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Created April 19, 2015 23:32
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Pycon videos by views
Results of running this script:
Views Ups Downs Title (Speakers)
9,810 166 3 Keynote - Jacob Kaplan-Moss - Pycon 2015 (Jacob Kaplan-Moss)
7,044 64 0 Type Hints - Guido van Rossum - PyCon 2015 (Guido van Rossum)
4,742 121 0 David Beazley - Python Concurrency From the Ground Up: LIVE! - PyCon 2015 (David Beazley)
4,684 66 3 Keynote - Guido van Rossum - PyCon 2015 (Guido van Rossum)
4,272 78 1 Dan Callahan - My Python's a little Rust-y - PyCon 2015 (Dan Callahan)
2,694 34 0 How to build a brain with Python (Trevor Bekolay)
2,391 29 0 Andrew T. Baker - Demystifying Docker - PyCon 2015 (Andrew T. Baker)
2,195 41 1 Curtis Lassam - Hash Functions and You: Partners in Freedom - PyCon 2015 (Curtis Lassam)
1,836 26 0 James Bennett - Django in Depth - PyCon 2015 (James Bennett)
1,781 20 0 Andrew T. Baker - Docker 101: Introduction to Docker - PyCon 2015 (Andrew T. Baker)
1,558 15 0 Jake VanderPlas - Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn (I) - PyCon 2015 (Jake VanderPlas)
1,551 15 0 Sarah Guido - Hands-on Data Analysis with Python - PyCon 2015 (Sarah Guido)
1,516 29 10 Kate Heddleston - How our engineering environments are killing diversity (and how we can fix it). (Kate Heddleston)
1,481 25 1 Sasha Laundy - Your Brain's API: Giving and Getting Technical Help - PyCon 2015 (Sasha Laundy)
1,416 23 0 Sarah Bird - Interactive data for the web - Bokeh for web developers - PyCon 2015 (Sarah Bird)
1,365 23 0 Brett Slatkin - How to Be More Effective with Functions - PyCon 2015 (Brett Slatkin)
1,245 19 0 Thomas Ballinger - Terminal whispering - PyCon 2015 (Thomas Ballinger)
1,219 15 3 Julia Evans - Systems programming as a swiss army knife - PyCon 2015 (Julia Evans)
1,128 5 1 Luke Sneeringer - Improve your development environments with virtualization - PyCon 2015 (Luke Sneeringer)
995 20 0 David Baumgold - Advanced Git - PyCon 2015 (David Baumgold)
980 7 0 Greg Ward - How to Write Reusable Code - PyCon 2015 (Greg Ward)
910 6 0 Miguel Grinberg - Flask Workshop - PyCon 2015 (Miguel Grinberg)
875 19 0 lvh - Distributed Systems 101 - PyCon 2015 (Laurens Van Houtven)
873 14 0 Andrew Godwin - What can programmers learn from pilots? - PyCon 2015 (Andrew Godwin)
862 3 0 Making Beautiful Graphs in Python and Sharing Them - PyCon 2015 (Andrew Seier, Étienne Tétreault-Pinard, Marianne Corvellec)
855 22 0 Ryan Kelly - PyPy.js: What? How? Why? - PyCon 2015 (Ryan Kelly)
851 20 0 Tom Eastman - Serialization formats are not toys - PyCon 2015 (Tom Eastman)
788 14 0 Amy Hanlon - Investigating Python Wats - PyCon 2015 (Amy Hanlon)
780 17 2 Keynote - Catherine Bracy - PyCon 2015 (Catherine Bracy)
776 15 0 Harry Percival - TDD with Django, from scratch: a beginner's intro to testing and web development (Harry Percival)
775 11 0 Smart services & smart clients: How micro-services change the way you build and deploy code. (Frank Stratton)
743 7 0 David Chudzicki, Christine Doig - Winning Machine Learning Competitions With Scikit-Learn (Ben Hamner)
723 4 0 Alex Gaynor - Techniques for Debugging Hard Problems - PyCon 2015 (Alex Gaynor)
719 23 0 Losing your Loops Fast Numerical Computing with NumPy (Jake VanderPlas)
698 5 1 Lightning Talks - April 11th 17h30 - Pycon 2015 ()
695 9 1 Richard Jones - Introduction to game programming with Kivy - PyCon 2015 (Richard Jones)
