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Forked from anonymous/Clawk Romance 8
Created December 15, 2013 14:19
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**Previously, on Elona DW!
20:54 Clarice Clarice is too tired to think now. Slowly but surely, her consciousness fades away...
20:55 Clarice Hawk smiles, she's so sweet whens she's drifting to sleep, his voice is a whisper, "I /loved/ it...and I hope I fixed you enough tonight.." He knows she can't hear him..but it felt right to say.
20:55 Clarice Hawk knows he'll soon join her in slumber, his eyelids are already oh so was /strange/ he muses. He doesn't know what to make of it still.
20:55 Clarice But in this moment he's almost... happy, after all he gets to wake up to such a lovely view.
20:55 Clarice ----
20:58 Hawk wakes up in a cold sweat from a horrific dream and begins immediately coughing up blood. He tries to muffle the sound so not to wake his bedmate..
20:59 Clarice starts moving around a bit. "Mmmmmmrgh..."
21:00 Hawk tries is vain to stop his hacking, he covers his mouth with his hand.
21:00 Clarice sniffs, and slowly opens her eyes. "Mmmm...Hawk...?"
21:01 Hawk He'd dreamt that he'd met Death itself...
21:02 Hawk ...and was shown the many souls he sent Death's way...
21:02 Hawk turns away from her and tries to remain quiet, but one last cough betrays him.
21:04 Clarice blinks. There are droplets of blood sewn about.
21:04 Clarice "..H-Hawk!?"
21:04 Clarice is terrified. She gets up a little, and starts shaking Hawk. "Hawk!? Hawk, what's going on!?"
21:04 Hawk croaks out, "Yes?"
21:05 Clarice "Hawk, there's...there's blood on you!"
21:06 Hawk wipes his mouth, and nods. The blood coats his hands and is smeared on his forearm.
21:08 Hawk He is covered in sweat and shaking a bit.
21:08 Clarice gets off the bed. "I'll...I'll call for help immediately!"
21:09 Hawk He swallows the next bit of blood, and clears his throat, "No..don't."
21:11 Clarice is adjusting her dress. "D-don't be stupid! You need help! Do we have a healer? Nevermind, I'll ask Stefan!"
21:13 Hawk coughs again, it sounds more clear this time, "This is from my will pass."
21:15 Clarice widens her eyes. "What!? What kind of healer causes harm like /this/? Improper! I shall complain to him at once!"
21:17 Hawk sits up, still shaking, "He needed some energy for a spell, and I gave it...sometimes this is what happens after.." Another cough, "Please come back to bed.."
21:17 Clarice huffs. "No! This is unacceptable! I will fix this at once!"
21:17 Clarice turns around and starts heading for the door.
21:18 Hawk His voice is weak, "Clarice...please listen..I don't want you getting Owl Eye by yourself.."
21:22 Clarice turns around. She has a desperate look on her face. "But this is important!"
21:24 Hawk shakes his head, "I'm fine really. I's just me getting body doesn't have the energy it used to.."
21:26 Clarice is getting angry. You can see the frustration on her face. "Stop it, just stop! You're hurt, and you need to be fixed at once! I'm leaving!"
21:29 Hawk tries to go after her and collapses.
21:30 Clarice "Hawk!"
21:30 Clarice A frightened Clarice rushes over to Hawk and shakes him.
21:31 Clarice 's eyes start to water. "Hawk, just...just stay here! Don't you dare disappear, I'll be right back with Owl Eye!"
21:31 Hawk groans, "Arrgh...oww." His coughing resumes.
21:33 Clarice is hesitant to leave Hawk alone, but she knows what she must do. She turns around, and exits Hawk's room through the doorway.
21:33 Clarice quickly makes her way through the cellar and up to the bar. She looks around for Stefan.
21:33 Clarice "Stefan! Stefan, are you here?"
21:34 Hawk A sleepy looking Stefan is cleaning the bar, "Swan? What are you doing up so early?"
21:35 Hawk He blinks, and looks very confused, "Ok...this is either a strange dream or Hawk showed you Dove's costume trunk.."
21:36 Clarice blinks. "What...? What are you...Oh!"
21:36 Clarice looks down at her dress.
21:36 Clarice She is still in Dove's maid costume...
21:37 Clarice remembers that she still hasn't put back on her undergarments either. Her face turns crimson.
21:37 Clarice "Oh...Ah...this....uhm..."
21:37 Clarice shakes her head.
21:37 Hawk Stefan can't fight back a chuckle, "Well...I hope you to had a fun evening."
21:37 Hawk two*
21:37 Clarice "N-now look here you! This is...this is serious!"
21:38 Clarice looks at Stefan with a serious look on her face. "Hawk is hurt! Is Owl Eye still in his room near the dungeon?"
21:39 Hawk He raises an eyebrow, "What? And Owl Eye better still be there..go back to Hawk, I'll get the mage! Which room is he in?"
21:40 Hawk In a strange way Stefan seems almost as serious as Wolf now.
21:43 Clarice "He's in his own room right now, probably still collapsed on the floor!"
21:43 Clarice hesitates.
21:43 Clarice "Do you happen to have any skill with first aid...?"
21:44 Hawk Stefan shakes his head, "Some, but not as much as I should." He books it towards the dungeons.
21:46 Clarice sighs. She was hoping Hawk could have more immediate relief. Hopefully, Stefan will find Owl Eye quickly. She makes her way back to Hawk's room.
21:48 Clarice has arrived at Hawk's room. She opens the door, and steps inside.
21:49 Hawk She finds him sitting on the floor, his back leaning against the bed as he's using the washbin and a rag to clean some blood off of him. His pants are thankfully pulled up, but he has yet to put his shirt back on..
21:50 Clarice "Hawk! Don't worry, Stefan is coming back with Owl Eye soon!"
21:51 Hawk smile slightly at her, "Ah...thank you my Swan...but they'll not be able to help.."
21:53 Clarice eyes widen in fear. "What...what are you talking about?"
21:56 Hawk He continues breathlessly, "This just happens...sometimes transfer.."
21:58 Clarice widens her eyes.
21:58 Clarice "As in...dark...magic...?"
21:59 Hawk nods slowly, "Like when...he..healed you."
22:01 Clarice starts trembling.
22:01 Clarice "How you give...?"
22:02 Hawk coughs again and gives you a bloody grin, "Enough to be...exhausted last night..sorry..I wasn't at my best."
22:04 Clarice Tears are rolling down her cheeks. " could you hide this from me?"
