if $TMUX != '' |
" integrate movement between tmux/vim panes/windows |
fun! TmuxMove(direction) |
" Check if we are currently focusing on a edge window. |
" To achieve that, move to/from the requested window and |
" see if the window number changed |
let oldw = winnr() |
silent! exe 'wincmd ' . a:direction |
let neww = winnr() |
silent! exe oldw . 'wincmd' |
if oldw == neww |
" The focused window is at an edge, so ask tmux to switch panes |
if a:direction == 'j' |
call system("tmux select-pane -D") |
elseif a:direction == 'k' |
call system("tmux select-pane -U") |
elseif a:direction == 'h' |
call system("tmux select-pane -L") |
elseif a:direction == 'l' |
call system("tmux select-pane -R") |
endif |
else |
exe 'wincmd ' . a:direction |
end |
endfun |
function! TmuxSharedYank() |
" Send the contents of the 't' register to a temporary file, invoke |
" copy to tmux using load-buffer, and then to xclip |
" FIXME for some reason, the 'tmux load-buffer -' form will hang |
" when used with 'system()' which takes a second argument as stdin. |
let tmpfile = tempname() |
call writefile(split(@t, '\n'), tmpfile, 'b') |
call system('tmux load-buffer '.shellescape(tmpfile).';tmux show-buffer | xclip -i -selection clipboard') |
call delete(tmpfile) |
endfunction |
function! TmuxSharedPaste() |
" put tmux copy buffer into the t register, the mapping will handle |
" pasting into the buffer |
let @t = system('xclip -o -selection clipboard | tmux load-buffer -;tmux show-buffer') |
endfunction |
nnoremap <silent> <c-w>j :silent call TmuxMove('j')<cr> |
nnoremap <silent> <c-w>k :silent call TmuxMove('k')<cr> |
nnoremap <silent> <c-w>h :silent call TmuxMove('h')<cr> |
nnoremap <silent> <c-w>l :silent call TmuxMove('l')<cr> |
nnoremap <silent> <c-w><down> :silent call TmuxMove('j')<cr> |
nnoremap <silent> <c-w><up> :silent call TmuxMove('k')<cr> |
nnoremap <silent> <c-w><left> :silent call TmuxMove('h')<cr> |
nnoremap <silent> <c-w><right> :silent call TmuxMove('l')<cr> |
vnoremap <silent> <esc>y "ty:call TmuxSharedYank()<cr> |
vnoremap <silent> <esc>d "td:call TmuxSharedYank()<cr> |
nnoremap <silent> <esc>p :call TmuxSharedPaste()<cr>"tp |
vnoremap <silent> <esc>p d:call TmuxSharedPaste()<cr>h"tp |
set clipboard= " Use this or vim will automatically put deleted text into x11 selection('*' register) which breaks the above map |
" Quickly send text to a pane using f6 |
nnoremap <silent> <f6> :SlimuxREPLSendLine<cr> |
inoremap <silent> <f6> <esc>:SlimuxREPLSendLine<cr>i " Doesn't break out of insert |
vnoremap <silent> <f6> :SlimuxREPLSendSelection<cr> |
" Quickly restart your debugger/console/webserver. Eg: if you are developing a node.js web app |
" in the 'serve.js' file you can quickly restart the server with this mapping: |
nnoremap <silent> <f5> :call SlimuxSendKeys('C-C " node serve.js" Enter')<cr> |
" pay attention to the space before 'node', this is actually required as send-keys will eat the first key |
endif |
Hi, I use your scripts. It works very well, but in case of call
I cannot switch between splitted windows in vim. I get the message:
What do I wrong? My solution would be to change line https://gist.github.com/tarruda/5158535/#file-vim-tmux-move-zsh-L3 from
Is this a good idea? Pleas help. :)