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import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import theano.tensor.signal.downsample as Tsd
import nnet150903 as nnet
########## Input Layer for 4D tensor inputs ##########
class T4InputLayer( object ):
def __init__( self, Xdim, dropout = 1.0 ):
self.Xshape = Xdim # Xnch, Xrow, Xcol
self.dropout = dropout
def Top_output( self, X ):
if self.dropout < 1.0:
return X * self.dropout
return X
def Top_generateMask( self, rng ):
return rng.uniform( self.Xshape ) <= self.dropout
def Top_outputMasked( self, X, mask ):
return X * mask
########## Convolution Layer ##########
class ConvLayer( object ):
def __init__( self, Xdim, Wdim, afunc, withBias = True, Wini = 0.01,
border_mode = 'valid', dropout = 1.0 ):
# dimension of the input
Xnch, Xrow, Xcol = Xdim
self.Xshape = Xdim
# dimension of the convolution filters
Wnch, Wrow, Wcol = Wdim
self.Wshape = ( Wnch, Xnch, Wrow, Wcol )
# dimension of the output
if border_mode == 'valid':
Yrow, Ycol = Xrow - Wrow + 1, Xcol - Wcol + 1
Yrow, Ycol = Xrow + Wrow - 1, Xcol + Wcol - 1
self.Yshape = ( Wnch, Yrow, Ycol )
self.Dout = Wnch * Yrow * Ycol
# activation function of the layer
self.afunc = afunc
self.withBias = withBias
# border mode
assert border_mode in [ 'valid', 'full' ]
self.border_mode = border_mode
# dropout
self.dropout = dropout
# theano shared variables
floatX = theano.config.floatX
W = Wini * np.random.standard_normal( self.Wshape )
self.W = theano.shared( np.asarray( W, dtype = floatX ) )
self.dW = theano.shared( np.zeros( self.Wshape, dtype = floatX ) )
if withBias:
self.b = theano.shared( np.zeros( Wnch, dtype = floatX ) )
self.db = theano.shared( np.zeros( Wnch, dtype = floatX ) )
def Tfunc_setWeight( self ):
# under construction
def getWeight( self ):
W = self.W.get_value()
if self.withBias:
b = self.b.get_value()
return [ W, b ]
return W
def Top_outputRaw( self, X ):
# X: Ndat x Xshape, Y: Ndat x Yshape
Xs = ( None, self.Xshape[0], self.Xshape[1], self.Xshape[2] )
Ws = self.Wshape
Y = T.nnet.conv.conv2d( X, self.W, image_shape = Xs, filter_shape = Ws, border_mode = self.border_mode )
if self.withBias:
b = self.b.dimshuffle( 'x', 0, 'x', 'x' ) # 1 x nch x 1 x 1
Y += b
Z = nnet.d_afunc[self.afunc]( Y )
return Y, Z # Ndat x Yshape
def Top_output( self, X ):
Y, Z = self.Top_outputRaw( X )
if self.dropout < 1.0:
Z *= self.dropout
return Y, Z
def Top_generateMask( self, rng ):
return rng.uniform( ( self.Yshape ) ) <= self.dropout
def Top_outputMasked( self, X, mask ):
Y, Z = self.Top_outputRaw( X )
return Y, Z * mask
def T_update( self, cost, eta, mu, lam ):
gradW = T.grad( cost, self.W )
dWnew = -eta * ( gradW + lam * self.W ) + mu * self.dW
Wnew = self.W + dWnew
upList = [ ( self.W, Wnew ), ( self.dW, dWnew ) ]
if self.withBias:
gradb = T.grad( cost, self.b )
# no weight decay for bias
dbnew = -eta * gradb + mu * self.db
bnew = self.b + dbnew
upList += [ ( self.b, bnew ), ( self.db, dbnew ) ]
