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Retrieving Access Token From OneDrive using Google Apps Script

Retrieving Access Token From OneDrive using Google Apps Script


This GAS sample is for retrieving access token to use OneDrive APIs using Google Apps Script.

In this script, the authorization code is automatically retrieved.



In order to use this, both accounts of Google and OneDrive (MSN) are required.

Google side

  1. Copy and paste the sample script to your script editor. You can use the standalone script for this.
  2. Deploy Web Apps.
    • On the Script Editor
      • File
      • -> Manage Versions
      • -> Save New Version
      • Publish
      • -> Deploy as Web App
      • -> At Execute the app as, select "your account"
      • -> At Who has access to the app, select "Only myself"
      • -> Click "Deploy"
      • -> Copy URL of "latest code" (This is important!)
      • -> Click "OK"
  3. URL of "latest code" is So please modify this URL. Replace from "dev" to "usercallback" for the URL. And copy this modified URL.
    • From :
    • To :

OneDrive side

  1. Log in to Microsoft Azure portal.
  2. Search "Azure Active Directory" at the top of text input box. And open "Azure Active Directory".
  3. Click "App registrations" at the left side bar.
    • In my environment, when I used Chrome as the browser, no response occurred. So in that case, I used Microsoft Edge.
  4. Click "New registration"
    1. app name: "sample app name"
    2. Supported account types: "Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox)"
    3. Redirect URI (optional): Web
      • URL:
    4. Click "Register"
  5. Copy "Application (client) ID".
  6. Click "Certificates & secrets" at the left side bar.
    1. Click "New client secrets".
    2. After input the description and select "expire", click "Add" button.
    3. Copy the created secret value.

By above operation, the preparation is done.


Launch Script: Google side

In order to run the script, please launch as follows.

  1. Input "Application (client) ID" and "Created secret value" from OneDrive to clientId and clientSecret in the function setProp() of the sample script of Google Apps Script.
  2. Run setProp().

As a next step, launch as follows.

  • On the Script Editor
    • Publish
    • -> Deploy as Web App
    • -> Click Test web app for your latest code..

By this, the script is run.


Refresh token can be retrieved by including offline_access in the Scope.


This is Google Apps Script.

function setProp() {
    clientId: "### application ID ###",
    clientSecret: "### application secret ###",
    scope: "offline_access files.readwrite.all" // This is sample. So please modify for your environment.

function doGet() {
  var prop = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperties();
  var url = "";
  var param = {
    response_type: "code",
    client_id: prop.clientId,
    redirect_uri: getCallbackURL(),
    state: ScriptApp.newStateToken()
    scope: prop.scope
  var params = [];
  for (var name in param) {
    params.push(name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(param[name]));
  var html =
    '<input type="button" value="auth" onclick="\'' +
    url +
    "?" +
    params.join("&") +
    "', 'Authorization', 'width=500,height=600');\">";
  return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html);

function getCallbackURL() {
  var url = ScriptApp.getService().getUrl();
  if (url.indexOf("/exec") >= 0) {
    url = url.slice(0, -4) + "usercallback";
  url = url.slice(0, -3) + "usercallback";
    redirect_uri: url
  return url;

function callback(e) {
  var credentials = fetchAccessToken(e.parameter.code);
  return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(JSON.stringify(credentials, null, "  "));

function fetchAccessToken(code) {
  var prop = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperties();
  var payload = {
    code: code,
    client_id: prop.clientId,
    client_secret: prop.clientSecret,
    redirect_uri: prop.redirect_uri,
    grant_type: "authorization_code"
  var res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(
      method: "POST",
      payload: payload,
      muteHttpExceptions: true
  return JSON.parse(res.getContentText());


  • At January 3, 2019, I could know that the flow for retrieving the client ID and secret had been changed by an email. By this, I could update this. The sample script is not changed.
  • At August 19, 2020, it could confirm that above sample script worked. In the current stage, it seems that the specification of this is not changed.
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dyros26 commented Aug 18, 2020

i followed all of this but im having an error

{ "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "AADSTS900144: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'code'.\r\nTrace ID: 6c1740b9-27a2-4c9d-a8a3-e57db5990d00\r\nCorrelation ID: 6269f75e-9b9b-4fbc-bc66-2741cacdf6ea\r\nTimestamp: 2020-08-18 08:29:58Z", "error_codes": [ 900144 ], "timestamp": "2020-08-18 08:29:58Z", "trace_id": "6c1740b9-27a2-4c9d-a8a3-e57db5990d00", "correlation_id": "6269f75e-9b9b-4fbc-bc66-2741cacdf6ea", "error_uri": "" }

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Many many thanks for publishing this and for making it so easy to understand.

I have read a lot of articles about OAuth2 but this simple clear example is by far the best I have seen. No jargon, just clean simple code that works along with a simple video loop of it running. I used this as a guide to build my solution in nodejs and it works perfectly.

Again, many thanks for doing this. Well done.

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Jyrko commented Oct 18, 2022

It still works

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Yeah, still works! But for personal accounts, u need to adjust the endponts! Btw, thx for nice solution!

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Stuck here: Message: AADSTS700016: Application with identifier 'undefined' was not found in the directory 'A... S.A.'. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant.
Any suggestions?

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