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Forked from anonymous/Interrogation 2
Created December 11, 2013 10:28
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**Previously, on Elona DW!
00:40 Lok Hawk wasn't that intimidating...was he?
00:40 *** Rocketgirl is now known as Hawk
00:40 Lok Dove watched the tortured look on his face pass, "Are you done with this stupid interrogation Hawk?"
00:41 Lok Hawk stares coldly at Dove, "I've only just begun. Now...tell me the /real/ reason you came back here..or I may have to ask Owl Eye to pay you a visit." That doesn't sound like an empty threat.
00:41 Lok Hawk expression is stoic, his voice harsh, "I'd do /anything/ to protect my family...but you are no longer a part of it."
00:41 Lok Dove knew that dark look in her old-lover's eyes...that of a man ready to destroy anything in the way of those he loved...
00:41 Lok Those perfect green killer's eyes.
00:41 Lok She started telling him everything...knowing it almost certainly meant her demise.
00:41 Lok ----
00:42 Hawk Under his scrutiny Dove begins to tremble in spite of herself, "Hawk...I really did come back for my stuff..."
00:43 Hawk /knows/ there's more to it than that, "Bullshit."
00:44 Hawk She is looking for any hint of compassion in his face and finds none, "I need to move my thing to the whore's quarters.."
00:44 Hawk doesn't understand her meaning, "What?"
00:46 Hawk She refuses to meet his eyes, "I have no where else to go! I was with you... for so long that I /forgot/ what life's like in this city.."
He stares at her in disbelief as she continues, "I came back here, and your grandmother offered me a job suitable to my /skills/ ." She doesn't tell him the rest...doesn't say that she wanted to see him.
00:53 Hawk Hawk's fists clench, /that fucking old sack of bones! Always going behind /my/ back and trying to piss me off./ Vaguely he wonders if killing kin really is the vilest sin..
00:53 Lok (T_T)
00:55 Hawk decided that he'll not leave a woman he once loved in his grandmother's clutches...but then...Dove could be lying to get his pity..
00:55 *** Twibphone quit (Client exited)
00:57 Hawk coldly glares, "How do I know you aren't spying for Noel, or one of my other enemies?" He shakes his head, "For all I know you could be plotting to slit my throat while I sleep. I ought to get rid of you..just to be safe."
00:58 Lok (nuuuuu >
00:58 Lok (>: )
00:59 Hawk His grip on her arm stays tight.
01:01 Hawk Dove flinches as far away from him as possible, she's staring at the floor, "I..I guess I can't expect you to trust me..I've wronged you too many times..but Hawk.." She searches for mercy in his eyes, "please...for the love you once bore me..spare my life.."
01:02 Hawk managed to keep up his stoic facade, but inwardly he was taken aback...she was /begging/.
01:02 Lok (I love how trust is a huge theme in our oneshots.)
01:04 Hawk This woman who submitted to no man..this strong, dominant woman who used to shove him against the walls and /take/ what she wanted..was /pleading/ for her life. He almost felt sick.
01:06 Hawk Didn't she know he could /never/ kill her? She who knew him better than all but Rey...she thought him capable of such violence against her..such callousness...
01:07 Hawk felt empty as he looked into her eyes. /This/ was how the people he loved saw him...they /feared/ him.
01:08 Hawk The all feared him...this thought echoed in his was nearly enough to break him.
01:09 Hawk Could../none/ of them see through his facade long enough to simply trust him...?
01:10 Hawk The terror in her eyes...pieced him. Perhaps not. Perhaps a man like him did not /deserve/ such trust for anyone.
01:12 Hawk His silence scared her more than anything else, Hawk was always a chatterbox...until he was pissed. Dove couldn't stop crying now, it was a rare sight, "Please Hawk, I'm sorry...I'm so sorry for everything."
01:13 Hawk sighs, "Don't say that. I know you aren't." He lets go of her arm, "Even so..I'll not have you whoring yourself out in desperation." Gods forbid he allow her to get paid for her sluttiness..
01:15 Hawk continues, his voice sharp and neutral, "But, I can't let you back into the guild if I can't trust you see my dilemma, don't you?"
01:16 Hawk Dove is on the verge of panic, "I'll do whatever you require, just please let me come back...please let me stay."
01:19 Hawk studies her body language...she /doesn't/ seem to be lying..but he knows she's a talented actress...she manage to fool him for so long. He folds his hands behind his back as he paces in front of her cell.
01:22 Hawk says, "I need to consult with someone about how to resolve this..issue." Searching her eyes for deception he adds, "Dove, I promise I'll try to find a workable solution...but you still must be punished. As the leader of this organization, I cannot condone such behavior. Do you understand?"
01:23 Hawk She nods slowly, fear mixing with resignation in her dark eyes.
01:23 Lok (hurrah! :3)
01:23 Hawk walks away with purpose. He is gone for nearly an hour then comes back with Owl Eyes in tow.
01:25 Hawk Dove blanches and involuntarily shivers at the sight of the dark priest. "No...Not him! Anything else..."
01:27 Hawk ignores her protests and opens the cell, allowing himself and Owl Eye in. "Hush, I swear I won't let him hurt you more than necessary. You owe your salvation to him. His twisted mind found a compromise."
01:28 Hawk Owl Eye is grinning calmly, "Dove darlin' don't fear me, I'm here to help you!" He nudges Hawk and asks, " she's single now right?"
01:29 Hawk Dove resists the urge to strike the leering mage, and retreats into the back corner of her cell instead.