return upList
########## Pooling Layer ##########
class PoolLayer( object ):
def __init__( self, Xdim, ds, st = None, dropout = 1.0 ):
# dimension of the input
Xnch, Xrow, Xcol = Xdim
self.Xshape = Xdim
# parameters of the pooling layer
self.ds = ds = st
self.ignore_border = False
rv = Tsd.DownsampleFactorMax.out_shape( self.Xshape, ds, ignore_border = self.ignore_border, st = st )
#self.Yshape = ( Xnch, rv[1], rv[2] )
self.Yshape = tuple( rv )
self.Dout = self.Yshape )
# dropout
self.dropout = dropout
def Top_outputRaw( self, X ):
# X: Ndat x Xshape
Y = Tsd.max_pool_2d( X, self.ds, ignore_border = self.ignore_border, st = ) # Ndat x Yshape
return Y, Y
def Top_output( self, X ):
Y, Y = self.Top_outputRaw( X )
if self.dropout < 1.0:
Y *= self.dropout
return Y, Y
def Top_generateMask( self, rng ):
return rng.uniform( ( self.Yshape ) ) <= self.dropout
def Top_outputMasked( self, X, mask ):
Y, Y = self.Top_outputRaw( X )
Ymask = Y * mask
return Ymask, Ymask
########## Full-Connection Layer ##########
class FullLayer( nnet.Layer ):
def __init__( self, Din, Nunit, afunc, withBias = True, Wini = 0.01,
dropout = 1.0, T4toMat = False ):
super( FullLayer, self ).__init__( Din, Nunit, afunc, withBias, Wini, dropout )
self.T4toMat = T4toMat
def super_Top_outputRaw( self, X ):
return super( FullLayer, self ).Top_outputRaw( X )
def Top_outputRaw( self, X ):
if self.T4toMat:
return self.super_Top_outputRaw( X.reshape( ( X.shape[0], -1 ) ) )
return self.super_Top_outputRaw( X )
########## Convolutional Neural Net ##########
class CNN( object ):
def __init__( self, Layers, rng = None ):
# layers - list of Layer instances
self.Layers = Layers
assert isinstance( Layers[0], T4InputLayer )
# random number generator
if rng == None:
self.rng = nnet.randomstreams( 0 )
self.rng = rng
# theano functions
self.output = self.Tfunc_output()
self.cost = self.Tfunc_cost()
self.train = self.Tfunc_train()
# theano op for output computation ( for test )
def Top_output( self, X ):
# input layer
layer = self.Layers[0]
Zprev = layer.Top_output( X )
# hidden layers
for layer in self.Layers[1:]:
Y, Z = layer.Top_output( Zprev )
Zprev = Z
# output
Zsoftmax = T.nnet.softmax( Zprev )
return Zsoftmax
# theano function for output computation ( for test )
def Tfunc_output( self ):
X = T.tensor4() # Ndat x Xnch x Xrow x Xcol
Z = self.Top_output( X )
return theano.function( [ X ] , Z )
# theano op for cost computation ( error term )
def Top_cost( self, Z, lab ):
cost = T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy( Z, lab )
return T.mean( cost )
# theano function for cost computation
def Tfunc_cost( self ):
Z = T.matrix() # N x K
lab = T.ivector() # N-dim
return theano.function( [ Z, lab ], self.Top_cost( Z, lab ) )
# theano function for gradient descent learning
def Tfunc_train( self ):
X = T.tensor4( 'X' )
lab = T.ivector( 'lab' )
eta = T.scalar( 'eta' )
mu = T.scalar( 'mu' )
lam = T.scalar( 'lambda' )
# input layer
layer = self.Layers[0]