22:04 Hawk shakes his head, "I tried explaining...and you got upset..I didn't want to worry you.."
22:07 Clarice Guilt stabs at her heart.
22:11 Clarice "I...I had no idea..."
22:12 Clarice looks at Hawk. "You shouldn't have done.../this/ with me!"
22:15 Hawk smirks, "I didn't want to at first...but you have a quite a gift for... convincing me to see things /your/ way." He felt no guilt in allowing her to think sexual favors could influence him, after was partly true.
22:16 Hawk (Hawk you bastard..)
22:17 Clarice becomes furious. "That's...improper! Simply improper! Your health should take precedence over my...petty desires! I would have understood!"
22:20 Hawk He coughs again, "Would you? Because I found you got quite angry when you thought that I was only /hurt/ by you talking to Dove...and didn't want you because of that.." He voice is tired, and free of venom..he sounds like he really didn't understand.
22:23 Clarice His words are like daggers. Is this the kind of trust their relationship is currently based on? "What does it matter! You will ill! You shouldn't have pushed yourself!"
22:25 Hawk is wearing a soft smile, his eyes are sad, "But you needed me to fix I did."
22:26 Clarice 's cheeks turn red as she raises her voice. "Well, next time, fix yourself before fixing me!"
22:29 Hawk looks as though he's about to say something when Owl Eye barges in.
22:30 Hawk The mage actually looks huffy, "Hawk you dumbass, you weren't supposed to rest! Not play maid with your new whore!"
22:30 Hawk were*
22:31 Clarice crosses her arms over her chest in an attempt to hide what she can over her costume. He cheeks flush red.
22:31 Hawk growls and struggles to his feet unsteadily, "Don't you dare *cough* call her that!"
22:33 Hawk Owl Eye just rolls his eyes, not even bothering to flirt with Clarice as he walks over to Hawk. "Gods above how can someone as successful as you be so frackin stupid? For the /lives/ of me I don't understand it."
22:37 Hawk He thoroughly inspects Hawk, even putting an ear to his chest and listening for a bit, "Your body is freaking out because of the runes I put on that ah dark haired ex of yours, rest up and you should be fine...but actually /rest/, no fucking matter how many cute outfits she wears."
22:38 Hawk Owl Eye gives Hawk and light shove that sends him crashing onto the bed, then turns to you. "And you.." His orange eyes seems to be flaring.
22:39 Clarice widens her eyes. "I...I didn't know!"
22:39 Hawk eye*
22:41 Hawk He is glaring, that eerie eye of his staring right though you, "Maybe try talking before you jump the stupid fool! Gods above and below, you too are majorly fucked if relationship advice from me is starting to make sense!" And with that he storms out.
Clarice is standing silently. Her face is stained with tears.
22:43 Hawk hears her, "Don't cry my sweet *coughs*. Come'ere I'll be fine....really."
22:45 Clarice stares at Hawk. There is a look of fear on her face. "...He said...he put runes on Dove. Is that...true...?"
22:46 Hawk "Yes, you asked me to be I was.."
22:47 Clarice "But...why the runes...?"
22:48 Hawk coughs again, "She wanted to come back a whore..I didn't like the sound of I told her she could work for me again...the runes make it so I can trust her."
22:49 Clarice "...I see."
22:49 Clarice looks downcast. She falls silent as she heads over to Hawk and sits next to him on the bed.
22:50 Hawk is laying down now, "I couldn't let her back if I /knew/ she'd put you...and everyone else at risk."
22:50 Hawk Shit why had he said that...
22:52 Hawk forces himself to shut up.
22:53 Clarice blinks. " did it for me?"
22:56 Hawk He speaks slowly, "And the rest of the guild.." /Mostly/ you and myself, he thinks but does not say.
22:59 Clarice lays at Hawk's side.
22:59 Clarice "...What will happen to Dove now?"
23:01 Hawk thinks for a moment, "I'll introduce her back into the guild tomorrow, and she'll have to take their harsh questions. After that she'll get to be like...well everyone else here."
23:03 Clarice is saddened by this. She does not think Dove a bad person worthy of harsh treatment.
23:04 Clarice "Will she really get to be like everyone else here? I wish for her to be treated fairly when all is said and done."
23:05 Hawk nods, "The runes make it so she can neither lie to me nor harm the guild. Other than that she is free to do as she wishes."
23:05 Hawk His cough seems to have calmed dosn some..
23:07 Clarice She leans her head onto his chest. "...Where is she now?"
23:08 Hawk "Dungeon. I thought one night there was fitting punishment, and would give her time to reflect.."
23:11 Clarice "She's /still/ there? Surely she's had enough time to reflect.."
23:13 Hawk sighs, "I intended to let her out today...for /her/ own safety I cannot let her wander around until I've re-introduced her.."
23:14 Clarice frowns. "Can't we at least make her cell more comfortable?"
23:19 Hawk huffs, sounding annoyed, "I gave her three years of my life, I don't owe her anything more. You may make her /comfortable/ if you wish...I'm going back to sleep.."
23:21 Clarice pouts. "I didn't mean it like /that/. I realize she broke your heart Hawk...but she's already in a dungeon." She starts stroking his chest in an attempt to calm him down. "Besides, you and I both know she will /not/ be treated fairly when she rejoins the guild..."
23:25 Hawk She can feel Hawk relax at her touch, "Hmm keep doing that." He says closing his eyes.
23:25 Clarice continues to gently stroke his chest.
23:26 Clarice "It's not that I think Dove /should/ get any special treatment...but we are to truly give her a second chance, we should at least treat her like a /person/, that's all I'm saying dear..."
23:26 Hawk ignores that she misunderstood his three years comment, and says "I'll do my best to make sure she is treated decently.." The men will treat her well he muses.
23:27 Clarice lightly kisses his chest. "Thank you."
23:27 Clarice smiles as she nuzzles Hawk's chest.
23:29 Hawk sighs, feeling almost content as he strokes her hair, "As you wish."
23:36 Hawk He is snoring shortly.
23:37 Clarice opens one eye.
23:37 Clarice Hawk seems to be asleep.
23:37 Clarice slowly gets off of him and carefully studies Hawk.
23:38 Hawk He doesn't seem to be coughing anymore, and is not waking up...he sleeps rather soundly for an assassin...
23:38 Hawk Perhaps tis because he is ill though..
23:40 Clarice kisses Hawk lightly on the cheek. "I'll be back shortly my dear."
23:40 Clarice As carefully and as silently as possible, she makes her way off the bed and outside of the room closing the door behind her.
