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Last active November 11, 2016 02:56
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from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import caffe
import cv2
import ILSVRC2012util20151204 as ILSVRC2012util
import time
fnModel = '../160307-caffe/VGG_ILSVRC/VGG_ILSVRC_16_layers_deploy_upgraded.prototxt'
fnTrained = '../160307-caffe/VGG_ILSVRC/VGG_ILSVRC_16_layers_upgraded.caffemodel'
dirILSVRC = '/data/ImageNet/ILSVRC2012'
bgr_mean = np.array( [103.939, 116.779, 123.68] )
def getData( fnImage ):
imgRaw = cv2.imread( fnImage )
w, h = imgRaw.shape[1], imgRaw.shape[0]
if w < h:
wnew, hnew = 256, int( np.round( h * 256 / w ) )
o = ( hnew - 256 ) / 2
img256x256 = cv2.resize( imgRaw, ( wnew, hnew ) )[o:o+256, :, :]
wnew, hnew = int( np.round( w * 256 / h ) ), 256
o = ( wnew - 256 ) / 2
img256x256 = cv2.resize( imgRaw, ( wnew, hnew ) )[:, o:o+256, :]
img = img256x256[16:16+224, 16:16+224, :] # 224 x 224 x 3
x1 = img - bgr_mean[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]
x2 = np.asarray( np.transpose( x1, axes = [ 2, 0, 1 ] ), dtype = np.float32 )
return x2 # 3 x 224 x 224
if __name__ == "__main__":
print( '# fnModel = ', fnModel )
print( '# fnTrained = ', fnTrained )
cnnC = caffe.Net( fnModel, fnTrained, caffe.TEST )
ilsvrc = ILSVRC2012util.ILSVRC2012( dirILSVRC )
# VGG net uses the class labels sorted by WNID
index = np.argsort( [ x['WNID'] for x in ilsvrc.meta ] )
useGPU = True
if useGPU:
print( '# useGPU = ', useGPU )
ndat = ilsvrc.V.ndat
#ndat = 100
top5 = np.empty( ( ndat, 5 ), dtype = int )
batchsize = 10
X = np.empty( ( batchsize, 3, 224, 224 ) )
c = 0
ts = time.time()
for ib in range( ndat / batchsize ):
ii = np.arange( ib * batchsize, ( ib + 1 ) * batchsize )
print( ii[0], c )
for j in range( batchsize ):
X[j, :, :, :] = getData( ilsvrc.V.fnList[ii[j]] )
rv = cnnC.forward_all( **{cnnC.inputs[0]:X} )
Z = rv[cnnC.outputs[0]]
rank5 = np.argsort( -Z, axis = 1 )[:, :5]
for j in range( batchsize ):
top5[ii[j], :] = index[rank5[j, :]]
c += top5[ii[j], 0] == ilsvrc.V.label[ii[j]]
print( '# time:', time.time() - ts )
cr1 = np.sum( top5[:, 0] == ilsvrc.V.label[:ndat] )
cr5 = np.sum( top5 == ilsvrc.V.label[:ndat, np.newaxis] )
print( '# top-1 error rate: ', float( ndat - cr1 ) / ndat * 100.0 )
print( '# top-5 error rate: ', float( ndat - cr5 ) / ndat * 100.0 )
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import caffe
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import convnet160327 as convnet
import ILSVRC2012util20151204 as ILSVRC2012util
import ex160328_Caffe
import time
def conv( paramsC, Xdim ):