if layer.dropout < 1.0:
mask = layer.Top_generateMask( self.rng )
Zprev = layer.Top_outputMasked( X, mask )
Zprev = layer.Top_output( X )
# hidden layers
for layer in self.Layers[1:]:
if layer.dropout < 1.0:
mask = layer.Top_generateMask( self.rng )
Y, Z = layer.Top_outputMasked( Zprev, mask )
Y, Z = layer.Top_output( Zprev )
Zprev = Z
# output & cost
Z = T.nnet.softmax( Zprev )
cost = self.Top_cost( Z, lab )
# updatesList
updatesList = []
for layer in self.Layers:
if isinstance( layer, T4InputLayer ) or isinstance( layer, PoolLayer ):
updatesList += layer.T_update( cost, eta, mu, lam )
return theano.function( [ X, lab, eta, mu, lam ], [ Z, cost ], updates = updatesList )
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import theano.tensor.signal.pool as Tsp
import nnet151219 as nnet
########## Input Layer for 4D tensor inputs ##########
class T4InputLayer( object ):
def __init__( self, Xdim, rng = None, dropout = 1.0 ):
self.Xshape = Xdim # Xnch, Xrow, Xcol
self.dropout = dropout
if rng == None:
self.rng = nnet.randomstreams( 0 )
self.rng = rng
def Top_outputTrain( self, X ):
if self.dropout < 1.0:
mask = self.rng.uniform( self.Xshape ) <= self.dropout
return X * mask
return X
def Top_outputInference( self, X ):
if self.dropout < 1.0:
return X * self.dropout
return X
########## Convolution Layer ##########
class ConvLayer( object ):
def __init__( self, Xdim, Wdim, afunc, rng = None, withBias = True,
Wini = 0.01, border_mode = 'valid', dropout = 1.0 ):
# dimension of the input
Xnch, Xrow, Xcol = Xdim
self.Xshape = Xdim
# dimension of the convolution filters
Wnch, Wrow, Wcol = Wdim
self.Wshape = ( Wnch, Xnch, Wrow, Wcol )
# dimension of the output
if border_mode == 'valid':
Yrow, Ycol = Xrow - Wrow + 1, Xcol - Wcol + 1
Yrow, Ycol = Xrow + Wrow - 1, Xcol + Wcol - 1
self.Yshape = ( Wnch, Yrow, Ycol )
self.Dout = Wnch * Yrow * Ycol
# activation function of the layer
self.afunc = afunc
self.withBias = withBias
# border mode
assert border_mode in [ 'valid', 'full' ]
self.border_mode = border_mode
# dropout
self.dropout = dropout
# random number generator
if rng == None:
self.rng = nnet.randomstreams( 0 )
self.rng = rng
# theano shared variables
floatX = theano.config.floatX
W = Wini * np.random.standard_normal( self.Wshape )
#self.W = theano.shared( np.zeros( self.Wshape, dtype = floatX ) )
self.W = theano.shared( np.ones( self.Wshape, dtype = floatX ) )
self.dW = theano.shared( np.zeros( self.Wshape, dtype = floatX ) )
if withBias:
self.b = theano.shared( np.zeros( Wnch, dtype = floatX ) )
self.db = theano.shared( np.zeros( Wnch, dtype = floatX ) )
# theano functions
self.initWeight = self.Tfunc_initWeight()
self.setWeight = self.Tfunc_setWeight()
# weight initialization
self.initWeight( Wini )
def Tfunc_initWeight( self ):
Wini = T.scalar()
#W = self.rng.normal( self.Wshape, avg = 0.0, std = Wini )
''' Using the next line & 'W = np.ones' in __init__ to prevent the error raised by the above.'''