23:40 Hawk smiles slightly but is still snoring.
23:41 Clarice makes her way through the cellar hallways and aisles.
23:42 *** Hawk is now known as Dove
23:42 Clarice stops at the women's quarters, and peeks her head in.
23:43 Dove It is still quite early, all the other girls seem to be asleep.
23:44 Clarice Still in her maid's outfit, she tip toes her way to her old bed, and grabs a pillow and a blanket.
23:47 Clarice quietly makes her way out of the women's quarters, and makes her way towards the dungeon.
23:47 Clarice Soon, she arrives at the fork leading to the dungeon.
23:51 Clarice opens the door leading into the dungeon, and enters. She walks toward the cell where she last met Dove.
23:52 Dove The scent of blood assails your senses, you also get an eerie sensation in the pit of your stomach.
23:52 Dove In the dim light you cannot tell which cell is Dove's exactly..
23:52 Clarice In a soft voice, "Dove? Are you awake?"
23:52 Clarice "Are you here?"
23:54 Dove You hear something stir a few cells down, "Someone 'ere?"
23:54 Clarice heads over to the cell.
23:54 Clarice looks inside the cell.
Dove A sleepy looking Dove is rubbing her eyes, the smells are only stronger now.
23:55 Dove "Oh, back for more advice are ya?"
23:56 Dove There is a faint blueish glow under the fabric laying on her shoulders.
23:57 Clarice "Dove? Are you...okay? What is that strange smell?"
23:57 Clarice gasps. "Your that...the rune?"
23:57 Dove She stretches, and asks, "Why do you care? Tis blood and magic that's all."
23:59 Clarice winces. "I...I didn't think it would be so...messy."
00:00 Dove Dove shrugs, "Hawk got the worst of it...honestly...I'm surprised you don't want to wring my neck..or his, foolish man."
00:02 Clarice looks down. "Yes...He was coughing up blood earlier. I was quite worried..."
00:03 Dove looks guilty upon hearing that, "If he hadn't gone all noble on me..then he wouldn't be ill.."
00:04 Clarice sighs. "He /did/ say he gave up quite a bit of energy. I hope he gets better..."
00:06 Dove stares at the floor, she knew it was much more than quite a bit...years..the stupid ass had given up keep her here..and everyone safe from her...
00:07 Dove She looks at you, "And that he was willing to sacrifice so much for me...that doesn't bother you?"
00:07 Clarice blinks. "Well, of course! It bothers me that'd he'd sacrifice anything at all rather than just...let you off easy!"
00:09 Dove raises a eyebrow, " are a naive little thing aren't ya? This /was/ letting me off easy..any other leader would have killed some one who struck at them without question or debate."
00:11 Clarice sighs. "I...I suppose."
00:11 Clarice slips the pillow and blanket through the prison bars.
00:12 Clarice "Here, I came to give you these to make your night more tolerable. I hope these will suffice...I would have gotten more, but I forgot to change into my regular attire..."
00:12 Clarice turns away sheepishly.
00:13 Dove Dove takes them and stares suspiciously, "Yes I noticed, that is my outfit...why are you helping me girl? Aren't you worried I'm going to steal him away?"
00:15 Clarice blinks, and then narrows her eyes. ".../Are/ you going to steal him away?"
00:18 Dove She shrugs, her dark eyes searching yours, "Probably not, I fucked things up pretty good with him...but my chances look much better if you're wearing /that/," she chuckles, "He gets a bit awkward with the whole 'master' thing since his Sparrow used to be a slave or somethin'."
00:19 Dove wraps the blanket around herself and watches your reaction.
00:19 Clarice 's face turns pale.
00:19 Clarice Her mouth is agape in horror. /What have I done?/
00:20 Clarice looks down at the floor. "I...I didn't know. My mother was a maid...and this was the only costume I felt confident in..." Her lip starts to quiver.
00:21 Dove "I had to learn the hard way too, did he push you off him and start explaining?"
00:25 Clarice shakes her head. "N-no...although, I suppose I didn't really give him a chance to explain..."
00:27 Dove smiles, "You didn't did you? Hmm that must have been embarrassing for him."
00:29 Clarice sighs. "It's a shame. I rather liked being a maid..."
00:29 Clarice does a little spin as she twirls around in her outfit.
00:37 Dove She watches in amusement, "You didn't laugh at him did you? He'll never forgive that.."
00:38 Clarice smiles. "What? What do you mean?"
00:39 Dove Dove sighs, "Hawk is normally quite the lover, so he gets exceptionally embarrassed when he can't get it up because he feels awkward or what have you...if you laugh at him for that he gets quite upset."
00:41 Clarice blushes sheepishly, "Oh I don't know, he seemed quite...enthusiastic..."
00:42 Dove "Really?" Dove laughs, "Then perhaps you have nothing to worry about."
00:44 Clarice giggles. She feels comfortable talking to Dove about these things.
00:45 Clarice sighs. "...Dove...I really hope the rest of the guild will treat you nicely when you join us. I know I will."
00:45 Dove winks, "Don't treat me too nicely pretty thing, or Hawk might have to watch put for me stealing you."
00:47 Dove out*
00:47 Clarice widens her eyes. "I-Improper!"
00:48 Dove She grins, "Your the one who stole my maid outfit, and you look quite nice in it actually."
00:50 Clarice blushes. "I...I was going to put it back..."
00:51 Dove "After you were done fucking my ex-lover silly in it? I'd say that's a tad improper dearie."
00:52 Clarice pouts. "Surely you can spare /one/ of your outfits...As of now, I only have one and a half dresses to my name."
00:55 Dove "Course I can, but tis unkind to take first and ask permission after."
00:55 Clarice She has a point. Clarice has been quite the improper one.
00:56 Clarice sighs. "S-sorry..."
01:00 Dove smiles, feeling nice and warm in her blanket, "Apology accepted, you can keep it. I can get another one. I look better in the other costumes anyway.."
01:01 Clarice smiles. She is glad Dove has allowed her to keep the outfit. It's become more than just a maid's costume to her.
01:02 Clarice "Well then...I should get back to Hawk. Wouldn't want to be missing when he wakes up. I hope tomorrow's re-initiation goes well for you, Dove."
01:02 Clarice curtsies.
01:03 Dove puts the pillow behind her and asks, "Will the dumb ass be ok? I don't want him dying or anything for my sake.." She tries to sound more curious than concerned, but she isn't fooling anyone.
01:04 Clarice frowns. "I'm not sure actually...he insists he'll be fine but..."
