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Created June 18, 2022 02:21
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Shortening a Long URL using Firebase Dynamic Links API with Google Apps Script

Shortening a Long URL using Firebase Dynamic Links API with Google Apps Script

This is a sample script for shortening a long URL using Firebase Dynamic Links API with Google Apps Script.


Before you use this script, please create a new Firebase project and link it to your Google Cloud Platform Project. Ref And, please enable Firebase Dynamic Links API at the API console. And then, please create your API key from your Google Cloud Platform Project.

Sample script

const apiKey = "###"; // Please set your API key.
const longUrl = "###"; // Please set the long URL you want to shorten.
const yourDynamicLinkDomain = "###"; // Please set your dynamic link domain.

const url =
  "" + apiKey;
const options = {
  payload: JSON.stringify({
    dynamicLinkInfo: {
      dynamicLinkDomain: yourDynamicLinkDomain,
      link: longUrl,
  contentType: "application/json",
const res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
const { shortLink } = JSON.parse(res.getContentText());

  • When this script is run, longUrl is shortened.


If the warning of Setup URL patterns to whitelist in the Firebase Dynamic Links console. is shown, please include the URL to the whitelist to "Allowlist URL pattern". Ref By this, the warning can be removed.

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