W = self.W * self.rng.normal( self.Wshape, avg = 0.0, std = Wini )
inList = [ Wini ]
upList = [ ( self.W, W ) ]
return theano.function( inList, None, updates = upList )
def Tfunc_setWeight( self ):
W = T.tensor4()
if self.withBias:
b = T.vector()
inList = [ W, b ]
upList = [ ( self.W, W ), ( self.b, b ) ]
inList = [ W ]
upList = [ ( self.W, W ) ]
return theano.function( inList, None, updates = upList )
def getWeight( self ):
W = self.W.get_value()
if self.withBias:
b = self.b.get_value()
return [ W, b ]
return W
def Top_outputRaw( self, X ):
# X: Ndat x Xshape, Y: Ndat x Yshape
Xs = ( None, self.Xshape[0], self.Xshape[1], self.Xshape[2] )
Ws = self.Wshape
Y = T.nnet.conv2d( X, self.W, input_shape = Xs, filter_shape = Ws, border_mode = self.border_mode )
if self.withBias:
b = self.b.dimshuffle( 'x', 0, 'x', 'x' ) # 1 x nch x 1 x 1
Y += b
Z = nnet.d_afunc[self.afunc]( Y )
return Y, Z # Ndat x Yshape
def Top_outputTrain( self, X ):
Y, Z = self.Top_outputRaw( X )
if self.dropout < 1.0:
mask = self.rng.uniform( self.Yshape ) <= self.dropout
return Y, Z * mask
return Y, Z
def Top_outputInference( self, X ):
Y, Z = self.Top_outputRaw( X )
if self.dropout < 1.0:
return Y, Z * self.dropout
return Y, Z
def T_update( self, cost, eta, mu, lam ):
gradW = T.grad( cost, self.W )
dWnew = -eta * ( gradW + lam * self.W ) + mu * self.dW
Wnew = self.W + dWnew
upList = [ ( self.W, Wnew ), ( self.dW, dWnew ) ]
if self.withBias:
gradb = T.grad( cost, self.b )
# no weight decay for bias
dbnew = -eta * gradb + mu * self.db
bnew = self.b + dbnew
upList += [ ( self.b, bnew ), ( self.db, dbnew ) ]
return upList
########## Pooling Layer ##########
class PoolLayer( object ):
def __init__( self, Xdim, ds, st = None, rng = None, dropout = 1.0 ):
# dimension of the input
Xnch, Xrow, Xcol = Xdim
self.Xshape = Xdim
# parameters of the pooling layer
self.ds = ds = st
#self.ignore_border = False
self.ignore_border = True
rv = Tsp.Pool.out_shape( self.Xshape, ds, ignore_border = self.ignore_border, st = st )
self.Yshape = tuple( rv )
self.Dout = self.Yshape )
# dropout
self.dropout = dropout
# random number generator
if rng == None:
self.rng = nnet.randomstreams( 0 )
self.rng = rng
def Top_outputRaw( self, X ):
# X: Ndat x Xshape
Y = Tsp.pool_2d( X, self.ds, ignore_border = self.ignore_border, st = ) # Ndat x Yshape
return Y, Y
def Top_outputTrain( self, X ):
Y, Y = self.Top_outputRaw( X )
if self.dropout < 1.0:
mask = self.rng.uniform( self.Yshape ) <= self.dropout
Ymask = Y * mask
return Ymask, Ymask
return Y, Y
def Top_outputInference( self, X ):
Y, Y = self.Top_outputRaw( X )
if self.dropout < 1.0:
Ymask = Y * self.dropout
return Ymask, Ymask
return Y, Y
########## Full-Connection Layer ##########
class FullLayer( nnet.Layer ):
def __init__( self, Din, Nunit, afunc, rng = None, withBias = True,
Wini = 0.01, dropout = 1.0, T4toMat = False ):
super( FullLayer, self ).__init__( Din, Nunit, afunc, rng = rng, withBias = withBias, Wini = Wini, dropout = dropout )
self.T4toMat = T4toMat
def super_Top_outputRaw( self, X ):
return super( FullLayer, self ).Top_outputRaw( X )
def Top_outputRaw( self, X ):
if self.T4toMat:
return self.super_Top_outputRaw( X.reshape( ( X.shape[0], -1 ) ) )
return self.super_Top_outputRaw( X )
########## Convolutional Neural Net ##########
class CNN( object ):
def __init__( self, Layers ):
# layers - list of Layer instances
self.Layers = Layers
assert isinstance( Layers[0], T4InputLayer )
# theano functions
self.output = self.Tfunc_output()
self.cost = self.Tfunc_cost()
self.train = self.Tfunc_train()
# theano op for output computation ( for inference )
def Top_output( self, X ):
# input layer
layer = self.Layers[0]
Zprev = layer.Top_outputInference( X )
# hidden layers
for layer in self.Layers[1:]:
Y, Z = layer.Top_outputInference( Zprev )
Zprev = Z
# output
Zsoftmax = T.nnet.softmax( Zprev )