682 11 0 Brandon Rhodes - Oh, Come On Who Needs Bytearrays - PyCon 2015 (Brandon Rhodes)
681 21 0 Josh Triplett - Porting Python to run without an OS - PyCon 2015 (Josh Triplett)
675 8 0 Geoff Gerrietts - Performance by the Numbers: analyzing the performance of web applications (Geoff Gerrietts)
660 7 0 Christine Spang - To ORM or not to ORM - PyCon 2015 (Christine Spang)
628 8 0 Viviane Pons - Experimental pure mathematics using Sage - PyCon 2015 (Viviane Pons)
618 6 0 Christophe Pettus - PostgreSQL Proficiency for Python People - PyCon 2015 (Christophe Pettus)
614 10 0 Andrew Montalenti - streamparse: real-time streams with Python and Apache Storm - PyCon 2015 (Andrew Montalenti)
610 3 0 Melanie Warrick - Neural Nets for Newbies - PyCon 2015 (Melanie Warrick)
605 3 1 Brett Cannon - How to make your code Python 2/3 compatible - PyCon 2015 (Brett Cannon)
595 6 0 Jim Baker - Getting to Jython 2.7 and beyond - PyCon 2015 (Jim Baker)
561 4 0 Clayton Parker - So you think you can PDB? - PyCon 2015 (Clayton Parker)
559 2 0 Orlando Karam - Introduction to Spark with python - PyCon 2015 (Orlando Karam)
558 2 0 James Cammarata - Achieving Continuous Delivery: An Automation Story - PyCon 2015 (James Cammarata)
558 5 0 Olivier Grisel - Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn (II) - PyCon 2015 (Olivier Grisel)
555 11 0 Kathleen Danielson - Avoiding Burnout, and other essentials of Open Source Self-Care - PyCon 2015 (Kathleen Danielson)
551 5 0 Itamar Turner-Trauring - A Beginner's Guide to Test-driven Development - PyCon 2015 (Itamar Turner-Trauring)
541 5 0 Shiny, Let's Be Bad Guys: Exploiting and Mitigating the Top 10 Web App Vulnerabilities - PyCon 2015 (David Stanek, Mike Pirnat)
536 3 0 Keynote - Van Lindberg - Pycon 2015 (Van Lindberg)
508 4 0 What Python can learn from Erlang (Benoit Chesneau)
506 4 0 Stuart Williams - Python by Immersion - PyCon 2015 (Stuart Williams)
505 4 0 Lightning Talks - April 10th - Pycon 2015 ()
505 4 0 Allen Downey - Bayesian statistics made simple - PyCon 2015 (Allen Downey)
502 9 0 Ying Li - Where in your RAM is "python"? - PyCon 2015 (Ying Li)
499 2 0 Kyle Kastner - Machine Learning 101 - PyCon 2015 (Kyle Kastner)
497 3 3 Opening Statements - Julia Evans - PyCon 2015 (Julia Evans)
488 4 0 Mike Müller - Descriptors and Metaclasses - Understanding and Using Python's More Advanced Features (Mike Müller)
456 2 0 Dan Tracy - Ship it: Deployments with Pip - PyCon 2015 (Dan Tracy)
444 2 0 Andreas Dewes - Learning from other's mistakes: Data-driven analysis of Python code - PyCon 2015 (Andreas Dewes)
421 3 0 Getting comfortable with web security: A hands-on session - PyCon 2015 (Asheesh Laroia, Jacky Chang, Nicole Zuckerman)
406 3 0 Daniel Vanderkam - Make web development awesome with visual diffing tools - PyCon 2015 (Daniel Vanderkam)
406 3 0 Domen Kožar - Rethinking packaging, development and deployment - PyCon 2015 (Domen Kožar)
405 6 0 Kurt Grandis - Exploring Minecraft and Python: Learning to Code Through Play - PyCon 2015 (Kurt Grandis)
381 1 0 Jeff Schenck - The REST Ascendancy - PyCon 2015 (Jeff Schenck)
378 2 0 Eric Ma - Practical Graph/Network Analysis Made Simple - PyCon 2015 (Eric Ma)
371 5 0 Allen Downey - Statistical inference with computational methods - PyCon 2015 (Allen Downey)
367 1 0 A Winning Strategy with The Weakest Link: how to use weak references to make your code more robust (Jim Baker)
