horrible./
21:46 Clarice smiles politely. "That sounds delightful!"
21:48 Hawk He then ignores you and sits down to speak with Stefan again.
21:49 Clarice "Thank you for your time. Farewell."
21:49 Clarice curtsies, and takes her leave.
According to Stefan, Hawk is most likely to be in his room after a job.
21:50 Clarice Perhaps he is already there?
21:50 Clarice makes her way to the cellar entrance.
21:52 Clarice After walking through the cellar, she soon arrives at the front door of Hawk's room.
21:53 Clarice knocks on the door. "Sir Hawk? Are you there? It's me, Clarice."
21:53 Hawk You hear a muffled voice say, "It's unlocked come in."
21:54 Clarice opens the door and steps inside.
21:55 Hawk She sees Hawk at his desk writing something by candlelight.
21:55 Hawk He is wearing a dark red tunic and brown breeches.
21:56 Clarice is nervous for some reason.
21:57 Clarice "Hello Sir Hawk. Were you successful in your...endeavors?"
21:57 Hawk seems rather preoccupied by his work, "Oh yes. I went undetected." He continues scribbling away.
21:58 Clarice "Ah...I am glad you are safe then."
21:58 Clarice is silent as she stares at Hawk. Perhaps she has come at a bad time...?
21:58 Clarice (Hawkward.)
21:59 Hawk turns around and smiles at her, "I promised I'd stay safe didn't I?"
22:00 Clarice smiles. She is relieved to see Hawk's reassuring face again.
22:00 Clarice "Yes...I suppose you did."
22:02 Hawk decides his work can wait, he walks over and embraces her. "Was your day pleasant my dear?"
22:02 Clarice flushes as Hawk holds her. "Y-yes! Very much so!"
22:03 Clarice Her face reddens as she recalls visiting the dungeon to talk to Dove know.
22:04 Clarice /...Perhaps it's best if I didn't tell him about such...improper matters./
22:04 Clarice "I got much sewing done! I might be able to show you my new dress soon..."
22:05 Clarice Her arms slowly wrap around Hawk. She has missed embracing him so.
22:06 Hawk lightly kisses her cheek then pulls away, "Well I look forward to seeing you in it.." His eyes are bright, "Oh, I got you something today."
Clarice blinks. "Oh?"
Hawk digs through his belt pouch and pulls out a silver necklace chain. A reddish metallic hawk pendant hangs from it. It has tiny emeralds in place of eyes. "I called in a favor and had it made for you."
22:09 Clarice There is a twinkle in her eyes as she stares in awe at her present.
22:09 Clarice "Oh...It's..."
22:10 Clarice slowly puts her hand under the pendant, lifting it closer to get a better look. She let's out a deep breath. "..Beautiful..."
22:13 Hawk beams, "I quite glad you like it.." He is flushing a bit.
22:13 Hawk I am*
22:13 Clarice (squeeeee! )
22:14 Clarice 's heart begins to beat quite strongly. "This...this is really for me...?"
22:16 Hawk nods, "I told you I would get you one. I try not to go back on my word."
22:16 Clarice widens her eyes. "..You mean this...this is a..."
22:18 Hawk He clears his throat, "A..preventative charm..yes."\
22:18 Clarice Crimson blood runs rampant through her cheeks.
22:19 Clarice This be expected...but so soon?
22:19 Clarice looks at Hawk. "As in...for pregnancy...?"
22:20 Hawk seems to realize the implications, "Umm, yes. It is just a preventative measure though...for whenever you're ready. I have no intentions of rushing you.."
22:22 Clarice Her heart beats faster.
22:23 Clarice She looks at the beautiful hawk-shaped pendant. It's emerald eyes twinkle as she moves it slightly.
22:23 Clarice stares into Hawk's eyes. "Will me put it on...?"
22:25 Hawk His eyes widen, "Of course my dear." He takes the necklace in hand, brushes back her hair, and clasps it around her neck. He fingers brushing lightly across her throat.
22:27 Clarice blushes as he does this. His hands feel so good as they brush against her skin.
22:30 Hawk "Turn around now and let me see how it looks on you.." he says stepping back a bit.
22:31 Clarice turns around, trying to hide her face behind her curls.
22:34 Hawk admires how his pendant falls across her chest. All in his guild would respect such a marked her as /his/. For a moment he is speechless then he breathlessly says, "Lovely."
22:36 Clarice Is this a dream?
22:36 Clarice It's too good to be true...
22:37 Clarice Right here, right now, in this moment...Hawk has made her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world...