return Zsoftmax
# theano function for output computation ( for inference )
def Tfunc_output( self ):
X = T.tensor4() # Ndat x Xnch x Xrow x Xcol
Z = self.Top_output( X )
return theano.function( [ X ] , Z )
# theano op for cost computation ( error term )
def Top_cost( self, Z, lab ):
cost = T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy( Z, lab )
return T.mean( cost )
# theano function for cost computation
def Tfunc_cost( self ):
Z = T.matrix() # N x K
lab = T.ivector() # N-dim
return theano.function( [ Z, lab ], self.Top_cost( Z, lab ) )
# theano function for gradient descent learning
def Tfunc_train( self ):
X = T.tensor4( 'X' )
lab = T.ivector( 'lab' )
eta = T.scalar( 'eta' )
mu = T.scalar( 'mu' )
lam = T.scalar( 'lambda' )
# input layer
layer = self.Layers[0]
Zprev = layer.Top_outputTrain( X )
# hidden layers
for layer in self.Layers[1:]:
Y, Z = layer.Top_outputTrain( Zprev )
Zprev = Z
# output & cost
Z = T.nnet.softmax( Zprev )
cost = self.Top_cost( Z, lab )
# updatesList
updatesList = []
for layer in self.Layers:
if isinstance( layer, T4InputLayer ) or isinstance( layer, PoolLayer ):
updatesList += layer.T_update( cost, eta, mu, lam )
return theano.function( [ X, lab, eta, mu, lam ], [ Z, cost ], updates = updatesList )
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import theano.tensor.signal.pool as Tsp
import nnet151219 as nnet
########## Input Layer for 4D tensor inputs ##########
class T4InputLayer( object ):
def __init__( self, Xdim, rng = None, dropout = 1.0 ):
self.Xshape = Xdim # Xnch, Xrow, Xcol
self.dropout = dropout
if rng == None:
self.rng = nnet.randomstreams( 0 )
self.rng = rng
def Top_outputTrain( self, X ):
if self.dropout < 1.0:
mask = self.rng.uniform( self.Xshape ) <= self.dropout
return X * mask
return X
def Top_outputInference( self, X ):
if self.dropout < 1.0:
return X * self.dropout
return X
########## Convolution Layer ##########
class ConvLayer( object ):
def __init__( self, Xdim, Wdim, afunc, withBias = True, Wini = 0.01,
rng = None, dropout = 1.0, **kwargs4conv2d ):
# dimension of the input
Xnch, Xrow, Xcol = Xdim
self.Xshape = Xdim
# dimension of the convolution filters
Wnch, Wrow, Wcol = Wdim
self.Wshape = ( Wnch, Xnch, Wrow, Wcol )
# activation function & bias
self.afunc = afunc
self.withBias = withBias
# random number generator
if rng == None:
self.rng = nnet.randomstreams( 0 )
self.rng = rng
# dropout
self.dropout = dropout
# keyword arguments for conv2d
kwargs4conv2d['input_shape'] = ( None, Xnch, Xrow, Xcol )
kwargs4conv2d['filter_shape'] = self.Wshape
if not 'border_mode' in kwargs4conv2d:
kwargs4conv2d['border_mode'] = 'valid'
if not 'subsample' in kwargs4conv2d:
kwargs4conv2d['subsample'] = ( 1, 1 )
if not 'filter_flip' in kwargs4conv2d:
kwargs4conv2d['filter_flip'] = True
self.kwargs4conv2d = kwargs4conv2d
# dimension of the output
args = ( self.kwargs4conv2d['input_shape'],
self.kwargs4conv2d['subsample'] )
rv = T.nnet.abstract_conv.get_conv_output_shape( *args )
self.Yshape = rv[1:] # Wnch, Yrow, Ycol
self.Dout = self.Yshape )
# theano shared variables
floatX = theano.config.floatX
W = Wini * np.random.standard_normal( self.Wshape )
#self.W = theano.shared( np.zeros( self.Wshape, dtype = floatX ) )
self.W = theano.shared( np.ones( self.Wshape, dtype = floatX ) )
self.dW = theano.shared( np.zeros( self.Wshape, dtype = floatX ) )
if withBias:
self.b = theano.shared( np.zeros( Wnch, dtype = floatX ) )
self.db = theano.shared( np.zeros( Wnch, dtype = floatX ) )
# theano functions
self.initWeight = self.Tfunc_initWeight()
self.setWeight = self.Tfunc_setWeight()
# weight initialization
self.initWeight( Wini )
def Tfunc_initWeight( self ):
Wini = T.scalar()
#W = self.rng.normal( self.Wshape, avg = 0.0, std = Wini )
''' Using the next line & 'W = np.ones' in __init__ to prevent the error raised by the above.'''