366 3 0 3D Print Anything with the Blender API (Jenny Cheng)
354 1 0 Donald Miner - Hadoop with Python - PyCon 2015 (Donald Miner)
347 0 1 Kenny Yarboro - Building a REST API Using Django & Django REST Framework - PyCon 2015 (Kenny Yarboro)
340 3 1 Glyph - The Ethical Consequences Of Our Collective Activities - PyCon 2015 (Glyph)
334 4 0 Dan Crosta - Good Test, Bad Test - PyCon 2015 (Dan Crosta)
331 6 0 Cory Benfield - Hyperactive: HTTP/2 and Python - PyCon 2015 (Cory Benfield)
330 2 0 Lightning Talks - April 11th 8h30- Pycon 2015 ()
329 3 0 Jarret Raim, Paul Kehrer - What to do when you need crypto - PyCon 2015 (Jarret Raim, Paul Kehrer)
329 1 0 lvh - Building secure systems - PyCon 2015 (Laurens Van Houtven)
328 4 0 Lightning Talks - April 12th 08h30 - Pycon 2015 ()
328 6 0 Colton Myers - Managing Your Infrastructure with SaltStack - PyCon 2015 (Colton Myers)
324 1 0 Mike Howsden - Zen of Quality - How PBS measures QoS for digital viewers - PyCon 2015 (Mike Howsden)
319 1 0 Michael Scherer - Ansible beyond YAML - PyCon 2015 (Michael Scherer)
313 3 0 Philip James, Asheesh Laroia - Type python, press enter. What happens? - PyCon 2015 (Asheesh Laroia, Philip James)
312 4 0 Adam Palay - "Words, words, words": Reading Shakespeare with Python - PyCon 2015 (Adam Palay)
311 2 0 Jacinda Shelly - Delving into the Django Admin - PyCon 2015 (Jacinda Shelly)
308 5 0 Laura Rupprecht - Describing Descriptors - PyCon 2015 (Laura Rupprecht)
301 1 0 Fire your supervisord running Python apps on CoreOS (Dan Callahan)
290 3 0 Chris McDonough - Using Supervisor For Fun And Profit - PyCon 2015 (Chris McDonough)
288 7 0 Pete Fein - Free Software, Free People - PyCon 2015 (Pete Fein)
283 4 0 Ashwini Oruganti, Christopher Armstrong - Introduction to HTTPS: A Comedy of Errors - PyCon 2015 (Ashwini Oruganti, Christopher Armstrong)
280 1 0 Titus Brown - How to interpret your own genome using (mostly) Python. - PyCon 2015 (C. Titus Brown)
275 2 1 Carina C. Zona - Schemas for the Real World - PyCon 2015 (Carina C. Zona)
272 0 0 Soups Ranjan - Data Science in Advertising: Or a future when we love ads - PyCon 2015 (Soups Ranjan)
271 3 0 A. Jesse Jiryu Davis - Eventually Correct: Testing Async Apps - PyCon 2015 (A. Jesse Jiryu Davis)
267 2 0 en zyme, Jon Henner - Pythons are Deaf, So are Some Pythonistas - PyCon 2015 (en zyme, Jon Henner)
261 2 0 Katie Cunningham - Usability Testing on the Cheap - PyCon 2015 (Katie Cunningham)
257 2 0 Sarah Guido, Celia La - Twitter Network Analysis with NetworkX - PyCon 2015 (Celia La, Sarah Guido)
229 3 0 Sarina Canelake - I18N: World Domination the Easy Way - PyCon 2015 (Sarina Canelake)
223 3 0 Benjamin Peterson - A Dive into TLS - PyCon 2015 (Benjamin Peterson)
217 3 0 Shauna Gordon-McKeon - Open Source for Newcomers and the People Who Want to Welcome Them (Shauna Gordon-McKeon)
216 5 0 Make your own Smart Air Conditioner (Miriam Lauter)
216 4 0 Katherine Scott - Robots Robots Ra Ra Ra!!! - PyCon 2015 (Katherine Scott)
197 0 0 Chris Waigl - Satellite mapping for everyone - PyCon 2015 (Chris Waigl)
172 2 0 Michelle Fullwood - Grids, Streets and Pipelines: Building a linguistic street map with scikit-learn (Michelle Fullwood)
169 2 0 Carol Willing - Finding Your Groove: Contributing to CPython and Beyond - PyCon 2015 (Carol Willing)
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laike9m commented Apr 20, 2015


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