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Last active November 19, 2017 03:04
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Retrieving latest created file from PDF files on Google Drive

Retrieving latest created file from PDF files on Google Drive

How about this? When it retrieves the latest created file from PDF files, you can use drive.files.list. The q for "Search for Files" is "mimeType='application/pdf'". As the "orderBy", it uses "createdTime desc". By this, the first element of the response becomes the latest created file. Drive API is automatically enabled, and by UrlFetchApp, it is not required to use Advanced Google Services.

var query = {
  orderBy: "createdTime desc",
  q: "mimeType='application/pdf'",
  fields: "files(id)"
var querystr = Object.keys(query).map(function(e){return e + "=" + encodeURIComponent(query[e])}).join("&");
var res = JSON.parse(
    "" + querystr,
    {headers: {"Authorization": "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()}}
Logger.log(res.files[0].id) // The first element is the latest created file.
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