W = self.W * self.rng.normal( self.Wshape, avg = 0.0, std = Wini )
inList = [ Wini ]
upList = [ ( self.W, W ) ]
return theano.function( inList, None, updates = upList )
def Tfunc_setWeight( self ):
W = T.tensor4()
if self.withBias:
b = T.vector()
inList = [ W, b ]
upList = [ ( self.W, W ), ( self.b, b ) ]
inList = [ W ]
upList = [ ( self.W, W ) ]
return theano.function( inList, None, updates = upList )
def getWeight( self ):
W = self.W.get_value()
if self.withBias:
b = self.b.get_value()
return [ W, b ]
return W
def Top_outputRaw( self, X ):
Y = T.nnet.conv2d( X, self.W, **self.kwargs4conv2d )
if self.withBias:
b = self.b.dimshuffle( 'x', 0, 'x', 'x' ) # 1 x nch x 1 x 1
Y += b
Z = nnet.d_afunc[self.afunc]( Y )
return Y, Z # Ndat x Yshape
def Top_outputTrain( self, X ):
Y, Z = self.Top_outputRaw( X )
if self.dropout < 1.0:
mask = self.rng.uniform( self.Yshape ) <= self.dropout
return Y, Z * mask
return Y, Z
def Top_outputInference( self, X ):
Y, Z = self.Top_outputRaw( X )
if self.dropout < 1.0:
return Y, Z * self.dropout
return Y, Z
def T_update( self, cost, eta, mu, lam ):
gradW = T.grad( cost, self.W )
dWnew = -eta * ( gradW + lam * self.W ) + mu * self.dW
Wnew = self.W + dWnew
upList = [ ( self.W, Wnew ), ( self.dW, dWnew ) ]
if self.withBias:
gradb = T.grad( cost, self.b )
# no weight decay for bias
dbnew = -eta * gradb + mu * self.db
bnew = self.b + dbnew
upList += [ ( self.b, bnew ), ( self.db, dbnew ) ]
return upList
########## Pooling Layer ##########
class PoolLayer( object ):
def __init__( self, Xdim, ds, rng = None, dropout = 1.0, **kwargs4pool_2d ):
# dimension of the input
Xnch, Xrow, Xcol = Xdim
self.Xshape = Xdim
# downscaling factor
self.ds = ds
# dropout
self.dropout = dropout
# random number generator
if rng == None:
self.rng = nnet.randomstreams( 0 )
self.rng = rng
# keyword arguments for pool_2d
if not 'ignore_border' in kwargs4pool_2d:
kwargs4pool_2d['ignore_border'] = True
if kwargs4pool_2d['ignore_border'] == False:
print( '# PoolLayer warning: ignore_border is set to False' )
if not 'st' in kwargs4pool_2d:
kwargs4pool_2d['st'] = None
if not 'padding' in kwargs4pool_2d:
kwargs4pool_2d['padding'] = ( 0, 0 )
if not 'mode' in kwargs4pool_2d:
kwargs4pool_2d['mode'] = 'max'
if kwargs4pool_2d['mode'] != 'max':
print( '# PoolLayer warning: mode != max' )
self.kwargs4pool_2d = kwargs4pool_2d
# dimension of the output
kwargs = {}
for kn in ( 'ignore_border', 'st', 'padding' ):
kwargs[kn] = self.kwargs4pool_2d[kn]
rv = Tsp.Pool.out_shape( self.Xshape, ds, **kwargs )
self.Yshape = tuple( rv )
self.Dout = self.Yshape )
def Top_outputRaw( self, X ):
# X: Ndat x Xshape
Y = Tsp.pool_2d( X, self.ds, **self.kwargs4pool_2d ) # Ndat x Yshape
return Y, Y
def Top_outputTrain( self, X ):
Y, Y = self.Top_outputRaw( X )