22:37 Clarice /I a princess.../
22:37 Clarice quickly turns around to hide her embarrassment.
22:37 Clarice "H-Hawk...?"
22:38 Hawk "Yes my Swan?"
22:39 Clarice "This is a lovely gift...thank you so much..."
22:39 Clarice 's head suddenly feels very hot.
22:40 Hawk grins, "You are quite welcome. I can get you other trinkets next time I go out if you'd like."
22:41 Clarice shakes her head. "N-no..this is more than enough...really..."
22:41 Clarice What is this feeling inside of her?
22:42 Clarice "Ah..."
22:42 Clarice hesitates.
22:43 Hawk looks concerned, "Do you not like it?"
22:43 Clarice turns around and widens her eyes. "Of course I love it!"
22:44 Clarice "This is...this is the greatest gift I've ever received!"
22:44 Clarice clutches her hawk pendant tightly in her hand.
22:45 Hawk chuckles, "I'll have to give you gifts more often then...tis only the start."
22:46 Clarice looks away. "...Hawk...are you going to be...interrogating Dove soon?"
22:47 Hawk His mood instantly darkens, his mouth tightens into a neutral expression, "I had planned to..yes."
22:47 Clarice Guilt pangs at her heart. She feels as if she has just ruined a perfect moment.
22:48 Clarice " could go easy on her then?"
22:49 Hawk scowls, he fears Swan is much to kind for this sort of life at times. "Why? She humiliated you.."
22:51 Clarice starts fidgeting with her pendant.
22:51 Clarice "Well...I mean, I provoked her first...I think."
22:53 Hawk He is still frowning, "Perhaps..but she still attacked me, and refused to cooperate." He sighs, "I honestly ought to make an example out of her, but I'm not sure I can stomach that.." Afterall he had /loved/ her once..
22:56 Clarice flinches. Perhaps she's just being too soft? Still...there's another reason why she doesn't want Hawk to spend too much time with Dove...
22:56 Clarice "I realize that she attacked you out of anger, but...she /did/ say she was just coming to get back her belongings..."
22:57 Hawk snorts, "She was /lying/."
22:57 Clarice pouts. Of course he would say that.
22:58 Clarice sighs. "I suppose that's possible..."
He shakes his head, "Not just possible, most likely...I know her tell. She cannot lie to me well."
23:01 Clarice "I see."
23:01 Clarice curtsies.
23:02 Hawk looks confused, "Are you leaving?"
23:02 Clarice smiles, and then turns around and opens the door.
23:03 Clarice looks over her shoulder.
23:03 Clarice "...You have business to attend to my dear. I will wait for you....however."
23:04 Clarice grins. "...If you keep me waiting too long, I might not be in the mood anymore."
23:04 Hawk strides over and tries to stop her, "Business can wait then."
23:05 Clarice Dove was right.
23:05 Clarice All she had to do was make it obvious that she wanted him.
23:05 Clarice And right now...she /really/ wanted him.
23:06 Clarice strokes Hawk's face with her hand. "'s fine. Really, I'll wait. Besides..."
23:06 Clarice stares into Hawk's eyes as seductively as she can. "...I need time to prepare..."
23:08 Hawk His eyes widen, he can feel his blood rushing, "I'll be back with haste my beautiful."
23:09 Clarice smiles, and leaves the room.
23:11 Clarice As she makes her way to Dove's former room, she has a hard time processing what just happened.
23:11 Clarice touches her hawk pendant, staring at it's beautiful red sheen.
23:11 Clarice She did it. She actually did it.
23:12 Clarice She was...seductive. Sexy. Dangerous even.
23:13 Clarice She was in control. And she /liked/ it.
23:13 Clarice grins.
23:13 Clarice Is this her true nature?
23:14 Clarice She should be nervous right now. Scared...even terrified.
23:14 Clarice starts walking upstairs to Dove's room.
23:15 Clarice But no...instead she's anxious. Impatient...excited even.
23:15 Clarice steps into Dove's room, closes the door behind her, and walks to /that/ dresser...
23:16 Clarice Right now, there is only one question on her mind:
23:16 Clarice opens the dresser. "..Now...what should I wear?"
23:16 Clarice -SCENE-
(Clap Clap Clap Clap!)
23:16 Clarice (BRAVO! BRAVISSIMO!!)
(Muhahahahah! This shall be glorious!)
23:18 Clarice (Ikr? It's getting sooo good!)
23:18 Hawk (ready for me to start his bit?)
23:19 Clarice (Yes please!)
23:19 Clarice (I've been looking forward to this all day!)
23:19 Clarice (taking a moment to log)
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