withBias = len( paramsC ) == 2
W = paramsC[0].data
Wdim = ( W.shape[0], W.shape[2], W.shape[3] )
if withBias:
b = paramsC[1].data
L = convnet.ConvLayer( Xdim, Wdim, afunc = 'ReLu', withBias = withBias,
border_mode = 1, filter_flip = False )
if withBias:
L.setWeight( W, b )
L.setWeight( W )
return L
def pool( Xdim ):
L = convnet.PoolLayer( Xdim, ds = ( 2, 2 ) )
return L
def fc( paramsC, Xdim, afunc, dropout = 1.0, T4toMat = False ):
withBias = len( paramsC ) == 2
W = paramsC[0].data
if withBias:
b = paramsC[1].data
L = convnet.FullLayer( Xdim, W.shape[0], afunc = afunc, withBias = withBias,
dropout = dropout, T4toMat = T4toMat )
if withBias:
L.setWeight( W, b )
L.setWeight( W )
return L
def caffe2theano( cnnC ):
p = cnnC.params
b = cnnC.blobs
print( '### Caffe-CNN ###' )
print( '# params' )
for ln, params in p.items():
print( '#', ln, params[0].data.shape, params[1].data.shape )
print( '### blobs' )
for bn, blobs in b.items():
print( '#', bn, tuple( blobs.shape ) )
print( '### Theano-CNN ###' )
# data
print( '# data' )
batchshape = tuple( b[cnnC.inputs[0]].shape )
Xdim = batchshape[1:]
L0 = convnet.T4InputLayer( Xdim )
print( L0.Xshape )
layersT = [ L0 ]
# conv1_1, 1_2, pool1
print( '# conv1_1, 1_2, pool1' )
Lconv1_1 = conv( p['conv1_1'], L0.Xshape )
print( Lconv1_1.Yshape, Lconv1_1.kwargs4conv2d )
Lconv1_2 = conv( p['conv1_2'], Lconv1_1.Yshape )
print( Lconv1_2.Yshape, Lconv1_2.kwargs4conv2d )
Lpool1 = pool( Lconv1_2.Yshape )
print( Lpool1.Yshape, Lpool1.kwargs4pool_2d )
layersT += [ Lconv1_1, Lconv1_2, Lpool1 ]
# conv2_1, 2_2, pool2
print( '# conv2_1, 2_2, pool2' )
Lconv2_1 = conv( p['conv2_1'], Lpool1.Yshape )
print( Lconv2_1.Yshape, Lconv2_1.kwargs4conv2d )
Lconv2_2 = conv( p['conv2_2'], Lconv2_1.Yshape )
print( Lconv2_2.Yshape, Lconv2_2.kwargs4conv2d )
Lpool2 = pool( Lconv2_2.Yshape )
print( Lpool2.Yshape, Lpool2.kwargs4pool_2d )
layersT += [ Lconv2_1, Lconv2_2, Lpool2 ]
# conv3_1, 3_2, 3_3, pool3
print( '# conv3_1, 3_2, 3_3, pool3' )
Lconv3_1 = conv( p['conv3_1'], Lpool2.Yshape )
print( Lconv3_1.Yshape, Lconv3_1.kwargs4conv2d )
Lconv3_2 = conv( p['conv3_2'], Lconv3_1.Yshape )
print( Lconv3_2.Yshape, Lconv3_2.kwargs4conv2d )
Lconv3_3 = conv( p['conv3_3'], Lconv3_2.Yshape )
print( Lconv3_3.Yshape, Lconv3_3.kwargs4conv2d )
Lpool3 = pool( Lconv3_3.Yshape )
print( Lpool3.Yshape, Lpool3.kwargs4pool_2d )
layersT += [ Lconv3_1, Lconv3_2, Lconv3_3, Lpool3 ]
# conv4_1, 4_2, 4_3, pool3
print( '# conv4_1, 4_2, 4_3, pool4' )
Lconv4_1 = conv( p['conv4_1'], Lpool3.Yshape )
print( Lconv4_1.Yshape, Lconv4_1.kwargs4conv2d )
Lconv4_2 = conv( p['conv4_2'], Lconv4_1.Yshape )
print( Lconv4_2.Yshape, Lconv4_2.kwargs4conv2d )