if self.dropout < 1.0:
mask = self.rng.uniform( self.Yshape ) <= self.dropout
Ymask = Y * mask
return Ymask, Ymask
return Y, Y
def Top_outputInference( self, X ):
Y, Y = self.Top_outputRaw( X )
if self.dropout < 1.0:
Ymask = Y * self.dropout
return Ymask, Ymask
return Y, Y
########## Full-Connection Layer ##########
class FullLayer( nnet.Layer ):
def __init__( self, Din, Nunit, afunc, rng = None, withBias = True,
Wini = 0.01, dropout = 1.0, T4toMat = False ):
super( FullLayer, self ).__init__( Din, Nunit, afunc, rng = rng, withBias = withBias, Wini = Wini, dropout = dropout )
self.T4toMat = T4toMat
def super_Top_outputRaw( self, X ):
return super( FullLayer, self ).Top_outputRaw( X )
def Top_outputRaw( self, X ):
if self.T4toMat:
return self.super_Top_outputRaw( X.reshape( ( X.shape[0], -1 ) ) )
return self.super_Top_outputRaw( X )
########## Convolutional Neural Net ##########
class CNN( object ):
def __init__( self, Layers ):
# layers - list of Layer instances
self.Layers = Layers
assert isinstance( Layers[0], T4InputLayer )
# theano functions
self.output = self.Tfunc_output()
self.cost = self.Tfunc_cost()
self.train = self.Tfunc_train()
# theano op for output computation ( for inference )
def Top_output( self, X ):
# input layer
layer = self.Layers[0]
Zprev = layer.Top_outputInference( X )
# hidden layers
for layer in self.Layers[1:]:
Y, Z = layer.Top_outputInference( Zprev )
Zprev = Z
# output
Zsoftmax = T.nnet.softmax( Zprev )
return Zsoftmax
# theano function for output computation ( for inference )
def Tfunc_output( self ):
X = T.tensor4() # Ndat x Xnch x Xrow x Xcol
Z = self.Top_output( X )
return theano.function( [ X ] , Z )
# theano op for cost computation ( error term )
def Top_cost( self, Z, lab ):
cost = T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy( Z, lab )
return T.mean( cost )
# theano function for cost computation
def Tfunc_cost( self ):
Z = T.matrix() # N x K
lab = T.ivector() # N-dim
return theano.function( [ Z, lab ], self.Top_cost( Z, lab ) )
# theano function for gradient descent learning
def Tfunc_train( self ):
X = T.tensor4( 'X' )
lab = T.ivector( 'lab' )
eta = T.scalar( 'eta' )
mu = T.scalar( 'mu' )
lam = T.scalar( 'lambda' )
# input layer
layer = self.Layers[0]
Zprev = layer.Top_outputTrain( X )
# hidden layers
for layer in self.Layers[1:]:
Y, Z = layer.Top_outputTrain( Zprev )
Zprev = Z
# output & cost
Z = T.nnet.softmax( Zprev )
cost = self.Top_cost( Z, lab )
# updatesList
updatesList = []
for layer in self.Layers:
if isinstance( layer, T4InputLayer ) or isinstance( layer, PoolLayer ):
updatesList += layer.T_update( cost, eta, mu, lam )
return theano.function( [ X, lab, eta, mu, lam ], [ Z, cost ], updates = updatesList )
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