01:29 Lok (Owl eye you creepo you :3)
Hawk growls, "You will /not/ touch her in any inappropriate manner. However, you will explain to her how this works."
01:31 Hawk (He is the creepiest)
01:32 Hawk Owl Eye shrugs, "Hey with tits like that you can't blame a guy fro trying..heh Hawk you get the best looking girls.."
01:36 Hawk Owl Eyes gets back on topic when he notices hawk's glare, "Anyways Miss lovely Dovely, I am going to be using this here knife" he pulls out an ominous looking dagger from his cloak, "and start carvin' a few runes into you. Now now, don't give me that wide eyed look," he winks, "you'll only rile me up."
01:38 Hawk "These runes will make it so you cannot harm Hawk or anyone else he prohibits you from hurtn', you cannot lie to Hawk, and you cannot do anything with /intent/ to harm our lil guild of misfits here. Any questions?" He looks incredibly proud of himself.
01:40 Hawk Dove's eyes grow harsh, she raises her head so that she's staring both of them down, "Can I refuse this?"
01:41 Hawk has a desolate look to his normally bright eyes, "I won't force you...but these are my terms. Agree or leave."
01:42 Hawk Dove didn't know what to say, she'd expected him to threaten her with torture, or death...not freedom...he was willing to forgive it least within reason, "I'll do it."
01:44 Hawk nods solemnly then says to Owl Eye, "How much energy will this take?"
01:45 Hawk Owl Eye thinks for a second, "Hmmmm about a year of lifeforce per three years or so. She's young enough so it won't--"
01:46 Hawk cuts him off, "No." His voice is solid and strong, "Take it from me."
01:48 Hawk Dove is overcome with guilt in that moment...she should have known.../the self-sacrificing, honorable, fool!/ Why did he always have to be like this!! Like he didn't care about himself at all...
01:49 Hawk "But Hawk!--" She shuts her mouth when she sees his eyes...they look like he's already dead.
01:50 Lok (*GASP*)
01:50 Hawk smiles slightly, it doesn't reach his eyes, "This is the price I pay for trusting you...more than one is always hurt when trust dies.." He leans in and chastely kisses her forehead, "Do not make me regret the sacrifice."
01:52 Hawk Dove kneels, speechless, as Owl Eye rolls up her sleeve and begins lightly tracing the runes in ink on her shoulder.
01:53 Hawk steps back to give the ritual enough room.
01:54 Hawk Owl Eye finishes his tracing then pulls out a rag for Dove, "Ball it up and bite down hard, this is gonna hurt!" He seems excited at the prospect of witnessing pain.
01:56 Hawk He cuts slowly along his traced lines, blue sparks dancing down the edge of his blade and settling into her skin. Dove bites the rag to muffle her screams.
01:57 Hawk Soon the most slicing and dicing is over, Owl Eye is tempted to add another rune that'd force her to follow his commands...but he knows Hawk would flip if he tried something like that. "Hawk get over here, I need your blood."
01:59 Hawk holds his hand out to the mage. The dagger cuts his palm neatly, Owl Eye clasps his bleeding hand in his own and starts a guttural chant. Indigo light bathes the room and there's a flash of red then darkness.
02:01 Hawk It's over...and a faint looking Hawk helps to bandage Dove's wounds, the runes are bleeding profusely and pulsing..the blood quickly soaks throug, staining his hands.
02:02 Hawk Owl Eye seems delighted by the carnage, "I'm a gonna be in my room, Hawk you ought to test and see if it worked, bye!"
02:04 Hawk Dove stays silent..she'd been given a second was painful yes, but she felt almost reborn.
02:04 Hawk feels shakey, but he decides to take Owl Eye's advice, "Dove, are you still attracted to me?"
02:06 Hawk She tries to lie, but words spill forth, "Yes, always." She wants to bit off her tongue /already/.
02:06 Hawk bite*
02:07 Hawk He'd expected that answer, so it didn't prove much, "Do you remember my real name?"
02:08 Hawk She tries to say 'Of course!' but, "No. I forgot."
02:08 Hawk was a little hurt, "I knew you weren't listening..."
02:10 Hawk feels like she was lying to him all along so he asks with bitterness, "Did you ever even love me?"
02:11 Hawk Dove wanted to scream 'No!' but instead her lips formed, "I don't know! Sometimes I think I did...sometimes I think I still do.."
02:13 Hawk Her discomfort was apparent, he knew he'd proven his point..she was undoubtedly telling the truth, but he had to ask one last thing...
02:13 Hawk kneels down to look into her dark eyes, "Dove, do you trust me?"
02:14 Hawk She bursts into tears, "Hawk...I /can't/.."
02:15 Hawk That harsh truth told him all he needed to know about himself. He was irredeemable...untrustworthy..someone to be feared.
02:17 Hawk He waited with her until the bleeding stopped, then he got up slowly, his legs unsteady, and said, "You'll stay here one last night. Tomorrow morning I'll re-introduce you to the guild as an example. Goodnight Dove."
02:18 Hawk She watched him go without a word...there was nothing she could say to ease the pain she'd caused the only man to ever treat her well...had she turned him into this?
02:20 Hawk made his way through the dungeon corridors with great difficulty, he felt his insides were being pulled apart.
02:22 Hawk He stumbled at the stairs, as he picked himself up he found he was coughing up blood..he was happy that it wouldn't show on his maroon tunic.
02:23 Hawk wanted to just lay on that cold stone floor forever, but he forced himself to carry on, afterall he'd promised Clarice he'd be there tonight.
02:23 Hawk --SCENE---
02:23 Hawk (Fuck yeah!)
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