When IDE features get smarter, they can paradoxically make developers dumber.
Reason: developers, reaching for shiny new toys, are forced to write their code in a way that the shiny toy supports.
Haystack won't work with SBP, because neither the developer of Haystack, nor the developers of VSCode have ever heard of SBP.
SBP is not currently part of any language standard, and so IDEs do not have special recognition or tools for it.
There is no reason why one day IDEs can't natively recognize it, but that day isn't today.
My point is, if I had relied on staying within the rigid structures of a language like JavaScript, and only thought in terms of the features that an IDE supports, I would never have conceived of a different way of doing things. I would have never come up with SBP. I would be missing out on a lot.
Like "smart cars" and other "smart devices", the smarts are just not smart enough.
A word of warning against letting your tools do your thinking for you.