01:04 Clarice sighs. "I don't know. Sometimes he seems to be more trouble than he's worth."
01:06 Dove Worry crosses her face briefly, "Aye...I thought the same..but I doubt I'll ever find another man that treats me as well as he did.." Her eyes are full of remorse, "I'd say he's worth it..but tis only hindsight speaking.."
01:09 Clarice "...Dove? Why didn't you say yes to Hawk?"
01:11 Dove shakes her head, "I don't fucking know anymore.." She stares at her hands, "Maybe I was afraid of being /trapped/ with one person...forever...maybe it was the fact that he wanted kids...maybe it was because I thought I could do better..."
01:12 Dove looks back up at you, "Those all sound like stupid reasons now.."
01:12 Clarice shakes her head. "No...I think when it comes down to it, you just weren't ready."
01:13 Clarice looks at Dove. "But if he asked you...right now. What would you say?"
01:15 Dove She laughs bitterly, "And now I get to sit around watching him be happy and wish I had been?" She shakes her head, "No, I'd still refuse him...but this time because I know he deserves better than me."
01:16 Clarice Sadness fills Clarice's heart. She cannot help but feel pity for Clarice.
01:16 Clarice Clarice was a woman who had invested her heart in someone too early.
01:16 Clarice Dove however...was someone who invested her heart too late.
01:17 Clarice "...I hope you find someone Dove. I truly do."
01:18 Dove "Bah, knowing me I'll find several someones and make it a party!" She tries in vain to lighten the tone.
01:19 Clarice winces at the thought. Such improprieties fill her head...
01:19 Clarice "Y-yes...I suppose...that would be....nice..."
01:19 Dove wiggles her eyebrows, "Oh it is."
01:22 Clarice feels that this conversation is starting to feel...uncomfortable.
01:22 Clarice laughs nervously. "Yes..Well...I /really/ should be going back now."
01:22 Dove "Aye, get on back. I'm sure he misses you..."
01:24 Clarice curtsies, and takes her leave, making her way out of the dungeon.
01:25 Dove You sense something behind you, and it makes you..uneasy.
01:26 Clarice stops short.
01:26 Clarice quickly turns around.
01:27 Dove Owl Eye is walking behnd you, stewing in his thoughts, he does not seem to notice you at all.
01:28 Clarice 's face freezes. "Ah...hello."
01:29 Clarice rigidly curtsies, not because she /wants/ to, but because it's a habit.
01:30 Dove He looks up and sneers, "Why aren't you with Hawk? Don't you know it isn't safe down here?"
01:30 Dove He seems to be undressing her with his eye as he looks her over. "Epecially not for a gal like you.."
01:31 Clarice scowls. "Hmph! /Must/ you be so improper?"
01:33 Dove His sneer shifts into a leer, "Must you be so uptight? Gosh you'd have think Hawk would have loosened up that cunt of yours.."
01:34 Clarice instinctively reaches for her parasol. Alas, it is not there.
01:34 Dove thought*
01:35 Clarice sighs. "I realize /I'm/ the one out of place down here, but if you don't mind me asking, what are /you/ doing here?"
01:36 Dove He snickers, "I live down here."
01:36 Dove "Geeez you really don't pay attention at all do tou?"
01:36 Dove You*
01:37 Clarice rolls her eyes. "Yes, I /know/ that. Again, I realize /I'm/ the one out of place. I's just that it /is/ quite late, and you're skulking about."
01:38 Dove He grins, "Well I heard talking when no one else should be in here," he sighs dramatically, "I was hoping I'd get to explode an intruder, but alas its only you."
01:39 Dove He frowns and whines, "I'm not allowed to touch you, let alone explode you and use your blood."
01:39 Clarice flinches.
01:40 Clarice A thought occurs to her.
01:40 Clarice "Owl Eye? As long as I'm down here, may I ask you something?"
01:41 Dove He takes it completely the wrong way, "Ask me anything you like doll. I can do things you would believe! That is..if you give me permission to."
01:42 Dove wouldn't*
01:43 Clarice grimaces.
01:44 Clarice "Well...I was just wondering how transfer healing magic worked...exactly."
01:46 Dove His eye lights up...a girl was asking about his dark artes!! Oh this was a dream come true. "Well. It's fairly simple blood magic actually. You see I can heal almost any injury as long as I have enough energy to fuel the magic, but free floating energy isn't often enough."
01:49 Dove "So I decided to start using life force instead of energy to power my spells. But you see I can't use my own life force, or I'll die so instead I take it from whom or whatever else is nearby. Like I a took a month or so from hawk to heal your hand all nice and pretty." He beams. "Any more questions?"
01:51 Clarice widens his eyes. "Wha...what? A month? As entire month's worth of days was subtracted from his lifespan?"
01:52 Dove He nods, "Give or take a few days. It tends to be almost however long the wound would have taken to heal naturally under great care."
01:53 Clarice A horrible realization slowly comes up attention.
01:53 Dove "Amazing huh? I could cure almost anything if Hawk would let me use the prisoners for my experiments..."
01:53 Clarice is starting to tremble. "...S-so...I assume /curses/ take even /more/ life force to enact...?"
He smiles broadly, "Course the prisoners might die...oh huh, curses? Yeah they take a good amount depending on what they do. I just put a few on Dove that cost about a year each, and that was after I made them as simple as possible."
01:57 Clarice And suddenly...everything became clear.
01:59 Clarice **Hawk huffs, sounding annoyed, "I gave her three years of my life, I don't owe her anything more. You may make her /comfortable/ if you wish...I'm going back to sleep.."
01:59 Clarice widens her eyes.
01:59 Clarice When he said he gave three years...he actually meant...
01:59 Clarice "Three...years...?"
02:01 Dove "Yeah, they totaled about three years. I don't Hawk just to kill her but he never listens to /me/." The mage complains.
02:01 Clarice Three years. Hawk had given three years of his life, /just/ to 'go easy' on Dove. To protect his guild. To protect Clarice.
02:01 Dove er not don't told*
02:02 Clarice The blood drains from Clarice's cheeks.
02:02 Clarice It's /her/ fault he did this.
02:03 Clarice looks at Owl Eye. "...Owl said you.../switched/...from using energy to using life force...correct...?"
02:04 Dove "Yep! Life force let's me do so much more! I can still use energy though, for lil things."
02:04 Clarice has a serious look on her face. "And theoretically, you /could/ use your own life force, but it's just...impractical. Correct?"