Lconv4_3 = conv( p['conv4_3'], Lconv4_2.Yshape )
print( Lconv4_3.Yshape, Lconv4_3.kwargs4conv2d )
Lpool4 = pool( Lconv4_3.Yshape )
print( Lpool4.Yshape, Lpool4.kwargs4pool_2d )
layersT += [ Lconv4_1, Lconv4_2, Lconv4_3, Lpool4 ]
# conv5_1, 5_2, 5_3, pool3
print( '# conv5_1, 5_2, 5_3, pool5' )
Lconv5_1 = conv( p['conv5_1'], Lpool4.Yshape )
print( Lconv5_1.Yshape, Lconv5_1.kwargs4conv2d )
Lconv5_2 = conv( p['conv5_2'], Lconv5_1.Yshape )
print( Lconv5_2.Yshape, Lconv5_2.kwargs4conv2d )
Lconv5_3 = conv( p['conv5_3'], Lconv5_2.Yshape )
print( Lconv5_3.Yshape, Lconv5_3.kwargs4conv2d )
Lpool5 = pool( Lconv5_3.Yshape )
print( Lpool5.Yshape, Lpool5.kwargs4pool_2d )
layersT += [ Lconv5_1, Lconv5_2, Lconv5_3, Lpool5 ]
# fc6, 7, 8
print( '# fc6, 7, 8' )
Lfc6 = fc( p['fc6'], Lpool5.Dout, afunc = 'ReLu', dropout = 1.0, T4toMat = True )
print( Lfc6.Nunit, Lfc6.afunc, Lfc6.dropout )
Lfc7 = fc( p['fc7'], Lfc6.Nunit, afunc = 'ReLu', dropout = 1.0, T4toMat = False )
print( Lfc7.Nunit, Lfc7.afunc, Lfc7.dropout )
Lfc8 = fc( p['fc8'], Lfc7.Nunit, afunc = 'linear', dropout = 1.0, T4toMat = False )
print( Lfc8.Nunit, Lfc8.afunc, Lfc8.dropout )
layersT += [ Lfc6, Lfc7, Lfc8 ]
return convnet.CNN( layersT )
if __name__ == "__main__":
theano.config.floatX = 'float32'
### reading the pre-trained CNN
fnModel = ex160328_Caffe.fnModel
fnTrained = ex160328_Caffe.fnTrained
print( '# fnModel = ', fnModel )
print( '# fnTrained = ', fnTrained )
cnnC = caffe.Net( fnModel, fnTrained, caffe.TEST )
### converting the Caffe-CNN to Theano-CNN
cnnT = caffe2theano( cnnC )
ilsvrc = ILSVRC2012util.ILSVRC2012( ex160328_Caffe.dirILSVRC )
# VGG net uses the class labels sorted by WNID
index = np.argsort( [ x['WNID'] for x in ilsvrc.meta ] )
ndat = ilsvrc.V.ndat
#ndat = 100
top5 = np.empty( ( ndat, 5 ), dtype = int )
batchsize = 10
X = np.empty( ( batchsize, 3, 224, 224 ), dtype = theano.config.floatX )
c = 0
ts = time.time()
for ib in range( ndat / batchsize ):
ii = np.arange( ib * batchsize, ( ib + 1 ) * batchsize )
print( ii[0], c )
for j in range( batchsize ):
X[j, :, :, :] = ex160328_Caffe.getData( ilsvrc.V.fnList[ii[j]] )
Z = cnnT.output( X )
rank5 = np.argsort( -Z, axis = 1 )[:, :5]
for j in range( batchsize ):
top5[ii[j], :] = index[rank5[j, :]]
c += top5[ii[j], 0] == ilsvrc.V.label[ii[j]]
print( '# time:', time.time() - ts )
cr1 = np.sum( top5[:, 0] == ilsvrc.V.label[:ndat] )
cr5 = np.sum( top5 == ilsvrc.V.label[:ndat, np.newaxis] )
print( '# top-1 error rate: ', float( ndat - cr1 ) / ndat * 100.0 )
print( '# top-5 error rate: ', float( ndat - cr5 ) / ndat * 100.0 )
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