02:05 Dove He nods. "There aren't many things I care enough about to use my own life force."
02:06 Clarice "Owl Eye...there is much more I would like to learn about this...dark magic. Would you happen to have any tomes you could spare on the subject...?"
02:07 Dove He hesitates, "I'm not really allowed to part with those..sorry. I don't want to piss off the bossman, even if he is coughing up blood over so whore who cheated on him."
02:07 Dove some*
02:08 Dove His tone implies that Hawk is quite the psuhover for doing this.
02:08 Dove pushover*
02:08 Clarice pouts. "Oh...but...why not?" She steps closer to Owl Eye.
02:09 Dove He blinks and smiles, "Oh he doesn't much like me, Hawk will look for any misstep to string me up."
02:11 Clarice Her big blue eyes stare into his eye. " tome. That's all...I'd give it right back. It'd be our little .."
02:11 Clarice whispers the last word. "...secret."
02:13 Dove "Oh ho, really now? Hmm I'd be risking alot for you Swan.." His creepy eye seems mesmerized by the blueness of hers, "Perhaps if you seal the deal with a kiss?'
02:13 Dove "
02:14 Clarice clenches her teeth.
02:14 Clarice How far was she willing to go?
02:15 Clarice Hawk was sick right now...and he's already given up his own life-force before...
02:17 Clarice looks at Owl Eye. "One kiss. On the cheek."
02:18 Dove "The cheek? Oh milady, you wound me. No only those ripe luscious lips of yours will do." His smile is predatory.
02:19 Clarice winces. "...No tongue. Final offer."
02:19 Dove He leans in, "What about teeth?"
02:20 Clarice realize that if she has any hope of winning, she's going to need to play the game.
02:21 Clarice smiles mischievously. "Well...I'd have to borrow more than /one/ book for /that/."
02:23 Dove "Oh no no no! Two books would cost you..well a nibble at least..on that pale neck of yours." He eye has become focused, when he licks his lips you think you catch a glimpse of..fangs?
02:24 Clarice "Tsk, tsk, tsk Owl Eye. /Now/ you're just sounding desperate. Make me wonder if you've ever had the privilege of pleasuring a woman before..."
02:26 Dove He leans in closer, almost seeming to sniff you, "I've pleasured more women than your Hawk has, in one fashion or another. You'd have the time of your life with me..I've been told I'm to die for."
02:28 Clarice tries her best not to flinch. "Now..if /that/ were true...I would think you'd appreciate a woman's touch...would you not?"
02:29 Dove He lets out a deep growling sound, "Oh, it's not your touch I want.."
02:30 Clarice "Even should be offering more books."
02:33 Dove He reaches out as though to touch her, then stops himself, his voice is smoother, with only a hint of a growl, "Why don't we discuss this in /m/ quarters. I'll even let you look through the books while we chat."
02:35 Clarice sighs. She cannot win, and she most /definitely/ cannot follow him to his quarters.
02:35 Dove /my/*
02:36 Clarice "Let me borrow a book, or I'll tell Hawk you've been harassing me."
02:38 Dove He gives you a definitively fanged smile, "Why I haven't laid a hand on you darling...and you'd really lie to Hawk? Wow..maybe he shouldn't trust you.."
02:40 Clarice narrows her eyes. She doesn't expect to win, but she's getting annoyed anyways. "Well, I can't exactly trust /him/ either, apparently. What's it going to be Owl Eye's? All I'm asking for is a tome to borrow. If everything works out, you'll have a fellow dark mage in the guild."
02:41 Dove He sighs, "I'd love that, you have no idea..but I'll not risk it for such a trifling reward. Begone girl, hope that Hawk never finds out you were willing to kiss me for personal gain."
02:45 Clarice sighs. There is only one thing she can think of now.
02:46 Clarice "...I...don't suppose /you/ could just teach me just /one/ dark magic trick from your repertoire could you?"
02:47 Dove He smiles, "For a price I'll do whatever you wish. I've said as much. But I do nothing out of the kindness of my heart, for I lack kindness."
02:49 Clarice eyes widen. The chances are slim, but perhaps she could simply just...treat him with respect? Though it /is/ hard to see Owl Eye as a person like everyone else...
02:50 Dove (Poor naive girl lol he is not a person)
02:50 Clarice "Please Owl Eye, you're the only one with the talent to teach me. I...I don't want to offer my body, but surely there's something else you want?"
02:50 Clarice (Yes, poor clarice xD )
02:52 Dove His voice sounds rough, and impatient, "Your body or you blood girl, tis certainly not your mind I like."
02:52 Dove your*
02:52 Clarice blinks. "My...blood?"
02:53 Dove He smiles wider, revealing to you monstrous fangs, "Aye, blood is a beautiful thing to one like me...a precious thing."
02:54 Clarice 's eyes widen. Is Owl Eye a....vampire...?
02:55 Clarice looks away. She'd rather not...think of the possibility but..."...How would you...extract the blood...?"
02:55 Dove (Everyone clap for Clarice, *claps*)
02:56 Clarice (*claps*)
02:57 Dove He leans in towards her more, his breath hot on her neck. Chills run down your spine, and your stomach twists into knots as he says, "Oh with just a lil nibble, it won't even hurt.."
02:58 Clarice takes a step back. Fear begins to chip away at her resolve.
02:58 Clarice "...What...what will happen to me..exactly?"
02:59 Dove His single orange eye lingers on your throat, "Honestly you'll probably love fangs bring more pleasure than your man ever can."
03:00 Clarice glares at Owl Eye. "...I mean.../really/...what would happen if I allowed you to...extract my blood...?"
03:02 Dove He smirks, "Does it matter? I have something you want, and you have something I want. Now all we need is a tiny leap of faith to get what we desire."
03:03 Clarice huffs. "Look, you're lucky I'm even /considering/ this. Just...give me an honest answer."
03:05 Dove He blinks wondering if the girl was /really/ stupid enough to trust him..if so...wondrous! He tries to look innocent, "Well I will be pleasured by drinking from you and you will enjoy it as well. No more, no less." He is lying through his teeth, but he does it so well it's hard to tell.
03:06 Clarice narrows her eyes. She...can't tell if he's lying. However, one thing is for certain now. There is no doubt in her mind that Owl Eye is indeed a vampire, and not some sick freak with the alacrity to directly ask for someone's blood.
03:07 Dove (well he is a sick freak too, but also a vampire. )
03:07 Clarice She's heard the tales of these vampires. What if he drinks too much?
03:07 Clarice What if he doesn't even hold up his end of the bargain?
03:07 Clarice Or worse...
03:07 Clarice ...What if she gets turned?
03:09 Clarice "...If blood is all you want...why not just let me cut myself?"
03:10 Dove He frowns and wrinkles his nose, "Because it's not the same as drinking from the source.." he sighs, "it isn't something you could understand."
Clarice frowns. "All I'm asking for is a reasonable negotiation here for a little book. Please Owl Eye, this is important to me...I could...I could procure you some of my blood everyday! I'll let you test a curse or two on me, as long as it's not too dangerous...surely there's /something/...?"
03:18 Dove His eye lights up when he hears you say something about curses, "You'd allow me to test my work on you?" His excitement quickly dims as he sighs and says, "But Hawk would never allow chain yourself up tight by wearing that necklace you know."
03:20 Clarice 's eyes widen. "B-but, you'd have /my/ consent! Hawk woulDove He rubs his hands together, "Going behind his back eh? Oh I like don't /respect/ him at all do you? I'd say you're almost as selfish as his Dove was. How quaint..perhaps we can have a deal."
03:24 Clarice She /does/ respect him. In fact, there is currently no one else she cares about more at the moment.
03:25 Clarice But Hawk has given up so much...and Clarice has given so little in return.
03:26 Clarice "'ll do it?"
03:28 Dove "No. But it's quite nice that you're willing to betray him. I'll keep it in mind for when I'm feeling /dangerous/." His grin looks normal now as he waltzes away whistling.
03:29 Clarice 's heart sinks.
03:29 Clarice So close...yet so far....
03:30 Clarice A very discouraged Clarice makes her way out of the dungeon, and towards Hawk's room.
03:30 Dove He looks back and laughs, "A trusting girl like you wouldn't last long in the dark artes anyways, be glad, my caution has spared your pretty ass."
03:31 Clarice Eventually, she makes it back to Hawk's room. She opens the door, and peeks inside.
03:32 *** Dove is now known as Hawk
03:32 Hawk is up and working at his desk.
03:33 Clarice frowns. She was hoping he'd still be asleep.
03:33 Hawk coughs into a rag, and keeps writing.
03:34 Clarice steps inside.
03:34 Hawk He hears the door close and turns, "You left.."
03:35 Clarice takes a deep breath.
03:35 Clarice "Yes. I did."
03:35 Hawk frowns slightly, "I'm sorry if my coughing kept you up.."
03:36 Clarice looks away. "No. I just needed to go out."
03:37 Hawk studies her, "My sweet...are you alright? You're being more curt than normal.."
03:38 Clarice looks into Hawk's eyes.
03:39 Clarice **Owl Eye rubs his hands together, "Going behind his back eh? Oh I like don't /respect/ him at all do you? I'd say you're almost as selfish as his Dove was..."
03:39 Clarice Guilt stabs at her heart.
03:40 Clarice **Hawk doesn't look up from what he's doing, "I'm a bit hurt that you asked /her/ about sex before asking me..."
03:40 Clarice Over, and over again, it stabs at her.
03:41 Clarice **Hawk's eyes are desperate, "Clarice...tell me what can I do to fix this? I want to earn your trust...ask of me nigh anything and I'll do it.
03:41 Clarice 's eyes begin to water.
03:42 Clarice There is a huge weight on her chest now.
03:43 Clarice She cannot stand the idea of Hawk sacrificing so much for so little...
03:43 Hawk rises unsteadily to his feet and walks over to her, he places his hands on her shoulders, "Clarice...what's wrong?"
03:44 Clarice 's lip starts to quiver.
03:44 Clarice Tears roll down her cheeks.
03:45 Clarice Why does she care /this/ much?
03:45 Hawk searches her blue eyes, "Please talk to me..."
03:46 Clarice opens her mouth, but words do not come out.
03:46 Clarice Back in the dungeon, she was actually considering doing.../that/...with Owl Eye. Just for a book...
03:46 Clarice Just to give back what Hawk sacrificed.
03:47 Clarice "Th-th-three.....y-years....."
03:48 Clarice is trembling.
03:49 Hawk His eyes widen, "Yes. It was the price to pay for her broken promises....and my foolish trust."
03:50 Clarice bursts into tears and begins to sob.
03:51 Clarice "You could have just let her go! You could have just...just trusted her! You could've just.../anything/ but that!"
03:51 Clarice brushes off Hawk's hands.
03:52 Clarice "If I had known you were doing something so /stupid/, I would've rather you just...just.../tortured/ her!"
03:54 Hawk stands tall, even as his legs shake, his voice is strong and calm, "I did as you asked. And if it were just me I could have trusted her...but more than my worthless life is at stake here. Everyone here depends on me to keep them safe."
03:55 Clarice glares at Hawk, her tears blurring her vision.
03:56 Clarice "At this rate, you won't be alive much longer to protect the guild! You gave a month for me! You gave three years to Dove! Something tells me you've done this many.../many/ times!"
03:58 Hawk His eyes harden, "I've given five years total, it isn't much to ask really."
03:59 Clarice eye's widen. "Five years!?"
04:00 Clarice " how much time!?"
04:02 Hawk nods. "In this line of work I'll be lucky to live past forty anyways..I might as well do something good with the rest of it.." He sighs, "Five years ever..over my whole life."
04:03 Clarice narrows her eyes. "When...was the last time you gave up your life force?"
04:04 Clarice shakes her head. "No...when was the /first/ time you gave up your life force?"
04:04 Hawk gives you a look, "You already know that, last night so Owl Eye could do his thing on Dove...before that it was you..before than various guildmates.."
04:06 Hawk gulps, "When Rey almost died...she doesn't really remember it thankfully.."
04:06 Clarice "I asked /when/!"
04:07 Clarice "Ten years ago? Nine? Eight? WHEN?"
04:07 Hawk shakes his head, "I don't even know...why does it matter?"
04:08 Clarice widens her eyes. "You...don't even know...? You don't even know!?"
04:08 Clarice is fuming.
04:08 Clarice "You mean to tell've been giving our your life force all willy nilly, and you don't even know /when/ you /started/!?"
04:10 Hawk doesn't understand why she's so surprised by this...he's made it no secret how little he values his life, "No I don't. I track only of how much I've given. That is enough for me."
04:10 Hawk keep track*
04:11 Clarice Tears continue to roll down her cheeks.
04:12 Clarice "How...could you care so /little/ of your own /life/? You say it's to protect others...but have you even considered their feelings..?"
04:12 Clarice Her voice starts to break.
04:13 Clarice "What if...what if someone wants you to live for as long as possible? What if someone wants to enjoy their life with you for many years to come?"
04:14 Hawk looks at her with a sudden realization, "I didn't think /anyone/ cared that way about me anymore..." Do you? He almost asks...but he can't...he just can't say it..
04:15 Clarice "That's just it Hawk! You /don't/ think! You just...give!"
04:16 Clarice starts going around the room, picking up her dress and undergarments.
04:16 Hawk reddens, she does kind of have a point there. He watches her flurry unsure whether to stop her...
04:17 Clarice "How can I trust you Hawk? What would be the /point/ in trusting you, when you could very well die at any given moment?"
04:19 Hawk finally raises his voice, "Anyone can die at any moment. All I do differently is give a bit of myself to try and make up for all the life I've will never be enough..."
04:21 Clarice stops, and glares at Hawk. "You think that /this/ counts as /penance/?"
04:21 Hawk coughs up blood into his hands again then stares at them, "And I don't blame you for not trusting me...after all I'm only really good at fighting and fucking..."
04:21 Clarice storms over to Hawk, and slaps him as hard as she can across his face.
04:22 Hawk He just looks at her blinking.
04:23 Clarice is sobbing. "/This/ NOT penance. Getting killed in battle, /that/ could be penance. Getting tortured by someone, /that/ could be penance. Serving time in jail, dedicating your life to helping others..."
04:23 Clarice continues to glare at Hawk.
04:25 Clarice "You've made mistakes. You should be /living/ with them as /long/ as possible. Instead, you throw your life away, /willingly/ might I add! And guess who get's hurt Hawk? You don't just hurt yourself, you hurt /everyone/! You hurt /me/!"
04:27 Hawk "And I suppose taking care of the outcasts of society isn't penance? Do you think I like being in charge? I DON'T!" He looks broken, "But someone has too be..."
04:27 Hawk wants to hold her but doesn't, "You'd have to care about me to be hurt Clarice..."
04:28 Clarice looks at him in disbelief.
04:29 Clarice "...So you think I don't care for you? After everything...this is what you think of me? I'm just...I'm just /using/ you, for...for sex?"
04:30 Hawk stares at his bloodied hands, "I think you don't know how you feel...that perhaps you've confused thankfulness...for real emotion.."
04:31 Clarice 's heart breaks.
04:33 Clarice takes her parasol, and heads for the door.
04:34 Hawk just watches her sadly....he doesn't /want/ her to leave but..perhaps it's better if she does...he can't seem to stop hurting her..
04:36 Clarice leaves the room.
04:36 Clarice goes to the women's quarters.
04:37 Clarice The other women stare at her, gossiping about her maid's outfit.
04:37 Clarice She does not care.
04:37 Clarice She goes to the dressing room, and changes into her dress.
04:39 Clarice After changing, she makes her way outside of the women's quarters, and into the dungeon.
04:39 Hawk (Oh shit...0_0)
04:40 Clarice looks around for Owl Eye.
04:40 Hawk She does not see him right now, perhaps he's deeper in?
04:41 Clarice walks deeper in.
04:42 Hawk Dove notices her, "Back so soon?"
04:42 Clarice stops.
04:42 Clarice "...I'm just...looking for someone."
04:43 Hawk She shakes her head, "Sweetheart there's no one good down here, Owl Eye most of all..."
04:44 Clarice Her face is stained with dry tears.
04:44 Clarice "...So...Owl Eye /is/ deeper in then?"
04:44 Hawk She does not respond to that, "What did you and Hawk fight about?"
04:45 Clarice "...I was...angry at him for throwing away his life so easily."
04:46 *** Hawk is now known as Dove
04:48 Dove gives you a knowing look, "Sweetheart he was a whore then an assassin..the man knows what he's worth down to the copper, and it isn't much in his opinion..he lives for other people..if you're lucky you get to be one of them. That's just how he is. Not fair to get mad at the man for being himself is it?"
04:49 Clarice looks at Dove.
04:50 Clarice "But...he's killing himself...the least I can do is...give some of his years back..."
04:51 Clarice Her eyes slowly turn to the hallway where Owl Eye resides.
Dove says quietly, "Is that what he even wants? If I know anything about Hawk it's that he's a man more concerned with /quality/ than quantity.."
04:52 Clarice "It's what /I/ want..."
04:53 Dove sighs, "You sound like me..."
04:54 Clarice glares at Dove. "What's wrong with that? What's wrong with being a little selfish? He...he doesn't even think I /care/ about him! He gave me purpose! He made me happy...He...He..."
04:54 Clarice Tears well up in her eyes.once more.
04:55 Dove shakes her head, "And what have you done for him?"
04:58 Clarice sobbing. "I...I tried to make him happy too...but I've barely done anything in return..."
05:00 Dove pitys this girl, "Swan...maybe try doing simple things for him...before doing anything drastic...he's really not all that hard to keep happy when he feels loved...'
05:00 Dove "
05:01 Clarice turns around and slumps against the cell bars.
05:02 Clarice "But he /doesn't/ feel loved...he basically just told me he feels...used."
05:02 Clarice "I don't...know what to do...."
05:02 Dove reaches through the bars and pats her head, "Shhh, it will be alright..
05:02 Clarice sniffles as Dove pats her.
05:03 Dove "Well what have you been doing to show you care?"
05:03 Dove thinks for a secondm "Better yet, what are you saying to him? The daft man loves his talk.."
05:07 Clarice "W-well...I've tried to keep him company, so that he wouldn't feel lonely...and...I've always tried checking to see if he's okay..."
05:07 Clarice sniffles.
05:07 Clarice "...And...every time he needs to do something, I ask if I can go with him...though he always refuses..."
05:08 Clarice "And...I've tried to get him to take better care of himself, even though he rarely listens to me..."
05:09 Clarice wipes her tears.
05:09 Clarice "Wh-whenever he became ill, I tried my best to help..."
05:09 Dove "Hmm but he could take all that as you keeping tabs on him to make sure he's not sleeping around..and checking to make sure he's healthy enough for sex...what have you said to him in terms of feelings?" /Feelings/ ugghh gods she hated that side of him...
05:10 Dove was not one to speak of feeling ever...
05:10 Dove feelings*
05:10 Clarice "W-well..."
05:11 Clarice hesitates to think.
05:12 Clarice "...I...I'm not sure actually. There are things I /want/ to say...but I never trust him enough to tell him anything...."
05:14 Dove Dove nods, "Trust is huge to him...he hardly trusts anyone honestly...but he'll need you to trust him before he'll believe that you care. And trying to tell him things before you show them..might be a good idea,"
05:16 Clarice sighs. "I /want/ to trust him...I really do. But he makes it so hard..."
05:17 Dove "How?" Dove agrees, but she wants to hear Swan's reasons..
05:21 Clarice "Well...I mean, first of all, it's /Hawk/. I'm still getting used to the entire...assassin, head of the Bloody Hawks, thing..."
05:23 Dove nods, "Get used to his guild coming first, because they always will. He takes it very seriously."
05:23 Clarice "Then there's the matter of Rey. I'm certain he's still in love with her..."
05:24 Dove nods, "But I doubt he'll act on it if he didn't when I left..."
05:25 Clarice "I suppose...but then there's the fact that he's been giving up his life force to heal everyone! I /just/ found that out today!"
05:26 Dove "And you don't hate me for that? The most recent bit really is all my fault..."
05:26 Clarice shrugs. "Well...I was the one who tried to get him to go easy on you...I just didn't know he'd do /this/."
05:27 Dove looks at the floor, "You did that for me...why?"
05:28 Clarice "Well, I told you I would, didn't I? It's only proper I try and keep my word."
05:30 Dove She smirks, "Now you sound like /him/...but seriously had I just stayed away...none of this would have happened.."
05:31 Clarice chuckles, and sighs. "...Dove...? When you...rejoin the guild..."
05:31 Clarice hesitates.
05:32 Dove "Spit it out!"
05:33 Clarice "Will...will you be my friend...?"
05:35 Dove is taken aback, she hadn't expected anything like that, "I could try, you seem nice enough.." She looks away awkwardly. She doesn't tend to have many friends..
05:36 Clarice smiles.
05:36 Clarice takes out her maid outfit, fluffs it into a pillow, and lays beside Dove's cell.
05:37 Dove "What are you doing?"
05:37 Clarice "Sleeping."
05:38 Dove looks at you crossly, "No, go to Hawk..what did we just talk about? The man can't be left alone, don't you know this?"
05:39 Clarice pouts. "We just got into a big fight though...I really need to cool down a bit."
05:40 Clarice "I mean, I know I'm supposed to say more, and let him know I care, but...Ugh! He made me so angry!"
05:40 Dove shakes her head, "But he's probably drinking already...and if he isn't feeling could go badly..."
05:40 Clarice blinks.
05:40 Clarice "Drinking?"
05:41 Dove nods, "Don't you know? Tis my fault really I got him started...when he gets depressed...well he drinks far more than he should."
05:41 Clarice gets up. "Wh...what!?"
05:42 Clarice starts to fume. "Im...Improper!"
05:44 Clarice takes her maid outfit, and storms off to find Hawk.
05:45 Dove mutters under breath, "Good luck Swan, you'll need it."
05:45 Clarice Eventually, Clarice makes it to the bar.
05:47 Dove She sees Stefan, but no sign of Hawk, though that doesn't really prove anything..he does have a liquor cabinet in his room..
05:47 Clarice storms back down into the cellar, and reaches Hawk's room.
05:47 Clarice She swings the door wide open.
05:48 *** Dove is now known as Hawk
05:49 Hawk is at his desk. There appears to be a bottle of something sitting on it along side his papers.
05:49 Clarice walks up to the desk, and takes the bottle. She looks at the bottle closely.
05:50 Hawk It's oil of tagit, "Clarice..." He doesn't turn to you.
05:51 Clarice "Did you drink any of this?"
05:52 Hawk "Only alot of it...helps me sleep..I reaaaaaly need to sleep. Cuz you're upset and not going to stay with me tonight.."
05:53 Clarice sighs. He kisses him on the forehead.
05:53 Clarice "...I'm sorry dear. Please...come back to bed with me."
05:55 Hawk is quite agreeable when drugged up, he smiles, and stand up all wobbley, "Hmmm ok. I love sleeping with you you know."
05:56 Hawk stands*
05:56 Clarice smiles. "I love it too...careful now, don't trip..."
05:56 Clarice slowly leads him to his bed.
05:57 Hawk leans on you a bit much, but otherwise stays steady enough to make it. He plops on the bed. A goofy grin on his face.
05:59 Clarice lays next to him and snuggles close, her head resting on his chest. She stokes his face with her hand.
05:59 Clarice "Shhh....go to sleep now, okay?"
Hawk mumbles, "K, long as you...stay with me love..." He yawns, "I'm sorry I... keep anger'n ya..."
06:02 Clarice rubs his chest. "'s not your fault...go to sleep...I'll be right here. I promise."
06:04 Hawk nuzzles her, though ut's clear he;s half asleep by now, "Ay promise I'll a... keep ya safe kaaaay?"
06:04 Hawk it's*
06:05 Clarice kisses her chin. "Silence. Go to sleep."
06:05 Hawk his* lol
06:06 Clarice (DERP.)
06:06 Hawk curls his body around you and drifts off into a chemically induced slumber..
06:06 Clarice sighs.
06:07 Clarice When she entered his room and saw that bottle, she wanted to scream at him so badly.
06:07 Clarice Then...she lifted that bottle.
06:07 Clarice It was practically empty.
06:08 Clarice Suddenly, the only thing she was worried about, was how much Hawk actually drank.
06:09 Clarice If she had just let him know she cared...if she had just stayed with him tonight, this wouldn't have happened.
06:09 Clarice Fine, maybe he's not perfect. Who knows how many more secrets he's hiding from her?
06:10 Clarice It doesn't change anything.
06:11 Clarice It doesn't change the fact that Hawk has done so much for her, asking for so little in return.
06:11 Clarice It doesn't change the fact that Hawk gave /her/ this hawk pendant...and made /her/ his lady.
06:12 Clarice It doesn't change the fact that when she had no purpose, he gave her a reason to live again.
06:12 Clarice She's been denying it.
06:14 Clarice She's been hiding it behind her words...her mannerisms...even sex.
06:15 Clarice She /knows/ she wants more. She's just too afraid to admit it.
06:15 Clarice As she continues to rub his chest, she softly whispers, "Hawk...I love you."
06:15 Clarice -SCENE-
Hawk (Dayum!!! XD The L-bomb has been dropped!)
06:16 Clarice (CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP.)
06:16 Hawk (That was soo much!!! XD)
06:16 Clarice (BRAVO!!! BRAVISSIMO!!!)
06:17 Clarice (omg...this was SO LONG!!!)
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